// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
// disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
// with the distribution.
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
// from this software without specific prior written permission.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// If this object gets passed to an error constructor the error will
// get an accessor for .message that constructs a descriptive error
// message on access.
const kAddMessageAccessorsMarker = { } ;
// This will be lazily initialized when first needed (and forcibly
// overwritten even though it's const).
const kMessages = 0 ;
function FormatString ( format , message ) {
var args = % MessageGetArguments ( message ) ;
var result = "" ;
var arg_num = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < format . length ; i ++ ) {
var str = format [ i ] ;
if ( str . length == 2 && % _ StringCharCodeAt ( str , 0 ) == 0x25 ) {
// Two-char string starts with "%".
var arg_num = ( % _ StringCharCodeAt ( str , 1 ) - 0x30 ) >>> 0 ;
if ( arg_num < 4 ) {
// str is one of %0, %1, %2 or %3.
try {
str = ToDetailString ( args [ arg_num ] ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
str = "#<error>" ;
result += str ;
return result ;
// To check if something is a native error we need to check the
// concrete native error types. It is not enough to check "obj
// instanceof $Error" because user code can replace
// NativeError.prototype.__proto__. User code cannot replace
// NativeError.prototype though and therefore this is a safe test.
function IsNativeErrorObject ( obj ) {
return ( obj instanceof $Error ) ||
( obj instanceof $EvalError ) ||
( obj instanceof $RangeError ) ||
( obj instanceof $ReferenceError ) ||
( obj instanceof $SyntaxError ) ||
( obj instanceof $TypeError ) ||
( obj instanceof $URIError ) ;
// When formatting internally created error messages, do not
// invoke overwritten error toString methods but explicitly use
// the error to string method. This is to avoid leaking error
// objects between script tags in a browser setting.
function ToStringCheckErrorObject ( obj ) {
if ( IsNativeErrorObject ( obj ) ) {
return % _ CallFunction ( obj , ErrorToString ) ;
} else {
return ToString ( obj ) ;
function ToDetailString ( obj ) {
if ( obj != null && IS_OBJECT ( obj ) && obj . toString === ObjectToString ) {
var constructor = obj . constructor ;
if ( typeof constructor == "function" ) {
var constructorName = constructor . name ;
if ( IS_STRING ( constructorName ) && constructorName !== "" ) {
return "#<" + constructorName + ">" ;
return ToStringCheckErrorObject ( obj ) ;
function MakeGenericError ( constructor , type , args ) {
if ( IS_UNDEFINED ( args ) ) {
args = [ ] ;
var e = new constructor ( kAddMessageAccessorsMarker ) ;
e . type = type ;
e . arguments = args ;
return e ;
/ * *
* Set up the Script function and constructor .
* /
% FunctionSetInstanceClassName ( Script , 'Script' ) ;
% SetProperty ( Script . prototype , 'constructor' , Script ,
% SetCode ( Script , function ( x ) {
// Script objects can only be created by the VM.
throw new $Error ( "Not supported" ) ;
} ) ;
// Helper functions; called from the runtime system.
function FormatMessage ( message ) {
if ( kMessages === 0 ) {
var messagesDictionary = [
// Error
"cyclic_proto" , [ "Cyclic __proto__ value" ] ,
"code_gen_from_strings" , [ "Code generation from strings disallowed for this context" ] ,
// TypeError
"unexpected_token" , [ "Unexpected token " , "%0" ] ,
"unexpected_token_number" , [ "Unexpected number" ] ,
"unexpected_token_string" , [ "Unexpected string" ] ,
"unexpected_token_identifier" , [ "Unexpected identifier" ] ,
"unexpected_reserved" , [ "Unexpected reserved word" ] ,
"unexpected_strict_reserved" , [ "Unexpected strict mode reserved word" ] ,
"unexpected_eos" , [ "Unexpected end of input" ] ,
"malformed_regexp" , [ "Invalid regular expression: /" , "%0" , "/: " , "%1" ] ,
"unterminated_regexp" , [ "Invalid regular expression: missing /" ] ,
"regexp_flags" , [ "Cannot supply flags when constructing one RegExp from another" ] ,
"incompatible_method_receiver" , [ "Method " , "%0" , " called on incompatible receiver " , "%1" ] ,
"invalid_lhs_in_assignment" , [ "Invalid left-hand side in assignment" ] ,
"invalid_lhs_in_for_in" , [ "Invalid left-hand side in for-in" ] ,
"invalid_lhs_in_postfix_op" , [ "Invalid left-hand side expression in postfix operation" ] ,
"invalid_lhs_in_prefix_op" , [ "Invalid left-hand side expression in prefix operation" ] ,
"multiple_defaults_in_switch" , [ "More than one default clause in switch statement" ] ,
"newline_after_throw" , [ "Illegal newline after throw" ] ,
"redeclaration" , [ "%0" , " '" , "%1" , "' has already been declared" ] ,
"no_catch_or_finally" , [ "Missing catch or finally after try" ] ,
"unknown_label" , [ "Undefined label '" , "%0" , "'" ] ,
"uncaught_exception" , [ "Uncaught " , "%0" ] ,
"stack_trace" , [ "Stack Trace:\n" , "%0" ] ,
"called_non_callable" , [ "%0" , " is not a function" ] ,
"undefined_method" , [ "Object " , "%1" , " has no method '" , "%0" , "'" ] ,
"property_not_function" , [ "Property '" , "%0" , "' of object " , "%1" , " is not a function" ] ,
