/* eslint-disable max-len */
'use strict';
var assert = require('assert');
var url = require('url');
// URLs to parse, and expected data
// { url : parsed }
var parseTests = {
'//some_path': {
href: '//some_path',
pathname: '//some_path',
path: '//some_path'
'http:\\\\evil-phisher\\foo.html#h\\a\\s\\h': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'evil-phisher',
hostname: 'evil-phisher',
pathname: '/foo.html',
path: '/foo.html',
hash: '#h%5Ca%5Cs%5Ch',
href: 'http://evil-phisher/foo.html#h%5Ca%5Cs%5Ch'
'http:\\\\evil-phisher\\foo.html?json="\\"foo\\""#h\\a\\s\\h': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'evil-phisher',
hostname: 'evil-phisher',
pathname: '/foo.html',
search: '?json=%22%5C%22foo%5C%22%22',
query: 'json=%22%5C%22foo%5C%22%22',
path: '/foo.html?json=%22%5C%22foo%5C%22%22',
hash: '#h%5Ca%5Cs%5Ch',
href: 'http://evil-phisher/foo.html?json=%22%5C%22foo%5C%22%22#h%5Ca%5Cs%5Ch'
'http:\\\\evil-phisher\\foo.html#h\\a\\s\\h?blarg': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'evil-phisher',
hostname: 'evil-phisher',
pathname: '/foo.html',
path: '/foo.html',
hash: '#h%5Ca%5Cs%5Ch?blarg',
href: 'http://evil-phisher/foo.html#h%5Ca%5Cs%5Ch?blarg'
'http:\\\\evil-phisher\\foo.html': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'evil-phisher',
hostname: 'evil-phisher',
pathname: '/foo.html',
path: '/foo.html',
href: 'http://evil-phisher/foo.html'
'HTTP://www.example.com/': {
href: 'http://www.example.com/',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'www.example.com',
hostname: 'www.example.com',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'HTTP://www.example.com': {
href: 'http://www.example.com/',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'www.example.com',
hostname: 'www.example.com',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://www.ExAmPlE.com/': {
href: 'http://www.example.com/',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'www.example.com',
hostname: 'www.example.com',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://user:pw@www.ExAmPlE.com/': {
href: 'http://user:pw@www.example.com/',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
auth: 'user:pw',
host: 'www.example.com',
hostname: 'www.example.com',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://USER:PW@www.ExAmPlE.com/': {
href: 'http://USER:PW@www.example.com/',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
auth: 'USER:PW',
host: 'www.example.com',
hostname: 'www.example.com',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://user@www.example.com/': {
href: 'http://user@www.example.com/',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
auth: 'user',
host: 'www.example.com',
hostname: 'www.example.com',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://user%3Apw@www.example.com/': {
href: 'http://user:pw@www.example.com/',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
auth: 'user:pw',
host: 'www.example.com',
hostname: 'www.example.com',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://x.com/path?that\'s#all, folks': {
href: 'http://x.com/path?that%27s#all,%20folks',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'x.com',
hostname: 'x.com',
search: '?that%27s',
query: 'that%27s',
pathname: '/path',
hash: '#all,%20folks',
path: '/path?that%27s'
'HTTP://X.COM/Y': {
href: 'http://x.com/Y',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'x.com',
hostname: 'x.com',
pathname: '/Y',
path: '/Y'
// + not an invalid host character
// per https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#host-parsing
'http://x.y.com+a/b/c': {
href: 'http://x.y.com+a/b/c',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'x.y.com+a',
hostname: 'x.y.com+a',
pathname: '/b/c',
path: '/b/c'
// an unexpected invalid char in the hostname.
'HtTp://x.y.cOm;a/b/c?d=e#f g<h>i': {
href: 'http://x.y.com/;a/b/c?d=e#f%20g%3Ch%3Ei',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'x.y.com',
hostname: 'x.y.com',
pathname: ';a/b/c',
search: '?d=e',
query: 'd=e',
hash: '#f%20g%3Ch%3Ei',
path: ';a/b/c?d=e'
// make sure that we don't accidentally lcast the path parts.
'HtTp://x.y.cOm;A/b/c?d=e#f g<h>i': {
href: 'http://x.y.com/;A/b/c?d=e#f%20g%3Ch%3Ei',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'x.y.com',
hostname: 'x.y.com',
pathname: ';A/b/c',
search: '?d=e',
query: 'd=e',
hash: '#f%20g%3Ch%3Ei',
path: ';A/b/c?d=e'
'http://x...y...#p': {
href: 'http://x...y.../#p',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'x...y...',
hostname: 'x...y...',
hash: '#p',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://x/p/"quoted"': {
href: 'http://x/p/%22quoted%22',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'x',
hostname: 'x',
pathname: '/p/%22quoted%22',
path: '/p/%22quoted%22'
'<http://goo.corn/bread> Is a URL!': {
href: '%3Chttp://goo.corn/bread%3E%20Is%20a%20URL!',
pathname: '%3Chttp://goo.corn/bread%3E%20Is%20a%20URL!',
path: '%3Chttp://goo.corn/bread%3E%20Is%20a%20URL!'
