You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# longest-streak [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](](
Count the longest repeating streak of a character.
## Installation
npm install longest-streak
**longest-streak** is also available for [bower](,
[component](, [duo](,
and for AMD, CommonJS, and globals ([uncompressed](longest-streak.js) and
## Usage
var longestStreak = require('longest-streak');
longestStreak('` foo `` bar `', '`') // 2
## API
### longestStreak(value, character)
Get the count of the longest repeating streak of `character` in `value`.
* `value` (`string`) — Content, coerced to string.
* `character` (`string`) — Single character to look for.
Returns: `number` — Number of characters at the place where `character`
occurs in its longest streak in `value`.
* `Error` — when `character` is not a single character string.
## License
[MIT](LICENSE) @ [Titus Wormer](