"cannot_convert_to_primitive" , [ "Cannot convert object to primitive value" ] ,
"not_constructor" , [ "%0" , " is not a constructor" ] ,
"not_defined" , [ "%0" , " is not defined" ] ,
"non_object_property_load" , [ "Cannot read property '" , "%0" , "' of " , "%1" ] ,
"non_object_property_store" , [ "Cannot set property '" , "%0" , "' of " , "%1" ] ,
"non_object_property_call" , [ "Cannot call method '" , "%0" , "' of " , "%1" ] ,
"with_expression" , [ "%0" , " has no properties" ] ,
"illegal_invocation" , [ "Illegal invocation" ] ,
"no_setter_in_callback" , [ "Cannot set property " , "%0" , " of " , "%1" , " which has only a getter" ] ,
"apply_non_function" , [ "Function.prototype.apply was called on " , "%0" , ", which is a " , "%1" , " and not a function" ] ,
"apply_wrong_args" , [ "Function.prototype.apply: Arguments list has wrong type" ] ,
"invalid_in_operator_use" , [ "Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '" , "%0" , "' in " , "%1" ] ,
"instanceof_function_expected" , [ "Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got " , "%0" ] ,
"instanceof_nonobject_proto" , [ "Function has non-object prototype '" , "%0" , "' in instanceof check" ] ,
"null_to_object" , [ "Cannot convert null to object" ] ,
"reduce_no_initial" , [ "Reduce of empty array with no initial value" ] ,
"getter_must_be_callable" , [ "Getter must be a function: " , "%0" ] ,
"setter_must_be_callable" , [ "Setter must be a function: " , "%0" ] ,
"value_and_accessor" , [ "Invalid property. A property cannot both have accessors and be writable or have a value, " , "%0" ] ,
"proto_object_or_null" , [ "Object prototype may only be an Object or null" ] ,
"property_desc_object" , [ "Property description must be an object: " , "%0" ] ,
"redefine_disallowed" , [ "Cannot redefine property: " , "%0" ] ,
"define_disallowed" , [ "Cannot define property:" , "%0" , ", object is not extensible." ] ,
"non_extensible_proto" , [ "%0" , " is not extensible" ] ,
"handler_non_object" , [ "Proxy." , "%0" , " called with non-object as handler" ] ,
"proto_non_object" , [ "Proxy." , "%0" , " called with non-object as prototype" ] ,
"trap_function_expected" , [ "Proxy." , "%0" , " called with non-function for '" , "%1" , "' trap" ] ,
"handler_trap_missing" , [ "Proxy handler " , "%0" , " has no '" , "%1" , "' trap" ] ,
"handler_trap_must_be_callable" , [ "Proxy handler " , "%0" , " has non-callable '" , "%1" , "' trap" ] ,
"handler_returned_false" , [ "Proxy handler " , "%0" , " returned false from '" , "%1" , "' trap" ] ,
"handler_returned_undefined" , [ "Proxy handler " , "%0" , " returned undefined from '" , "%1" , "' trap" ] ,
"proxy_prop_not_configurable" , [ "Proxy handler " , "%0" , " returned non-configurable descriptor for property '" , "%2" , "' from '" , "%1" , "' trap" ] ,
"proxy_non_object_prop_names" , [ "Trap '" , "%1" , "' returned non-object " , "%0" ] ,
"proxy_repeated_prop_name" , [ "Trap '" , "%1" , "' returned repeated property name '" , "%2" , "'" ] ,
"invalid_weakmap_key" , [ "Invalid value used as weak map key" ] ,
// RangeError
"invalid_array_length" , [ "Invalid array length" ] ,
"stack_overflow" , [ "Maximum call stack size exceeded" ] ,
"invalid_time_value" , [ "Invalid time value" ] ,
// SyntaxError
"unable_to_parse" , [ "Parse error" ] ,
"invalid_regexp_flags" , [ "Invalid flags supplied to RegExp constructor '" , "%0" , "'" ] ,
"invalid_regexp" , [ "Invalid RegExp pattern /" , "%0" , "/" ] ,
"illegal_break" , [ "Illegal break statement" ] ,
"illegal_continue" , [ "Illegal continue statement" ] ,
"illegal_return" , [ "Illegal return statement" ] ,
"illegal_let" , [ "Illegal let declaration outside extended mode" ] ,
"error_loading_debugger" , [ "Error loading debugger" ] ,
"no_input_to_regexp" , [ "No input to " , "%0" ] ,
"invalid_json" , [ "String '" , "%0" , "' is not valid JSON" ] ,
"circular_structure" , [ "Converting circular structure to JSON" ] ,
"obj_ctor_property_non_object" , [ "Object." , "%0" , " called on non-object" ] ,
"called_on_null_or_undefined" , [ "%0" , " called on null or undefined" ] ,
"array_indexof_not_defined" , [ "Array.getIndexOf: Argument undefined" ] ,
"object_not_extensible" , [ "Can't add property " , "%0" , ", object is not extensible" ] ,
"illegal_access" , [ "Illegal access" ] ,
"invalid_preparser_data" , [ "Invalid preparser data for function " , "%0" ] ,
"strict_mode_with" , [ "Strict mode code may not include a with statement" ] ,
"strict_catch_variable" , [ "Catch variable may not be eval or arguments in strict mode" ] ,
"too_many_arguments" , [ "Too many arguments in function call (only 32766 allowed)" ] ,
"too_many_parameters" , [ "Too many parameters in function definition (only 32766 allowed)" ] ,
"too_many_variables" , [ "Too many variables declared (only 32767 allowed)" ] ,
"strict_param_name" , [ "Parameter name eval or arguments is not allowed in strict mode" ] ,
"strict_param_dupe" , [ "Strict mode function may not have duplicate parameter names" ] ,
"strict_var_name" , [ "Variable name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode" ] ,