'http://www.narwhaljs.org/blog/categories?id=news': {
href: 'http://www.narwhaljs.org/blog/categories?id=news',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'www.narwhaljs.org',
hostname: 'www.narwhaljs.org',
search: '?id=news',
query: 'id=news',
pathname: '/blog/categories',
path: '/blog/categories?id=news'
'http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=': {
href: 'http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'mt0.google.com',
hostname: 'mt0.google.com',
pathname: '/vt/lyrs=m@114&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=',
path: '/vt/lyrs=m@114&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s='
'http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=': {
href: 'http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114???&hl=en&src=api' +
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'mt0.google.com',
hostname: 'mt0.google.com',
search: '???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=',
query: '??&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=',
pathname: '/vt/lyrs=m@114',
path: '/vt/lyrs=m@114???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s='
'http://user:pass@mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=': {
href: 'http://user:pass@mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=m@114???' +
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'mt0.google.com',
auth: 'user:pass',
hostname: 'mt0.google.com',
search: '???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=',
query: '??&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s=',
pathname: '/vt/lyrs=m@114',
path: '/vt/lyrs=m@114???&hl=en&src=api&x=2&y=2&z=3&s='
'file:///etc/passwd': {
href: 'file:///etc/passwd',
slashes: true,
protocol: 'file:',
pathname: '/etc/passwd',
hostname: '',
host: '',
path: '/etc/passwd'
'file://localhost/etc/passwd': {
href: 'file://localhost/etc/passwd',
protocol: 'file:',
slashes: true,
pathname: '/etc/passwd',
hostname: 'localhost',
host: 'localhost',
path: '/etc/passwd'
'file://foo/etc/passwd': {
href: 'file://foo/etc/passwd',
protocol: 'file:',
slashes: true,
pathname: '/etc/passwd',
hostname: 'foo',
host: 'foo',
path: '/etc/passwd'
'file:///etc/node/': {
href: 'file:///etc/node/',
slashes: true,
protocol: 'file:',
pathname: '/etc/node/',
hostname: '',
host: '',
path: '/etc/node/'
'file://localhost/etc/node/': {
href: 'file://localhost/etc/node/',
protocol: 'file:',
slashes: true,
pathname: '/etc/node/',
hostname: 'localhost',
host: 'localhost',
path: '/etc/node/'
'file://foo/etc/node/': {
href: 'file://foo/etc/node/',
protocol: 'file:',
slashes: true,
pathname: '/etc/node/',
hostname: 'foo',
host: 'foo',
path: '/etc/node/'
'http:/baz/../foo/bar': {
href: 'http:/baz/../foo/bar',
protocol: 'http:',
pathname: '/baz/../foo/bar',
path: '/baz/../foo/bar'
'http://user:pass@example.com:8000/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag': {
href: 'http://user:pass@example.com:8000/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'example.com:8000',
auth: 'user:pass',
port: '8000',
hostname: 'example.com',
hash: '#frag',
search: '?baz=quux',
query: 'baz=quux',
pathname: '/foo/bar',
path: '/foo/bar?baz=quux'
'//user:pass@example.com:8000/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag': {
href: '//user:pass@example.com:8000/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag',
slashes: true,
host: 'example.com:8000',
auth: 'user:pass',
port: '8000',
hostname: 'example.com',
hash: '#frag',
search: '?baz=quux',
query: 'baz=quux',
pathname: '/foo/bar',
path: '/foo/bar?baz=quux'
'/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag': {
href: '/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag',
hash: '#frag',
search: '?baz=quux',
query: 'baz=quux',
pathname: '/foo/bar',
path: '/foo/bar?baz=quux'
'http:/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag': {
href: 'http:/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag',
protocol: 'http:',
hash: '#frag',
search: '?baz=quux',
query: 'baz=quux',
pathname: '/foo/bar',
path: '/foo/bar?baz=quux'
'mailto:foo@bar.com?subject=hello': {
href: 'mailto:foo@bar.com?subject=hello',
protocol: 'mailto:',
host: 'bar.com',
auth: 'foo',
hostname: 'bar.com',
search: '?subject=hello',
query: 'subject=hello',
path: '?subject=hello'
'javascript:alert(\'hello\');': {
href: 'javascript:alert(\'hello\');',
protocol: 'javascript:',
pathname: 'alert(\'hello\');',
path: 'alert(\'hello\');'
'xmpp:isaacschlueter@jabber.org': {
href: 'xmpp:isaacschlueter@jabber.org',
protocol: 'xmpp:',
host: 'jabber.org',
auth: 'isaacschlueter',
hostname: 'jabber.org'
'http://atpass:foo%40bar@': {
href: 'http://atpass:foo%40bar@',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: '',
auth: 'atpass:foo@bar',
hostname: '',
port: '8080',
pathname: '/path',
search: '?search=foo',
query: 'search=foo',
hash: '#bar',
path: '/path?search=foo'
'svn+ssh://foo/bar': {
href: 'svn+ssh://foo/bar',
host: 'foo',
hostname: 'foo',
protocol: 'svn+ssh:',
pathname: '/bar',
path: '/bar',
slashes: true
'dash-test://foo/bar': {
href: 'dash-test://foo/bar',
host: 'foo',
hostname: 'foo',
protocol: 'dash-test:',
pathname: '/bar',
path: '/bar',
slashes: true
'dash-test:foo/bar': {
href: 'dash-test:foo/bar',
host: 'foo',
hostname: 'foo',
protocol: 'dash-test:',
pathname: '/bar',
path: '/bar'
'dot.test://foo/bar': {
href: 'dot.test://foo/bar',
host: 'foo',
hostname: 'foo',
protocol: 'dot.test:',
pathname: '/bar',
path: '/bar',
slashes: true
'dot.test:foo/bar': {
href: 'dot.test:foo/bar',
host: 'foo',
hostname: 'foo',
protocol: 'dot.test:',
pathname: '/bar',
path: '/bar'
// IDNA tests
'http://www.日本語.com/': {
href: 'http://www.xn--wgv71a119e.com/',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'www.xn--wgv71a119e.com',
hostname: 'www.xn--wgv71a119e.com',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://example.Bücher.com/': {
href: 'http://example.xn--bcher-kva.com/',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'example.xn--bcher-kva.com',
hostname: 'example.xn--bcher-kva.com',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://www.Äffchen.com/': {
href: 'http://www.xn--ffchen-9ta.com/',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'www.xn--ffchen-9ta.com',
hostname: 'www.xn--ffchen-9ta.com',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://www.Äffchen.cOm;A/b/c?d=e#f g<h>i': {
href: 'http://www.xn--ffchen-9ta.com/;A/b/c?d=e#f%20g%3Ch%3Ei',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'www.xn--ffchen-9ta.com',
hostname: 'www.xn--ffchen-9ta.com',
pathname: ';A/b/c',
search: '?d=e',
query: 'd=e',
hash: '#f%20g%3Ch%3Ei',
path: ';A/b/c?d=e'
'http://SÉLIER.COM/': {
href: 'http://xn--slier-bsa.com/',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'xn--slier-bsa.com',
hostname: 'xn--slier-bsa.com',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://ليهمابتكلموشعربي؟.ي؟/': {
href: 'http://xn--egbpdaj6bu4bxfgehfvwxn.xn--egb9f/',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'xn--egbpdaj6bu4bxfgehfvwxn.xn--egb9f',
