// Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
* Copyright ( C ) 2008 - 2012 , International Business Machines
* Corporation and others . All Rights Reserved .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
# include "unicode/utypes.h"
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include "unicode/utypes.h"
# include "unicode/putil.h"
# include "cmemory.h"
# include "cstring.h"
# include "filestrm.h"
# include "toolutil.h"
# include "unicode/uclean.h"
# include "unewdata.h"
# include "putilimp.h"
# include "pkg_gencmn.h"
# define STRING_STORE_SIZE 200000
# define DATA_TYPE "dat"
/* ICU package data file format (.dat files) ------------------------------- ***
Description of the data format after the usual ICU data file header
( UDataInfo etc . ) .
Format version 1
A . dat package file contains a simple Table of Contents of item names ,
followed by the items themselves :
1. ToC table
uint32_t count ; - number of items
UDataOffsetTOCEntry entry [ count ] ; - pair of uint32_t values per item :
uint32_t nameOffset ; - offset of the item name
uint32_t dataOffset ; - offset of the item data
both are byte offsets from the beginning of the data
2. item name strings
All item names are stored as char * strings in one block between the ToC table
and the data items .
3. data items
The data items are stored following the item names block .
Each data item is 16 - aligned .
The data items are stored in the sorted order of their names .
Therefore , the top of the name strings block is the offset of the first item ,
the length of the last item is the difference between its offset and
the . dat file length , and the length of all previous items is the difference
between its offset and the next one .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* UDataInfo cf. udata.h */
static const UDataInfo dataInfo = {
sizeof ( UDataInfo ) ,
0 ,
sizeof ( UChar ) ,
0 ,
{ 0x43 , 0x6d , 0x6e , 0x44 } , /* dataFormat="CmnD" */
{ 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 } , /* formatVersion */
{ 3 , 0 , 0 , 0 } /* dataVersion */
} ;
static uint32_t maxSize ;
static char stringStore [ STRING_STORE_SIZE ] ;
static uint32_t stringTop = 0 , basenameTotal = 0 ;
typedef struct {
char * pathname , * basename ;
uint32_t basenameLength , basenameOffset , fileSize , fileOffset ;
} File ;
# define CHUNK_FILE_COUNT 256
static File * files = NULL ;
static uint32_t fileCount = 0 ;
static uint32_t fileMax = 0 ;
static char * symPrefix = NULL ;
# define LINE_BUFFER_SIZE 512
/* prototypes --------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
addFile ( const char * filename , const char * name , const char * source , UBool sourceTOC , UBool verbose ) ;
static char *
allocString ( uint32_t length ) ;
static int
compareFiles ( const void * file1 , const void * file2 ) ;
static char *
pathToFullPath ( const char * path , const char * source ) ;
/* map non-tree separator (such as '\') to tree separator ('/') inplace. */
static void
fixDirToTreePath ( char * s ) ;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
createCommonDataFile ( const char * destDir , const char * name , const char * entrypointName , const char * type , const char * source , const char * copyRight ,
const char * dataFile , uint32_t max_size , UBool sourceTOC , UBool verbose , char * gencmnFileName ) {
static char buffer [ 4096 ] ;
char * line ;
char * linePtr ;
char * s = NULL ;
UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR ;
uint32_t i , fileOffset , basenameOffset , length , nread ;
FileStream * in , * file ;
line = ( char * ) uprv_malloc ( sizeof ( char ) * LINE_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
if ( line = = NULL ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencmn: unable to allocate memory for line buffer of size %d \n " , LINE_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
linePtr = line ;
maxSize = max_size ;
if ( destDir = = NULL ) {
destDir = u_getDataDirectory ( ) ;