"strict_function_name" , [ "Function name may not be eval or arguments in strict mode" ] ,
"strict_octal_literal" , [ "Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode." ] ,
"strict_duplicate_property" , [ "Duplicate data property in object literal not allowed in strict mode" ] ,
"accessor_data_property" , [ "Object literal may not have data and accessor property with the same name" ] ,
"accessor_get_set" , [ "Object literal may not have multiple get/set accessors with the same name" ] ,
"strict_lhs_assignment" , [ "Assignment to eval or arguments is not allowed in strict mode" ] ,
"strict_lhs_postfix" , [ "Postfix increment/decrement may not have eval or arguments operand in strict mode" ] ,
"strict_lhs_prefix" , [ "Prefix increment/decrement may not have eval or arguments operand in strict mode" ] ,
"strict_reserved_word" , [ "Use of future reserved word in strict mode" ] ,
"strict_delete" , [ "Delete of an unqualified identifier in strict mode." ] ,
"strict_delete_property" , [ "Cannot delete property '" , "%0" , "' of " , "%1" ] ,
"strict_const" , [ "Use of const in strict mode." ] ,
"strict_function" , [ "In strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level or immediately within another function." ] ,
"strict_read_only_property" , [ "Cannot assign to read only property '" , "%0" , "' of " , "%1" ] ,
"strict_cannot_assign" , [ "Cannot assign to read only '" , "%0" , "' in strict mode" ] ,
"strict_poison_pill" , [ "'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them" ] ,
"strict_caller" , [ "Illegal access to a strict mode caller function." ] ,
"unprotected_let" , [ "Illegal let declaration in unprotected statement context." ] ,
"unprotected_const" , [ "Illegal const declaration in unprotected statement context." ] ,
"cant_prevent_ext_external_array_elements" , [ "Cannot prevent extension of an object with external array elements" ] ,
"redef_external_array_element" , [ "Cannot redefine a property of an object with external array elements" ] ,
"harmony_const_assign" , [ "Assignment to constant variable." ] ,
] ;
var messages = { __ proto__ : null } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < messagesDictionary . length ; i += 2 ) {
var key = messagesDictionary [ i ] ;
var format = messagesDictionary [ i + 1 ] ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < format . length ; j ++ ) {
% IgnoreAttributesAndSetProperty ( format , % _ NumberToString ( j ) , format [ j ] ,
% IgnoreAttributesAndSetProperty ( format , 'length' , format . length ,
% PreventExtensions ( format ) ;
% IgnoreAttributesAndSetProperty ( messages ,
key ,
format ,
% PreventExtensions ( messages ) ;
% IgnoreAttributesAndSetProperty ( builtins , "kMessages" ,
messages ,
var message_type = % MessageGetType ( message ) ;
var format = kMessages [ message_type ] ;
if ( ! format ) return "<unknown message " + message_type + ">" ;
return FormatString ( format , message ) ;
function GetLineNumber ( message ) {
var start_position = % MessageGetStartPosition ( message ) ;
if ( start_position == - 1 ) return kNoLineNumberInfo ;
var script = % MessageGetScript ( message ) ;
var location = script . locationFromPosition ( start_position , true ) ;
if ( location == null ) return kNoLineNumberInfo ;
return location . line + 1 ;
// Returns the source code line containing the given source
// position, or the empty string if the position is invalid.
function GetSourceLine ( message ) {
var script = % MessageGetScript ( message ) ;
var start_position = % MessageGetStartPosition ( message ) ;
var location = script . locationFromPosition ( start_position , true ) ;
if ( location == null ) return "" ;
location . restrict ( ) ;
return location . sourceText ( ) ;
function MakeTypeError ( type , args ) {
return MakeGenericError ( $TypeError , type , args ) ;
function MakeRangeError ( type , args ) {
return MakeGenericError ( $RangeError , type , args ) ;
function MakeSyntaxError ( type , args ) {
return MakeGenericError ( $SyntaxError , type , args ) ;
function MakeReferenceError ( type , args ) {
return MakeGenericError ( $ReferenceError , type , args ) ;
function MakeEvalError ( type , args ) {
return MakeGenericError ( $EvalError , type , args ) ;
function MakeError ( type , args ) {
return MakeGenericError ( $Error , type , args ) ;
/ * *
* Find a line number given a specific source position .
* @ param { number } position The source position .
* @ return { number } 0 if input too small , - 1 if input too large ,
else the line number .
* /
function ScriptLineFromPosition ( position ) {
var lower = 0 ;
var upper = this . lineCount ( ) - 1 ;
var line_ends = this . line_ends ;
// We'll never find invalid positions so bail right away.
if ( position > line_ends [ upper ] ) {
return - 1 ;
// This means we don't have to safe-guard indexing line_ends[i - 1].
if ( position <= line_ends [ 0 ] ) {
return 0 ;
// Binary search to find line # from position range.
while ( upper >= 1 ) {
var i = ( lower + upper ) >> 1 ;
if ( position > line_ends [ i ] ) {
lower = i + 1 ;
} else if ( position <= line_ends [ i - 1 ] ) {
upper = i - 1 ;
} else {
return i ;
return - 1 ;
/ * *
* Get information on a specific source position .
