'use strict' ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , {
value : true
} ) ;
exports . ClassScope = exports . ForScope = exports . FunctionScope = exports . SwitchScope = exports . BlockScope = exports . TDZScope = exports . WithScope = exports . CatchScope = exports . FunctionExpressionNameScope = exports . ModuleScope = exports . GlobalScope = undefined ;
var _ get = function get ( object , property , receiver ) { if ( object === null ) object = Function . prototype ; var desc = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( object , property ) ; if ( desc === undefined ) { var parent = Object . getPrototypeOf ( object ) ; if ( parent === null ) { return undefined ; } else { return get ( parent , property , receiver ) ; } } else if ( "value" in desc ) { return desc . value ; } else { var getter = desc . get ; if ( getter === undefined ) { return undefined ; } return getter . call ( receiver ) ; } } ;
var _ createClass = function ( ) { function defineProperties ( target , props ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < props . length ; i ++ ) { var descriptor = props [ i ] ; descriptor . enumerable = descriptor . enumerable || false ; descriptor . configurable = true ; if ( "value" in descriptor ) descriptor . writable = true ; Object . defineProperty ( target , descriptor . key , descriptor ) ; } } return function ( Constructor , protoProps , staticProps ) { if ( protoProps ) defineProperties ( Constructor . prototype , protoProps ) ; if ( staticProps ) defineProperties ( Constructor , staticProps ) ; return Constructor ; } ; } ( ) ; / *
Copyright ( C ) 2015 Yusuke Suzuki < utatane . tea @ gmail . com >
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms , with or without
modification , are permitted provided that the following conditions are met :
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice , this list of conditions and the following disclaimer .
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice , this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and / or other materials provided with the distribution .
* /
var _ estraverse = require ( 'estraverse' ) ;
var _ es6Map = require ( 'es6-map' ) ;
var _ es6Map2 = _ interopRequireDefault ( _ es6Map ) ;
var _ reference = require ( './reference' ) ;
var _ reference2 = _ interopRequireDefault ( _ reference ) ;
var _ variable = require ( './variable' ) ;
var _ variable2 = _ interopRequireDefault ( _ variable ) ;
var _ definition = require ( './definition' ) ;
var _ definition2 = _ interopRequireDefault ( _ definition ) ;
var _ assert = require ( 'assert' ) ;
var _ assert2 = _ interopRequireDefault ( _ assert ) ;
function _ interopRequireDefault ( obj ) { return obj && obj . __ esModule ? obj : { default : obj } ; }
function _ possibleConstructorReturn ( self , call ) { if ( ! self ) { throw new ReferenceError ( "this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called" ) ; } return call && ( typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function" ) ? call : self ; }
function _ inherits ( subClass , superClass ) { if ( typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null ) { throw new TypeError ( "Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass ) ; } subClass . prototype = Object . create ( superClass && superClass . prototype , { constructor : { value : subClass , enumerable : false , writable : true , configurable : true } } ) ; if ( superClass ) Object . setPrototypeOf ? Object . setPrototypeOf ( subClass , superClass ) : subClass . __ proto__ = superClass ; }
function _ classCallCheck ( instance , Constructor ) { if ( ! ( instance instanceof Constructor ) ) { throw new TypeError ( "Cannot call a class as a function" ) ; } }
function isStrictScope ( scope , block , isMethodDefinition , useDirective ) {
var body , i , iz , stmt , expr ;
// When upper scope is exists and strict, inner scope is also strict.
if ( scope . upper && scope . upper . isStrict ) {
return true ;
// ArrowFunctionExpression's scope is always strict scope.
if ( block . type === _ estraverse . Syntax . ArrowFunctionExpression ) {
return true ;
if ( isMethodDefinition ) {
return true ;
if ( scope . type === 'class' || scope . type === 'module' ) {
return true ;
if ( scope . type === 'block' || scope . type === 'switch' ) {
return false ;
if ( scope . type === 'function' ) {
if ( block . type === _ estraverse . Syntax . Program ) {
body = block ;
} else {
body = block . body ;
} else if ( scope . type === 'global' ) {
body = block ;
} else {
return false ;
// Search 'use strict' directive.
