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// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --allow-natives-syntax
(function TestSingleClass() {
function f(x) {
var a = [0, 1, 2]
return a[x];
function ClassD() { }
assertEquals(1, f(1));
var g = %ToMethod(f, ClassD.prototype);
assertEquals(1, g(1));
assertEquals(undefined, f[%HomeObjectSymbol()]);
assertEquals(ClassD.prototype, g[%HomeObjectSymbol()]);
(function TestClassHierarchy() {
function f(x) {
return function g(y) { x++; return x + y; };
function Base() {}
function Derived() { }
Derived.prototype = Object.create(Base.prototype);
var q = f(0);
assertEquals(2, q(1));
assertEquals(3, q(1));
var g = %ToMethod(q, Derived.prototype);
assertFalse(g === q);
assertEquals(4, g(1));
assertEquals(5, q(1));
(function TestPrototypeChain() {
var o = {};
var o1 = {};
function f() { }
function g() { }
var fMeth = %ToMethod(f, o);
assertEquals(o, fMeth[%HomeObjectSymbol()]);
g.__proto__ = fMeth;
assertEquals(undefined, g[%HomeObjectSymbol()]);
var gMeth = %ToMethod(g, o1);
assertEquals(fMeth, gMeth.__proto__);
assertEquals(o, fMeth[%HomeObjectSymbol()]);
assertEquals(o1, gMeth[%HomeObjectSymbol()]);
(function TestBoundFunction() {
var o = {};
var p = {};
function f(x, y, z, w) {
assertEquals(o, this);
assertEquals(1, x);
assertEquals(2, y);
assertEquals(3, z);
assertEquals(4, w);
return x+y+z+w;
var fBound = f.bind(o, 1, 2, 3);
var fMeth = %ToMethod(fBound, p);
assertEquals(10, fMeth(4));
assertEquals(10,, 4));
var fBound1 = fBound.bind(o, 4);
assertEquals(10, fBound1());
var fMethBound = fMeth.bind(o, 4);
assertEquals(10, fMethBound());
(function TestOptimized() {
function f(o) {
return o.x;
var o = {x : 15};
assertEquals(15, f(o));
assertEquals(15, f(o));
assertEquals(15, f(o));
var g = %ToMethod(f, {});
var o1 = {y : 1024, x : "abc"};
assertEquals("abc", f(o1));
assertEquals("abc", g(o1));
} ());
(function TestExtensibility() {
function f() {}
var m = %ToMethod(f, {});