* @ param { number } position The source position
* @ param { boolean } include_resource_offset Set to true to have the resource
* offset added to the location
* @ return { SourceLocation }
* If line is negative or not in the source null is returned .
* /
function ScriptLocationFromPosition ( position ,
include_resource_offset ) {
var line = this . lineFromPosition ( position ) ;
if ( line == - 1 ) return null ;
// Determine start, end and column.
var line_ends = this . line_ends ;
var start = line == 0 ? 0 : line_ends [ line - 1 ] + 1 ;
var end = line_ends [ line ] ;
if ( end > 0 && % _ CallFunction ( this . source , end - 1 , StringCharAt ) == '\r' ) {
end -- ;
var column = position - start ;
// Adjust according to the offset within the resource.
if ( include_resource_offset ) {
line += this . line_offset ;
if ( line == this . line_offset ) {
column += this . column_offset ;
return new SourceLocation ( this , position , line , column , start , end ) ;
/ * *
* Get information on a specific source line and column possibly offset by a
* fixed source position . This function is used to find a source position from
* a line and column position . The fixed source position offset is typically
* used to find a source position in a function based on a line and column in
* the source for the function alone . The offset passed will then be the
* start position of the source for the function within the full script source .
* @ param { number } opt_line The line within the source . Default value is 0
* @ param { number } opt_column The column in within the line . Default value is 0
* @ param { number } opt_offset_position The offset from the begining of the
* source from where the line and column calculation starts .
* Default value is 0
* @ return { SourceLocation }
* If line is negative or not in the source null is returned .
* /
function ScriptLocationFromLine ( opt_line , opt_column , opt_offset_position ) {
// Default is the first line in the script. Lines in the script is relative
// to the offset within the resource.
var line = 0 ;
if ( ! IS_UNDEFINED ( opt_line ) ) {
line = opt_line - this . line_offset ;
// Default is first column. If on the first line add the offset within the
// resource.
var column = opt_column || 0 ;
if ( line == 0 ) {
column -= this . column_offset ;
var offset_position = opt_offset_position || 0 ;
if ( line < 0 || column < 0 || offset_position < 0 ) return null ;
if ( line == 0 ) {
return this . locationFromPosition ( offset_position + column , false ) ;
} else {
// Find the line where the offset position is located.
var offset_line = this . lineFromPosition ( offset_position ) ;
if ( offset_line == - 1 || offset_line + line >= this . lineCount ( ) ) {
return null ;
return this . locationFromPosition (
this . line_ends [ offset_line + line - 1 ] + 1 + column ) ; // line > 0 here.
/ * *
* Get a slice of source code from the script . The boundaries for the slice is
* specified in lines .
* @ param { number } opt_from_line The first line ( zero bound ) in the slice .
* Default is 0
* @ param { number } opt_to_column The last line ( zero bound ) in the slice ( non
* inclusive ) . Default is the number of lines in the script
* @ return { SourceSlice } The source slice or null of the parameters where
* invalid
* /
function ScriptSourceSlice ( opt_from_line , opt_to_line ) {
var from_line = IS_UNDEFINED ( opt_from_line ) ? this . line_offset
: opt_from_line ;
var to_line = IS_UNDEFINED ( opt_to_line ) ? this . line_offset + this . lineCount ( )
: opt_to_line ;
// Adjust according to the offset within the resource.
from_line -= this . line_offset ;
to_line -= this . line_offset ;
if ( from_line < 0 ) from_line = 0 ;
if ( to_line > this . lineCount ( ) ) to_line = this . lineCount ( ) ;
// Check parameters.
if ( from_line >= this . lineCount ( ) ||
to_line < 0 ||
from_line > to_line ) {
return null ;
var line_ends = this . line_ends ;
var from_position = from_line == 0 ? 0 : line_ends [ from_line - 1 ] + 1 ;
var to_position = to_line == 0 ? 0 : line_ends [ to_line - 1 ] + 1 ;
// Return a source slice with line numbers re-adjusted to the resource.
return new SourceSlice ( this ,
from_line + this . line_offset ,
to_line + this . line_offset ,
from_position , to_position ) ;
function ScriptSourceLine ( opt_line ) {
// Default is the first line in the script. Lines in the script are relative
// to the offset within the resource.
var line = 0 ;
if ( ! IS_UNDEFINED ( opt_line ) ) {
line = opt_line - this . line_offset ;
// Check parameter.
if ( line < 0 || this . lineCount ( ) <= line ) {
return null ;
// Return the source line.
var line_ends = this . line_ends ;
var start = line == 0 ? 0 : line_ends [ line - 1 ] + 1 ;
var end = line_ends [ line ] ;
return % _ CallFunction ( this . source , start , end , StringSubstring ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the number of source lines .
* @ return { number }
* Number of source lines .
* /
function ScriptLineCount ( ) {
// Return number of source lines.
return this . line_ends . length ;
/ * *
* Returns the name of script if available , contents of sourceURL comment
* otherwise . See
* http : //fbug.googlecode.com/svn/branches/firebug1.1/docs/ReleaseNotes_1.1.txt
* for details on using //@ sourceURL comment to identify scritps that don't
* have name .
* @ return { ? string } script name if present , value for //@ sourceURL comment
* otherwise .