if ( useDirective ) {
for ( i = 0 , iz = body . body . length ; i < iz ; ++ i ) {
stmt = body . body [ i ] ;
if ( stmt . type !== _ estraverse . Syntax . DirectiveStatement ) {
break ;
if ( stmt . raw === '"use strict"' || stmt . raw === '\'use strict\'' ) {
return true ;
} else {
for ( i = 0 , iz = body . body . length ; i < iz ; ++ i ) {
stmt = body . body [ i ] ;
if ( stmt . type !== _ estraverse . Syntax . ExpressionStatement ) {
break ;
expr = stmt . expression ;
if ( expr . type !== _ estraverse . Syntax . Literal || typeof expr . value !== 'string' ) {
break ;
if ( expr . raw != null ) {
if ( expr . raw === '"use strict"' || expr . raw === '\'use strict\'' ) {
return true ;
} else {
if ( expr . value === 'use strict' ) {
return true ;
return false ;
function registerScope ( scopeManager , scope ) {
var scopes ;
scopeManager . scopes . push ( scope ) ;
scopes = scopeManager . __ nodeToScope . get ( scope . block ) ;
if ( scopes ) {
scopes . push ( scope ) ;
} else {
scopeManager . __ nodeToScope . set ( scope . block , [ scope ] ) ;
function shouldBeStatically ( def ) {
return def . type === _ variable2 . default . ClassName || def . type === _ variable2 . default . Variable && def . parent . kind !== 'var' ;
/ * *
* @ class Scope
* /
var Scope = function ( ) {
function Scope ( scopeManager , type , upperScope , block , isMethodDefinition ) {
_ classCallCheck ( this , Scope ) ;
/ * *
* One of 'TDZ' , 'module' , 'block' , 'switch' , 'function' , 'catch' , 'with' , 'function' , 'class' , 'global' .
* @ member { String } Scope # type
* /
this . type = type ;
/ * *
* The scoped { @ link Variable } s of this scope , as < code > { Variable . name
* : Variable } < / c o d e > .
* @ member { Map } Scope # set
* /
this . set = new _ es6Map2 . default ( ) ;
/ * *
* The tainted variables of this scope , as < code > { Variable . name :
* boolean } < / c o d e > .
* @ member { Map } Scope # taints * /
this . taints = new _ es6Map2 . default ( ) ;
/ * *
* Generally , through the lexical scoping of JS you can always know
* which variable an identifier in the source code refers to . There are
* a few exceptions to this rule . With 'global' and 'with' scopes you
* can only decide at runtime which variable a reference refers to .
* Moreover , if 'eval()' is used in a scope , it might introduce new
* bindings in this or its parent scopes .
* All those scopes are considered 'dynamic' .
* @ member { boolean } Scope # dynamic
* /
this . dynamic = this . type === 'global' || this . type === 'with' ;
/ * *
* A reference to the scope - defining syntax node .
* @ member { esprima . Node } Scope # block
* /
this . block = block ;
/ * *
* The { @ link Reference | references } that are not resolved with this scope .
* @ member { Reference [ ] } Scope # through
* /
this . through = [ ] ;
/ * *
* The scoped { @ link Variable } s of this scope . In the case of a
* 'function' scope this includes the automatic argument < em > arguments < / e m > a s
* its first element , as well as all further formal arguments .
* @ member { Variable [ ] } Scope # variables
* /
this . variables = [ ] ;
/ * *
* Any variable { @ link Reference | reference } found in this scope . This
* includes occurrences of local variables as well as variables from
* parent scopes ( including the global scope ) . For local variables
* this also includes defining occurrences ( like in a 'var' statement ) .
* In a 'function' scope this does not include the occurrences of the
* formal parameter in the parameter list .
* @ member { Reference [ ] } Scope # references
* /
this . references = [ ] ;
/ * *
* For 'global' and 'function' scopes , this is a self - reference . For
* other scope types this is the < em > variableScope < / e m > v a l u e o f t h e
* parent scope .
* @ member { Scope } Scope # variableScope
* /
this . variableScope = this . type === 'global' || this . type === 'function' || this . type === 'module' ? this : upperScope . variableScope ;
/ * *
* Whether this scope is created by a FunctionExpression .
* @ member { boolean } Scope # functionExpressionScope
* /
this . functionExpressionScope = false ;
/ * *
* Whether this is a scope that contains an 'eval()' invocation .
