// Generated by LiveScript 1.3.1
var VERSION, ref$, id, map, compact, any, groupBy, partition, chars, isItNaN, keys, Obj, camelize, deepIs, closestString, nameToRaw, dasherize, generateHelp, generateHelpForOption, parsedTypeCheck, parseType, parseLevn, camelizeKeys, parseString, main, toString$ = {}.toString, slice$ = [].slice;
VERSION = '0.6.0';
ref$ = require('prelude-ls'), id = ref$.id, map = ref$.map, compact = ref$.compact, any = ref$.any, groupBy = ref$.groupBy, partition = ref$.partition, chars = ref$.chars, isItNaN = ref$.isItNaN, keys = ref$.keys, Obj = ref$.Obj, camelize = ref$.camelize;
deepIs = require('deep-is');
ref$ = require('./util'), closestString = ref$.closestString, nameToRaw = ref$.nameToRaw, dasherize = ref$.dasherize;
ref$ = require('./help'), generateHelp = ref$.generateHelp, generateHelpForOption = ref$.generateHelpForOption;
ref$ = require('type-check'), parsedTypeCheck = ref$.parsedTypeCheck, parseType = ref$.parseType;
parseLevn = require('levn').parsedTypeParse;
camelizeKeys = function(obj){
var key, value, resultObj$ = {};
for (key in obj) {
value = obj[key];
resultObj$[camelize(key)] = value;
return resultObj$;
parseString = function(string){
var assignOpt, regex, replaceRegex, result;
assignOpt = '--?[a-zA-Z][-a-z-A-Z0-9]*=';
regex = RegExp('(?:' + assignOpt + ')?(?:\'(?:\\\\\'|[^\'])+\'|"(?:\\\\"|[^"])+")|[^\'"\\s]+', 'g');
replaceRegex = RegExp('^(' + assignOpt + ')?[\'"]([\\s\\S]*)[\'"]$');
result = map(function(it){
return it.replace(replaceRegex, '$1$2');
}, string.match(regex) || []);
return result;
main = function(libOptions){
var opts, defaults, required, traverse, getOption, parse;
opts = {};
defaults = {};
required = [];
if (toString$.call(libOptions.stdout).slice(8, -1) === 'Undefined') {
libOptions.stdout = process.stdout;
libOptions.positionalAnywhere == null && (libOptions.positionalAnywhere = true);
libOptions.defaults == null && (libOptions.defaults = {});
libOptions.defaults.concatRepeatedArrays = libOptions.concatRepeatedArrays;
libOptions.defaults.mergeRepeatedObjects = libOptions.mergeRepeatedObjects;
traverse = function(options){
var i$, len$, option, name, k, ref$, v, e, parsedPossibilities, parsedType, j$, len1$, possibility, that, rawDependsType, dependsOpts, dependsType, alias, shortNames, longNames;
if (toString$.call(options).slice(8, -1) !== 'Array') {
throw new Error('No options defined.');
for (i$ = 0, len$ = options.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
option = options[i$];
if (option.heading == null) {
name = option.option;
if (opts[name] != null) {
throw new Error("Option '" + name + "' already defined.");
for (k in ref$ = libOptions.defaults) {
v = ref$[k];
option[k] == null && (option[k] = v);
if (option.type === 'Boolean') {
option.boolean == null && (option.boolean = true);
if (option.parsedType == null) {
if (!option.type) {
throw new Error("No type defined for option '" + name + "'.");
try {
option.parsedType = parseType(option.type);
} catch (e$) {
e = e$;
throw new Error("Option '" + name + "': Error parsing type '" + option.type + "': " + e.message);
if (option['default']) {
try {
defaults[name] = parseLevn(option.parsedType, option['default']);
} catch (e$) {
e = e$;
throw new Error("Option '" + name + "': Error parsing default value '" + option['default'] + "' for type '" + option.type + "': " + e.message);
if (option['enum'] && !option.parsedPossiblities) {
parsedPossibilities = [];
parsedType = option.parsedType;
for (j$ = 0, len1$ = (ref$ = option['enum']).length; j$ < len1$; ++j$) {
possibility = ref$[j$];
try {
parsedPossibilities.push(parseLevn(parsedType, possibility));
} catch (e$) {
e = e$;
throw new Error("Option '" + name + "': Error parsing enum value '" + possibility + "' for type '" + option.type + "': " + e.message);
option.parsedPossibilities = parsedPossibilities;
if (that = option.dependsOn) {
if (that.length) {
ref$ = [].concat(option.dependsOn), rawDependsType = ref$[0], dependsOpts = slice$.call(ref$, 1);
dependsType = rawDependsType.toLowerCase();
if (dependsOpts.length) {
