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602 lines
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// XXX lib/cache.js and this file need to be rewritten.
// commands for packing and unpacking tarballs
// this file is used by lib/cache.js
var npm = require("../npm.js")
, fs = require("graceful-fs")
, exec = require("./exec.js")
, find = require("./find.js")
, mkdir = require("./mkdir-p.js")
, asyncMap = require("slide").asyncMap
, path = require("path")
, log = require("./log.js")
, uidNumber = require("./uid-number.js")
, rm = require("rimraf")
, readJson = require("./read-json.js")
, relativize = require("./relativize.js")
, cache = require("../cache.js")
, excludes = require("./excludes.js")
, myUid = process.getuid && process.getuid()
, myGid = process.getgid && process.getgid()
, tar = require("tar")
, zlib = require("zlib")
, fstream = require("fstream")
if (process.env.SUDO_UID && myUid === 0) {
if (!isNaN(process.env.SUDO_UID)) myUid = +process.env.SUDO_UID
if (!isNaN(process.env.SUDO_GID)) myGid = +process.env.SUDO_GID
exports.pack = pack
exports.unpack = unpack
exports.makeList = makeList
function pack (targetTarball, folder, pkg, dfc, cb) {
if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = dfc, dfc = true
13 years ago
folder = path.resolve(folder)
log.verbose(folder, "pack")
if (typeof pkg === "function") {
cb = pkg, pkg = null
return readJson(path.resolve(folder, "package.json"), function (er, pkg) {
if (er) return, "Couldn't find package.json in "+folder)(er)
pack(targetTarball, folder, pkg, dfc, cb)
log.verbose(folder+" "+targetTarball, "pack")
var parent = path.dirname(folder)
, addFolder = path.basename(folder)
var confEx = npm.config.get("ignore")
log.silly(folder, "makeList")
makeList(folder, pkg, dfc, function (er, files, cleanup) {
if (er) return cb(er)
// log.silly(files, "files")
return packFiles(targetTarball, parent, files, pkg, function (er) {
if (!cleanup || !cleanup.length) return cb(er)
// try to be a good citizen, even/especially in the event of failure.
cleanupResolveLinkDep(cleanup, function (er2) {
if (er || er2) {
if (er) log(er, "packing tarball")
if (er2) log(er2, "while cleaning up resolved deps")
return cb(er || er2)
function packFiles (targetTarball, parent, files, pkg, cb_) {
var p
files = (f) {
p = f.split(/\/|\\/)[0]
return path.resolve(parent, f)
parent = path.resolve(parent, p)
var called = false
function cb (er) {
if (called) return
called = true
log.verbose(targetTarball, "tarball")
log.verbose(parent, "parent")
fstream.Reader({ type: "Directory"
, path: parent
, filter: function () {
// files should *always* get into tarballs
// in a user-writable state, even if they're
// being installed from some wackey vm-mounted
// read-only filesystem.
this.props.mode = this.props.mode | 0200
13 years ago
var inc = -1 !== files.indexOf(this.path)
// WARNING! Hackety hack!
// XXX Fix this in a better way.
// Rename .gitignore to .npmignore if there is not a
// .npmignore file there already, the better to lock
// down installed packages with git for deployment.
if (this.basename === ".gitignore") {
if (this.parent._entries.indexOf(".npmignore") !== -1) {
return false
var d = path.dirname(this.path)
this.basename = ".npmignore"
this.path = path.join(d, ".npmignore")
return inc
.on("error",, "error reading "+parent))
// By default, npm includes some proprietary attributes in the
// package tarball. This is sane, and allowed by the spec.
// However, npm *itself* excludes these from its own package,
// so that it can be more easily bootstrapped using old and
// non-compliant tar implementations.
