Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source
code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
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#column_0 .name {
display: table-cell;
.list .name {
display: none;
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.value {
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.selectedVersion {
font-weight: bold;
#baseline {
width: auto;
.compareSelector {
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.pageDetailTable tbody {
cursor: pointer
.pageDetailTable tfoot td {
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.noDiff .hideNoDiff {
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google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart']});
// Did anybody say monkeypatching?
if (!NodeList.prototype.forEach) {
NodeList.prototype.forEach = function(func) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
var versions;
var pages;
var selectedPage;
var baselineVersion;
var selectedEntry;
// Marker to programatically replace the defaultData.
var defaultData = /*default-data-start*/undefined/*default-data-end*/;
function initialize() {
// Initialize the stats table and toggle lists.
var original = $("column");
var view = document.createElement('div');
view.id = 'view';
var i = 0;
versions.forEach((version) => {
if (!version.enabled) return;
// add column
var column = original.cloneNode(true);
column.id = "column_" + i;
// Fill in all versions
var select = column.querySelector(".version");
select.id = "selectVersion_" + i;
// add all select options
versions.forEach((version) => {
if (!version.enabled) return;
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.textContent = version.name;
option.version = version;
// Fill in all page versions
select = column.querySelector(".pageVersion");
select.id = "select_" + i;
// add all pages
versions.forEach((version) => {
if (!version.enabled) return;
var optgroup = document.createElement("optgroup");
optgroup.label = version.name;
optgroup.version = version;
version.forEachPage((page) => {
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.textContent = page.name;
option.page = page;
var oldView = $('view');
oldView.parentNode.replaceChild(view, oldView);
var select = $('baseline');
versions.forEach((version) => {
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.textContent = version.name;
option.version = version;
initializeToggleList(versions.versions, $('versionSelector'));
initializeToggleList(pages.values(), $('pageSelector'));
initializeToggleList(Group.groups.values(), $('groupSelector'));
function initializeToggleList(items, node) {
var list = node.querySelector('ul');
items = Array.from(items);
items.forEach((item) => {
var li = document.createElement('li');
var checkbox = document.createElement('input');
checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
checkbox.checked = item.enabled;
checkbox.item = item;
checkbox.addEventListener('click', handleToggleVersionOrPageEnable);
$('results').querySelectorAll('#results > .hidden').forEach((node) => {
toggleCssClass(node, 'hidden', false);
function initializeToggleContentVisibility() {
var nodes = document.querySelectorAll('.toggleContentVisibility');
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var content = node.querySelector('.content');
var header = node.querySelector('h1,h2,h3');
if (content === undefined || header === undefined) return;
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checkbox.contentNode = content;
checkbox.addEventListener('click', handleToggleContentVisibility);
header.insertBefore(checkbox, header.childNodes[0]);
window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => {
function popHistoryState(state) {
if (!state.version) return false;
if (!versions) return false;
var version = versions.getByName(state.version);
if (!version) return false;
var page = version.get(state.page);
if (!page) return false;
if (!state.entry) {
} else {
var entry = page.get(state.entry);
if (!entry) {
} else {
return true;
function pushHistoryState() {
var selection = selectedEntry ? selectedEntry : selectedPage;
if (!selection) return;
var state = selection.urlParams();
// Don't push a history state if it didn't change.
if (JSON.stringify(window.history.state) === JSON.stringify(state)) return;
var params = "?";
for (var pairs of Object.entries(state)) {
params += encodeURIComponent(pairs[0]) + "="
+ encodeURIComponent(pairs[1]) + "&";
window.history.pushState(state, selection.toString(), params);
function showSelectedEntryInPage(page) {
if (!selectedEntry) return showPage(page);
var entry = page.get(selectedEntry.name);
if (!entry) return showPage(page);
function showPage(firstPage) {
var changeSelectedEntry = selectedEntry !== undefined
&& selectedEntry.page === selectedPage;
selectedPage = firstPage;
showPageInColumn(firstPage, 0);
// Show the other versions of this page in the following columns.
var pageVersions = versions.getPageVersions(firstPage);
var index = 1;
pageVersions.forEach((page) => {
if (page !== firstPage) {
showPageInColumn(page, index);
if (changeSelectedEntry) {
function showPageInColumn(page, columnIndex) {
var showDiff = (baselineVersion === undefined && columnIndex !== 0) ||
(baselineVersion !== undefined && page.version !== baselineVersion);
var diffStatus = (td, a, b) => {};
if (showDiff) {
if (baselineVersion !== undefined) {
diffStatus = (td, a, b) => {
if (a == 0) return;
td.style.color = a < 0 ? '#FF0000' : '#00BB00';
} else {
diffStatus = (td, a, b) => {
if (a == b) return;
var color;
var ratio = a / b;
if (ratio > 1) {
ratio = Math.min(Math.round((ratio - 1) * 255 * 10), 200);
color = '#' + ratio.toString(16) + "0000";
} else {
ratio = Math.min(Math.round((1 - ratio) * 255 * 10), 200);
color = '#00' + ratio.toString(16) + "00";
td.style.color = color;
var column = $('column_' + columnIndex);
var select = $('select_' + columnIndex);
// Find the matching option
selectOption(select, (i, option) => {
return option.page == page
var table = column.querySelector("table");
var oldTbody = table.querySelector('tbody');
var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
var referencePage = selectedPage;
page.forEachSorted(selectedPage, (parentEntry, entry, referenceEntry) => {
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
tr.entry = entry;
tr.parentEntry = parentEntry;
tr.className = parentEntry === undefined ? 'parent' : 'child';
// Don't show entries that do not exist on the current page or if we
// compare against the current page
if (entry !== undefined && page.version !== baselineVersion) {
// If we show a diff, use the baselineVersion as the referenceEntry
if (baselineVersion !== undefined) {
var baselineEntry = baselineVersion.getEntry(entry);
if (baselineEntry !== undefined) referenceEntry = baselineEntry
if (!parentEntry) {
var node = td(tr, '<div class="toggle">►</div>', 'position');
node.firstChild.addEventListener('click', handleToggleGroup);
} else {
td(tr, entry.position == 0 ? '' : entry.position, 'position');
td(tr, entry.name, 'name ' + entry.cssClass()));
td(tr, ms(entry.time), 'value time'),
entry.time, referenceEntry.time);
td(tr, percent(entry.timePercent), 'value time'),
entry.time, referenceEntry.time);
td(tr, count(entry.count), 'value count'),
entry.count, referenceEntry.count);
} else if (baselineVersion !== undefined && referenceEntry
&& page.version !== baselineVersion) {
// Show comparison of entry that does not exist on the current page.