* @ member { boolean } Scope # directCallToEvalScope
* /
this . directCallToEvalScope = false ;
/ * *
* @ member { boolean } Scope # thisFound
* /
this . thisFound = false ;
this . __ left = [ ] ;
/ * *
* Reference to the parent { @ link Scope | scope } .
* @ member { Scope } Scope # upper
* /
this . upper = upperScope ;
/ * *
* Whether 'use strict' is in effect in this scope .
* @ member { boolean } Scope # isStrict
* /
this . isStrict = isStrictScope ( this , block , isMethodDefinition , scopeManager . __ useDirective ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* List of nested { @ link Scope } s .
* @ member { Scope [ ] } Scope # childScopes
* /
this . childScopes = [ ] ;
if ( this . upper ) {
this . upper . childScopes . push ( this ) ;
this . __ declaredVariables = scopeManager . __ declaredVariables ;
registerScope ( scopeManager , this ) ;
_ createClass ( Scope , [ {
key : '__shouldStaticallyClose' ,
value : function __ shouldStaticallyClose ( scopeManager ) {
return ! this . dynamic || scopeManager . __ isOptimistic ( ) ;
} , {
key : '__shouldStaticallyCloseForGlobal' ,
value : function __ shouldStaticallyCloseForGlobal ( ref ) {
// On global scope, let/const/class declarations should be resolved statically.
var name = ref . identifier . name ;
if ( ! this . set . has ( name ) ) {
return false ;
var variable = this . set . get ( name ) ;
var defs = variable . defs ;
return defs . length > 0 && defs . every ( shouldBeStatically ) ;
} , {
key : '__staticCloseRef' ,
value : function __ staticCloseRef ( ref ) {
if ( ! this . __ resolve ( ref ) ) {
this . __ delegateToUpperScope ( ref ) ;
} , {
key : '__dynamicCloseRef' ,
value : function __ dynamicCloseRef ( ref ) {
// notify all names are through to global
var current = this ;
do {
current . through . push ( ref ) ;
current = current . upper ;
} while ( current ) ;
} , {
key : '__globalCloseRef' ,
value : function __ globalCloseRef ( ref ) {
// let/const/class declarations should be resolved statically.
// others should be resolved dynamically.
if ( this . __ shouldStaticallyCloseForGlobal ( ref ) ) {
this . __ staticCloseRef ( ref ) ;
} else {
this . __ dynamicCloseRef ( ref ) ;
} , {
key : '__close' ,
value : function __ close ( scopeManager ) {
var closeRef ;
if ( this . __ shouldStaticallyClose ( scopeManager ) ) {
closeRef = this . __ staticCloseRef ;
} else if ( this . type !== 'global' ) {
closeRef = this . __ dynamicCloseRef ;
} else {
closeRef = this . __ globalCloseRef ;
// Try Resolving all references in this scope.
for ( var i = 0 , iz = this . __ left . length ; i < iz ; ++ i ) {
var ref = this . __ left [ i ] ;
closeRef . call ( this , ref ) ;
this . __ left = null ;
return this . upper ;
} , {
key : '__resolve' ,
value : function __ resolve ( ref ) {
var variable , name ;
name = ref . identifier . name ;
if ( this . set . has ( name ) ) {
variable = this . set . get ( name ) ;
variable . references . push ( ref ) ;
variable . stack = variable . stack && ref . from . variableScope === this . variableScope ;
if ( ref . tainted ) {
variable . tainted = true ;
this . taints . set ( variable . name , true ) ;
ref . resolved = variable ;
return true ;
return false ;
} , {
key : '__delegateToUpperScope' ,
value : function __ delegateToUpperScope ( ref ) {
if ( this . upper ) {
this . upper . __ left . push ( ref ) ;
this . through . push ( ref ) ;
} , {
key : '__addDeclaredVariablesOfNode' ,
value : function __ addDeclaredVariablesOfNode ( variable , node ) {
if ( node == null ) {
return ;
var variables = this . __ declaredVariables . get ( node ) ;
if ( variables == null ) {
variables = [ ] ;
this . __ declaredVariables . set ( node , variables ) ;
if ( variables . indexOf ( variable ) === - 1 ) {
variables . push ( variable ) ;
} , {
key : '__defineGeneric' ,
value : function __ defineGeneric ( name , set , variables , node , def ) {
var variable ;
variable = set . get ( name ) ;
if ( ! variable ) {
variable = new _ variable2 . default ( name , this ) ;
set . set ( name , variable ) ;
variables . push ( variable ) ;
if ( def ) {
variable . defs . push ( def ) ;
if ( def . type !== _ variable2 . default . TDZ ) {
this . __ addDeclaredVariablesOfNode ( variable , def . node ) ;
this . __ addDeclaredVariablesOfNode ( variable , def . parent ) ;
if ( node ) {
variable . identifiers . push ( node ) ;
} , {
key : '__define' ,
value : function __ define ( node , def ) {
if ( node && node . type === _ estraverse . Syntax . Identifier ) {
this . __ defineGeneric ( node . name , this . set , this . variables , node , def ) ;
} , {
key : '__referencing' ,
value : function __ referencing ( node , assign , writeExpr , maybeImplicitGlobal , partial , init ) {
// because Array element may be null
if ( ! node || node . type !== _ estraverse . Syntax . Identifier ) {
return ;
// Specially handle like `this`.