if (dependsType === 'and' || dependsType === 'or') {
option.dependsOn = [dependsType].concat(slice$.call(dependsOpts));
} else {
throw new Error("Option '" + name + "': If you have more than one dependency, you must specify either 'and' or 'or'");
} else {
if ((ref$ = dependsType.toLowerCase()) === 'and' || ref$ === 'or') {
option.dependsOn = null;
} else {
option.dependsOn = ['and', rawDependsType];
} else {
option.dependsOn = null;
if (option.required) {
opts[name] = option;
if (option.alias || option.aliases) {
if (name === 'NUM') {
throw new Error("-NUM option can't have aliases.");
if (option.alias) {
option.aliases == null && (option.aliases = [].concat(option.alias));
for (j$ = 0, len1$ = (ref$ = option.aliases).length; j$ < len1$; ++j$) {
alias = ref$[j$];
if (opts[alias] != null) {
throw new Error("Option '" + alias + "' already defined.");
opts[alias] = option;
ref$ = partition(fn$, option.aliases), shortNames = ref$[0], longNames = ref$[1];
option.shortNames == null && (option.shortNames = shortNames);
option.longNames == null && (option.longNames = longNames);
if ((!option.aliases || option.shortNames.length === 0) && option.type === 'Boolean' && option['default'] === 'true') {
option.negateName = true;
function fn$(it){
return it.length === 1;
getOption = function(name){
var opt, possiblyMeant;
opt = opts[name];
if (opt == null) {
possiblyMeant = closestString(keys(opts), name);
throw new Error("Invalid option '" + nameToRaw(name) + "'" + (possiblyMeant ? " - perhaps you meant '" + nameToRaw(possiblyMeant) + "'?" : '.'));
return opt;
parse = function(input, arg$){
var slice, obj, positional, restPositional, overrideRequired, prop, setValue, setDefaults, checkRequired, mutuallyExclusiveError, checkMutuallyExclusive, checkDependency, checkDependencies, args, key, value, option, ref$, i$, len$, arg, that, result, short, argName, usingAssign, val, flags, len, j$, len1$, i, flag, opt, name, negated, noedName, valPrime;
slice = (arg$ != null
? arg$
: {}).slice;
obj = {};
positional = [];
restPositional = false;
overrideRequired = false;
prop = null;
setValue = function(name, value){
var opt, val, e, currentType;
opt = getOption(name);
if (opt.boolean) {
val = value;
} else {
try {
val = parseLevn(opt.parsedType, value);
} catch (e$) {
e = e$;
throw new Error("Invalid value for option '" + name + "' - expected type " + opt.type + ", received value: " + value + ".");
if (opt['enum'] && !any(function(it){
return deepIs(it, val);
}, opt.parsedPossibilities)) {
throw new Error("Option " + name + ": '" + val + "' not in [" + opt['enum'].join(', ') + "].");
currentType = toString$.call(obj[name]).slice(8, -1);
if (obj[name] != null) {
if (opt.concatRepeatedArrays && currentType === 'Array') {
obj[name] = obj[name].concat(val);
} else if (opt.mergeRepeatedObjects && currentType === 'Object') {
import$(obj[name], val);
} else {
obj[name] = val;
} else {
obj[name] = val;
if (opt.restPositional) {
restPositional = true;
if (opt.overrideRequired) {
overrideRequired = true;
setDefaults = function(){
var name, ref$, value;
for (name in ref$ = defaults) {
value = ref$[name];
if (obj[name] == null) {
obj[name] = value;
checkRequired = function(){
var i$, ref$, len$, name;
if (overrideRequired) {
for (i$ = 0, len$ = (ref$ = required).length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
name = ref$[i$];
if (!obj[name]) {
throw new Error("Option " + nameToRaw(name) + " is required.");
mutuallyExclusiveError = function(first, second){
throw new Error("The options " + nameToRaw(first) + " and " + nameToRaw(second) + " are mutually exclusive - you cannot use them at the same time.");
checkMutuallyExclusive = function(){
var rules, i$, len$, rule, present, j$, len1$, element, k$, len2$, opt;
rules = libOptions.mutuallyExclusive;
if (!rules) {
for (i$ = 0, len$ = rules.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
rule = rules[i$];
present = null;
for (j$ = 0, len1$ = rule.length; j$ < len1$; ++j$) {
element = rule[j$];
if (toString$.call(element).slice(8, -1) === 'Array') {
