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99 lines
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// XXX Todo:
// On windows, create a .cmd file.
// Read the #! in the file to see what it uses. The vast majority
// of the time, this will be either:
// "#!/usr/bin/env <prog> <args...>"
// or:
// "#!<prog> <args...>"
// Write a binroot/pkg.bin + ".cmd" file that has this line in it:
// @<prog> <args...> %~dp0<target> %*
module.exports = cmdShim
cmdShim.ifExists = cmdShimIfExists
var fs = require("graceful-fs")
, chain = require("slide").chain
, mkdir = require("./mkdir-p.js")
, rm = require("rimraf")
, log = require("./log.js")
, path = require("path")
, relativize = require("./relativize.js")
, npm = require("../npm.js")
, shebangExpr = /^#\!(?:\/usr\/bin\/env )?([^ \t]+)(.*)$/
function cmdShimIfExists (from, to, cb) {
fs.stat(from, function (er) {
if (er) return cb()
cmdShim(from, to, cb)
function cmdShim (from, to, cb) {
if (process.platform !== "win32") {
return cb(new Error(".cmd shims only should be used on windows"))
( [ [fs, "stat", from]
, [rm, to + ".cmd"]
, [mkdir, path.dirname(to)]
, [writeShim, from, to] ]
, cb )
function writeShim (from, to, cb) {
// make a cmd file
// First, check if the bin is a #! of some sort.
// If not, then assume it's something that'll be compiled, or some other
// sort of script, and just call it directly.
fs.readFile(from, "utf8", function (er, data) {
if (er) return writeShim_(from, to, null, null, cb)
var firstLine = data.trim().split(/\r*\n/)[0]
, shebang = firstLine.match(shebangExpr)
if (!shebang) return writeShim_(from, to, null, null, cb)
var prog = shebang[1]
, args = shebang[2] || ""
return writeShim_(from, to, prog, args, cb)
function writeShim_ (from, to, prog, args, cb) {
var target = relativize(from, to).split("/").join("\\")
, longProg
args = args || ""
if (!prog) {
prog = "\"%~dp0\\" + target + "\""
args = ""
target = ""
} else {
longProg = "\"%~dp0\"\\\"" + prog + ".exe\""
target = "\"%~dp0\\" + target + "\""
// @IF EXIST "%~dp0"\"node.exe" (
// "%~dp0\node.exe" "%~dp0\.\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" %*
// ) ELSE (
// node "%~dp0\.\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js" %*
// )
var cmd
if (longProg) {
cmd = "@IF EXIST " + longProg + " (\r\n"
+ " " + longProg + " " + args + " " + target + " %*\r\n"
+ ") ELSE (\r\n"
+ " " + prog + " " + args + " " + target + " %*\r\n"
+ ")"
} else {
cmd = prog + " " + args + " " + target + " %*\r\n"
cmd = ":: Created by npm, please don't edit manually.\r\n" + cmd
fs.writeFile(to + ".cmd", cmd, "utf8", function (er) {
if (er) {
log.warn("Could not write "+to+".cmd", "cmdShim")