'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const URLSearchParams = require('url').URLSearchParams;
let params;
let matches;
// getAll() basics
params = new URLSearchParams('a=b&c=d');
assert.deepStrictEqual(params.getAll('a'), ['b']);
assert.deepStrictEqual(params.getAll('c'), ['d']);
assert.deepStrictEqual(params.getAll('e'), []);
params = new URLSearchParams('a=b&c=d&a=e');
assert.deepStrictEqual(params.getAll('a'), ['b', 'e']);
params = new URLSearchParams('=b&c=d');
assert.deepStrictEqual(params.getAll(''), ['b']);
params = new URLSearchParams('a=&c=d&a=e');
assert.deepStrictEqual(params.getAll('a'), ['', 'e']);
// getAll() multiples
params = new URLSearchParams('a=1&a=2&a=3&a');
assert.strictEqual(true, params.has('a'),
'Search params object has name "a"');
matches = params.getAll('a');
assert(matches && matches.length == 4,
'Search params object has values for name "a"');
assert.deepStrictEqual(matches, ['1', '2', '3', ''],
'Search params object has expected name "a" values');
params.set('a', 'one');
assert.strictEqual(params.get('a'), 'one',
'Search params object has name "a" with value "one"');
matches = params.getAll('a');
assert(matches && matches.length == 1,
'Search params object has values for name "a"');
assert.deepStrictEqual(matches, ['one'],
'Search params object has expected name "a" values');
assert.throws(() => {
}, /^TypeError: Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParams$/);
assert.throws(() => {
}, /^TypeError: "name" argument must be specified$/);