'use strict';
const common = require('../common');
// This test asserts the semantics of dgram::socket.bind({ exclusive })
// when called from a cluster.Worker
const assert = require('assert');
const cluster = require('cluster');
const dgram = require('dgram');
const BYE = 'bye';
const WORKER2_NAME = 'wrker2';
if (cluster.isMaster) {
const worker1 = cluster.fork();
if (common.isWindows) {
worker1.on('error', common.mustCall((err) => {
assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ENOTSUP');
worker1.on('message', common.mustCall((msg) => {
assert.strictEqual(msg, 'success');
const worker2 = cluster.fork({ WORKER2_NAME });
worker2.on('message', common.mustCall((msg) => {
assert.strictEqual(msg, 'socket3:EADDRINUSE');
// finish test
worker2.on('exit', common.mustCall((code, signal) => {
assert.strictEqual(signal, null);
assert.strictEqual(code, 0);
worker1.on('exit', common.mustCall((code, signal) => {
assert.strictEqual(signal, null);
assert.strictEqual(code, 0);
// end master code
} else {
// worker code
process.on('message', common.mustCallAtLeast((msg) => {
if (msg === BYE) process.exit(0);
}), 1);
const isSecondWorker = process.env.WORKER2_NAME === WORKER2_NAME;
const socket1 = dgram.createSocket('udp4', common.mustNotCall());
const socket2 = dgram.createSocket('udp4', common.mustNotCall());
const socket3 = dgram.createSocket('udp4', common.mustNotCall());
socket1.on('error', (err) => assert.fail(undefined, undefined, err));
socket2.on('error', (err) => assert.fail(undefined, undefined, err));
// First worker should bind, second should err
const socket3OnBind =
isSecondWorker ?
common.mustNotCall() :
common.mustCall(() => {
const port3 = socket3.address().port;
assert.strictEqual(typeof port3, 'number');
// an error is expected only in the second worker
const socket3OnError =
!isSecondWorker ?
common.mustNotCall() :
common.mustCall((err) => {
const address = common.localhostIPv4;
const opt1 = { address, port: 0, exclusive: false };
const opt2 = { address, port: common.PORT, exclusive: false };
const opt3 = { address, port: common.PORT + 1, exclusive: true };
socket1.bind(opt1, common.mustCall(() => {
const port1 = socket1.address().port;
assert.strictEqual(typeof port1, 'number');
socket2.bind(opt2, common.mustCall(() => {
const port2 = socket2.address().port;
assert.strictEqual(typeof port2, 'number');
socket3.on('error', socket3OnError);
socket3.bind(opt3, socket3OnBind);