tr.entry = new Entry(0, referenceEntry.name);
tr.entry.page = page;
td(tr, '-', 'position');
td(tr, referenceEntry.name, 'name');
td(tr, ms(referenceEntry.time), 'value time'),
referenceEntry.time, 0);
td(tr, percent(referenceEntry.timePercent), 'value time'),
referenceEntry.timePercent, 0);
td(tr, count(referenceEntry.count), 'value count'),
referenceEntry.count, 0);
} else {
// Display empty entry / baseline entry
var showBaselineEntry = entry !== undefined;
if (showBaselineEntry) {
if (!parentEntry) {
var node = td(tr, '<div class="toggle">►</div>', 'position');
node.firstChild.addEventListener('click', handleToggleGroup);
} else {
td(tr, entry.position == 0 ? '' : entry.position, 'position');
td(tr, entry.name, 'name');
td(tr, ms(entry.time, false), 'value time');
td(tr, percent(entry.timePercent, false), 'value time');
td(tr, count(entry.count, false), 'value count');
} else {
td(tr, '-', 'position');
td(tr, referenceEntry.name, 'name');
td(tr, '-', 'value time');
td(tr, '-', 'value time');
td(tr, '-', 'value count');
table.replaceChild(tbody, oldTbody);
var versionSelect = column.querySelector('select.version');
selectOption(versionSelect, (index, option) => {
return option.version == page.version
function showEntry(entry) {
selectEntry(entry, true);
function selectEntry(entry, updateSelectedPage) {
var needsPageSwitch = true;
if (updateSelectedPage && selectedPage) {
entry = selectedPage.version.getEntry(entry);
needsPageSwitch = updateSelectedPage && entry.page != selectedPage;
var rowIndex = 0;
// If clicked in the detail row change the first column to that page.
if (needsPageSwitch) showPage(entry.page);
var childNodes = $('column_0').querySelector('.list tbody').childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
if (childNodes[i].entry !== undefined &&
childNodes[i].entry.name == entry.name) {
rowIndex = i;
var firstEntry = childNodes[rowIndex].entry;
if (rowIndex) {
if (firstEntry.parent) showGroup(firstEntry.parent);
// Deselect all
$('view').querySelectorAll('.list tbody tr').forEach((tr) => {
toggleCssClass(tr, 'selected', false);
// Select the entry row
$('view').querySelectorAll("tbody").forEach((body) => {
var row = body.childNodes[rowIndex];
if (!row) return;
toggleCssClass(row, 'selected', row.entry && row.entry.name ==
if (updateSelectedPage && selectedEntry) {
entry = selectedEntry.page.version.getEntry(entry);
if (entry !== selectedEntry) {
selectedEntry = entry;
function showEntryDetail(entry) {
function showVersionDetails(entry) {
var table, tbody, entries;
table = $('detailView').querySelector('.versionDetailTable');
tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
if (entry !== undefined) {
$('detailView').querySelector('.versionDetail h3 span').textContent =
entry.name + ' in ' + entry.page.name;
entries = versions.getPageVersions(entry.page).map(
(page) => {
return page.get(entry.name)
entries.sort((a, b) => {
return a.time - b.time
entries.forEach((pageEntry) => {
if (pageEntry === undefined) return;
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
if (pageEntry == entry) tr.className += 'selected';
tr.entry = pageEntry;
var isBaselineEntry = pageEntry.page.version == baselineVersion;
td(tr, pageEntry.page.version.name, 'version');
td(tr, ms(pageEntry.time, !isBaselineEntry), 'value time');
td(tr, percent(pageEntry.timePercent, !isBaselineEntry), 'value time');
td(tr, count(pageEntry.count, !isBaselineEntry), 'value count');
table.replaceChild(tbody, table.querySelector('tbody'));
function showPageDetails(entry) {
var table, tbody, entries;
table = $('detailView').querySelector('.pageDetailTable');
tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
if (entry === undefined) {
table.replaceChild(tbody, table.querySelector('tbody'));
var version = entry.page.version;
var showDiff = version !== baselineVersion;
$('detailView').querySelector('.pageDetail h3 span').textContent =
entries = version.pages.map((page) => {
if (!page.enabled) return;
return page.get(entry.name)
entries.sort((a, b) => {
var cmp = b.timePercent - a.timePercent;
if (cmp.toFixed(1) == 0) return b.time - a.time;
return cmp
entries.forEach((pageEntry) => {
if (pageEntry === undefined) return;
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
if (pageEntry === entry) tr.className += 'selected';
tr.entry = pageEntry;
td(tr, pageEntry.page.name, 'name');
td(tr, ms(pageEntry.time, showDiff), 'value time');
td(tr, percent(pageEntry.timePercent, showDiff), 'value time');
td(tr, percent(pageEntry.timePercentPerEntry, showDiff),
'value time hideNoDiff');
td(tr, count(pageEntry.count, showDiff), 'value count');
// show the total for all pages
var tds = table.querySelectorAll('tfoot td');
tds[1].textContent = ms(entry.getTimeImpact(), showDiff);
// Only show the percentage total if we are in diff mode:
tds[2].textContent = percent(entry.getTimePercentImpact(), showDiff);
tds[3].textContent = '';
tds[4].textContent = count(entry.getCountImpact(), showDiff);
table.replaceChild(tbody, table.querySelector('tbody'));
function showImpactList(page) {
var impactView = $('detailView').querySelector('.impactView');
impactView.querySelector('h3 span').textContent = page.version.name;
var table = impactView.querySelector('table');
var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
var version = page.version;
var entries = version.allEntries();