hostname: 'xn--egbpdaj6bu4bxfgehfvwxn.xn--egb9f',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://➡.ws/➡': {
href: 'http://xn--hgi.ws/➡',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'xn--hgi.ws',
hostname: 'xn--hgi.ws',
pathname: '/➡',
path: '/➡'
'http://bucket_name.s3.amazonaws.com/image.jpg': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'bucket_name.s3.amazonaws.com',
hostname: 'bucket_name.s3.amazonaws.com',
pathname: '/image.jpg',
href: 'http://bucket_name.s3.amazonaws.com/image.jpg',
path: '/image.jpg'
'git+http://github.com/joyent/node.git': {
protocol: 'git+http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'github.com',
hostname: 'github.com',
pathname: '/joyent/node.git',
path: '/joyent/node.git',
href: 'git+http://github.com/joyent/node.git'
//if local1@domain1 is uses as a relative URL it may
//be parse into auth@hostname, but here there is no
//way to make it work in url.parse, I add the test to be explicit
'local1@domain1': {
pathname: 'local1@domain1',
path: 'local1@domain1',
href: 'local1@domain1'
//While this may seem counter-intuitive, a browser will parse
//<a href='www.google.com'> as a path.
'www.example.com': {
href: 'www.example.com',
pathname: 'www.example.com',
path: 'www.example.com'
// ipv6 support
'[fe80::1]': {
href: '[fe80::1]',
pathname: '[fe80::1]',
path: '[fe80::1]'
'coap://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]': {
protocol: 'coap:',
slashes: true,
host: '[fedc:ba98:7654:3210:fedc:ba98:7654:3210]',
hostname: 'fedc:ba98:7654:3210:fedc:ba98:7654:3210',
href: 'coap://[fedc:ba98:7654:3210:fedc:ba98:7654:3210]/',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'coap://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A]:61616/': {
protocol: 'coap:',
slashes: true,
host: '[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200c:417a]:61616',
port: '61616',
hostname: '1080:0:0:0:8:800:200c:417a',
href: 'coap://[1080:0:0:0:8:800:200c:417a]:61616/',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://user:password@[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]:8080': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
auth: 'user:password',
host: '[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]:8080',
port: '8080',
hostname: '3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1',
href: 'http://user:password@[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]:8080/',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'coap://u:p@[::]:61616/.well-known/r?n=Temperature': {
protocol: 'coap:',
slashes: true,
auth: 'u:p',
host: '[::]:61616',
port: '61616',
hostname: '::',
href: 'coap://u:p@[::]:61616/.well-known/r?n=Temperature',
search: '?n=Temperature',
query: 'n=Temperature',
pathname: '/.well-known/r',
path: '/.well-known/r?n=Temperature'
// empty port
'http://example.com:': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'example.com',
hostname: 'example.com',
href: 'http://example.com/',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://example.com:/a/b.html': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'example.com',
hostname: 'example.com',
href: 'http://example.com/a/b.html',
pathname: '/a/b.html',
path: '/a/b.html'
'http://example.com:?a=b': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'example.com',
hostname: 'example.com',
href: 'http://example.com/?a=b',
search: '?a=b',
query: 'a=b',
pathname: '/',
path: '/?a=b'
'http://example.com:#abc': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'example.com',
hostname: 'example.com',
href: 'http://example.com/#abc',
hash: '#abc',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'http://[fe80::1]:/a/b?a=b#abc': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: '[fe80::1]',
hostname: 'fe80::1',
href: 'http://[fe80::1]/a/b?a=b#abc',
search: '?a=b',
query: 'a=b',
hash: '#abc',
pathname: '/a/b',
path: '/a/b?a=b'
'http://-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com/rss': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: '-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com',
hostname: '-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com',
href: 'http://-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com/rss',
pathname: '/rss',
path: '/rss',
'http://-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com:80/rss': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
port: '80',
host: '-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com:80',
hostname: '-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com',
href: 'http://-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com:80/rss',
pathname: '/rss',
path: '/rss',
'http://user:pass@-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com/rss': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
auth: 'user:pass',
host: '-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com',
hostname: '-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com',
href: 'http://user:pass@-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com/rss',
pathname: '/rss',
path: '/rss',
'http://user:pass@-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com:80/rss': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
auth: 'user:pass',
port: '80',
host: '-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com:80',
hostname: '-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com',
href: 'http://user:pass@-lovemonsterz.tumblr.com:80/rss',
pathname: '/rss',
path: '/rss',
'http://_jabber._tcp.google.com/test': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: '_jabber._tcp.google.com',
hostname: '_jabber._tcp.google.com',
href: 'http://_jabber._tcp.google.com/test',
pathname: '/test',
path: '/test',
'http://user:pass@_jabber._tcp.google.com/test': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
auth: 'user:pass',
host: '_jabber._tcp.google.com',
hostname: '_jabber._tcp.google.com',
href: 'http://user:pass@_jabber._tcp.google.com/test',
pathname: '/test',
path: '/test',
'http://_jabber._tcp.google.com:80/test': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
port: '80',
host: '_jabber._tcp.google.com:80',
hostname: '_jabber._tcp.google.com',
href: 'http://_jabber._tcp.google.com:80/test',
pathname: '/test',
path: '/test',
'http://user:pass@_jabber._tcp.google.com:80/test': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
auth: 'user:pass',
port: '80',
host: '_jabber._tcp.google.com:80',
hostname: '_jabber._tcp.google.com',
href: 'http://user:pass@_jabber._tcp.google.com:80/test',
pathname: '/test',
path: '/test',
'http://x:1/\' <>"`/{}|\\^~`/': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'x:1',
port: '1',
hostname: 'x',
pathname: '/%27%20%3C%3E%22%60/%7B%7D%7C/%5E~%60/',
path: '/%27%20%3C%3E%22%60/%7B%7D%7C/%5E~%60/',
href: 'http://x:1/%27%20%3C%3E%22%60/%7B%7D%7C/%5E~%60/'
url: Properly parse certain oddly formed urls
In cases where there are multiple @-chars in a url, Node currently
parses the hostname and auth sections differently than web browsers.