* /
function ScriptNameOrSourceURL ( ) {
if ( this . name ) {
return this . name ;
// TODO(608): the spaces in a regexp below had to be escaped as \040
// because this file is being processed by js2c whose handling of spaces
// in regexps is broken. Also, ['"] are excluded from allowed URLs to
// avoid matches against sources that invoke evals with sourceURL.
// A better solution would be to detect these special comments in
// the scanner/parser.
var source = ToString ( this . source ) ;
var sourceUrlPos = % StringIndexOf ( source , "sourceURL=" , 0 ) ;
if ( sourceUrlPos > 4 ) {
var sourceUrlPattern =
/\/\/@[\040\t]sourceURL=[\040\t]*([^\s\'\"]*)[\040\t]*$/gm ;
// Don't reuse lastMatchInfo here, so we create a new array with room
// for four captures (array with length one longer than the index
// of the fourth capture, where the numbering is zero-based).
var matchInfo = new InternalArray ( CAPTURE ( 3 ) + 1 ) ;
var match =
% _ RegExpExec ( sourceUrlPattern , source , sourceUrlPos - 4 , matchInfo ) ;
if ( match ) {
return SubString ( source , matchInfo [ CAPTURE ( 2 ) ] , matchInfo [ CAPTURE ( 3 ) ] ) ;
return this . name ;
SetUpLockedPrototype ( Script ,
$Array ( "source" , "name" , "line_ends" , "line_offset" , "column_offset" ) ,
$Array (
"lineFromPosition" , ScriptLineFromPosition ,
"locationFromPosition" , ScriptLocationFromPosition ,
"locationFromLine" , ScriptLocationFromLine ,
"sourceSlice" , ScriptSourceSlice ,
"sourceLine" , ScriptSourceLine ,
"lineCount" , ScriptLineCount ,
"nameOrSourceURL" , ScriptNameOrSourceURL
) ;
/ * *
* Class for source location . A source location is a position within some
* source with the following properties :
* script : script object for the source
* line : source line number
* column : source column within the line
* position : position within the source
* start : position of start of source context ( inclusive )
* end : position of end of source context ( not inclusive )
* Source text for the source context is the character interval
* [ start , end [ . In most cases end will point to a newline character .
* It might point just past the final position of the source if the last
* source line does not end with a newline character .
* @ param { Script } script The Script object for which this is a location
* @ param { number } position Source position for the location
* @ param { number } line The line number for the location
* @ param { number } column The column within the line for the location
* @ param { number } start Source position for start of source context
* @ param { number } end Source position for end of source context
* @ constructor
* /
function SourceLocation ( script , position , line , column , start , end ) {
this . script = script ;
this . position = position ;
this . line = line ;
this . column = column ;
this . start = start ;
this . end = end ;
const kLineLengthLimit = 78 ;
/ * *
* Restrict source location start and end positions to make the source slice
* no more that a certain number of characters wide .
* @ param { number } opt_limit The with limit of the source text with a default
* of 78
* @ param { number } opt_before The number of characters to prefer before the
* position with a default value of 10 less that the limit
* /
function SourceLocationRestrict ( opt_limit , opt_before ) {
// Find the actual limit to use.
var limit ;
var before ;
if ( ! IS_UNDEFINED ( opt_limit ) ) {
limit = opt_limit ;
} else {
limit = kLineLengthLimit ;
if ( ! IS_UNDEFINED ( opt_before ) ) {
before = opt_before ;
} else {
// If no before is specified center for small limits and perfer more source
// before the the position that after for longer limits.
if ( limit <= 20 ) {
before = $floor ( limit / 2 ) ;
} else {
before = limit - 10 ;
if ( before >= limit ) {
before = limit - 1 ;
// If the [start, end[ interval is too big we restrict
// it in one or both ends. We make sure to always produce
// restricted intervals of maximum allowed size.
if ( this . end - this . start > limit ) {
var start_limit = this . position - before ;
var end_limit = this . position + limit - before ;
if ( this . start < start_limit && end_limit < this . end ) {
this . start = start_limit ;
this . end = end_limit ;
} else if ( this . start < start_limit ) {
this . start = this . end - limit ;
} else {
this . end = this . start + limit ;
/ * *
* Get the source text for a SourceLocation
* @ return { String }
* Source text for this location .
* /
function SourceLocationSourceText ( ) {
return % _ CallFunction ( this . script . source ,
this . start ,
this . end ,
StringSubstring ) ;
SetUpLockedPrototype ( SourceLocation ,
$Array ( "script" , "position" , "line" , "column" , "start" , "end" ) ,
$Array (
"restrict" , SourceLocationRestrict ,
"sourceText" , SourceLocationSourceText
) ;
/ * *
* Class for a source slice . A source slice is a part of a script source with
* the following properties :
* script : script object for the source
* from_line : line number for the first line in the slice
* to_line : source line number for the last line in the slice
* from_position : position of the first character in the slice
* to_position : position of the last character in the slice
* The to_line and to_position are not included in the slice , that is the lines
* in the slice are [ from_line , to_line [ . Likewise the characters in the slice
* are [ from_position , to_position [ .