if ( node . name === 'super' ) {
return ;
var ref = new _ reference2 . default ( node , this , assign || _ reference2 . default . READ , writeExpr , maybeImplicitGlobal , ! ! partial , ! ! init ) ;
this . references . push ( ref ) ;
this . __ left . push ( ref ) ;
} , {
key : '__detectEval' ,
value : function __ detectEval ( ) {
var current ;
current = this ;
this . directCallToEvalScope = true ;
do {
current . dynamic = true ;
current = current . upper ;
} while ( current ) ;
} , {
key : '__detectThis' ,
value : function __ detectThis ( ) {
this . thisFound = true ;
} , {
key : '__isClosed' ,
value : function __ isClosed ( ) {
return this . __ left === null ;
/ * *
* returns resolved { Reference }
* @ method Scope # resolve
* @ param { Esprima . Identifier } ident - identifier to be resolved .
* @ return { Reference }
* /
} , {
key : 'resolve' ,
value : function resolve ( ident ) {
var ref , i , iz ;
( 0 , _ assert2 . default ) ( this . __ isClosed ( ) , 'Scope should be closed.' ) ;
( 0 , _ assert2 . default ) ( ident . type === _ estraverse . Syntax . Identifier , 'Target should be identifier.' ) ;
for ( i = 0 , iz = this . references . length ; i < iz ; ++ i ) {
ref = this . references [ i ] ;
if ( ref . identifier === ident ) {
return ref ;
return null ;
/ * *
* returns this scope is static
* @ method Scope # isStatic
* @ return { boolean }
* /
} , {
key : 'isStatic' ,
value : function isStatic ( ) {
return ! this . dynamic ;
/ * *
* returns this scope has materialized arguments
* @ method Scope # isArgumentsMaterialized
* @ return { boolean }
* /
} , {
key : 'isArgumentsMaterialized' ,
value : function isArgumentsMaterialized ( ) {
return true ;
/ * *
* returns this scope has materialized ` this ` reference
* @ method Scope # isThisMaterialized
* @ return { boolean }
* /
} , {
key : 'isThisMaterialized' ,
value : function isThisMaterialized ( ) {
return true ;
} , {
key : 'isUsedName' ,
value : function isUsedName ( name ) {
if ( this . set . has ( name ) ) {
return true ;
for ( var i = 0 , iz = this . through . length ; i < iz ; ++ i ) {
if ( this . through [ i ] . identifier . name === name ) {
return true ;
return false ;
} ] ) ;
return Scope ;
} ( ) ;
exports . default = Scope ;
var GlobalScope = exports . GlobalScope = function ( _ Scope ) {
_ inherits ( GlobalScope , _ Scope ) ;
function GlobalScope ( scopeManager , block ) {
_ classCallCheck ( this , GlobalScope ) ;
var _ this = _ possibleConstructorReturn ( this , Object . getPrototypeOf ( GlobalScope ) . call ( this , scopeManager , 'global' , null , block , false ) ) ;
_ this . implicit = {
set : new _ es6Map2 . default ( ) ,
variables : [ ] ,
/ * *
* List of { @ link Reference } s that are left to be resolved ( i . e . which
* need to be linked to the variable they refer to ) .