if ( name = = NULL ) {
if ( type = = NULL ) {
type = DATA_TYPE ;
if ( source = = NULL ) {
source = " . " ;
if ( dataFile = = NULL ) {
in = T_FileStream_stdin ( ) ;
} else {
in = T_FileStream_open ( dataFile , " r " ) ;
if ( in = = NULL ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencmn: unable to open input file %s \n " , dataFile ) ;
if ( verbose ) {
if ( sourceTOC ) {
printf ( " generating %s_%s.c (table of contents source file) \n " , name , type ) ;
} else {
printf ( " generating %s.%s (common data file with table of contents) \n " , name , type ) ;
/* read the list of files and get their lengths */
while ( ( s ! = NULL & & * s ! = 0 ) | | ( s = T_FileStream_readLine ( in , ( line = linePtr ) ,
/* remove trailing newline characters and parse space separated items */
if ( s ! = NULL & & * s ! = 0 ) {
line = s ;
} else {
s = line ;
while ( * s ! = 0 ) {
if ( * s = = ' ' ) {
* s = 0 ;
+ + s ;
break ;
} else if ( * s = = ' \r ' | | * s = = ' \n ' ) {
* s = 0 ;
break ;
+ + s ;
/* check for comment */
if ( * line = = ' # ' ) {
continue ;
/* add the file */
char * t ;
while ( ( t = uprv_strchr ( line , U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR ) ) ) {
# endif
addFile ( getLongPathname ( line ) , name , source , sourceTOC , verbose ) ;
uprv_free ( linePtr ) ;
if ( in ! = T_FileStream_stdin ( ) ) {
T_FileStream_close ( in ) ;
if ( fileCount = = 0 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencmn: no files listed in %s \n " , dataFile = = NULL ? " <stdin> " : dataFile ) ;
return ;
/* sort the files by basename */
qsort ( files , fileCount , sizeof ( File ) , compareFiles ) ;
if ( ! sourceTOC ) {
UNewDataMemory * out ;
/* determine the offsets of all basenames and files in this common one */
basenameOffset = 4 + 8 * fileCount ;
fileOffset = ( basenameOffset + ( basenameTotal + 15 ) ) & ~ 0xf ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < fileCount ; + + i ) {
files [ i ] . fileOffset = fileOffset ;
fileOffset + = ( files [ i ] . fileSize + 15 ) & ~ 0xf ;
files [ i ] . basenameOffset = basenameOffset ;
basenameOffset + = files [ i ] . basenameLength ;
/* create the output file */
out = udata_create ( destDir , type , name ,
& dataInfo ,
copyRight = = NULL ? U_COPYRIGHT_STRING : copyRight ,
& errorCode ) ;
if ( U_FAILURE ( errorCode ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencmn: udata_create(-d %s -n %s -t %s) failed - %s \n " ,
destDir , name , type ,
u_errorName ( errorCode ) ) ;
exit ( errorCode ) ;
/* write the table of contents */
udata_write32 ( out , fileCount ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < fileCount ; + + i ) {
udata_write32 ( out , files [ i ] . basenameOffset ) ;
udata_write32 ( out , files [ i ] . fileOffset ) ;
/* write the basenames */
for ( i = 0 ; i < fileCount ; + + i ) {
udata_writeString ( out , files [ i ] . basename , files [ i ] . basenameLength ) ;
length = 4 + 8 * fileCount + basenameTotal ;
/* copy the files */
for ( i = 0 ; i < fileCount ; + + i ) {
/* pad to 16-align the next file */
length & = 0xf ;
if ( length ! = 0 ) {
udata_writePadding ( out , 16 - length ) ;
if ( verbose ) {
printf ( " adding %s (%ld byte%s) \n " , files [ i ] . pathname , ( long ) files [ i ] . fileSize , files [ i ] . fileSize = = 1 ? " " : " s " ) ;
/* copy the next file */
file = T_FileStream_open ( files [ i ] . pathname , " rb " ) ;
if ( file = = NULL ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencmn: unable to open listed file %s \n " , files [ i ] . pathname ) ;
for ( nread = 0 ; ; ) {
length = T_FileStream_read ( file , buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) ) ;
if ( length < = 0 ) {
break ;
nread + = length ;
udata_writeBlock ( out , buffer , length ) ;
T_FileStream_close ( file ) ;
length = files [ i ] . fileSize ;
if ( nread ! = files [ i ] . fileSize ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencmn: unable to read %s properly (got %ld/%ld byte%s) \n " , files [ i ] . pathname , ( long ) nread , ( long ) files [ i ] . fileSize , files [ i ] . fileSize = = 1 ? " " : " s " ) ;