if (selectedEntry !== undefined && selectedEntry.isGroup) {
impactView.querySelector('h3 span').textContent += " " + selectedEntry.name;
entries = entries.filter((entry) => {
return entry.name == selectedEntry.name ||
(entry.parent && entry.parent.name == selectedEntry.name)
var isCompareView = baselineVersion !== undefined;
entries = entries.filter((entry) => {
if (isCompareView) {
var impact = entry.getTimeImpact();
return impact < -1 || 1 < impact
return entry.getTimePercentImpact() > 0.01;
entries = entries.slice(0, 50);
entries.sort((a, b) => {
var cmp = b.getTimePercentImpact() - a.getTimePercentImpact();
if (isCompareView || cmp.toFixed(1) == 0) {
return b.getTimeImpact() - a.getTimeImpact();
return cmp
entries.forEach((entry) => {
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
tr.entry = entry;
td(tr, entry.name, 'name');
td(tr, ms(entry.getTimeImpact()), 'value time');
var percentImpact = entry.getTimePercentImpact();
td(tr, percentImpact > 1000 ? '-' : percent(percentImpact), 'value time');
var topPages = entry.getPagesByPercentImpact().slice(0, 3)
.map((each) => {
return each.name + ' (' + percent(each.getEntry(entry).timePercent) +
td(tr, topPages.join(', '), 'name');
table.replaceChild(tbody, table.querySelector('tbody'));
function showGraphs(page) {
var groups = page.groups.filter(each => each.enabled);
// Sort groups by the biggest impact
groups.sort((a, b) => {
return b.getTimeImpact() - a.getTimeImpact();
if (selectedGroup == undefined) {
selectedGroup = groups[0];
} else {
groups = groups.filter(each => each.name != selectedGroup.name);
showPageGraph(groups, page);
showVersionGraph(groups, page);
showPageVersionGraph(groups, page);
function getGraphDataTable(groups) {
var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();
dataTable.addColumn('string', 'Name');
groups.forEach(group => {
var column = dataTable.addColumn('number', group.name.substring(6));
dataTable.setColumnProperty(column, 'group', group);
return dataTable;
var selectedGroup;
function showPageGraph(groups, page) {
var isDiffView = baselineVersion !== undefined;
var dataTable = getGraphDataTable(groups);
// Calculate the average row
var row = ['Average'];
groups.forEach((group) => {
if (isDiffView) {
row.push(group.isTotal ? 0 : group.getAverageTimeImpact());
} else {
row.push(group.isTotal ? 0 : group.getTimeImpact());
// Sort the pages by the selected group.
var pages = page.version.pages.filter(page => page.enabled);
function sumDiff(page) {
var sum = 0;
groups.forEach(group => {
var value = group.getTimePercentImpact() -
sum += value * value;
return sum;
if (isDiffView) {
pages.sort((a, b) => {
return b.getEntry(selectedGroup).time-
} else {
pages.sort((a, b) => {
return b.getEntry(selectedGroup).timePercent -
// Sort by sum of squared distance to the average.
// pages.sort((a, b) => {
// return a.distanceFromTotalPercent() - b.distanceFromTotalPercent();
// });
// Calculate the entries for the pages
pages.forEach((page) => {
row = [page.name];
groups.forEach((group) => {
row.push(group.isTotal ? 0 : page.getEntry(group).time);
var rowIndex = dataTable.addRow(row);
dataTable.setRowProperty(rowIndex, 'page', page);
renderGraph('Pages for ' + page.version.name, groups, dataTable,
'pageGraph', isDiffView ? true : 'percent');
function showVersionGraph(groups, page) {
var dataTable = getGraphDataTable(groups);
var row;
var vs = versions.versions.filter(version => version.enabled);
vs.sort((a, b) => {
return b.getEntry(selectedGroup).getTimeImpact() -
// Calculate the entries for the versions
vs.forEach((version) => {
row = [version.name];
groups.forEach((group) => {
row.push(group.isTotal ? 0 : version.getEntry(group).getTimeImpact());
var rowIndex = dataTable.addRow(row);
dataTable.setRowProperty(rowIndex, 'page', page);
renderGraph('Versions Total Time over all Pages', groups, dataTable,
'versionGraph', true);
function showPageVersionGraph(groups, page) {
var dataTable = getGraphDataTable(groups);
var row;
var vs = versions.getPageVersions(page);
vs.sort((a, b) => {
return b.getEntry(selectedGroup).time - a.getEntry(selectedGroup).time;
// Calculate the entries for the versions
vs.forEach((page) => {
row = [page.version.name];
groups.forEach((group) => {
row.push(group.isTotal ? 0 : page.getEntry(group).time);
var rowIndex = dataTable.addRow(row);
dataTable.setRowProperty(rowIndex, 'page', page);
renderGraph('Versions for ' + page.name, groups, dataTable,
'pageVersionGraph', true);
function renderGraph(title, groups, dataTable, id, isStacked) {
var isDiffView = baselineVersion !== undefined;
var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({
suffix: (isDiffView ? 'msΔ' : 'ms'),
negativeColor: 'red',
groupingSymbol: "'"
for (var i = 1; i < dataTable.getNumberOfColumns(); i++) {
formatter.format(dataTable, i);
var height = 85 + 28 * dataTable.getNumberOfRows();
var options = {
isStacked: isStacked,
height: height,
hAxis: {
minValue: 0,
textStyle: { fontSize: 14 }
duration: dataTable.getNumberOfRows() > 50 ? 0 : 500 ,
easing: 'out',
vAxis: {
textStyle: { fontSize: 14 }
tooltip: { textStyle: { fontSize: 14 }},
explorer: {
actions: ['dragToZoom', 'rightClickToReset'],
maxZoomIn: 0.01
legend: {position:'top', maxLines: 1, textStyle: { fontSize: 14 }},
chartArea: {left:200, top:50, width:'98%', height:'80%'},
colors: groups.map(each => each.color)
var parentNode = $(id);