.pipe(tar.Pack({ noProprietary: !npm.config.get("proprietary-attribs") }))
.on("error",, "tar creation error "+targetTarball))
.on("error",, "gzip error "+targetTarball))
.pipe(fstream.Writer({ type: "File", path: targetTarball }))
.on("error",, "Could not write "+targetTarball))
.on("close", cb)
function unpack (tarball, unpackTarget, dMode, fMode, uid, gid, cb) {
if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = gid, gid = null
if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = uid, uid = null
if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = fMode, fMode = npm.modes.file
if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = dMode, dMode = npm.modes.exec
uidNumber(uid, gid, function (er, uid, gid) {
if (er) return cb(er)
unpack_(tarball, unpackTarget, dMode, fMode, uid, gid, cb)
function unpack_ ( tarball, unpackTarget, dMode, fMode, uid, gid, cb ) {
// If the desired target is /path/to/foo,
// then unpack into /path/to/.foo.npm/{something}
// rename that to /path/to/foo, and delete /path/to/.foo.npm
var parent = path.dirname(unpackTarget)
, base = path.basename(unpackTarget)
rm(unpackTarget, function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
mkdir(unpackTarget, dMode || npm.modes.exec, uid, gid, function (er) {
log.verbose([uid, gid], "unpack_ uid, gid")
log.verbose(unpackTarget, "unpackTarget")
if (er) return cb(er)
// cp the gzip of the tarball, pipe the stdout into tar's stdin
// gzip {tarball} --decompress --stdout \
// | tar -mvxpf - --strip-components=1 -C {unpackTarget}
gunzTarPerm( tarball, unpackTarget
, dMode, fMode
, uid, gid
, function (er, folder) {
if (er) return cb(er)
log.verbose(folder, "gunzed")
readJson(path.resolve(folder, "package.json"), cb)
// on Windows, A/V software can lock the directory, causing this
// to fail with an EACCES. Try again on failure, for up to 1 second.
// XXX Fix this by not unpacking into a temp directory, instead just
// renaming things on the way out of the tarball.
function moveIntoPlace (folder, unpackTarget, cb) {
var start =
fs.rename(folder, unpackTarget, function CB (er) {
if (er
&& process.platform === "win32"
&& er.code === "EACCES"
&& - start < 1000) {
return fs.rename(folder, unpackTarget, CB)
function gunzTarPerm (tarball, target, dMode, fMode, uid, gid, cb_) {
if (!dMode) dMode = npm.modes.exec
if (!fMode) fMode = npm.modes.file
log.silly([dMode.toString(8), fMode.toString(8)], "gunzTarPerm modes")
var cbCalled = false
function cb (er) {
if (cbCalled) return
cbCalled = true
cb_(er, target)
var fst = fs.createReadStream(tarball)
// figure out who we're supposed to be, if we're not pretending
// to be a specific user.
if (npm.config.get("unsafe-perm") && process.platform !== "win32") {
uid = myUid
gid = myGid
function extractEntry (entry) {
// never create things that are user-unreadable,
// or dirs that are user-un-listable. Only leads to headaches.
entry.mode = entry.mode | (entry.type === "Directory" ? dMode : fMode)
entry.mode = entry.mode & (~npm.modes.umask)
entry.props.mode = entry.mode
// if there's a specific owner uid/gid that we want, then set that
if (process.platform !== "win32" &&
typeof uid === "number" &&
typeof gid === "number") {
entry.props.uid = entry.uid = uid
entry.props.gid = entry.gid = gid
var extractOpts = { type: "Directory", path: target, strip: 1 }
fst.on("error",, "error reading "+tarball))
fst.on("data", function OD (c) {
// detect what it is.
// Then, depending on that, we'll figure out whether it's
// a single-file module, gzipped tarball, or naked tarball.
// gzipped files all start with 1f8b08
if (c[0] === 0x1F &&
c[1] === 0x8B &&
c[2] === 0x08) {
var extracter = tar.Extract(extractOpts)
.on("error",, "unzip error "+tarball))
.on("entry", extractEntry)
.on("error",, "untar error "+tarball))
.on("close", cb)
} else if (c.toString().match(/^package\//)) {
// naked tar
.on("entry", extractEntry)
.on("error",, "untar error "+tarball))
.on("close", cb)
} else {
// naked js file
.pipe(fstream.Writer({ path: path.resolve(target, "index.js") }))
.on("error",, "copy error "+tarball))
.on("close", function () {
var j = path.resolve(target, "package.json")
readJson(j, function (er, d) {
if (er) {
log.error(tarball, "Not a package")
return cb(er)
fs.writeFile(j, JSON.stringify(d) + "\n", cb)
// now un-hook, and re-emit the chunk
fst.removeListener("data", OD)
fst.emit("data", c)
function makeList (dir, pkg, dfc, cb) {
if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = dfc, dfc = true
if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = pkg, pkg = null
dir = path.resolve(dir)
if (!pkg.path) pkg.path = dir
var name = path.basename(dir)
// since this is a top-level traversal, get the user and global
// exclude files, as well as the "ignore" config setting.
