// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/v8.h"
#include "test/cctest/cctest.h"
#include "src/api.h"
#include "src/debug.h"
#include "src/execution.h"
#include "src/factory.h"
#include "src/global-handles.h"
#include "src/macro-assembler.h"
#include "src/objects.h"
using namespace v8::internal;
namespace {
TEST(VectorStructure) {
LocalContext context;
v8::HandleScope scope(context->GetIsolate());
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
// Empty vectors are the empty fixed array.
FeedbackVectorSpec empty;
Handle<TypeFeedbackVector> vector = factory->NewTypeFeedbackVector(empty);
// Which can nonetheless be queried.
CHECK_EQ(0, vector->ic_with_type_info_count());
CHECK_EQ(0, vector->ic_generic_count());
CHECK_EQ(0, vector->Slots());
CHECK_EQ(0, vector->ICSlots());
FeedbackVectorSpec one_slot(1, 0);
vector = factory->NewTypeFeedbackVector(one_slot);
CHECK_EQ(1, vector->Slots());
CHECK_EQ(0, vector->ICSlots());
FeedbackVectorSpec one_icslot(0, 1);
if (FLAG_vector_ics) {
one_icslot.SetKind(0, Code::CALL_IC);
vector = factory->NewTypeFeedbackVector(one_icslot);
CHECK_EQ(0, vector->Slots());
CHECK_EQ(1, vector->ICSlots());
FeedbackVectorSpec spec(3, 5);
if (FLAG_vector_ics) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) spec.SetKind(i, Code::CALL_IC);
vector = factory->NewTypeFeedbackVector(spec);
CHECK_EQ(3, vector->Slots());
CHECK_EQ(5, vector->ICSlots());
int metadata_length = vector->ic_metadata_length();
if (!FLAG_vector_ics) {
CHECK_EQ(0, metadata_length);
} else {
CHECK(metadata_length > 0);
int index = vector->GetIndex(FeedbackVectorSlot(0));
CHECK_EQ(TypeFeedbackVector::kReservedIndexCount + metadata_length, index);
CHECK(FeedbackVectorSlot(0) == vector->ToSlot(index));
index = vector->GetIndex(FeedbackVectorICSlot(0));
TypeFeedbackVector::kReservedIndexCount + metadata_length + 3);
CHECK(FeedbackVectorICSlot(0) == vector->ToICSlot(index));
CHECK_EQ(TypeFeedbackVector::kReservedIndexCount + metadata_length + 3 + 5,
// IC slots need an encoding to recognize what is in there.
TEST(VectorICMetadata) {
LocalContext context;
v8::HandleScope scope(context->GetIsolate());
if (!FLAG_vector_ics) {
// If FLAG_vector_ics is false, we only store CALL_ICs in the vector, so
// there is no need for metadata to describe the slots.
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
FeedbackVectorSpec spec(10, 3 * 10);
// Set metadata.
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
Code::Kind kind;
if (i % 3 == 0) {
kind = Code::CALL_IC;
} else if (i % 3 == 1) {
kind = Code::LOAD_IC;
} else {
kind = Code::KEYED_LOAD_IC;
spec.SetKind(i, kind);
Handle<TypeFeedbackVector> vector = factory->NewTypeFeedbackVector(spec);
CHECK_EQ(10, vector->Slots());
CHECK_EQ(3 * 10, vector->ICSlots());
// Meanwhile set some feedback values and type feedback values to
// verify the data structure remains intact.
vector->Set(FeedbackVectorSlot(0), *vector);
// Verify the metadata is correctly set up from the spec.
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
Code::Kind kind = vector->GetKind(FeedbackVectorICSlot(i));
if (i % 3 == 0) {
CHECK_EQ(Code::CALL_IC, kind);
} else if (i % 3 == 1) {
CHECK_EQ(Code::LOAD_IC, kind);
} else {
TEST(VectorSlotClearing) {
LocalContext context;
v8::HandleScope scope(context->GetIsolate());
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
// We only test clearing FeedbackVectorSlots, not FeedbackVectorICSlots.
// The reason is that FeedbackVectorICSlots need a full code environment
// to fully test (See VectorICProfilerStatistics test below).
FeedbackVectorSpec spec(5, 0);
Handle<TypeFeedbackVector> vector = factory->NewTypeFeedbackVector(spec);
// Fill with information
vector->Set(FeedbackVectorSlot(0), Smi::FromInt(1));
vector->Set(FeedbackVectorSlot(1), *factory->fixed_array_map());
Handle<AllocationSite> site = factory->NewAllocationSite();
vector->Set(FeedbackVectorSlot(2), *site);
// The feedback vector slots are cleared. AllocationSites are granted
// an exemption from clearing, as are smis.
CHECK_EQ(Smi::FromInt(1), vector->Get(FeedbackVectorSlot(0)));
TEST(VectorICProfilerStatistics) {
if (i::FLAG_always_opt) return;
LocalContext context;
v8::HandleScope scope(context->GetIsolate());
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
// Make sure function f has a call that uses a type feedback slot.