parentNode.querySelector('h2>span, h3>span').textContent = title;
var graphNode = parentNode.querySelector('.content');
var chart = graphNode.chart;
if (chart === undefined) {
chart = graphNode.chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(graphNode);
} else {
google.visualization.events.addListener(chart, 'select', selectHandler);
function getChartEntry(selection) {
if (!selection) return undefined;
var column = selection.column;
if (column == undefined) return undefined;
var selectedGroup = dataTable.getColumnProperty(column, 'group');
var row = selection.row;
if (row == null) return selectedGroup;
var page = dataTable.getRowProperty(row, 'page');
if (!page) return selectedGroup;
return page.getEntry(selectedGroup);
function selectHandler() {
selectedGroup = getChartEntry(chart.getSelection()[0])
if (!selectedGroup) return;
selectEntry(selectedGroup, true);
// Make our global tooltips work
google.visualization.events.addListener(chart, 'onmouseover', mouseOverHandler);
function mouseOverHandler(selection) {
graphNode.entry = getChartEntry(selection);
chart.draw(dataTable, options);
function showGroup(entry) {
toggleGroup(entry, true);
function toggleGroup(group, show) {
$('view').querySelectorAll(".child").forEach((tr) => {
var entry = tr.parentEntry;
if (!entry) return;
if (entry.name !== group.name) return;
toggleCssClass(tr, 'visible', show);
function showPopover(entry) {
var popover = $('popover');
popover.querySelector('td.name').textContent = entry.name;
popover.querySelector('td.page').textContent = entry.page.name;
setPopoverDetail(popover, entry, '');
popover.querySelector('table').className = "";
if (baselineVersion !== undefined) {
entry = baselineVersion.getEntry(entry);
setPopoverDetail(popover, entry, '.compare');
popover.querySelector('table').className = "compare";
function setPopoverDetail(popover, entry, prefix) {
var node = (name) => popover.querySelector(prefix + name);
if (entry == undefined) {
node('.version').textContent = baselineVersion.name;
node('.time').textContent = '-';
node('.timeVariance').textContent = '-';
node('.percent').textContent = '-';
node('.percentPerEntry').textContent = '-';
node('.percentVariance').textContent = '-';
node('.count').textContent = '-';
node('.countVariance').textContent = '-';
node('.timeImpact').textContent = '-';
node('.timePercentImpact').textContent = '-';
} else {
node('.version').textContent = entry.page.version.name;
node('.time').textContent = ms(entry._time, false);
= percent(entry.timeVariancePercent, false);
node('.percent').textContent = percent(entry.timePercent, false);
= percent(entry.timePercentPerEntry, false);
= percent(entry.timePercentVariancePercent, false);
node('.count').textContent = count(entry._count, false);
= percent(entry.timeVariancePercent, false);
= ms(entry.getTimeImpact(false), false);
= percent(entry.getTimeImpactVariancePercent(false), false);
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"use strict"
// =========================================================================
// Helpers
function $(id) {
return document.getElementById(id)
function removeAllChildren(node) {
while (node.firstChild) {
function selectOption(select, match) {
var options = select.options;
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
if (match(i, options[i])) {
select.selectedIndex = i;
function addCodeSearchButton(entry, node) {
if (entry.isGroup) return;
var button = document.createElement("div");
button.textContent = '?'
button.className = "codeSearch"
button.addEventListener('click', handleCodeSearch);
return node;
function td(tr, content, className) {
var td = document.createElement("td");
if (content[0] == '<') {
td.innerHTML = content;
} else {
td.textContent = content;
td.className = className
return td
function nodeIndex(node) {
var children = node.parentNode.childNodes,
i = 0;
for (; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i] == node) {
return i;
return -1;
function toggleCssClass(node, cssClass, toggleState) {
var index = -1;
var classes;
if (node.className != undefined) {
classes = node.className.split(' ');
index = classes.indexOf(cssClass);
if (index == -1) {
if (toggleState === false) return;
node.className += ' ' + cssClass;
if (toggleState === true) return;
classes.splice(index, 1);
node.className = classes.join(' ');
function NameComparator(a, b) {
if (a.name > b.name) return 1;
if (a.name < b.name) return -1;
return 0
function diffSign(value, digits, unit, showDiff) {
if (showDiff === false || baselineVersion == undefined) {
if (value === undefined) return '';
return value.toFixed(digits) + unit;
return (value >= 0 ? '+' : '') + value.toFixed(digits) + unit + 'Δ';
function ms(value, showDiff) {
return diffSign(value, 1, 'ms', showDiff);
function count(value, showDiff) {
return diffSign(value, 0, '#', showDiff);
function percent(value, showDiff) {
return diffSign(value, 1, '%', showDiff);
<script type="text/javascript">
"use strict"
// =========================================================================
// EventHandlers
function handleBodyLoad() {
if (defaultData) {
} else if (window.location.protocol !== 'file:') {
function tryLoadDefaultResults() {
// Try to load a results.json file adjacent to this day.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// The markers on the following line can be used to replace the url easily
// with scripts.