var confIgnore = npm.config.get("ignore").trim()
.filter(function (i) { return i.trim() })
, userIgnore = npm.config.get("userignorefile")
, globalIgnore = npm.config.get("globalignorefile")
, userExclude
, globalExclude
confIgnore.dir = dir = "confIgnore"
var defIgnore = ["build/"]
defIgnore.dir = dir
// TODO: only look these up once, and cache outside this function
excludes.parseIgnoreFile( userIgnore, null, dir
, function (er, uex) {
if (er) return cb(er)
userExclude = uex
excludes.parseIgnoreFile( globalIgnore, null, dir
, function (er, gex) {
if (er) return cb(er)
globalExclude = gex
function next () {
if (!globalExclude || !userExclude) return
var exList = [ defIgnore, confIgnore, globalExclude, userExclude ]
makeList_(dir, pkg, exList, dfc, function (er, files, cleanup) {
if (er) return cb(er)
var dirLen = dir.replace(/(\/|\\)$/, "").length + 1
log.silly([dir, dirLen], "dir, dirLen")
files = (file) {
return path.join(name, file.substr(dirLen))
return cb(null, files, cleanup)
// Patterns ending in slashes will only match targets
// ending in slashes. To implement this, add a / to
// the filename iff it lstats isDirectory()
function readDir (dir, pkg, dfc, cb) {
fs.readdir(dir, function (er, files) {
if (er) return cb(er)
files = files.filter(function (f) {
return f && f.charAt(0) !== "/" && f.indexOf("\0") === -1
asyncMap(files, function (file, cb) {
fs.lstat(path.resolve(dir, file), function (er, st) {
if (er) return cb(null, [])
// if it's a directory, then tack "/" onto the name
// so that it can match dir-only patterns in the
// include/exclude logic later.
if (st.isDirectory()) return cb(null, file + "/")
// if it's a symlink, then we need to do some more
// complex stuff for GH-691
if (st.isSymbolicLink()) return readSymlink(dir, file, pkg, dfc, cb)
// otherwise, just let it on through.
return cb(null, file)
}, cb)
// just see where this link is pointing, and resolve relative paths.
function shallowReal (link, cb) {
link = path.resolve(link)
fs.readlink(link, function (er, t) {
if (er) return cb(er)
return cb(null, path.resolve(path.dirname(link), t), t)
function readSymlink (dir, file, pkg, dfc, cb) {
var isNM = dfc
&& path.basename(dir) === "node_modules"
&& path.dirname(dir) === pkg.path
// see if this thing is pointing outside of the package.
// external symlinks are resolved for deps, ignored for other things.
// internal symlinks are allowed through.
var df = path.resolve(dir, file)
shallowReal(df, function (er, r, target) {
if (er) return cb(null, []) // wtf? exclude file.
if (r.indexOf(dir) === 0) return cb(null, file) // internal
if (!isNM) return cb(null, []) // external non-dep
// now the fun stuff!
fs.realpath(df, function (er, resolved) {
if (er) return cb(null, []) // can't add it.
readJson(path.resolve(resolved, "package.json"), function (er) {
if (er) return cb(null, []) // not a package
resolveLinkDep(dir, file, resolved, target, pkg, function (er, f, c) {
cb(er, f, c)
// put the link back the way it was.
function cleanupResolveLinkDep (cleanup, cb) {
// cut it out of the list, so that cycles will be broken.
if (!cleanup) return cb()
asyncMap(cleanup, function (d, cb) {
rm(d[1], function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
fs.symlink(d[0], d[1], cb)
}, cb)
function resolveLinkDep (dir, file, resolved, target, pkg, cb) {
// we've already decided that this is a dep that will be bundled.
// make sure the data reflects this.
var bd = pkg.bundleDependencies || pkg.bundledDependencies || []
delete pkg.bundledDependencies
pkg.bundleDependencies = bd
var f = path.resolve(dir, file)
, cleanup = [[target, f, resolved]]
if (bd.indexOf(file) === -1) {
// then we don't do this one.
// just move the symlink out of the way.
return rm(f, function (er) {
cb(er, file, cleanup)
rm(f, function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
cache.add(resolved, function (er, data) {
if (er) return cb(er)
cache.unpack(, data.version, f, function (er, data) {
if (er) return cb(er)
// now clear out the cache entry, since it's weird, probably.
// pass the cleanup object along so that the thing getting the
// list of files knows what to clean up afterwards.
cache.clean([data._id], function (er) { cb(er, file, cleanup) })
// exList is a list of ignore lists.
