// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
* Copyright (C) 2008-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef __DTITVINF_H__
#define __DTITVINF_H__
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
* \file
* \brief C++ API: Date/Time interval patterns for formatting date/time interval
#include "unicode/udat.h"
#include "unicode/locid.h"
#include "unicode/ucal.h"
#include "unicode/dtptngen.h"
* DateIntervalInfo is a public class for encapsulating localizable
* date time interval patterns. It is used by DateIntervalFormat.
* <P>
* For most users, ordinary use of DateIntervalFormat does not need to create
* DateIntervalInfo object directly.
* DateIntervalFormat will take care of it when creating a date interval
* formatter when user pass in skeleton and locale.
* <P>
* For power users, who want to create their own date interval patterns,
* or want to re-set date interval patterns, they could do so by
* directly creating DateIntervalInfo and manupulating it.
* <P>
* Logically, the interval patterns are mappings
* from (skeleton, the_largest_different_calendar_field)
* to (date_interval_pattern).
* <P>
* A skeleton
* <ol>
* <li>
* only keeps the field pattern letter and ignores all other parts
* in a pattern, such as space, punctuations, and string literals.
* <li>
* hides the order of fields.
* <li>
* might hide a field's pattern letter length.
* For those non-digit calendar fields, the pattern letter length is
* important, such as MMM, MMMM, and MMMMM; EEE and EEEE,
* and the field's pattern letter length is honored.
* For the digit calendar fields, such as M or MM, d or dd, yy or yyyy,
* the field pattern length is ignored and the best match, which is defined
* in date time patterns, will be returned without honor the field pattern
* letter length in skeleton.
* </ol>
* <P>
* The calendar fields we support for interval formatting are:
* year, month, date, day-of-week, am-pm, hour, hour-of-day, and minute.
* Those calendar fields can be defined in the following order:
* year > month > date > am-pm > hour > minute
* The largest different calendar fields between 2 calendars is the
* first different calendar field in above order.
* For example: the largest different calendar fields between "Jan 10, 2007"
* and "Feb 20, 2008" is year.
* <P>
* There is a set of pre-defined static skeleton strings.
* There are pre-defined interval patterns for those pre-defined skeletons
* in locales' resource files.
* For example, for a skeleton UDAT_YEAR_ABBR_MONTH_DAY, which is "yMMMd",
* in en_US, if the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2
* is "year", the date interval pattern is "MMM d, yyyy - MMM d, yyyy",
* such as "Jan 10, 2007 - Jan 10, 2008".
* If the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2 is "month",
* the date interval pattern is "MMM d - MMM d, yyyy",
* such as "Jan 10 - Feb 10, 2007".
* If the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2 is "day",
* the date interval pattern is "MMM d-d, yyyy", such as "Jan 10-20, 2007".
* For date skeleton, the interval patterns when year, or month, or date is
* different are defined in resource files.
* For time skeleton, the interval patterns when am/pm, or hour, or minute is
* different are defined in resource files.
* <P>
* There are 2 dates in interval pattern. For most locales, the first date
* in an interval pattern is the earlier date. There might be a locale in which
* the first date in an interval pattern is the later date.
* We use fallback format for the default order for the locale.
* For example, if the fallback format is "{0} - {1}", it means
* the first date in the interval pattern for this locale is earlier date.
* If the fallback format is "{1} - {0}", it means the first date is the
* later date.
* For a particular interval pattern, the default order can be overriden
* by prefixing "latestFirst:" or "earliestFirst:" to the interval pattern.
* For example, if the fallback format is "{0}-{1}",
* but for skeleton "yMMMd", the interval pattern when day is different is
* "latestFirst:d-d MMM yy", it means by default, the first date in interval
* pattern is the earlier date. But for skeleton "yMMMd", when day is different,
* the first date in "d-d MMM yy" is the later date.
* <P>
* The recommended way to create a DateIntervalFormat object is to pass in
* the locale.
* By using a Locale parameter, the DateIntervalFormat object is
* initialized with the pre-defined interval patterns for a given or
* default locale.
* <P>
* Users can also create DateIntervalFormat object
* by supplying their own interval patterns.
* It provides flexibility for power users.
* <P>
* After a DateIntervalInfo object is created, clients may modify
* the interval patterns using setIntervalPattern function as so desired.
* Currently, users can only set interval patterns when the following
* calendar fields are different: ERA, YEAR, MONTH, DATE, DAY_OF_MONTH,
* Interval patterns when other calendar fields are different is not supported.
* <P>
* DateIntervalInfo objects are cloneable.
* When clients obtain a DateIntervalInfo object,
* they can feel free to modify it as necessary.