xhr.open('GET', /*results-url-start*/'results.json'/*results-url-end*/, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
if(this.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE || this.status !== 200) return;
function handleAppendFile() {
var files = document.getElementById("appendInput").files;
loadFiles(files, true);
function handleLoadFile() {
var files = document.getElementById("uploadInput").files;
loadFiles(files, false)
function loadFiles(files, append) {
var file = files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(evt) {
handleLoadText(this.result, append);
function handleLoadText(text, append) {
handleLoadJSON(JSON.parse(text), append);
function getStateFromParams() {
var query = window.location.search.substr(1);
var result = {};
query.split("&").forEach((part) => {
var item = part.split("=");
var key = decodeURIComponent(item[0])
result[key] = decodeURIComponent(item[1]);
return result;
function handleLoadJSON(json, append) {
let isFirstLoad = pages === undefined;
json = fixClusterTelemetryResults(json);
json = fixSinglePageJSON(json);
if (append && !isFirstLoad) {
json = createUniqueVersions(json)
var state = getStateFromParams();
if (!append || isFirstLoad) {
pages = new Pages();
versions = Versions.fromJSON(json);
} else {
Versions.fromJSON(json).forEach(e => versions.add(e))
if (isFirstLoad && !popHistoryState(state)) {
function fixClusterTelemetryResults(json) {
// Convert CT results to callstats compatible JSON
// Input:
// { PATH: { "pairs": { METRIC: { "count": XX, "time": XX }.. }}.. }
let firstEntry;
for (let key in json) {
firstEntry = json[key];
// Return the original JSON if it is not a CT result.
if (firstEntry.pairs === undefined) return json;
// The results include already the group totals, remove them by filtering.
let groupNames = new Set(Array.from(Group.groups.values()).map(e => e.name));
let result = Object.create(null);
for (let file_name in json) {
let entries = [];
let file_data = json[file_name].pairs;
for (let name in file_data) {
if(name != "Total" && groupNames.has(name)) continue;
let entry = file_data[name];
let count = entry.count;
let time = entry.time;
entries.push([name, time, 0, 0, count, 0, 0]);
let domain = file_name.split("/").slice(-1)[0];
result[domain] = entries;
return {__proto__:null, ClusterTelemetry: result};
function fixSinglePageJSON(json) {
// Try to detect the single-version case, where we're missing the toplevel
// version object. The incoming JSON is of the form:
// {"Page 1": [... data points ... ], "Page 2": [...], ...}
// Instead of the default multi-page JSON:
// {"Version 1": { "Page 1": ..., ...}, "Version 2": {...}, ...}
// In this case insert a single "Default" version as top-level entry.
var firstProperty = (object) => {
for (var key in object) return key;
var maybePage = json[firstProperty(json)];
if (!Array.isArray(maybePage)) return json;
return {"Default": json}
var appendIndex = 0;
function createUniqueVersions(json) {
// Make sure all toplevel entries are unique namaes and added properly
let result = {__proto__:null}
for (let key in json) {
result[key+"_"+appendIndex] = json[key];
return result
function handleToggleGroup(event) {
var group = event.target.parentNode.parentNode.entry;
function handleSelectPage(select, event) {
var option = select.options[select.selectedIndex];
if (select.id == "select_0") {
} else {
var columnIndex = select.id.split('_')[1];
showPageInColumn(option.page, columnIndex);
function handleSelectVersion(select, event) {
var option = select.options[select.selectedIndex];
var version = option.version;
if (select.id == "selectVersion_0") {
var page = version.get(selectedPage.name);
} else {
var columnIndex = select.id.split('_')[1];
var pageSelect = $('select_' + columnIndex);
var page = pageSelect.options[pageSelect.selectedIndex].page;
page = version.get(page.name);
showPageInColumn(page, columnIndex);
function handleSelectDetailRow(table, event) {
if (event.target.tagName != 'TD') return;
var tr = event.target.parentNode;
if (tr.tagName != 'TR') return;
if (tr.entry === undefined) return;
selectEntry(tr.entry, true);
function handleSelectRow(table, event, fromDetail) {
if (event.target.tagName != 'TD') return;
var tr = event.target.parentNode;
if (tr.tagName != 'TR') return;
if (tr.entry === undefined) return;
selectEntry(tr.entry, false);
function handleSelectBaseline(select, event) {
var option = select.options[select.selectedIndex];
baselineVersion = option.version;
var showingDiff = baselineVersion !== undefined;
var body = $('body');
toggleCssClass(body, 'diff', showingDiff);
toggleCssClass(body, 'noDiff', !showingDiff);
if (selectedEntry === undefined) return;
selectEntry(selectedEntry, true);
function findEntry(event) {
var target = event.target;
while (target.entry === undefined) {
target = target.parentNode;
if (!target) return undefined;
return target.entry;
function handleUpdatePopover(event) {
var popover = $('popover');
popover.style.left = event.pageX + 'px';
popover.style.top = event.pageY + 'px';
popover.style.display = 'none';
popover.style.display = event.shiftKey ? 'block' : 'none';
var entry = findEntry(event);
if (entry === undefined) return;
function handleToggleVersionOrPageEnable(event) {
var item = this.item ;
if (item === undefined) return;
item .enabled = this.checked;
var page = selectedPage;
if (page === undefined || !page.version.enabled) {
page = versions.getEnabledPage(page.name);
if (!page.enabled) {
page = page.getNextPage();
function handleToggleContentVisibility(event) {
var content = event.target.contentNode;