* @ param { Script } script The Script object for the source slice
* @ param { number } from_line
* @ param { number } to_line
* @ param { number } from_position
* @ param { number } to_position
* @ constructor
* /
function SourceSlice ( script , from_line , to_line , from_position , to_position ) {
this . script = script ;
this . from_line = from_line ;
this . to_line = to_line ;
this . from_position = from_position ;
this . to_position = to_position ;
/ * *
* Get the source text for a SourceSlice
* @ return { String } Source text for this slice . The last line will include
* the line terminating characters ( if any )
* /
function SourceSliceSourceText ( ) {
return % _ CallFunction ( this . script . source ,
this . from_position ,
this . to_position ,
StringSubstring ) ;
SetUpLockedPrototype ( SourceSlice ,
$Array ( "script" , "from_line" , "to_line" , "from_position" , "to_position" ) ,
$Array ( "sourceText" , SourceSliceSourceText )
) ;
// Returns the offset of the given position within the containing
// line.
function GetPositionInLine ( message ) {
var script = % MessageGetScript ( message ) ;
var start_position = % MessageGetStartPosition ( message ) ;
var location = script . locationFromPosition ( start_position , false ) ;
if ( location == null ) return - 1 ;
location . restrict ( ) ;
return start_position - location . start ;
function GetStackTraceLine ( recv , fun , pos , isGlobal ) {
return FormatSourcePosition ( new CallSite ( recv , fun , pos ) ) ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Error implementation
// Defines accessors for a property that is calculated the first time
// the property is read.
function DefineOneShotAccessor ( obj , name , fun ) {
// Note that the accessors consistently operate on 'obj', not 'this'.
// Since the object may occur in someone else's prototype chain we
// can't rely on 'this' being the same as 'obj'.
var hasBeenSet = false ;
var value ;
function getter ( ) {
if ( hasBeenSet ) {
return value ;
hasBeenSet = true ;
value = fun ( obj ) ;
return value ;
function setter ( v ) {
hasBeenSet = true ;
value = v ;
% DefineOrRedefineAccessorProperty ( obj , name , GETTER , getter , DONT_ENUM ) ;
% DefineOrRedefineAccessorProperty ( obj , name , SETTER , setter , DONT_ENUM ) ;
function CallSite ( receiver , fun , pos ) {
this . receiver = receiver ;
this . fun = fun ;
this . pos = pos ;
function CallSiteGetThis ( ) {
return this . receiver ;
function CallSiteGetTypeName ( ) {
var constructor = this . receiver . constructor ;
if ( ! constructor ) {
return % _ CallFunction ( this . receiver , ObjectToString ) ;
var constructorName = constructor . name ;
if ( ! constructorName ) {
return % _ CallFunction ( this . receiver , ObjectToString ) ;
return constructorName ;
function CallSiteIsToplevel ( ) {
if ( this . receiver == null ) {
return true ;
return IS_GLOBAL ( this . receiver ) ;
function CallSiteIsEval ( ) {
var script = % FunctionGetScript ( this . fun ) ;
return script && script . compilation_type == COMPILATION_TYPE_EVAL ;
function CallSiteGetEvalOrigin ( ) {
var script = % FunctionGetScript ( this . fun ) ;
return FormatEvalOrigin ( script ) ;
function CallSiteGetScriptNameOrSourceURL ( ) {
var script = % FunctionGetScript ( this . fun ) ;
return script ? script . nameOrSourceURL ( ) : null ;
function CallSiteGetFunction ( ) {
return this . fun ;
function CallSiteGetFunctionName ( ) {
// See if the function knows its own name
var name = this . fun . name ;
if ( name ) {
return name ;
} else {
return % FunctionGetInferredName ( this . fun ) ;
// Maybe this is an evaluation?
var script = % FunctionGetScript ( this . fun ) ;
if ( script && script . compilation_type == COMPILATION_TYPE_EVAL ) {
return "eval" ;
return null ;
function CallSiteGetMethodName ( ) {
// See if we can find a unique property on the receiver that holds
// this function.
var ownName = this . fun . name ;
if ( ownName && this . receiver &&
( % _ CallFunction ( this . receiver ,
ownName ,
ObjectLookupGetter ) === this . fun ||
% _ CallFunction ( this . receiver ,
ownName ,
ObjectLookupSetter ) === this . fun ||
this . receiver [ ownName ] === this . fun ) ) {
// To handle DontEnum properties we guess that the method has
// the same name as the function.
return ownName ;
var name = null ;
for ( var prop in this . receiver ) {
if ( this . receiver . __ lookupGetter__ ( prop ) === this . fun ||
this . receiver . __ lookupSetter__ ( prop ) === this . fun ||
( ! this . receiver . __ lookupGetter__ ( prop ) &&
this . receiver [ prop ] === this . fun ) ) {
// If we find more than one match bail out to avoid confusion.
