#include <memory>
#include <stddef.h>
#error("This header can only be used when inspector is enabled")
#include "node_debug_options.h"
// Forward declaration to break recursive dependency chain with src/env.h.
namespace node {
class Environment;
} // namespace node
namespace v8 {
template <typename V>
class FunctionCallbackInfo;
template<typename T>
class Local;
class Message;
class Platform;
class Value;
} // namespace v8
namespace v8_inspector {
class StringView;
} // namespace v8_inspector
namespace node {
namespace inspector {
class InspectorSessionDelegate {
virtual bool WaitForFrontendMessage() = 0;
virtual void OnMessage(const v8_inspector::StringView& message) = 0;
class InspectorIo;
class NodeInspectorClient;
class Agent {
explicit Agent(node::Environment* env);
bool Start(v8::Platform* platform, const char* path,
const DebugOptions& options);
bool StartIoThread();
void Stop();
bool IsStarted();
bool IsConnected();
void WaitForDisconnect();
void FatalException(v8::Local<v8::Value> error,
v8::Local<v8::Message> message);
void Connect(InspectorSessionDelegate* delegate);
void Disconnect();
void Dispatch(const v8_inspector::StringView& message);
void RunMessageLoop();
static void CallAndPauseOnStart(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>&);
static void InspectorConsoleCall(
const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info);
static void InspectorWrapConsoleCall(
const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info);
node::Environment* parent_env_;
std::unique_ptr<NodeInspectorClient> inspector_;
std::unique_ptr<InspectorIo> io_;
v8::Platform* platform_;
bool inspector_console_;
std::string path_;
DebugOptions debug_options_;
} // namespace inspector
} // namespace node