* <P>
* DateIntervalInfo are not expected to be subclassed.
* Data for a calendar is loaded out of resource bundles.
* Through ICU 4.4, date interval patterns are only supported in the Gregorian
* calendar; non-Gregorian calendars are supported from ICU 4.4.1.
* @stable ICU 4.0
class U_I18N_API DateIntervalInfo U_FINAL : public UObject {
// Do not enclose the protected default constructor with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
// or else the compiler will create a public default constructor.
* Default constructor.
* It does not initialize any interval patterns except
* that it initialize default fall-back pattern as "{0} - {1}",
* which can be reset by setFallbackIntervalPattern().
* It should be followed by setFallbackIntervalPattern() and
* setIntervalPattern(),
* and is recommended to be used only for power users who
* wants to create their own interval patterns and use them to create
* date interval formatter.
* @param status output param set to success/failure code on exit
* @internal ICU 4.0
DateIntervalInfo(UErrorCode& status);
* Construct DateIntervalInfo for the given locale,
* @param locale the interval patterns are loaded from the appropriate calendar
* data (specified calendar or default calendar) in this locale.
* @param status output param set to success/failure code on exit
* @stable ICU 4.0
DateIntervalInfo(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
* Copy constructor.
* @stable ICU 4.0
DateIntervalInfo(const DateIntervalInfo&);
* Assignment operator
* @stable ICU 4.0
DateIntervalInfo& operator=(const DateIntervalInfo&);
* Clone this object polymorphically.
* The caller owns the result and should delete it when done.
* @return a copy of the object
* @stable ICU 4.0
virtual DateIntervalInfo* clone(void) const;
* Destructor.
* It is virtual to be safe, but it is not designed to be subclassed.
* @stable ICU 4.0
virtual ~DateIntervalInfo();
* Return true if another object is semantically equal to this one.
* @param other the DateIntervalInfo object to be compared with.
* @return true if other is semantically equal to this.
* @stable ICU 4.0
virtual UBool operator==(const DateIntervalInfo& other) const;
* Return true if another object is semantically unequal to this one.
* @param other the DateIntervalInfo object to be compared with.
* @return true if other is semantically unequal to this.
* @stable ICU 4.0
UBool operator!=(const DateIntervalInfo& other) const;
* Provides a way for client to build interval patterns.
* User could construct DateIntervalInfo by providing a list of skeletons
* and their patterns.
* <P>
* For example:
* <pre>
* UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
* DateIntervalInfo dIntervalInfo = new DateIntervalInfo();
* dIntervalInfo->setFallbackIntervalPattern("{0} ~ {1}");
* dIntervalInfo->setIntervalPattern("yMd", UCAL_YEAR, "'from' yyyy-M-d 'to' yyyy-M-d", status);
* dIntervalInfo->setIntervalPattern("yMMMd", UCAL_MONTH, "'from' yyyy MMM d 'to' MMM d", status);
* dIntervalInfo->setIntervalPattern("yMMMd", UCAL_DAY, "yyyy MMM d-d", status, status);
* </pre>
* Restriction:
* Currently, users can only set interval patterns when the following
* calendar fields are different: ERA, YEAR, MONTH, DATE, DAY_OF_MONTH,
* Interval patterns when other calendar fields are different are
* not supported.
* @param skeleton the skeleton on which interval pattern based
* @param lrgDiffCalUnit the largest different calendar unit.
* @param intervalPattern the interval pattern on the largest different
* calendar unit.
* For example, if lrgDiffCalUnit is
* "year", the interval pattern for en_US when year
* is different could be "'from' yyyy 'to' yyyy".
* @param status output param set to success/failure code on exit
* @stable ICU 4.0
void setIntervalPattern(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
UCalendarDateFields lrgDiffCalUnit,
const UnicodeString& intervalPattern,
UErrorCode& status);
* Get the interval pattern given skeleton and
* the largest different calendar field.
* @param skeleton the skeleton
* @param field the largest different calendar field
* @param result output param to receive the pattern
* @param status output param set to success/failure code on exit
* @return a reference to 'result'
* @stable ICU 4.0
UnicodeString& getIntervalPattern(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
UCalendarDateFields field,
UnicodeString& result,
UErrorCode& status) const;
* Get the fallback interval pattern.
* @param result output param to receive the pattern
* @return a reference to 'result'
* @stable ICU 4.0
UnicodeString& getFallbackIntervalPattern(UnicodeString& result) const;
* Re-set the fallback interval pattern.
* In construction, default fallback pattern is set as "{0} - {1}".
* And constructor taking locale as parameter will set the
* fallback pattern as what defined in the locale resource file.
* This method provides a way for user to replace the fallback pattern.