* @ member { Reference [ ] } Scope # implicit # left
* /
left : [ ]
} ;
return _ this ;
_ createClass ( GlobalScope , [ {
key : '__close' ,
value : function __ close ( scopeManager ) {
var implicit = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 , iz = this . __ left . length ; i < iz ; ++ i ) {
var ref = this . __ left [ i ] ;
if ( ref . __ maybeImplicitGlobal && ! this . set . has ( ref . identifier . name ) ) {
implicit . push ( ref . __ maybeImplicitGlobal ) ;
// create an implicit global variable from assignment expression
for ( var _ i = 0 , _ iz = implicit . length ; _ i < _ iz ; ++ _ i ) {
var info = implicit [ _ i ] ;
this . __ defineImplicit ( info . pattern , new _ definition2 . default ( _ variable2 . default . ImplicitGlobalVariable , info . pattern , info . node , null , null , null ) ) ;
this . implicit . left = this . __ left ;
return _ get ( Object . getPrototypeOf ( GlobalScope . prototype ) , '__close' , this ) . call ( this , scopeManager ) ;
} , {
key : '__defineImplicit' ,
value : function __ defineImplicit ( node , def ) {
if ( node && node . type === _ estraverse . Syntax . Identifier ) {
this . __ defineGeneric ( node . name , this . implicit . set , this . implicit . variables , node , def ) ;
} ] ) ;
return GlobalScope ;
} ( Scope ) ;
var ModuleScope = exports . ModuleScope = function ( _ Scope2 ) {
_ inherits ( ModuleScope , _ Scope2 ) ;
function ModuleScope ( scopeManager , upperScope , block ) {
_ classCallCheck ( this , ModuleScope ) ;
return _ possibleConstructorReturn ( this , Object . getPrototypeOf ( ModuleScope ) . call ( this , scopeManager , 'module' , upperScope , block , false ) ) ;
return ModuleScope ;
} ( Scope ) ;
var FunctionExpressionNameScope = exports . FunctionExpressionNameScope = function ( _ Scope3 ) {
_ inherits ( FunctionExpressionNameScope , _ Scope3 ) ;
function FunctionExpressionNameScope ( scopeManager , upperScope , block ) {
_ classCallCheck ( this , FunctionExpressionNameScope ) ;
var _ this3 = _ possibleConstructorReturn ( this , Object . getPrototypeOf ( FunctionExpressionNameScope ) . call ( this , scopeManager , 'function-expression-name' , upperScope , block , false ) ) ;
_ this3 . __ define ( block . id , new _ definition2 . default ( _ variable2 . default . FunctionName , block . id , block , null , null , null ) ) ;
_ this3 . functionExpressionScope = true ;
return _ this3 ;
return FunctionExpressionNameScope ;
} ( Scope ) ;
var CatchScope = exports . CatchScope = function ( _ Scope4 ) {
_ inherits ( CatchScope , _ Scope4 ) ;
function CatchScope ( scopeManager , upperScope , block ) {
_ classCallCheck ( this , CatchScope ) ;
return _ possibleConstructorReturn ( this , Object . getPrototypeOf ( CatchScope ) . call ( this , scopeManager , 'catch' , upperScope , block , false ) ) ;
return CatchScope ;
} ( Scope ) ;
var WithScope = exports . WithScope = function ( _ Scope5 ) {
_ inherits ( WithScope , _ Scope5 ) ;
function WithScope ( scopeManager , upperScope , block ) {
_ classCallCheck ( this , WithScope ) ;
return _ possibleConstructorReturn ( this , Object . getPrototypeOf ( WithScope ) . call ( this , scopeManager , 'with' , upperScope , block , false ) ) ;
_ createClass ( WithScope , [ {
key : '__close' ,
value : function __ close ( scopeManager ) {
if ( this . __ shouldStaticallyClose ( scopeManager ) ) {
return _ get ( Object . getPrototypeOf ( WithScope . prototype ) , '__close' , this ) . call ( this , scopeManager ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , iz = this . __ left . length ; i < iz ; ++ i ) {
var ref = this . __ left [ i ] ;
ref . tainted = true ;
this . __ delegateToUpperScope ( ref ) ;
this . __ left = null ;
return this . upper ;
} ] ) ;
return WithScope ;