This part of the bug is serious, and should be landed in v0.10, and
also ported to v0.8, and releases made as soon as possible.
The less serious issue is that there are many other sorts of malformed
urls which Node either accepts when it should reject, or interprets
differently than web browsers. For example, `http://a.com*foo` is
interpreted by Node like `http://a.com/*foo` when web browsers treat
this as `http://a.com%3Bfoo/`.
In general, *only* the `hostEndingChars` should be the characters that
delimit the host portion of the URL. Most of the current `nonHostChars`
that appear in the hostname should be escaped, but some of them (such as
`;` and `%` when it does not introduce a hex pair) should raise an
We need to have a broader discussion about whether it's best to throw in
these cases, and potentially break extant programs, or return an object
that has every field set to `null` so that any attempt to read the
hostname/auth/etc. will appear to be empty.
12 years ago
'http://a@b@c/': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
auth: 'a@b',
host: 'c',
hostname: 'c',
href: 'http://a%40b@c/',
path: '/',
pathname: '/'
'http://a@b?@c': {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
auth: 'a',
host: 'b',
hostname: 'b',
href: 'http://a@b/?@c',
path: '/?@c',
pathname: '/',
search: '?@c',
query: '@c'
'http://a\r" \t\n<\'b:b@c\r\nd/e?f': {
url: Properly parse certain oddly formed urls
In cases where there are multiple @-chars in a url, Node currently
parses the hostname and auth sections differently than web browsers.
This part of the bug is serious, and should be landed in v0.10, and
also ported to v0.8, and releases made as soon as possible.
The less serious issue is that there are many other sorts of malformed
urls which Node either accepts when it should reject, or interprets
differently than web browsers. For example, `http://a.com*foo` is
interpreted by Node like `http://a.com/*foo` when web browsers treat
this as `http://a.com%3Bfoo/`.
In general, *only* the `hostEndingChars` should be the characters that
delimit the host portion of the URL. Most of the current `nonHostChars`
that appear in the hostname should be escaped, but some of them (such as
`;` and `%` when it does not introduce a hex pair) should raise an
We need to have a broader discussion about whether it's best to throw in
these cases, and potentially break extant programs, or return an object
that has every field set to `null` so that any attempt to read the
hostname/auth/etc. will appear to be empty.
12 years ago
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
auth: 'a\r" \t\n<\'b:b',
host: 'c',
port: null,
hostname: 'c',
hash: null,
search: '?f',
query: 'f',
pathname: '%0D%0Ad/e',
path: '%0D%0Ad/e?f',
href: 'http://a%0D%22%20%09%0A%3C\'b:b@c/%0D%0Ad/e?f'
// git urls used by npm
'git+ssh://git@github.com:npm/npm': {
protocol: 'git+ssh:',
slashes: true,
auth: 'git',
host: 'github.com',
port: null,
hostname: 'github.com',
hash: null,
search: null,
query: null,
pathname: '/:npm/npm',
path: '/:npm/npm',
href: 'git+ssh://git@github.com/:npm/npm'
'https://*': {
protocol: 'https:',
slashes: true,
auth: null,
host: '',
port: null,
hostname: '',
hash: null,
search: null,
query: null,
pathname: '/*',
path: '/*',
href: 'https:///*'
url: Properly parse certain oddly formed urls
In cases where there are multiple @-chars in a url, Node currently
parses the hostname and auth sections differently than web browsers.
This part of the bug is serious, and should be landed in v0.10, and
also ported to v0.8, and releases made as soon as possible.
The less serious issue is that there are many other sorts of malformed
urls which Node either accepts when it should reject, or interprets
differently than web browsers. For example, `http://a.com*foo` is
interpreted by Node like `http://a.com/*foo` when web browsers treat
this as `http://a.com%3Bfoo/`.
In general, *only* the `hostEndingChars` should be the characters that
delimit the host portion of the URL. Most of the current `nonHostChars`
that appear in the hostname should be escaped, but some of them (such as
`;` and `%` when it does not introduce a hex pair) should raise an
We need to have a broader discussion about whether it's best to throw in
these cases, and potentially break extant programs, or return an object
that has every field set to `null` so that any attempt to read the
hostname/auth/etc. will appear to be empty.