if ( name ) {
return null ;
name = prop ;
if ( name ) {
return name ;
return null ;
function CallSiteGetFileName ( ) {
var script = % FunctionGetScript ( this . fun ) ;
return script ? script . name : null ;
function CallSiteGetLineNumber ( ) {
if ( this . pos == - 1 ) {
return null ;
var script = % FunctionGetScript ( this . fun ) ;
var location = null ;
if ( script ) {
location = script . locationFromPosition ( this . pos , true ) ;
return location ? location . line + 1 : null ;
function CallSiteGetColumnNumber ( ) {
if ( this . pos == - 1 ) {
return null ;
var script = % FunctionGetScript ( this . fun ) ;
var location = null ;
if ( script ) {
location = script . locationFromPosition ( this . pos , true ) ;
return location ? location . column + 1 : null ;
function CallSiteIsNative ( ) {
var script = % FunctionGetScript ( this . fun ) ;
return script ? ( script . type == TYPE_NATIVE ) : false ;
function CallSiteGetPosition ( ) {
return this . pos ;
function CallSiteIsConstructor ( ) {
var constructor = this . receiver ? this . receiver . constructor : null ;
if ( ! constructor ) {
return false ;
return this . fun === constructor ;
SetUpLockedPrototype ( CallSite , $Array ( "receiver" , "fun" , "pos" ) , $Array (
"getThis" , CallSiteGetThis ,
"getTypeName" , CallSiteGetTypeName ,
"isToplevel" , CallSiteIsToplevel ,
"isEval" , CallSiteIsEval ,
"getEvalOrigin" , CallSiteGetEvalOrigin ,
"getScriptNameOrSourceURL" , CallSiteGetScriptNameOrSourceURL ,
"getFunction" , CallSiteGetFunction ,
"getFunctionName" , CallSiteGetFunctionName ,
"getMethodName" , CallSiteGetMethodName ,
"getFileName" , CallSiteGetFileName ,
"getLineNumber" , CallSiteGetLineNumber ,
"getColumnNumber" , CallSiteGetColumnNumber ,
"isNative" , CallSiteIsNative ,
"getPosition" , CallSiteGetPosition ,
"isConstructor" , CallSiteIsConstructor
) ) ;
function FormatEvalOrigin ( script ) {
var sourceURL = script . nameOrSourceURL ( ) ;
if ( sourceURL ) {
return sourceURL ;
var eval_origin = "eval at " ;
if ( script . eval_from_function_name ) {
eval_origin += script . eval_from_function_name ;
} else {
eval_origin += "<anonymous>" ;
var eval_from_script = script . eval_from_script ;
if ( eval_from_script ) {
if ( eval_from_script . compilation_type == COMPILATION_TYPE_EVAL ) {
// eval script originated from another eval.
eval_origin += " (" + FormatEvalOrigin ( eval_from_script ) + ")" ;
} else {
// eval script originated from "real" source.
if ( eval_from_script . name ) {
eval_origin += " (" + eval_from_script . name ;
var location = eval_from_script . locationFromPosition (
script . eval_from_script_position , true ) ;
if ( location ) {
eval_origin += ":" + ( location . line + 1 ) ;
eval_origin += ":" + ( location . column + 1 ) ;
eval_origin += ")" ;
} else {
eval_origin += " (unknown source)" ;
return eval_origin ;
function FormatSourcePosition ( frame ) {
var fileName ;
var fileLocation = "" ;
if ( frame . isNative ( ) ) {
fileLocation = "native" ;
} else if ( frame . isEval ( ) ) {
fileName = frame . getScriptNameOrSourceURL ( ) ;
if ( ! fileName ) {
fileLocation = frame . getEvalOrigin ( ) ;
} else {
fileName = frame . getFileName ( ) ;
if ( fileName ) {
fileLocation += fileName ;
var lineNumber = frame . getLineNumber ( ) ;
if ( lineNumber != null ) {
fileLocation += ":" + lineNumber ;
var columnNumber = frame . getColumnNumber ( ) ;
if ( columnNumber ) {
fileLocation += ":" + columnNumber ;
if ( ! fileLocation ) {
fileLocation = "unknown source" ;
var line = "" ;
var functionName = frame . getFunction ( ) . name ;
var addPrefix = true ;
var isConstructor = frame . isConstructor ( ) ;
var isMethodCall = ! ( frame . isToplevel ( ) || isConstructor ) ;
if ( isMethodCall ) {
var methodName = frame . getMethodName ( ) ;
line += frame . getTypeName ( ) + "." ;
if ( functionName ) {
line += functionName ;
if ( methodName && ( methodName != functionName ) ) {
line += " [as " + methodName + "]" ;
} else {
line += methodName || "<anonymous>" ;
} else if ( isConstructor ) {
line += "new " + ( functionName || "<anonymous>" ) ;
} else if ( functionName ) {
line += functionName ;
} else {
line += fileLocation ;
addPrefix = false ;
if ( addPrefix ) {
line += " (" + fileLocation + ")" ;
return line ;
function FormatStackTrace ( error , frames ) {
var lines = [ ] ;
try {
lines . push ( error . toString ( ) ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
try {
lines . push ( "<error: " + e + ">" ) ;
} catch ( ee ) {
lines . push ( "<error>" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < frames . length ; i ++ ) {
var frame = frames [ i ] ;
var line ;
try {
line = FormatSourcePosition ( frame ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
try {
line = "<error: " + e + ">" ;
} catch ( ee ) {
// Any code that reaches this point is seriously nasty!
line = "<error>" ;
lines . push ( " at " + line ) ;
return lines . join ( "\n" ) ;
function FormatRawStackTrace ( error , raw_stack ) {
var frames = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < raw_stack . length ; i += 4 ) {
var recv = raw_stack [ i ] ;
var fun = raw_stack [ i + 1 ] ;
var code = raw_stack [ i + 2 ] ;
var pc = raw_stack [ i + 3 ] ;
var pos = % FunctionGetPositionForOffset ( code , pc ) ;
frames . push ( new CallSite ( recv , fun , pos ) ) ;
if ( IS_FUNCTION ( $Error . prepareStackTrace ) ) {
return $Error . prepareStackTrace ( error , frames ) ;
} else {
return FormatStackTrace ( error , frames ) ;
function captureStackTrace ( obj , cons_opt ) {
var stackTraceLimit = $Error . stackTraceLimit ;
if ( ! stackTraceLimit || ! IS_NUMBER ( stackTraceLimit ) ) return ;
if ( stackTraceLimit < 0 || stackTraceLimit > 10000 ) {
stackTraceLimit = 10000 ;
var raw_stack = % CollectStackTrace ( obj ,
cons_opt ? cons_opt : captureStackTrace ,
stackTraceLimit ) ;
DefineOneShotAccessor ( obj , 'stack' , function ( obj ) {
return FormatRawStackTrace ( obj , raw_stack ) ;
} ) ;
function SetUpError ( ) {
// Define special error type constructors.