toggleCssClass(content, 'hidden');
function handleCodeSearch(event) {
var entry = findEntry(event);
if (entry === undefined) return;
var url = "https://cs.chromium.org/search/?sq=package:chromium&type=cs&q=";
name = entry.name;
if (name.startsWith("API_")) {
name = name.substring(4);
url += encodeURIComponent(name) + "+file:src/v8/src";
<script type="text/javascript">
"use strict"
// =========================================================================
class Versions {
constructor() {
this.versions = [];
add(version) {
getPageVersions(page) {
var result = [];
this.versions.forEach((version) => {
if (!version.enabled) return;
var versionPage = version.get(page.name);
if (versionPage !== undefined) result.push(versionPage);
return result;
get length() {
return this.versions.length
get(index) {
return this.versions[index]
getByName(name) {
return this.versions.find((each) => each.name == name);
forEach(f) {
sort() {
getEnabledPage(name) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.versions.length; i++) {
var version = this.versions[i];
if (!version.enabled) continue;
var page = version.get(name);
if (page !== undefined) return page;
Versions.fromJSON = function(json) {
var versions = new Versions();
for (var version in json) {
versions.add(Version.fromJSON(version, json[version]));
return versions;
class Version {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
this.enabled = true;
this.pages = [];
add(page) {
indexOf(name) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++) {
if (this.pages[i].name == name) return i;
return -1;
getNextPage(page) {
if (this.length == 0) return undefined;
return this.pages[(this.indexOf(page.name) + 1) % this.length];
get(name) {
var index = this.indexOf(name);
if (0 <= index) return this.pages[index];
return undefined
get length() {
return this.pages.length
getEntry(entry) {
if (entry === undefined) return undefined;
var page = this.get(entry.page.name);
if (page === undefined) return undefined;
return page.get(entry.name);
forEachEntry(fun) {
this.forEachPage((page) => {
forEachPage(fun) {
this.pages.forEach((page) => {
if (!page.enabled) return;
allEntries() {
var map = new Map();
this.forEachEntry((group, entry) => {
if (!map.has(entry.name)) map.set(entry.name, entry);
return Array.from(map.values());
getTotalValue(name, property) {
if (name === undefined) name = this.pages[0].total.name;
var sum = 0;
this.forEachPage((page) => {
var entry = page.get(name);
if (entry !== undefined) sum += entry[property];
return sum;
getTotalTime(name, showDiff) {
return this.getTotalValue(name, showDiff === false ? '_time' : 'time');
getTotalTimePercent(name, showDiff) {
if (baselineVersion === undefined || showDiff === false) {
// Return the overall average percent of the given entry name.
return this.getTotalValue(name, 'time') /
this.getTotalTime('Group-Total') * 100;
// Otherwise return the difference to the sum of the baseline version.
var baselineValue = baselineVersion.getTotalTime(name, false);
var total = this.getTotalValue(name, '_time');
return (total / baselineValue - 1) * 100;
getTotalTimeVariance(name, showDiff) {
// Calculate the overall error for a given entry name
var sum = 0;
this.forEachPage((page) => {
var entry = page.get(name);
if (entry === undefined) return;
sum += entry.timeVariance * entry.timeVariance;
return Math.sqrt(sum);
getTotalTimeVariancePercent(name, showDiff) {
return this.getTotalTimeVariance(name, showDiff) /
this.getTotalTime(name, showDiff) * 100;
getTotalCount(name, showDiff) {
return this.getTotalValue(name, showDiff === false ? '_count' : 'count');
getAverageTimeImpact(name, showDiff) {
return this.getTotalTime(name, showDiff) / this.pages.length;
getPagesByPercentImpact(name) {
var sortedPages =
this.pages.filter((each) => {
return each.get(name) !== undefined
sortedPages.sort((a, b) => {
return b.get(name).timePercent - a.get(name).timePercent;
return sortedPages;
sort() {
Version.fromJSON = function(name, data) {
var version = new Version(name);
for (var pageName in data) {
version.add(PageVersion.fromJSON(version, pageName, data[pageName]));
return version;
class Pages extends Map {
get(name) {
if (name.indexOf('www.') == 0) {
name = name.substring(4);
if (!this.has(name)) {
this.set(name, new Page(name));
return super.get(name);
class Page {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
this.enabled = true;
this.versions = [];
add(page) {
class PageVersion {
constructor(version, page) {
this.page = page;
this.total = Group.groups.get('total').entry();
this.total.isTotal = true;
this.unclassified = new UnclassifiedEntry(this)
this.groups = [
this.entryDict = new Map();
this.groups.forEach((entry) => {
entry.page = this;
this.entryDict.set(entry.name, entry);
this.version = version;
toString() {
return this.version.name + ": " + this.name;
urlParams() {
return { version: this.version.name, page: this.name};
add(entry) {
// Ignore accidentally added Group entries.
if (entry.name.startsWith(GroupedEntry.prefix)) return;
entry.page = this;
this.entryDict.set(entry.name, entry);
var added = false;
this.groups.forEach((group) => {
if (!added) added = group.add(entry);
if (added) return;
get(name) {
return this.entryDict.get(name)
getEntry(entry) {
if (entry === undefined) return undefined;
return this.get(entry.name);
get length() {
return this.versions.length
get name() { return this.page.name }
get enabled() { return this.page.enabled }
forEachSorted(referencePage, func) {
// Iterate over all the entries in the order they appear on the
// reference page.