12 years ago
for (const u in parseTests) {
let actual = url.parse(u);
const spaced = url.parse(` \t ${u}\n\t`);
let expected = Object.assign(new url.Url(), parseTests[u]);
Object.keys(actual).forEach(function(i) {
if (expected[i] === undefined && actual[i] === null) {
expected[i] = null;
assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
assert.deepStrictEqual(spaced, expected);
expected = parseTests[u].href;
actual = url.format(parseTests[u]);
assert.equal(actual, expected,
'format(' + u + ') == ' + u + '\nactual:' + actual);
function createWithNoPrototype(properties = []) {
const noProto = Object.create(null);
properties.forEach((property) => {
noProto[property.key] = property.value;
return noProto;
function check(actual, expected) {
assert.notStrictEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(actual), Object.prototype);
Object.keys(expected).forEach(function(key) {
assert.deepStrictEqual(actual[key], expected[key]);
var parseTestsWithQueryString = {
'/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag': {
href: '/foo/bar?baz=quux#frag',
hash: '#frag',
search: '?baz=quux',
query: createWithNoPrototype([{key: 'baz', value: 'quux'}]),
pathname: '/foo/bar',
path: '/foo/bar?baz=quux'
'http://example.com': {
href: 'http://example.com/',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'example.com',
hostname: 'example.com',
query: createWithNoPrototype(),
search: '',
pathname: '/',
path: '/'
'/example': {
protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: undefined,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
hash: null,
search: '',
query: createWithNoPrototype(),
pathname: '/example',
path: '/example',
href: '/example'
'/example?query=value': {
protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: undefined,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
hash: null,
search: '?query=value',
query: createWithNoPrototype([{ key: 'query', value: 'value' }]),
pathname: '/example',
path: '/example?query=value',
href: '/example?query=value'
for (const u in parseTestsWithQueryString) {
const actual = url.parse(u, true);
const expected = Object.assign(new url.Url(), parseTestsWithQueryString[u]);
for (const i in actual) {
if (actual[i] === null && expected[i] === undefined) {
expected[i] = null;
const properties = Object.keys(actual).sort();
assert.deepStrictEqual(properties, Object.keys(expected).sort());
properties.forEach((property) => {
if (property === 'query') {
check(actual[property], expected[property]);
} else {
assert.deepStrictEqual(actual[property], expected[property]);
// some extra formatting tests, just to verify
// that it'll format slightly wonky content to a valid url.
var formatTests = {
'http://example.com?': {
href: 'http://example.com/?',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'example.com',
hostname: 'example.com',
search: '?',
query: {},
pathname: '/'
'http://example.com?foo=bar#frag': {
href: 'http://example.com/?foo=bar#frag',
protocol: 'http:',
host: 'example.com',
hostname: 'example.com',
hash: '#frag',
search: '?foo=bar',
query: 'foo=bar',
pathname: '/'
'http://example.com?foo=@bar#frag': {
href: 'http://example.com/?foo=@bar#frag',
protocol: 'http:',
host: 'example.com',
hostname: 'example.com',
hash: '#frag',
search: '?foo=@bar',
query: 'foo=@bar',
pathname: '/'
'http://example.com?foo=/bar/#frag': {
href: 'http://example.com/?foo=/bar/#frag',
protocol: 'http:',
host: 'example.com',
hostname: 'example.com',
hash: '#frag',
search: '?foo=/bar/',
query: 'foo=/bar/',
pathname: '/'
'http://example.com?foo=?bar/#frag': {
href: 'http://example.com/?foo=?bar/#frag',
protocol: 'http:',
host: 'example.com',
hostname: 'example.com',
hash: '#frag',
search: '?foo=?bar/',
query: 'foo=?bar/',
pathname: '/'
'http://example.com#frag=?bar/#frag': {
href: 'http://example.com/#frag=?bar/#frag',
protocol: 'http:',
host: 'example.com',
hostname: 'example.com',
hash: '#frag=?bar/#frag',
pathname: '/'
'http://google.com" onload="alert(42)/': {
href: 'http://google.com/%22%20onload=%22alert(42)/',
protocol: 'http:',
host: 'google.com',
pathname: '/%22%20onload=%22alert(42)/'
'http://a.com/a/b/c?s#h': {
href: 'http://a.com/a/b/c?s#h',
protocol: 'http',
host: 'a.com',
pathname: 'a/b/c',
hash: 'h',
search: 's'
'xmpp:isaacschlueter@jabber.org': {
href: 'xmpp:isaacschlueter@jabber.org',
protocol: 'xmpp:',
host: 'jabber.org',
auth: 'isaacschlueter',
hostname: 'jabber.org'
'http://atpass:foo%40bar@': {
href: 'http://atpass:foo%40bar@',
auth: 'atpass:foo@bar',
hostname: '',
protocol: 'http:',
pathname: '/'
'http://atslash%2F%40:%2F%40@foo/': {
href: 'http://atslash%2F%40:%2F%40@foo/',
auth: 'atslash/@:/@',
hostname: 'foo',
protocol: 'http:',
pathname: '/'
'svn+ssh://foo/bar': {
href: 'svn+ssh://foo/bar',
hostname: 'foo',
protocol: 'svn+ssh:',
pathname: '/bar',
slashes: true
'dash-test://foo/bar': {
href: 'dash-test://foo/bar',
hostname: 'foo',
protocol: 'dash-test:',
pathname: '/bar',
slashes: true
'dash-test:foo/bar': {
href: 'dash-test:foo/bar',
hostname: 'foo',
protocol: 'dash-test:',
pathname: '/bar'
'dot.test://foo/bar': {
href: 'dot.test://foo/bar',
hostname: 'foo',
protocol: 'dot.test:',
pathname: '/bar',
slashes: true
'dot.test:foo/bar': {
href: 'dot.test:foo/bar',
hostname: 'foo',
protocol: 'dot.test:',
pathname: '/bar'
// ipv6 support
'coap:u:p@[::1]:61616/.well-known/r?n=Temperature': {
href: 'coap:u:p@[::1]:61616/.well-known/r?n=Temperature',
protocol: 'coap:',
auth: 'u:p',
hostname: '::1',
port: '61616',
pathname: '/.well-known/r',
search: 'n=Temperature'
'coap:[fedc:ba98:7654:3210:fedc:ba98:7654:3210]:61616/s/stopButton': {
href: 'coap:[fedc:ba98:7654:3210:fedc:ba98:7654:3210]:61616/s/stopButton',
protocol: 'coap',
host: '[fedc:ba98:7654:3210:fedc:ba98:7654:3210]:61616',
pathname: '/s/stopButton'
// encode context-specific delimiters in path and query, but do not touch
// other non-delimiter chars like `%`.