/* pad to 16-align the last file (cleaner, avoids growing .dat files in icuswap) */
length & = 0xf ;
if ( length ! = 0 ) {
udata_writePadding ( out , 16 - length ) ;
/* finish */
udata_finish ( out , & errorCode ) ;
if ( U_FAILURE ( errorCode ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencmn: udata_finish() failed - %s \n " , u_errorName ( errorCode ) ) ;
exit ( errorCode ) ;
} else {
/* write a .c source file with the table of contents */
char * filename ;
FileStream * out ;
/* create the output filename */
filename = s = buffer ;
uprv_strcpy ( filename , destDir ) ;
s = filename + uprv_strlen ( filename ) ;
if ( s > filename & & * ( s - 1 ) ! = U_FILE_SEP_CHAR ) {
* s + + = U_FILE_SEP_CHAR ;
uprv_strcpy ( s , name ) ;
if ( * ( type ) ! = 0 ) {
s + = uprv_strlen ( s ) ;
* s + + = ' _ ' ;
uprv_strcpy ( s , type ) ;
s + = uprv_strlen ( s ) ;
uprv_strcpy ( s , " .c " ) ;
/* open the output file */
out = T_FileStream_open ( filename , " w " ) ;
if ( gencmnFileName ! = NULL ) {
uprv_strcpy ( gencmnFileName , filename ) ;
if ( out = = NULL ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencmn: unable to open .c output file %s \n " , filename ) ;
/* write the source file */
sprintf ( buffer ,
" /* \n "
" * ICU common data table of contents for %s.%s \n "
" * Automatically generated by icu/source/tools/gencmn/gencmn . \n "
" */ \n \n "
" #include \" unicode/utypes.h \" \n "
" #include \" unicode/udata.h \" \n "
" \n "
" /* external symbol declarations for data (%d files) */ \n " ,
name , type , fileCount ) ;
T_FileStream_writeLine ( out , buffer ) ;
sprintf ( buffer , " extern const char \n %s%s[] " , symPrefix ? symPrefix : " " , files [ 0 ] . pathname ) ;
T_FileStream_writeLine ( out , buffer ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < fileCount ; + + i ) {
sprintf ( buffer , " , \n %s%s[] " , symPrefix ? symPrefix : " " , files [ i ] . pathname ) ;
T_FileStream_writeLine ( out , buffer ) ;
T_FileStream_writeLine ( out , " ; \n \n " ) ;
sprintf (
buffer ,
" U_EXPORT struct { \n "
" uint16_t headerSize; \n "
" uint8_t magic1, magic2; \n "
" UDataInfo info; \n "
" char padding[%lu]; \n "
" uint32_t count, reserved; \n "
" struct { \n "
" const char *name; \n "
" const void *data; \n "
" } toc[%lu]; \n "
" } U_EXPORT2 %s_dat = { \n "
" 32, 0xda, 0x27, { \n "
" %lu, 0, \n "
" %u, %u, %u, 0, \n "
" {0x54, 0x6f, 0x43, 0x50}, \n "
" {1, 0, 0, 0}, \n "
" {0, 0, 0, 0} \n "
" }, \n "
" \" \" , %lu, 0, { \n " ,
( unsigned long ) 32 - 4 - sizeof ( UDataInfo ) ,
( unsigned long ) fileCount ,
entrypointName ,
( unsigned long ) sizeof ( UDataInfo ) ,
( unsigned long ) fileCount
) ;
T_FileStream_writeLine ( out , buffer ) ;
sprintf ( buffer , " { \" %s \" , %s%s } " , files [ 0 ] . basename , symPrefix ? symPrefix : " " , files [ 0 ] . pathname ) ;
T_FileStream_writeLine ( out , buffer ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < fileCount ; + + i ) {
sprintf ( buffer , " , \n { \" %s \" , %s%s } " , files [ i ] . basename , symPrefix ? symPrefix : " " , files [ i ] . pathname ) ;
T_FileStream_writeLine ( out , buffer ) ;
T_FileStream_writeLine ( out , " \n } \n }; \n " ) ;
T_FileStream_close ( out ) ;
uprv_free ( symPrefix ) ;
static void
addFile ( const char * filename , const char * name , const char * source , UBool sourceTOC , UBool verbose ) {
char * s ;
uint32_t length ;
char * fullPath = NULL ;
if ( fileCount = = fileMax ) {
fileMax + = CHUNK_FILE_COUNT ;
files = uprv_realloc ( files , fileMax * sizeof ( files [ 0 ] ) ) ; /* note: never freed. */
if ( files = = NULL ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " pkgdata/gencmn: Could not allocate %u bytes for %d files \n " , ( unsigned int ) ( fileMax * sizeof ( files [ 0 ] ) ) , fileCount ) ;
if ( ! sourceTOC ) {
FileStream * file ;