referencePage.forEach((parent, referenceEntry) => {
var entry;
if (parent) parent = this.entryDict.get(parent.name);
if (referenceEntry) entry = this.entryDict.get(referenceEntry.name);
func(parent, entry, referenceEntry);
forEach(fun) {
this.forEachGroup((group) => {
fun(undefined, group);
group.forEach((entry) => {
fun(group, entry)
forEachGroup(fun) {
sort() {
this.groups.sort((a, b) => {
return b.time - a.time;
this.groups.forEach((group) => {
distanceFromTotalPercent() {
var sum = 0;
this.groups.forEach(group => {
if (group == this.total) return;
var value = group.getTimePercentImpact() -
sum += value * value;
return sum;
getNextPage() {
return this.version.getNextPage(this);
PageVersion.fromJSON = function(version, name, data) {
var page = new PageVersion(version, pages.get(name));
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
page.add(Entry.fromJSON(i, data[data.length - i - 1]));
return page
class Entry {
constructor(position, name, time, timeVariance, timeVariancePercent,
countVariance, countVariancePercent) {
this.position = position;
this.name = name;
this._time = time;
this._timeVariance = timeVariance;
this._timeVariancePercent = timeVariancePercent;
this._count = count;
this.countVariance = countVariance;
this.countVariancePercent = countVariancePercent;
this.page = undefined;
this.parent = undefined;
this.isTotal = false;
urlParams() {
var params = this.page.urlParams();
params.entry = this.name;
return params;
getCompareWithBaseline(value, property) {
if (baselineVersion == undefined) return value;
var baselineEntry = baselineVersion.getEntry(this);
if (!baselineEntry) return value;
if (baselineVersion === this.page.version) return value;
return value - baselineEntry[property];
cssClass() {
return ''
get time() {
return this.getCompareWithBaseline(this._time, '_time');
get count() {
return this.getCompareWithBaseline(this._count, '_count');
get timePercent() {
var value = this._time / this.page.total._time * 100;
if (baselineVersion == undefined) return value;
var baselineEntry = baselineVersion.getEntry(this);
if (!baselineEntry) return value;
if (baselineVersion === this.page.version) return value;
return (this._time - baselineEntry._time) / this.page.total._time *
get timePercentPerEntry() {
var value = this._time / this.page.total._time * 100;
if (baselineVersion == undefined) return value;
var baselineEntry = baselineVersion.getEntry(this);
if (!baselineEntry) return value;
if (baselineVersion === this.page.version) return value;
return (this._time / baselineEntry._time - 1) * 100;
get timePercentVariancePercent() {
// Get the absolute values for the percentages
return this.timeVariance / this.page.total._time * 100;
getTimeImpact(showDiff) {
return this.page.version.getTotalTime(this.name, showDiff);
getTimeImpactVariancePercent(showDiff) {
return this.page.version.getTotalTimeVariancePercent(this.name, showDiff);
getTimePercentImpact(showDiff) {
return this.page.version.getTotalTimePercent(this.name, showDiff);
getCountImpact(showDiff) {
return this.page.version.getTotalCount(this.name, showDiff);
getAverageTimeImpact(showDiff) {
return this.page.version.getAverageTimeImpact(this.name, showDiff);
getPagesByPercentImpact() {
return this.page.version.getPagesByPercentImpact(this.name);
get isGroup() {
return false
get timeVariance() {
return this._timeVariance
get timeVariancePercent() {
return this._timeVariancePercent
Entry.fromJSON = function(position, data) {
return new Entry(position, ...data);
class Group {
constructor(name, regexp, color) {
this.name = name;
this.regexp = regexp;
this.color = color;
this.enabled = true;
entry() { return new GroupedEntry(this) };
Group.groups = new Map();
Group.add = function(name, group) {
this.groups.set(name, group);
return group;
Group.add('total', new Group('Total', /.*Total.*/, '#BBB'));
Group.add('ic', new Group('IC', /.*IC_.*/, "#3366CC"));
Group.add('optimize', new Group('Optimize',
/StackGuard|.*Optimize.*|.*Deoptimize.*|Recompile.*/, "#DC3912"));
Group.add('compile-background', new Group('Compile-Background',
/(.*CompileBackground.*)/, "#b9a720"));
Group.add('compile', new Group('Compile',
/(^Compile.*)|(.*_Compile.*)/, "#FFAA00"));
new Group('Parse-Background', /.*ParseBackground.*/, "#af744d"));
Group.add('parse', new Group('Parse', /.*Parse.*/, "#FF6600"));
Group.add('callback', new Group('Blink C++', /.*Callback.*/, "#109618"));
Group.add('api', new Group('API', /.*API.*/, "#990099"));
Group.add('gc', new Group('GC', /GC|AllocateInTargetSpace/, "#0099C6"));
Group.add('javascript', new Group('JavaScript', /JS_Execution/, "#DD4477"));
Group.add('runtime', new Group('V8 C++', /.*/, "#88BB00"));
var group =
Group.add('unclassified', new Group('Unclassified', /.*/, "#000"));
group.enabled = false;
class GroupedEntry extends Entry {
constructor(group) {
super(0, GroupedEntry.prefix + group.name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
this.group = group;
this.entries = [];
this.missingEntries = null;
get regexp() { return this.group.regexp }
get color() { return this.group.color }
get enabled() { return this.group.enabled }
add(entry) {
if (!this.regexp.test(entry.name)) return false;
this._time += entry.time;
this._count += entry.count;
// TODO: sum up variance
entry.parent = this;
return true;
_initializeMissingEntries() {
var dummyEntryNames = new Set();
versions.forEach((version) => {
var groupEntry = version.getEntry(this);
if (groupEntry != this) {
for (var entry of groupEntry.entries) {
if (this.page.get(entry.name) == undefined) {
this.missingEntries = [];
for (var name of dummyEntryNames) {
var tmpEntry = new Entry(0, name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
tmpEntry.page = this.page;
forEach(fun) {
// Show also all entries which are in at least one version.
// Concatenate our real entries.
if (this.missingEntries == null) {
var tmpEntries = this.missingEntries.concat(this.entries);
// The compared entries are sorted by absolute impact.