// <https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/4082>
// `#`,`?` in path
'/path/to/%%23%3F+=&.txt?foo=theA1#bar': {
href: '/path/to/%%23%3F+=&.txt?foo=theA1#bar',
pathname: '/path/to/%#?+=&.txt',
query: {
foo: 'theA1'
hash: '#bar'
// `#`,`?` in path + `#` in query
'/path/to/%%23%3F+=&.txt?foo=the%231#bar': {
href: '/path/to/%%23%3F+=&.txt?foo=the%231#bar',
pathname: '/path/to/%#?+=&.txt',
query: {
foo: 'the#1'
hash: '#bar'
// `?` and `#` in path and search
'http://ex.com/foo%3F100%m%23r?abc=the%231?&foo=bar#frag': {
href: 'http://ex.com/foo%3F100%m%23r?abc=the%231?&foo=bar#frag',
protocol: 'http:',
hostname: 'ex.com',
hash: '#frag',
search: '?abc=the#1?&foo=bar',
pathname: '/foo?100%m#r',
// `?` and `#` in search only
'http://ex.com/fooA100%mBr?abc=the%231?&foo=bar#frag': {
href: 'http://ex.com/fooA100%mBr?abc=the%231?&foo=bar#frag',
protocol: 'http:',
hostname: 'ex.com',
hash: '#frag',
search: '?abc=the#1?&foo=bar',
pathname: '/fooA100%mBr',
// multiple `#` in search
'http://example.com/?foo=bar%231%232%233&abc=%234%23%235#frag': {
href: 'http://example.com/?foo=bar%231%232%233&abc=%234%23%235#frag',
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
host: 'example.com',
hostname: 'example.com',
hash: '#frag',
search: '?foo=bar#1#2#3&abc=#4##5',
query: {},
pathname: '/'
for (const u in formatTests) {
const expect = formatTests[u].href;
delete formatTests[u].href;
const actual = url.format(u);
const actualObj = url.format(formatTests[u]);
assert.equal(actual, expect,
'wonky format(' + u + ') == ' + expect +
'\nactual:' + actual);
assert.equal(actualObj, expect,
'wonky format(' + JSON.stringify(formatTests[u]) +
') == ' + expect +
'\nactual: ' + actualObj);
[from, path, expected]
var relativeTests = [
['/foo/bar/baz', 'quux', '/foo/bar/quux'],
['/foo/bar/baz', 'quux/asdf', '/foo/bar/quux/asdf'],
['/foo/bar/baz', 'quux/baz', '/foo/bar/quux/baz'],
['/foo/bar/baz', '../quux/baz', '/foo/quux/baz'],
['/foo/bar/baz', '/bar', '/bar'],
['/foo/bar/baz/', 'quux', '/foo/bar/baz/quux'],
['/foo/bar/baz/', 'quux/baz', '/foo/bar/baz/quux/baz'],
['/foo/bar/baz', '../../../../../../../../quux/baz', '/quux/baz'],
['/foo/bar/baz', '../../../../../../../quux/baz', '/quux/baz'],
['/foo', '.', '/'],
['/foo', '..', '/'],
['/foo/', '.', '/foo/'],
['/foo/', '..', '/'],
['/foo/bar', '.', '/foo/'],
['/foo/bar', '..', '/'],
['/foo/bar/', '.', '/foo/bar/'],
['/foo/bar/', '..', '/foo/'],
['foo/bar', '../../../baz', '../../baz'],
['foo/bar/', '../../../baz', '../baz'],
['http://example.com/b//c//d;p?q#blarg', 'https:#hash2', 'https:///#hash2'],
['/foo/bar/baz', '/../etc/passwd', '/etc/passwd'],
['http://localhost', 'file:///Users/foo', 'file:///Users/foo'],
['http://localhost', 'file://foo/Users', 'file://foo/Users']
relativeTests.forEach(function(relativeTest) {
const a = url.resolve(relativeTest[0], relativeTest[1]);
const e = relativeTest[2];
assert.equal(a, e,
'resolve(' + [relativeTest[0], relativeTest[1]] + ') == ' + e +
'\n actual=' + a);
// https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/568
].forEach(function(val) {
assert.throws(function() { url.parse(val); }, TypeError);
// Tests below taken from Chiron
// http://code.google.com/p/chironjs/source/browse/trunk/src/test/http/url.js
// Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Kris Kowal <http://cixar.com/~kris.kowal>
// used with permission under MIT License
// Changes marked with @isaacs
var bases = [
//[to, from, result]
var relativeTests2 = [
// http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/uri/2004Feb/0114.html
['../c', 'foo:a/b', 'foo:c'],
['foo:.', 'foo:a', 'foo:'],
['/foo/../../../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:/bar'],
['/foo/../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:/bar'],
// @isaacs Disagree. Not how web browsers resolve this.
