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var request = require('request')
, url = require('url')
, crypto = require('crypto')
, YEAR = (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365)
module.exports = CouchLogin
function CouchLogin (couch, tok) {
if (!(this instanceof CouchLogin)) {
return new CouchLogin(couch)
if (!couch) throw new Error(
"Need to pass a couch url to CouchLogin constructor")
// having auth completely defeats the purpose
couch = url.parse(couch)
delete couch.auth
if (tok === 'anonymous') tok = NaN
this.token = tok
this.couch = url.format(couch)
this.proxy = null
this.maxAge = YEAR
CouchLogin.prototype =
{ get: makeReq('GET')
, del: makeReq('DELETE')
, put: makeReq('PUT', true)
, post: makeReq('POST', true)
, login: login
, logout: logout
, decorate: decorate
, changePass: changePass
, signup: signup
, deleteAccount: deleteAccount
, anon: anon
, anonymous: anon
, valid: valid
Object.defineProperty(CouchLogin.prototype, 'constructor',
{ value: CouchLogin, enumerable: false })
function decorate (req, res) {
req.couch = res.couch = this
// backed by some sort of set(k,v,cb), get(k,cb) session storage.
var session = req.session || res.session || null
if (session) {
this.tokenGet = function (cb) {
session.get('couch_token', cb)
// don't worry about it failing. it'll just mean a login next time.
this.tokenSet = function (tok, cb) {
session.set('couch_token', tok, cb || function () {})
this.tokenDel = function (cb) {
session.del('couch_token', cb || function () {})
return this
function anon () {
return new CouchLogin(this.couch, NaN)
function makeReq (meth, body, f) { return function madeReq (p, d, cb) {
f = f || (this.token !== this.token)
if (!f && !valid(this.token)) {
// lazily get the token.
if (this.tokenGet) return this.tokenGet(function (er, tok) {
if (er || !valid(tok)) {
if (!body) cb = d, d = null
return cb(new Error('auth token expired or invalid'))
this.token = tok
return, p, d, cb)
// no getter, no token, no business.
return process.nextTick(function () {
if (!body) cb = d, d = null
cb(new Error('auth token expired or invalid'))
if (!body) cb = d, d = null
var h = {}
, u = url.resolve(this.couch, p)
, req = { uri: u, headers: h, json: true, body: d, method: meth }
if (this.token) {
h.cookie = 'AuthSession=' + this.token.AuthSession
if (this.proxy) {
req.proxy = this.proxy
request(req, function (er, res, data) {
// update cookie.
if (er || res.statusCode !== 200) return cb(er, res, data), res)
return cb(er, res, data)
function login (auth, cb) {
var a = { name:, password: auth.password }
makeReq('post', true, true).call(this, '/_session', a, cb)
function changePass (auth, cb) {
if (! || !auth.password) return cb(new Error('invalid auth'))
var u = '/_users/org.couchdb.user:' +
this.get(u, function (er, res, data) {
if (er || res.statusCode !== 200) return cb(er, res, data)
// copy any other keys we're setting here.
// note that name, password_sha, salt, and date
// are all set explicitly below.
Object.keys(auth).filter(function (k) {
return k.charAt(0) !== '_'
&& k !== 'password'
&& k !== 'password_sha'
&& k !== 'salt'
}).forEach(function (k) {
data[k] = auth[k]
var newSalt = crypto.randomBytes(30).toString('hex')
, newPass = auth.password
, newSha = sha(newPass + newSalt)
data.password_sha = newSha
data.salt = newSalt = new Date().toISOString()
this.put(u + '?rev=' + data._rev, data, function (er, res, data) {
if (er || res.statusCode >= 400) return cb(er, res, data)
this.login(auth, cb)
// They said that there should probably be a warning before
// deleting the user's whole account, so here it is:
function deleteAccount (name, cb) {
var u = '/_users/org.couchdb.user:' + name
this.get(u, thenPut.bind(this))
function thenPut (er, res, data) {
if (er || res.statusCode !== 200) {
return cb(er, res, data)
// user accts can't be just DELETE'd by non-admins
// so we take the existing doc and just slap a _deleted
// flag on it to fake it. Works the same either way
// in couch.
data._deleted = true
this.put(u + '?rev=' + data._rev, data, cb)
function signup (auth, cb) {
if (this.token) return this.logout(function (er, res, data) {
if (er || res.statusCode !== 200) {
return cb(er, res, data)
if (this.token) {
return cb(new Error('failed to delete token'), res, data)
this.signup(auth, cb)
// make a new user record.
var newSalt = crypto.randomBytes(30).toString('hex')
, newSha = sha(auth.password + newSalt)
, user = { _id: 'org.couchdb.user:' +
, name:
, roles: []
, type: 'user'
, password_sha: newSha
, salt: newSalt
, date: new Date().toISOString() }
Object.keys(auth).forEach(function (k) {
if (k === 'name' || k === 'password') return
user[k] = auth[k]
var u = '/_users/' + user._id
makeReq('put', true, true).call(this, u, user, function (er, res, data) {
if (er || res.statusCode >= 400) {
return cb(er, res, data)
// it worked! log in as that user and get their record
this.login(auth, function (er, res, data) {
if (er || (res && res.statusCode >= 400) || data && data.error) {
return cb(er, res, data)
this.get(u, cb)
function addToken (res) {
// attach the token, if a new one was provided.
var sc = res.headers['set-cookie']
if (!sc) return
if (!Array.isArray(sc)) sc = [sc]
sc = sc.filter(function (c) {
return c.match(/^AuthSession=/)
if (!sc.length) return
sc = sc.split(/\s*;\s*/).map(function (p) {
return p.split('=')
}).reduce(function (set, p) {
var k = p[0] === 'AuthSession' ? p[0] : p[0].toLowerCase()
, v = k === 'expires' ? Date.parse(p[1])
: p[1] === '' || p[1] === undefined ? true // HttpOnly
: p[1]
set[k] = v
return set
}, {})
if (sc.hasOwnProperty('max-age')) {
var ma = sc['max-age']
sc.expires = (ma <= 0) ? 0 : + (ma * 1000)
delete sc['max-age']
// expire the session after 1 year, even if couch won't.
if (!sc.hasOwnProperty('expires')) {
sc.expires = + YEAR
if (!isNaN(this.maxAge)) {
sc.expires = Math.min(sc.expires, + this.maxAge)
this.token = sc
if (this.tokenSet) this.tokenSet(this.token)
function logout (cb) {
if (!this.token && this.tokenGet) {
return this.tokenGet(function (er, tok) {
if (er || !tok) return cb()
this.token = tok
if (!valid(this.token)) {
this.token = null
if (this.tokenDel) this.tokenDel()
return process.nextTick(cb)
var h = { cookie: 'AuthSession=' + this.token.AuthSession }
, u = url.resolve(this.couch, '/_session')
, req = { uri: u, headers: h, json: true }
request.del(req, function (er, res, data) {
if (er || (res.statusCode !== 200 && res.statusCode !== 404)) {
return cb(er, res, data)
this.token = null
if (this.tokenDel) this.tokenDel()
cb(er, res, data)
function valid (token) {
if (!token) return false
if (!token.hasOwnProperty('expires')) return true
return token.expires >
function sha (s) {
return crypto.createHash("sha1").update(s).digest("hex")