mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/node.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
246 lines
7.0 KiB
246 lines
7.0 KiB
9 years ago
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
"use strict";
class DisassemblyView extends TextView {
constructor(id, broker) {
super(id, broker, null, false);
let view = this;
css: 'tag',
location: function(text) {
ADDRESS_STYLE.last_address = text;
return undefined;
css: 'tag',
link: function(text) {
view.select(function(location) { return location.address == text; }, true, true);
css: 'com'
css: 'lit'
css: 'com'
css: 'com',
location: function(text) {
view.pos_start = Number(text);
css: 'kwd',
location: function(text) {
if (BLOCK_HEADER_STYLE.block_id != undefined) {
return {
address: ADDRESS_STYLE.last_address,
block_id: BLOCK_HEADER_STYLE.block_id
} else {
return {
address: ADDRESS_STYLE.last_address
css: 'com',
block_id: -1,
location: function(text) {
let matches = /\d+/.exec(text);
if (!matches) return undefined;
BLOCK_HEADER_STYLE.block_id = Number(matches[0]);
return {
block_id: BLOCK_HEADER_STYLE.block_id
css: 'com',
location: function(text) {
let matches = /(\d+):(\d+)/.exec(text);
if (!matches) return undefined;
let li = Number(matches[1]);
if (view.pos_lines === null) return undefined;
let pos = view.pos_lines[li-1] + Number(matches[2]);
return {
pos_start: pos,
pos_end: pos + 1
view.SOURCE_POSITION_HEADER_REGEX = /^(\s*-- .+:)(\d+:\d+)( --)/;
let patterns = [
[/^0x[0-9a-f]{8,16}/, ADDRESS_STYLE, 1],
[/^\s+-- B\d+ start.*/, BLOCK_HEADER_STYLE, -1],
[/^\s+\d+\s+[0-9a-f]+\s+/, NUMBER_STYLE, 2],
[/^.*/, null, -1]
[/^\S+\s+/, OPCODE_STYLE, 3],
[/^\S+$/, OPCODE_STYLE, -1],
[/^.*/, null, -1]
[/^\s+/, null],
[/^[^\(;]+$/, null, -1],
[/^[^\(;]+/, null],
[/^\(/, null, 4],
[/^;/, COMMENT_STYLE, 5]
[/^0x[0-9a-f]{8,16}/, ADDRESS_LINK_STYLE],
[/^[^\)]/, null],
[/^\)$/, null, -1],
[/^\)/, null, 3]
[/^; debug\: position /, COMMENT_STYLE, 6],
[/^.+$/, COMMENT_STYLE, -1]
[/^\d+$/, POSITION_STYLE, -1],
lineLocation(li) {
let view = this;
let result = undefined;
for (let i = 0; i < li.children.length; ++i) {
let fragment = li.children[i];
let location = fragment.location;
if (location != null) {
if (location.block_id != undefined) {
if (result === undefined) result = {};
result.block_id = location.block_id;
if (location.address != undefined) {
if (result === undefined) result = {};
result.address = location.address;
if (location.pos_start != undefined && location.pos_end != undefined) {
if (result === undefined) result = {};
result.pos_start = location.pos_start;
result.pos_end = location.pos_end;
else if (view.pos_start != -1) {
if (result === undefined) result = {};
result.pos_start = view.pos_start;
result.pos_end = result.pos_start + 1;
return result;
initializeContent(data, rememberedSelection) {
this.data = data;
super.initializeContent(data, rememberedSelection);
initializeCode(sourceText, sourcePosition) {
let view = this;
view.pos_start = -1;
view.addr_event_counts = null;
view.total_event_counts = null;
view.pos_lines = new Array();
// Comment lines for line 0 include sourcePosition already, only need to
// add sourcePosition for lines > 0.
view.pos_lines[0] = sourcePosition;
if (sourceText != "") {
let base = sourcePosition;
let current = 0;
let source_lines = sourceText.split("\n");
for (let i = 1; i < source_lines.length; i++) {
// Add 1 for newline character that is split off.
current += source_lines[i-1].length + 1;
view.pos_lines[i] = base + current;
initializePerfProfile(eventCounts) {
let view = this;
if (eventCounts !== undefined) {
view.addr_event_counts = eventCounts;
view.total_event_counts = {};
for (var ev_name in view.addr_event_counts) {
let keys = Object.keys(view.addr_event_counts[ev_name]);
let values = keys.map(key => view.addr_event_counts[ev_name][key]);
view.total_event_counts[ev_name] = values.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
else {
view.addr_event_counts = null;
view.total_event_counts = null;
// Shorten decimals and remove trailing zeroes for readability.
humanize(num) {
return num.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/, "") + "%";
processLine(line) {
let view = this;
let func = function(match, p1, p2, p3) {
let nums = p2.split(":");
let li = Number(nums[0]);
let pos = Number(nums[1]);
if(li === 0)
pos -= view.pos_lines[0];
return p1 + li + ":" + pos + p3;
line = line.replace(view.SOURCE_POSITION_HEADER_REGEX, func);
let fragments = super.processLine(line);
// Add profiling data per instruction if available.
if (view.total_event_counts) {
let event_selector = document.getElementById('event-selector');
if (event_selector.length !== 0) {
let event = event_selector.value;
let matches = /^(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+\d+\s+[0-9a-fA-F]+/.exec(line);
if (matches) {
let count = view.addr_event_counts[event][matches[1]];
let str = "";
let css_cls = undefined;
if(count !== undefined) {
let perc = count / view.total_event_counts[event] * 100;
str = "(" + view.humanize(perc) + ") ";
css_cls = "prof-low";
if(perc > PROF_HIGH)
css_cls = "prof-high";
else if(perc > PROF_MED)
css_cls = "prof-med";
// Pad extra spaces to keep alignment for all instructions.
str = (" ".repeat(10) + str).slice(-10);
fragments.splice(0, 0, view.createFragment(str, css_cls));
return fragments;