tmpEntries.sort((a, b) => {
return b.time - a.time
sort() {
this.entries.sort((a, b) => {
return b.time - a.time;
cssClass() {
if (this.page.total == this) return 'total';
return '';
get isGroup() {
return true
getVarianceForProperty(property) {
var sum = 0;
this.entries.forEach((entry) => {
sum += entry[property + 'Variance'] * entry[property +
return Math.sqrt(sum);
get timeVariancePercent() {
if (this._time == 0) return 0;
return this.getVarianceForProperty('time') / this._time * 100
get timeVariance() {
return this.getVarianceForProperty('time')
GroupedEntry.prefix = 'Group-';
class UnclassifiedEntry extends GroupedEntry {
constructor(page) {
this.page = page;
this._time = undefined;
this._count = undefined;
add(entry) {
entry.parent = this;
return true;
forEachPageGroup(fun) {
this.page.forEachGroup((group) => {
if (group == this) return;
if (group == this.page.total) return;
get time() {
if (this._time === undefined) {
this._time = this.page.total._time;
this.forEachPageGroup((group) => {
this._time -= group._time;
return this.getCompareWithBaseline(this._time, '_time');
get count() {
if (this._count === undefined) {
this._count = this.page.total._count;
this.forEachPageGroup((group) => {
this._count -= group._count;
return this.getCompareWithBaseline(this._count, '_count');
<body id="body" onmousemove="handleUpdatePopover(event)" onload="handleBodyLoad()" class="noDiff">
<h1>Runtime Stats Komparator</h1>
<div id="results">
<div class="inline">
<form name="fileForm">
<label for="uploadInput">Load File:</label>
<input id="uploadInput" type="file" name="files" onchange="handleLoadFile();" accept=".json">
<label for="appendInput">Append File:</label>
<input id="appendInput" type="file" name="files" onchange="handleAppendFile();" accept=".json">
<div class="inline hidden">
<div class="compareSelector inline">
Compare against: <select id="baseline" onchange="handleSelectBaseline(this, event)"></select><br/>
<span style="color: #060">Green</span> the selected version above performs
better on this measurement.
<div id="versionSelector" class="inline toggleContentVisibility">
<div class="content hidden">
<div id="pageSelector" class="inline toggleContentVisibility">
<div class="content hidden">
<div id="groupSelector" class="inline toggleContentVisibility">
<div class="content hidden">
<div id="view">
<div id="detailView" class="hidden">
<div class="versionDetail inline toggleContentVisibility">
<div class="content">
<table class="versionDetailTable" onclick="handleSelectDetailRow(this, event);">
<th class="version">Version </th>
<th class="position">Pos. </th>
<th class="value time">Time▴ </th>
<th class="value time">Percent </th>
<th class="value count">Count </th>
<div class="pageDetail inline toggleContentVisibility">
<h3>Page Comparison for <span></span></h3>
<div class="content">
<table class="pageDetailTable" onclick="handleSelectDetailRow(this, event);">
<th class="page">Page </th>
<th class="value time">Time </th>
<th class="value time">Percent▾ </th>
<th class="value time hideNoDiff">%/Entry </th>
<th class="value count">Count </th>
<td class="page">Total:</td>
<td class="value time"></td>
<td class="value time"></td>
<td class="value time hideNoDiff"></td>
<td class="value count"></td>
<div class="impactView inline toggleContentVisibility">
<h3>Impact list for <span></span></h3>
<div class="content">
<table class="pageDetailTable" onclick="handleSelectDetailRow(this, event);">
<th class="page">Name </th>
<th class="value time">Time </th>
<th class="value time">Percent▾ </th>
<th class="">Top Pages</th>
<div id="pageVersionGraph" class="graph hidden toggleContentVisibility">
<div class="content"></div>
<div id="pageGraph" class="graph hidden toggleContentVisibility">
<div class="content"></div>
<div id="versionGraph" class="graph hidden toggleContentVisibility">
<div class="content"></div>
<div id="column" class="column">
<div class="header">
<select class="version" onchange="handleSelectVersion(this, event);"></select>
<select class="pageVersion" onchange="handleSelectPage(this, event);"></select>
<table class="list" onclick="handleSelectRow(this, event);">
<th class="position">Pos. </th>
<th class="name">Name </th>
<th class="value time">Time </th>
<th class="value time">Percent </th>
<th class="value count">Count </th>
<div class="inline">
<li>Install scipy, e.g. <code>sudo aptitude install python-scipy</code>
<li>Build chrome.</li>
<li>Check out a known working version of webpagereply:
<pre>git -C $CHROME_DIR/third_party/webpagereplay checkout 7dbd94752d1cde5536ffc623a9e10a51721eff1d</pre>
<li>Run <code>callstats.py</code> with a web-page-replay archive:
<pre>$V8_DIR/tools/callstats.py run \
--replay-bin=$CHROME_SRC/third_party/webpagereplay/replay.py \
--replay-wpr=$INPUT_DIR/top25.wpr \
--js-flags="" \
--with-chrome=$CHROME_SRC/out/Release/chrome \
<li>Move results file to a subdirectory: <code>mkdir $VERSION_DIR; mv *.txt $VERSION_DIR</code></li>
<li>Repeat from step 1 with a different configuration (e.g. <code>--js-flags="--nolazy"</code>).</li>
<li>Create the final results file: <code>./callstats.py json $VERSION_DIR1 $VERSION_DIR2 > result.json</code></li>
<li>Use <code>results.json</code> on this site.</code>
<div id="popover">
<div class="popoverArrow"></div>
<td class="name" colspan="6"></td>
<td class="page name" colspan="6"></td>
<td class="version name" colspan="3"></td>
<td class="compare version name" colspan="3"></td>
<td class="time"></td><td>±</td><td class="timeVariance"></td>
<td class="compare time"></td><td class="compare"> ± </td><td class="compare timeVariance"></td>
<td class="percent"></td><td>±</td><td class="percentVariance"></td>
<td class="compare percent"></td><td class="compare"> ± </td><td class="compare percentVariance"></td>
<td>Percent per Entry:</td>
<td class="percentPerEntry"></td><td colspan=2></td>
<td class="compare percentPerEntry"></td><td colspan=2></td>
<td class="count"></td><td>±</td><td class="countVariance"></td>
<td class="compare count"></td><td class="compare"> ± </td><td class="compare countVariance"></td>
<td>Overall Impact:</td>
<td class="timeImpact"></td><td>±</td><td class="timePercentImpact"></td>
<td class="compare timeImpact"></td><td class="compare"> ± </td><td class="compare timePercentImpact"></td>