* @param fallbackPattern fall-back interval pattern.
* @param status output param set to success/failure code on exit
* @stable ICU 4.0
void setFallbackIntervalPattern(const UnicodeString& fallbackPattern,
UErrorCode& status);
/** Get default order -- whether the first date in pattern is later date
or not.
* return default date ordering in interval pattern. TRUE if the first date
* in pattern is later date, FALSE otherwise.
* @stable ICU 4.0
UBool getDefaultOrder() const;
* ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
* @stable ICU 4.0
virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
* ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
* @stable ICU 4.0
static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
* DateIntervalFormat will need access to
* getBestSkeleton(), parseSkeleton(), enum IntervalPatternIndex,
* and calendarFieldToPatternIndex().
* Instead of making above public,
* make DateIntervalFormat a friend of DateIntervalInfo.
friend class DateIntervalFormat;
* Internal struct used to load resource bundle data.
struct DateIntervalSink;
* Following is for saving the interval patterns.
* We only support interval patterns on
enum IntervalPatternIndex
* Max index for stored interval patterns
* @internal ICU 4.4
enum {
kMaxIntervalPatternIndex = kIPI_MAX_INDEX
#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
* Initialize the DateIntervalInfo from locale
* @param locale the given locale.
* @param status output param set to success/failure code on exit
void initializeData(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status);
/* Set Interval pattern.
* It sets interval pattern into the hash map.
* @param skeleton skeleton on which the interval pattern based
* @param lrgDiffCalUnit the largest different calendar unit.
* @param intervalPattern the interval pattern on the largest different
* calendar unit.
* @param status output param set to success/failure code on exit
void setIntervalPatternInternally(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
UCalendarDateFields lrgDiffCalUnit,
const UnicodeString& intervalPattern,
UErrorCode& status);
/**given an input skeleton, get the best match skeleton
* which has pre-defined interval pattern in resource file.
* Also return the difference between the input skeleton
* and the best match skeleton.
* TODO (xji): set field weight or
* isolate the funtionality in DateTimePatternGenerator
* @param skeleton input skeleton
* @param bestMatchDistanceInfo the difference between input skeleton
* and best match skeleton.
* 0, if there is exact match for input skeleton
* 1, if there is only field width difference between
* the best match and the input skeleton
* 2, the only field difference is 'v' and 'z'
* -1, if there is calendar field difference between
* the best match and the input skeleton
* @return best match skeleton
const UnicodeString* getBestSkeleton(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
int8_t& bestMatchDistanceInfo) const;
* Parse skeleton, save each field's width.
* It is used for looking for best match skeleton,
* and adjust pattern field width.
* @param skeleton skeleton to be parsed
* @param skeletonFieldWidth parsed skeleton field width
static void U_EXPORT2 parseSkeleton(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
int32_t* skeletonFieldWidth);
* Check whether one field width is numeric while the other is string.
* TODO (xji): make it general
* @param fieldWidth one field width
* @param anotherFieldWidth another field width
* @param patternLetter pattern letter char
* @return true if one field width is numeric and the other is string,
* false otherwise.
static UBool U_EXPORT2 stringNumeric(int32_t fieldWidth,
int32_t anotherFieldWidth,
char patternLetter);
* Convert calendar field to the interval pattern index in
* hash table.
* Since we only support the following calendar fields:
* We reserve only 4 interval patterns for a skeleton.
* @param field calendar field
* @param status output param set to success/failure code on exit
* @return interval pattern index in hash table
static IntervalPatternIndex U_EXPORT2 calendarFieldToIntervalIndex(
UCalendarDateFields field,
UErrorCode& status);
* delete hash table (of type fIntervalPatterns).
* @param hTable hash table to be deleted
void deleteHash(Hashtable* hTable);
* initialize hash table (of type fIntervalPatterns).
* @param status output param set to success/failure code on exit
* @return hash table initialized
Hashtable* initHash(UErrorCode& status);
* copy hash table (of type fIntervalPatterns).
* @param source the source to copy from
* @param target the target to copy to
* @param status output param set to success/failure code on exit
void copyHash(const Hashtable* source, Hashtable* target, UErrorCode& status);
// data members
// fallback interval pattern
UnicodeString fFallbackIntervalPattern;
// default order
UBool fFirstDateInPtnIsLaterDate;
// HashMap<UnicodeString, UnicodeString[kIPI_MAX_INDEX]>
// HashMap( skeleton, pattern[largest_different_field] )
Hashtable* fIntervalPatterns;
};// end class DateIntervalInfo
inline UBool
DateIntervalInfo::operator!=(const DateIntervalInfo& other) const {
return !operator==(other);