// Each exList item is an array of patterns of files to ignore
function makeList_ (dir, pkg, exList, dfc, cb) {
var files = null
, cleanup = null
readDir(dir, pkg, dfc, function (er, f, c) {
if (er) return cb(er)
cleanup = c
files = (f) {
// no nulls in paths!
return f.split(/\0/)[0]
}).filter(function (f) {
// always remove all source control folders and
// waf/vim/OSX garbage. this is a firm requirement.
return !( f === ".git/"
|| f === ".lock-wscript"
|| f.match(/^\.wafpickle-[0-9]+$/)
|| f === "CVS/"
|| f === ".svn/"
|| f === ".hg/"
|| f.match(/^\..*\.swp/)
|| f === ".DS_Store"
|| f.match(/^\._/)
|| f === "npm-debug.log"
|| f === ""
|| f.charAt(0) === "/"
// if (files.length > 0) files.push(".")
if (files.indexOf("package.json") !== -1 && dir !== pkg.path) {
// a package.json file starts the whole exclude/include
// logic all over. Otherwise, a parent could break its
// deps with its files list or .npmignore file.
readJson(path.resolve(dir, "package.json"), function (er, data) {
if (!er && typeof data === "object") {
data.path = dir
return makeList(dir, data, dfc, function (er, files) {
// these need to be mounted onto the directory now.
cb(er, files && (f) {
return path.resolve(path.dirname(dir), f)
} else next()
// add a local ignore file, if found.
if (files.indexOf(".npmignore") === -1
&& files.indexOf(".gitignore") === -1) next()
else {
excludes.addIgnoreFile( path.resolve(dir, ".npmignore")
, ".gitignore"
, exList
, dir
, function (er, list) {
if (!er) exList = list
var n = 2
, errState = null
function next (er) {
if (errState) return
if (er) return cb(errState = er, [], cleanup)
if (-- n > 0) return
if (!pkg) return cb(new Error("No package.json file in "+dir))
if (pkg.path === dir && pkg.files) {
pkg.files = pkg.files.filter(function (f) {
f = f.trim()
return f && f.charAt(0) !== "#"
if (!pkg.files.length) pkg.files = null
if (pkg.path === dir && pkg.files) {
// stuff on the files list MUST be there.
// ignore everything, then include the stuff on the files list.
var pkgFiles = ["*"].concat( (f) {
return "!" + f
pkgFiles.dir = dir
pkgFiles.packageFiles = true
if (path.basename(dir) === "node_modules"
&& pkg.path === path.dirname(dir)
// do fancy crap
&& dfc
// not already part of a bundled dependency
&& (path.basename(path.dirname(pkg.path)) !== "node_modules"
// unless it's the root
|| pkg.path === npm.prefix)) {
log.verbose(dir, "doing fancy crap")
files = filterNodeModules(files, pkg)
} else {
// If a directory is excluded, we still need to be
// able to *include* a file within it, and have that override
// the prior exclusion.
// This whole makeList thing probably needs to be rewritten
files = files.filter(function (f) {
return excludes.filter(dir, exList)(f) || f.slice(-1) === "/"
asyncMap(files, function (file, cb) {
// if this is a dir, then dive into it.
// otherwise, don't.
file = path.resolve(dir, file)
// in 0.6.0, fs.readdir can produce some really odd results.
// XXX: remove this and make the engines hash exclude 0.6.0
if (file.indexOf(dir) !== 0) {
return cb(null, [])
fs.lstat(file, function (er, st) {
if (er) return cb(er)
if (st.isDirectory()) {
return makeList_(file, pkg, exList, dfc, cb)
return cb(null, file)
}, function (er, files, c) {
if (c) cleanup = (cleanup || []).concat(c)
if (files.length > 0) files.push(dir)
return cb(er, files, cleanup)
// only include node_modules folder that are:
// 1. not on the dependencies list or
// 2. on the "bundleDependencies" list.
function filterNodeModules (files, pkg) {
var bd = pkg.bundleDependencies || pkg.bundledDependencies || []
, deps = Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {})
.filter(function (key) { return !pkg.dependencies[key].extraneous })
.concat(Object.keys(pkg.devDependencies || {}))
delete pkg.bundledDependencies
pkg.bundleDependencies = bd
return files.filter(function (f) {
f = f.replace(/\/$/, "")
return f.charAt(0) !== "."
&& f.charAt(0) !== "_"
&& bd.indexOf(f) !== -1