if ( uprv_pathIsAbsolute ( filename ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencmn: Error: absolute path encountered. Old style paths are not supported. Use relative paths such as 'fur.res' or 'translit%cfur.res'. \n \t Bad path: '%s' \n " , U_FILE_SEP_CHAR , filename ) ;
fullPath = pathToFullPath ( filename , source ) ;
/* store the pathname */
length = ( uint32_t ) ( uprv_strlen ( filename ) + 1 + uprv_strlen ( name ) + 1 ) ;
s = allocString ( length ) ;
uprv_strcpy ( s , name ) ;
uprv_strcat ( s , U_TREE_ENTRY_SEP_STRING ) ;
uprv_strcat ( s , filename ) ;
/* get the basename */
fixDirToTreePath ( s ) ;
files [ fileCount ] . basename = s ;
files [ fileCount ] . basenameLength = length ;
files [ fileCount ] . pathname = fullPath ;
basenameTotal + = length ;
/* try to open the file */
file = T_FileStream_open ( fullPath , " rb " ) ;
if ( file = = NULL ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencmn: unable to open listed file %s \n " , fullPath ) ;
/* get the file length */
length = T_FileStream_size ( file ) ;
if ( T_FileStream_error ( file ) | | length < = 20 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencmn: unable to get length of listed file %s \n " , fullPath ) ;
T_FileStream_close ( file ) ;
/* do not add files that are longer than maxSize */
if ( maxSize & & length > maxSize ) {
if ( verbose ) {
printf ( " %s ignored (size %ld > %ld) \n " , fullPath , ( long ) length , ( long ) maxSize ) ;
return ;
files [ fileCount ] . fileSize = length ;
} else {
char * t ;
/* get and store the basename */
/* need to include the package name */
length = ( uint32_t ) ( uprv_strlen ( filename ) + 1 + uprv_strlen ( name ) + 1 ) ;
s = allocString ( length ) ;
uprv_strcpy ( s , name ) ;
uprv_strcat ( s , U_TREE_ENTRY_SEP_STRING ) ;
uprv_strcat ( s , filename ) ;
fixDirToTreePath ( s ) ;
files [ fileCount ] . basename = s ;
/* turn the basename into an entry point name and store in the pathname field */
t = files [ fileCount ] . pathname = allocString ( length ) ;
while ( - - length > 0 ) {
if ( * s = = ' . ' | | * s = = ' - ' | | * s = = ' / ' ) {
* t = ' _ ' ;
} else {
* t = * s ;
+ + s ;
+ + t ;
* t = 0 ;
+ + fileCount ;
static char *
allocString ( uint32_t length ) {
uint32_t top = stringTop + length ;
char * p ;
if ( top > STRING_STORE_SIZE ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " gencmn: out of memory \n " ) ;
p = stringStore + stringTop ;
stringTop = top ;
return p ;
static char *
pathToFullPath ( const char * path , const char * source ) {
int32_t length ;
int32_t newLength ;
char * fullPath ;
int32_t n ;
length = ( uint32_t ) ( uprv_strlen ( path ) + 1 ) ;
newLength = ( length + 1 + ( int32_t ) uprv_strlen ( source ) ) ;
fullPath = uprv_malloc ( newLength ) ;
if ( source ! = NULL ) {
uprv_strcpy ( fullPath , source ) ;
uprv_strcat ( fullPath , U_FILE_SEP_STRING ) ;
} else {
fullPath [ 0 ] = 0 ;
n = ( int32_t ) uprv_strlen ( fullPath ) ;
fullPath [ n ] = 0 ; /* Suppress compiler warning for unused variable n */
/* when conditional code below is not compiled. */
uprv_strcat ( fullPath , path ) ;
/* replace tree separator (such as '/') with file sep char (such as ':' or '\\') */
for ( ; fullPath [ n ] ; n + + ) {
if ( fullPath [ n ] = = U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR ) {
fullPath [ n ] = U_FILE_SEP_CHAR ;
# endif
# endif
/* replace tree separator (such as '/') with file sep char (such as ':' or '\\') */
for ( ; fullPath [ n ] ; n + + ) {
if ( fullPath [ n ] = = U_TREE_ENTRY_SEP_CHAR ) {
fullPath [ n ] = U_FILE_SEP_CHAR ;
# endif
return fullPath ;
static int
compareFiles ( const void * file1 , const void * file2 ) {
/* sort by basename */
return uprv_strcmp ( ( ( File * ) file1 ) - > basename , ( ( File * ) file2 ) - > basename ) ;
static void
fixDirToTreePath ( char * s )
char * t ;
# endif
for ( t = s ; t = uprv_strchr ( t , U_FILE_SEP_CHAR ) ; ) {
# endif
for ( t = s ; t = uprv_strchr ( t , U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR ) ; ) {
# endif