} ( Scope ) ;
var TDZScope = exports . TDZScope = function ( _ Scope6 ) {
_ inherits ( TDZScope , _ Scope6 ) ;
function TDZScope ( scopeManager , upperScope , block ) {
_ classCallCheck ( this , TDZScope ) ;
return _ possibleConstructorReturn ( this , Object . getPrototypeOf ( TDZScope ) . call ( this , scopeManager , 'TDZ' , upperScope , block , false ) ) ;
return TDZScope ;
} ( Scope ) ;
var BlockScope = exports . BlockScope = function ( _ Scope7 ) {
_ inherits ( BlockScope , _ Scope7 ) ;
function BlockScope ( scopeManager , upperScope , block ) {
_ classCallCheck ( this , BlockScope ) ;
return _ possibleConstructorReturn ( this , Object . getPrototypeOf ( BlockScope ) . call ( this , scopeManager , 'block' , upperScope , block , false ) ) ;
return BlockScope ;
} ( Scope ) ;
var SwitchScope = exports . SwitchScope = function ( _ Scope8 ) {
_ inherits ( SwitchScope , _ Scope8 ) ;
function SwitchScope ( scopeManager , upperScope , block ) {
_ classCallCheck ( this , SwitchScope ) ;
return _ possibleConstructorReturn ( this , Object . getPrototypeOf ( SwitchScope ) . call ( this , scopeManager , 'switch' , upperScope , block , false ) ) ;
return SwitchScope ;
} ( Scope ) ;
var FunctionScope = exports . FunctionScope = function ( _ Scope9 ) {
_ inherits ( FunctionScope , _ Scope9 ) ;
function FunctionScope ( scopeManager , upperScope , block , isMethodDefinition ) {
_ classCallCheck ( this , FunctionScope ) ;
// section 9.2.13, FunctionDeclarationInstantiation.
// NOTE Arrow functions never have an arguments objects.
var _ this9 = _ possibleConstructorReturn ( this , Object . getPrototypeOf ( FunctionScope ) . call ( this , scopeManager , 'function' , upperScope , block , isMethodDefinition ) ) ;
if ( _ this9 . block . type !== _ estraverse . Syntax . ArrowFunctionExpression ) {
_ this9 . __ defineArguments ( ) ;
return _ this9 ;
_ createClass ( FunctionScope , [ {
key : 'isArgumentsMaterialized' ,
value : function isArgumentsMaterialized ( ) {
// TODO(Constellation)
// We can more aggressive on this condition like this.
// function t() {
// // arguments of t is always hidden.
// function arguments() {
// }
// }
if ( this . block . type === _ estraverse . Syntax . ArrowFunctionExpression ) {
return false ;
if ( ! this . isStatic ( ) ) {
return true ;
var variable = this . set . get ( 'arguments' ) ;
( 0 , _ assert2 . default ) ( variable , 'Always have arguments variable.' ) ;
return variable . tainted || variable . references . length !== 0 ;
} , {
key : 'isThisMaterialized' ,
value : function isThisMaterialized ( ) {
if ( ! this . isStatic ( ) ) {
return true ;
return this . thisFound ;
} , {
key : '__defineArguments' ,
value : function __ defineArguments ( ) {
this . __ defineGeneric ( 'arguments' , this . set , this . variables , null , null ) ;
this . taints . set ( 'arguments' , true ) ;
} ] ) ;
return FunctionScope ;
} ( Scope ) ;
var ForScope = exports . ForScope = function ( _ Scope10 ) {
_ inherits ( ForScope , _ Scope10 ) ;
function ForScope ( scopeManager , upperScope , block ) {
_ classCallCheck ( this , ForScope ) ;
return _ possibleConstructorReturn ( this , Object . getPrototypeOf ( ForScope ) . call ( this , scopeManager , 'for' , upperScope , block , false ) ) ;
return ForScope ;
} ( Scope ) ;
var ClassScope = exports . ClassScope = function ( _ Scope11 ) {
_ inherits ( ClassScope , _ Scope11 ) ;
function ClassScope ( scopeManager , upperScope , block ) {
_ classCallCheck ( this , ClassScope ) ;
return _ possibleConstructorReturn ( this , Object . getPrototypeOf ( ClassScope ) . call ( this , scopeManager , 'class' , upperScope , block , false ) ) ;
return ClassScope ;
} ( Scope ) ;
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