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var CC = require('../index.js').ConfigChain
var test = require('tap').test
var f1 = '/tmp/f1.ini'
var f2 = '/tmp/f2.json'
var ini = require('ini')
var f1data = {foo: {bar: 'baz'}, bloo: 'jaus'}
var f2data = {oof: {rab: 'zab'}, oolb: 'suaj'}
var fs = require('fs')
fs.writeFileSync(f1, ini.stringify(f1data), 'utf8')
fs.writeFileSync(f2, JSON.stringify(f2data), 'utf8')
test('test saving and loading ini files', function (t) {
new CC()
.add({grelb:'blerg'}, 'opt')
.addFile(f1, 'ini', 'inifile')
.addFile(f2, 'json', 'jsonfile')
.on('load', function (cc) {
t.same(cc.snapshot, { grelb: 'blerg',
bloo: 'jaus',
foo: { bar: 'baz' },
oof: { rab: 'zab' },
oolb: 'suaj' })
t.same(cc.list, [ { grelb: 'blerg' },
{ bloo: 'jaus', foo: { bar: 'baz' } },
{ oof: { rab: 'zab' }, oolb: 'suaj' } ])
cc.set('grelb', 'brelg', 'opt')
.set('foo', 'zoo', 'inifile')
.set('oof', 'ooz', 'jsonfile')
.on('save', function () {
t.equal(fs.readFileSync(f1, 'utf8'),
t.equal(fs.readFileSync(f2, 'utf8'),
t.same(cc.snapshot, { grelb: 'brelg',
bloo: 'jaus',
foo: 'zoo',
oof: 'ooz',
oolb: 'suaj' })
t.same(cc.list, [ { grelb: 'brelg' },
{ bloo: 'jaus', foo: 'zoo' },
{ oof: 'ooz', oolb: 'suaj' } ])