['foo/../../../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:bar'],
// ['foo/../../../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:../../bar'], // @isaacs Added
['foo/../bar', 'zz:abc', 'zz:bar'],
['zz:.', 'zz:abc', 'zz:'],
['/.', bases[0], 'http://a/'],
['/.foo', bases[0], 'http://a/.foo'],
['.foo', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/.foo'],
// http://gbiv.com/protocols/uri/test/rel_examples1.html
// examples from RFC 2396
['g:h', bases[0], 'g:h'],
['g', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g'],
['./g', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g'],
['g/', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g/'],
['/g', bases[0], 'http://a/g'],
['//g', bases[0], 'http://g/'],
// changed with RFC 2396bis
//('?y', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?y'],
['?y', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?y'],
['g?y', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g?y'],
// changed with RFC 2396bis
//('#s', bases[0], CURRENT_DOC_URI + '#s'],
['#s', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s'],
['g#s', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g#s'],
['g?y#s', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g?y#s'],
[';x', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/;x'],
['g;x', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g;x'],
['g;x?y#s', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s'],
// changed with RFC 2396bis
//('', bases[0], CURRENT_DOC_URI],
['', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q'],
['.', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/'],
['./', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/'],
['..', bases[0], 'http://a/b/'],
['../', bases[0], 'http://a/b/'],
['../g', bases[0], 'http://a/b/g'],
['../..', bases[0], 'http://a/'],
['../../', bases[0], 'http://a/'],
['../../g', bases[0], 'http://a/g'],
['../../../g', bases[0], ('http://a/../g', 'http://a/g')],
['../../../../g', bases[0], ('http://a/../../g', 'http://a/g')],
// changed with RFC 2396bis
//('/./g', bases[0], 'http://a/./g'],
['/./g', bases[0], 'http://a/g'],
// changed with RFC 2396bis
//('/../g', bases[0], 'http://a/../g'],
['/../g', bases[0], 'http://a/g'],
['g.', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g.'],
['.g', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/.g'],
['g..', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g..'],
['..g', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/..g'],
['./../g', bases[0], 'http://a/b/g'],
['./g/.', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g/'],
['g/./h', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g/h'],
['g/../h', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/h'],
['g;x=1/./y', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y'],
['g;x=1/../y', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/y'],
['g?y/./x', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g?y/./x'],
['g?y/../x', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g?y/../x'],
['g#s/./x', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g#s/./x'],
['g#s/../x', bases[0], 'http://a/b/c/g#s/../x'],
['http:g', bases[0], ('http:g', 'http://a/b/c/g')],
['http:', bases[0], ('http:', bases[0])],
// not sure where this one originated
['/a/b/c/./../../g', bases[0], 'http://a/a/g'],
// http://gbiv.com/protocols/uri/test/rel_examples2.html
// slashes in base URI's query args
['g', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g'],
['./g', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g'],
['g/', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g/'],
['/g', bases[1], 'http://a/g'],
['//g', bases[1], 'http://g/'],
// changed in RFC 2396bis
//('?y', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/?y'],
['?y', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/d;p?y'],
['g?y', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g?y'],
['g?y/./x', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g?y/./x'],
['g?y/../x', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g?y/../x'],
['g#s', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g#s'],
['g#s/./x', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g#s/./x'],
['g#s/../x', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/g#s/../x'],
['./', bases[1], 'http://a/b/c/'],
['../', bases[1], 'http://a/b/'],
['../g', bases[1], 'http://a/b/g'],
['../../', bases[1], 'http://a/'],
['../../g', bases[1], 'http://a/g'],
// http://gbiv.com/protocols/uri/test/rel_examples3.html
// slashes in path params
// all of these changed in RFC 2396bis
['g', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g'],
['./g', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g'],
['g/', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g/'],
['g?y', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g?y'],
[';x', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/;x'],
['g;x', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g;x'],
['g;x=1/./y', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/g;x=1/y'],
['g;x=1/../y', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/y'],
['./', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/d;p=1/'],
['../', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/'],
['../g', bases[2], 'http://a/b/c/g'],
['../../', bases[2], 'http://a/b/'],
['../../g', bases[2], 'http://a/b/g'],
// http://gbiv.com/protocols/uri/test/rel_examples4.html
// double and triple slash, unknown scheme
