'use strict';
const common = require('../common');
const assert = require('assert');
const dns = require('dns');
// Try resolution without callback
dns.lookup(null, common.mustCall(function(error, result, addressType) {
assert.strictEqual(null, result);
assert.strictEqual(4, addressType);
dns.lookup('', common.mustCall(function(error, result, addressType) {
assert.strictEqual('', result);
assert.strictEqual(4, addressType);
dns.lookup('::1', common.mustCall(function(error, result, addressType) {
assert.strictEqual('::1', result);
assert.strictEqual(6, addressType);
// Try calling resolve with an unsupported type.
assert.throws(function() {
dns.resolve('www.google.com', 'HI');
}, /Unknown type/);
// Try calling resolve with an unsupported type that's an object key
assert.throws(function() {
dns.resolve('www.google.com', 'toString');
}, /Unknown type/);
// Windows doesn't usually have an entry for localhost in
// C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
// so we disable this test on Windows.
if (!common.isWindows) {
dns.reverse('', common.mustCall(function(error, domains) {