prefix parallel
# To mark a test as flaky, list the test name in the appropriate section
# below, without ".js", followed by ": PASS,FLAKY". Example:
# sample-test : PASS,FLAKY
[true] # This section applies to all platforms
test-tick-processor : PASS,FLAKY
test-tick-processor : PASS,FLAKY
[$system==solaris] # Also applies to SmartOS
test-debug-signal-cluster : PASS,FLAKY
# fs-watch currently needs special configuration on AIX and we
# want to improve under https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/5085.
# Tests are disabled so CI can be green and we can spot other
# regressions until this work is complete
test-fs-watch-enoent : FAIL, PASS
test-fs-watch-encoding : FAIL, PASS
# being worked under https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/7564
test-async-wrap-post-did-throw : PASS, FLAKY
test-async-wrap-throw-from-callback : PASS, FLAKY
test-crypto-random : PASS, FLAKY
#being worked under https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/7973
test-stdio-closed : PASS, FLAKY
#covered by https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/3796
# but more frequent on AIX ?
test-debug-signal-cluster : PASS, FLAKY
#covered by https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/8271
test-child-process-fork-dgram : PASS, FLAKY