'use strict';
const promiseRejectEvent = process._promiseRejectEvent;
const hasBeenNotifiedProperty = new WeakMap();
const promiseToGuidProperty = new WeakMap();
const pendingUnhandledRejections = [];
let lastPromiseId = 1;
exports.setup = setupPromises;
function getAsynchronousRejectionWarningObject(uid) {
return new Error('Promise rejection was handled ' +
`asynchronously (rejection id: ${uid})`);
function setupPromises(scheduleMicrotasks) {
process._setupPromises(function(event, promise, reason) {
if (event === promiseRejectEvent.unhandled)
unhandledRejection(promise, reason);
else if (event === promiseRejectEvent.handled)
require('assert').fail(null, null, 'unexpected PromiseRejectEvent');
function unhandledRejection(promise, reason) {
hasBeenNotifiedProperty.set(promise, false);
promiseToGuidProperty.set(promise, lastPromiseId++);
addPendingUnhandledRejection(promise, reason);
function rejectionHandled(promise) {
const hasBeenNotified = hasBeenNotifiedProperty.get(promise);
if (hasBeenNotified !== undefined) {
const uid = promiseToGuidProperty.get(promise);
if (hasBeenNotified === true) {
let warning = null;
if (!process.listenerCount('rejectionHandled')) {
// Generate the warning object early to get a good stack trace.
warning = getAsynchronousRejectionWarningObject(uid);
process.nextTick(function() {
if (!process.emit('rejectionHandled', promise)) {
if (warning === null)
warning = getAsynchronousRejectionWarningObject(uid);
warning.name = 'PromiseRejectionHandledWarning';
warning.id = uid;
function emitWarning(uid, reason) {
const warning = new Error('Unhandled promise rejection ' +
`(rejection id: ${uid}): ${reason}`);
warning.name = 'UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning';
warning.id = uid;
if (reason instanceof Error) {
warning.stack = reason.stack;
if (!deprecationWarned) {
deprecationWarned = true;
'Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, ' +
'promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the ' +
'Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.',
'DeprecationWarning', 'DEP0018');
var deprecationWarned = false;
function emitPendingUnhandledRejections() {
let hadListeners = false;
while (pendingUnhandledRejections.length > 0) {
const promise = pendingUnhandledRejections.shift();
const reason = pendingUnhandledRejections.shift();
if (hasBeenNotifiedProperty.get(promise) === false) {
hasBeenNotifiedProperty.set(promise, true);
const uid = promiseToGuidProperty.get(promise);
if (!process.emit('unhandledRejection', reason, promise)) {
emitWarning(uid, reason);
} else {
hadListeners = true;
return hadListeners;
function addPendingUnhandledRejection(promise, reason) {
pendingUnhandledRejections.push(promise, reason);
return emitPendingUnhandledRejections;