for (k$ = 0, len2$ = element.length; k$ < len2$; ++k$) {
opt = element[k$];
if (opt in obj) {
if (present != null) {
mutuallyExclusiveError(present, opt);
} else {
present = opt;
} else {
if (element in obj) {
if (present != null) {
mutuallyExclusiveError(present, element);
} else {
present = element;
checkDependency = function(option){
var dependsOn, type, targetOptionNames, i$, len$, targetOptionName, targetOption;
dependsOn = option.dependsOn;
if (!dependsOn || option.dependenciesMet) {
return true;
type = dependsOn[0], targetOptionNames = slice$.call(dependsOn, 1);
for (i$ = 0, len$ = targetOptionNames.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
targetOptionName = targetOptionNames[i$];
targetOption = obj[targetOptionName];
if (targetOption && checkDependency(targetOption)) {
if (type === 'or') {
return true;
} else if (type === 'and') {
throw new Error("The option '" + option.option + "' did not have its dependencies met.");
if (type === 'and') {
return true;
} else {
throw new Error("The option '" + option.option + "' did not meet any of its dependencies.");
checkDependencies = function(){
var name;
for (name in obj) {
switch (toString$.call(input).slice(8, -1)) {
case 'String':
args = parseString(input.slice(slice != null ? slice : 0));
case 'Array':
args = input.slice(slice != null ? slice : 2);
case 'Object':
obj = {};
for (key in input) {
value = input[key];
if (key !== '_') {
option = getOption(dasherize(key));
if (parsedTypeCheck(option.parsedType, value)) {
obj[option.option] = value;
} else {
throw new Error("Option '" + option.option + "': Invalid type for '" + value + "' - expected type '" + option.type + "'.");
return ref$ = camelizeKeys(obj), ref$._ = input._ || [], ref$;
throw new Error("Invalid argument to 'parse': " + input + ".");
for (i$ = 0, len$ = args.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
arg = args[i$];
if (arg === '--') {
restPositional = true;
} else if (restPositional) {
} else {
if (that = arg.match(/^(--?)([a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*)(=)?(.*)?$/)) {
result = that;
if (prop) {
throw new Error("Value for '" + prop + "' of type '" + getOption(prop).type + "' required.");
short = result[1].length === 1;
argName = result[2];
usingAssign = result[3] != null;
val = result[4];
if (usingAssign && val == null) {
throw new Error("No value for '" + argName + "' specified.");
if (short) {
flags = chars(argName);
len = flags.length;
for (j$ = 0, len1$ = flags.length; j$ < len1$; ++j$) {
i = j$;
flag = flags[j$];
opt = getOption(flag);
name = opt.option;
if (restPositional) {
} else if (opt.boolean) {
setValue(name, true);
} else if (i === len - 1) {
if (usingAssign) {
setValue(name, val);
} else {
prop = name;
} else {
throw new Error("Can't set argument '" + flag + "' when not last flag in a group of short flags.");
} else {
negated = false;
if (that = argName.match(/^no-(.+)$/)) {
negated = true;
noedName = that[1];
opt = getOption(noedName);
} else {
opt = getOption(argName);
name = opt.option;
if (opt.boolean) {
valPrime = usingAssign ? parseLevn([{
type: 'Boolean'
}], val) : true;
if (negated) {
setValue(name, !valPrime);
} else {
setValue(name, valPrime);
} else {
if (negated) {
throw new Error("Only use 'no-' prefix for Boolean options, not with '" + noedName + "'.");
if (usingAssign) {
setValue(name, val);
} else {
prop = name;
} else if (that = arg.match(/^-([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)$/)) {
opt = opts.NUM;
if (!opt) {
throw new Error('No -NUM option defined.');
setValue(opt.option, that[1]);
} else {
if (prop) {
setValue(prop, arg);
prop = null;
} else {
if (!libOptions.positionalAnywhere) {
restPositional = true;
return ref$ = camelizeKeys(obj), ref$._ = positional, ref$;
return {
parse: parse,
generateHelp: generateHelp(libOptions),
generateHelpForOption: generateHelpForOption(getOption, libOptions)
module.exports = main;
function import$(obj, src){
var own = {}.hasOwnProperty;
for (var key in src) if (own.call(src, key)) obj[key] = src[key];
return obj;