function DefineError ( f ) {
// Store the error function in both the global object
// and the runtime object. The function is fetched
// from the runtime object when throwing errors from
// within the runtime system to avoid strange side
// effects when overwriting the error functions from
// user code.
var name = f . name ;
% SetProperty ( global , name , f , DONT_ENUM ) ;
% SetProperty ( builtins , '$' + name , f , DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY ) ;
// Configure the error function.
if ( name == 'Error' ) {
// The prototype of the Error object must itself be an error.
// However, it can't be an instance of the Error object because
// it hasn't been properly configured yet. Instead we create a
// special not-a-true-error-but-close-enough object.
function ErrorPrototype ( ) { }
% FunctionSetPrototype ( ErrorPrototype , $Object . prototype ) ;
% FunctionSetInstanceClassName ( ErrorPrototype , 'Error' ) ;
% FunctionSetPrototype ( f , new ErrorPrototype ( ) ) ;
} else {
% FunctionSetPrototype ( f , new $Error ( ) ) ;
% FunctionSetInstanceClassName ( f , 'Error' ) ;
% SetProperty ( f . prototype , 'constructor' , f , DONT_ENUM ) ;
// The name property on the prototype of error objects is not
// specified as being read-one and dont-delete. However, allowing
// overwriting allows leaks of error objects between script blocks
// in the same context in a browser setting. Therefore we fix the
// name.
% SetProperty ( f . prototype , "name" , name ,
% SetCode ( f , function ( m ) {
if ( % _ IsConstructCall ( ) ) {
// Define all the expected properties directly on the error
// object. This avoids going through getters and setters defined
// on prototype objects.
% IgnoreAttributesAndSetProperty ( this , 'stack' , void 0 , DONT_ENUM ) ;
% IgnoreAttributesAndSetProperty ( this , 'arguments' , void 0 , DONT_ENUM ) ;
% IgnoreAttributesAndSetProperty ( this , 'type' , void 0 , DONT_ENUM ) ;
if ( m === kAddMessageAccessorsMarker ) {
// DefineOneShotAccessor always inserts a message property and
// ignores setters.
DefineOneShotAccessor ( this , 'message' , function ( obj ) {
return FormatMessage ( % NewMessageObject ( obj . type , obj . arguments ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( ! IS_UNDEFINED ( m ) ) {
% IgnoreAttributesAndSetProperty ( this ,
'message' ,
ToString ( m ) ,
captureStackTrace ( this , f ) ;
} else {
return new f ( m ) ;
} ) ;
% SetNativeFlag ( f ) ;
DefineError ( function Error ( ) { } ) ;
DefineError ( function TypeError ( ) { } ) ;
DefineError ( function RangeError ( ) { } ) ;
DefineError ( function SyntaxError ( ) { } ) ;
DefineError ( function ReferenceError ( ) { } ) ;
DefineError ( function EvalError ( ) { } ) ;
DefineError ( function URIError ( ) { } ) ;
SetUpError ( ) ;
$Error . captureStackTrace = captureStackTrace ;
% SetProperty ( $Error . prototype , 'message' , '' , DONT_ENUM ) ;
// Global list of error objects visited during ErrorToString. This is
// used to detect cycles in error toString formatting.
const visited_errors = new InternalArray ( ) ;
const cyclic_error_marker = new $Object ( ) ;
function ErrorToStringDetectCycle ( error ) {
if ( ! % PushIfAbsent ( visited_errors , error ) ) throw cyclic_error_marker ;
try {
var type = error . type ;
var name = error . name ;
name = IS_UNDEFINED ( name ) ? "Error" : TO_STRING_INLINE ( name ) ;
var message = error . message ;
var hasMessage = % _ CallFunction ( error , "message" , ObjectHasOwnProperty ) ;
if ( type && ! hasMessage ) {
message = FormatMessage ( % NewMessageObject ( type , error . arguments ) ) ;
message = IS_UNDEFINED ( message ) ? "" : TO_STRING_INLINE ( message ) ;
if ( name === "" ) return message ;
if ( message === "" ) return name ;
return name + ": " + message ;
} finally {
visited_errors . length = visited_errors . length - 1 ;
function ErrorToString ( ) {
if ( IS_NULL_OR_UNDEFINED ( this ) && ! IS_UNDETECTABLE ( this ) ) {
throw MakeTypeError ( "called_on_null_or_undefined" ,
[ "Error.prototype.toString" ] ) ;
try {
return ErrorToStringDetectCycle ( this ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
// If this error message was encountered already return the empty
// string for it instead of recursively formatting it.
if ( e === cyclic_error_marker ) {
return '' ;
throw e ;
InstallFunctions ( $Error . prototype , DONT_ENUM , [ 'toString' , ErrorToString ] ) ;
// Boilerplate for exceptions for stack overflows. Used from
// Isolate::StackOverflow().
const kStackOverflowBoilerplate = MakeRangeError ( 'stack_overflow' , [ ] ) ;