Starting next Thursday Isaac, Tom, and I will be holding weekly office hours at <ahref=",+San+Francisco,+CA+94104&layer=c&sll=37.793040,-122.400491&cbp=13,178.31,,0,-60.77&cbll=37.793131,-122.400484&hl=en&sspn=0.006295,0.006295&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=345+California+St,+San+Francisco,+California+94104&ll=37.793131,-122.400484&spn=0.001295,0.003428&z=19&panoid=h0dlz3VG-hMKlzOu0LxMIg">Joyent HQ</a> in San Francisco. Office hours are meant to be subdued working time - there are no talks and no alcohol. Bring your bugs or just come and hack with us.
Our building requires that everyone attending be on a list so you must sign up at <ahref="">Event Brite</a>.