"function fun() {};"
"function f(a) { a(); } f(fun);");
Handle<JSFunction> f = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(
// There should be one IC.
Code* code = f->shared()->code();
TypeFeedbackInfo* feedback_info =
CHECK_EQ(1, feedback_info->ic_total_count());
CHECK_EQ(0, feedback_info->ic_with_type_info_count());
CHECK_EQ(0, feedback_info->ic_generic_count());
TypeFeedbackVector* feedback_vector = f->shared()->feedback_vector();
CHECK_EQ(1, feedback_vector->ic_with_type_info_count());
CHECK_EQ(0, feedback_vector->ic_generic_count());
// Now send the information generic.
feedback_vector = f->shared()->feedback_vector();
CHECK_EQ(0, feedback_vector->ic_with_type_info_count());
CHECK_EQ(1, feedback_vector->ic_generic_count());
// A collection will make the site uninitialized again.
feedback_vector = f->shared()->feedback_vector();
CHECK_EQ(0, feedback_vector->ic_with_type_info_count());
CHECK_EQ(0, feedback_vector->ic_generic_count());
// The Array function is special. A call to array remains monomorphic
// and isn't cleared by gc because an AllocationSite is being held.
feedback_vector = f->shared()->feedback_vector();
CHECK_EQ(1, feedback_vector->ic_with_type_info_count());
CHECK_EQ(0, feedback_vector->ic_generic_count());
int ic_slot = 0;
feedback_vector = f->shared()->feedback_vector();
CHECK_EQ(1, feedback_vector->ic_with_type_info_count());
CHECK_EQ(0, feedback_vector->ic_generic_count());
TEST(VectorCallICStates) {
if (i::FLAG_always_opt) return;
LocalContext context;
v8::HandleScope scope(context->GetIsolate());
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
// Make sure function f has a call that uses a type feedback slot.
"function foo() { return 17; }"
"function f(a) { a(); } f(foo);");
Handle<JSFunction> f = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(
// There should be one IC.
Handle<TypeFeedbackVector> feedback_vector =
Handle<TypeFeedbackVector>(f->shared()->feedback_vector(), isolate);
FeedbackVectorICSlot slot(0);
CallICNexus nexus(feedback_vector, slot);
CHECK_EQ(MONOMORPHIC, nexus.StateFromFeedback());
// CallIC doesn't return map feedback.
CHECK_EQ(NULL, nexus.FindFirstMap());
CompileRun("f(function() { return 16; })");
CHECK_EQ(GENERIC, nexus.StateFromFeedback());
// After a collection, state should be reset to UNINITIALIZED.
CHECK_EQ(UNINITIALIZED, nexus.StateFromFeedback());
// Array is special. It will remain monomorphic across gcs and it contains an
// AllocationSite.
CHECK_EQ(MONOMORPHIC, nexus.StateFromFeedback());
CHECK_EQ(MONOMORPHIC, nexus.StateFromFeedback());
TEST(VectorLoadICStates) {
if (i::FLAG_always_opt || !i::FLAG_vector_ics) return;
LocalContext context;
v8::HandleScope scope(context->GetIsolate());
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
// Make sure function f has a call that uses a type feedback slot.
"var o = { foo: 3 };"
"function f(a) { return a.foo; } f(o);");
Handle<JSFunction> f = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(
// There should be one IC.
Handle<TypeFeedbackVector> feedback_vector =
Handle<TypeFeedbackVector>(f->shared()->feedback_vector(), isolate);
FeedbackVectorICSlot slot(0);
LoadICNexus nexus(feedback_vector, slot);
CHECK_EQ(PREMONOMORPHIC, nexus.StateFromFeedback());
CHECK_EQ(MONOMORPHIC, nexus.StateFromFeedback());
// Verify that the monomorphic map is the one we expect.
Handle<JSObject> o = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(
CHECK_EQ(o->map(), nexus.FindFirstMap());
// Now go polymorphic.
CompileRun("f({ blarg: 3, foo: 2 })");
CHECK_EQ(POLYMORPHIC, nexus.StateFromFeedback());
"delete o.foo;"
CHECK_EQ(POLYMORPHIC, nexus.StateFromFeedback());
CompileRun("f({ blarg: 3, torino: 10, foo: 2 })");
CHECK_EQ(POLYMORPHIC, nexus.StateFromFeedback());
MapHandleList maps;
CHECK_EQ(4, maps.length());
// Finally driven megamorphic.
CompileRun("f({ blarg: 3, gran: 3, torino: 10, foo: 2 })");
CHECK_EQ(MEGAMORPHIC, nexus.StateFromFeedback());
CHECK_EQ(NULL, nexus.FindFirstMap());
// After a collection, state should not be reset to PREMONOMORPHIC.
CHECK_EQ(MEGAMORPHIC, nexus.StateFromFeedback());