['g:h', bases[3], 'g:h'],
['g', bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/b/g'],
['./g', bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/b/g'],
['g/', bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/b/g/'],
['/g', bases[3], 'fred:///g'], // may change to fred:///s//a/g
['//g', bases[3], 'fred://g'], // may change to fred:///s//g
['//g/x', bases[3], 'fred://g/x'], // may change to fred:///s//g/x
['///g', bases[3], 'fred:///g'],
['./', bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/b/'],
['../', bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/'],
['../g', bases[3], 'fred:///s//a/g'],
['../../', bases[3], 'fred:///s//'],
['../../g', bases[3], 'fred:///s//g'],
['../../../g', bases[3], 'fred:///s/g'],
// may change to fred:///s//a/../../../g
['../../../../g', bases[3], 'fred:///g'],
// http://gbiv.com/protocols/uri/test/rel_examples5.html
// double and triple slash, well-known scheme
['g:h', bases[4], 'g:h'],
['g', bases[4], 'http:///s//a/b/g'],
['./g', bases[4], 'http:///s//a/b/g'],
['g/', bases[4], 'http:///s//a/b/g/'],
['/g', bases[4], 'http:///g'], // may change to http:///s//a/g
['//g', bases[4], 'http://g/'], // may change to http:///s//g
['//g/x', bases[4], 'http://g/x'], // may change to http:///s//g/x
['///g', bases[4], 'http:///g'],
['./', bases[4], 'http:///s//a/b/'],
['../', bases[4], 'http:///s//a/'],
['../g', bases[4], 'http:///s//a/g'],
['../../', bases[4], 'http:///s//'],
['../../g', bases[4], 'http:///s//g'],
// may change to http:///s//a/../../g
['../../../g', bases[4], 'http:///s/g'],
// may change to http:///s//a/../../../g
['../../../../g', bases[4], 'http:///g'],
// from Dan Connelly's tests in http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/uripath.py
['bar:abc', 'foo:xyz', 'bar:abc'],
['../abc', 'http://example/x/y/z', 'http://example/x/abc'],
['http://example/x/abc', 'http://example2/x/y/z', 'http://example/x/abc'],
['../r', 'http://ex/x/y/z', 'http://ex/x/r'],
['q/r', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q/r'],
['q/r#s', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q/r#s'],
['q/r#s/t', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q/r#s/t'],
['ftp://ex/x/q/r', 'http://ex/x/y', 'ftp://ex/x/q/r'],
['', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/y'],
['', 'http://ex/x/y/', 'http://ex/x/y/'],
['', 'http://ex/x/y/pdq', 'http://ex/x/y/pdq'],
['z/', 'http://ex/x/y/', 'http://ex/x/y/z/'],
['../abc', 'file:/e/x/y/z', 'file:/e/x/abc'],
['/example/x/abc', 'file:/example2/x/y/z', 'file:/example/x/abc'],
['../r', 'file:/ex/x/y/z', 'file:/ex/x/r'],
['/r', 'file:/ex/x/y/z', 'file:/r'],
['q/r', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/q/r'],
['q/r#s', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/q/r#s'],
['q/r#', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/q/r#'],
['q/r#s/t', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/q/r#s/t'],
['ftp://ex/x/q/r', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'ftp://ex/x/q/r'],
['', 'file:/ex/x/y', 'file:/ex/x/y'],
['', 'file:/ex/x/y/', 'file:/ex/x/y/'],
['', 'file:/ex/x/y/pdq', 'file:/ex/x/y/pdq'],
['z/', 'file:/ex/x/y/', 'file:/ex/x/y/z/'],
['./#blort', 'file:/some/dir/foo', 'file:/some/dir/#blort'],
['./#', 'file:/some/dir/foo', 'file:/some/dir/#'],
// Ryan Lee
['./', 'http://example/x/abc.efg', 'http://example/x/'],
// Graham Klyne's tests
// http://www.ninebynine.org/Software/HaskellUtils/Network/UriTest.xls
// 01-31 are from Connelly's cases
// 32-49
['./q:r', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q:r'],
['./p=q:r', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/p=q:r'],
['?pp/rr', 'http://ex/x/y?pp/qq', 'http://ex/x/y?pp/rr'],
['y/z', 'http://ex/x/y?pp/qq', 'http://ex/x/y/z'],
['y?q', 'http://ex/x/y?q', 'http://ex/x/y?q'],
['/x/y?q', 'http://ex?p', 'http://ex/x/y?q'],
['c/d', 'foo:a/b', 'foo:a/c/d'],
['/c/d', 'foo:a/b', 'foo:/c/d'],
['', 'foo:a/b?c#d', 'foo:a/b?c'],
['b/c', 'foo:a', 'foo:b/c'],
['../b/c', 'foo:/a/y/z', 'foo:/a/b/c'],
['./b/c', 'foo:a', 'foo:b/c'],
['/./b/c', 'foo:a', 'foo:/b/c'],
['../../d', 'foo://a//b/c', 'foo://a/d'],
['.', 'foo:a', 'foo:'],
['..', 'foo:a', 'foo:'],
// 50-57[cf. TimBL comments --
// http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/uri/2003Feb/0028.html,
// http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/uri/2003Jan/0008.html)
['abc', 'http://example/x/y%2Fz', 'http://example/x/abc'],
['../../x%2Fabc', 'http://example/a/x/y/z', 'http://example/a/x%2Fabc'],
['../x%2Fabc', 'http://example/a/x/y%2Fz', 'http://example/a/x%2Fabc'],
['abc', 'http://example/x%2Fy/z', 'http://example/x%2Fy/abc'],
['q%3Ar', 'http://ex/x/y', 'http://ex/x/q%3Ar'],
['/x%2Fabc', 'http://example/x/y%2Fz', 'http://example/x%2Fabc'],
['/x%2Fabc', 'http://example/x/y/z', 'http://example/x%2Fabc'],
['/x%2Fabc', 'http://example/x/y%2Fz', 'http://example/x%2Fabc'],
// 70-77
['local2@domain2', 'mailto:local1@domain1?query1', 'mailto:local2@domain2'],
['?query2', 'mailto:local@domain?query1', 'mailto:local@domain?query2'],
['local@domain?query2', 'mailto:?query1', 'mailto:local@domain?query2'],
['?query2', 'mailto:local@domain?query1', 'mailto:local@domain?query2'],
['http://example/a/b?c/../d', 'foo:bar', 'http://example/a/b?c/../d'],
['http://example/a/b#c/../d', 'foo:bar', 'http://example/a/b#c/../d'],
// 82-88
// @isaacs Disagree. Not how browsers do it.
// ['http:this', 'http://example.org/base/uri', 'http:this'],
// @isaacs Added
['http:this', 'http://example.org/base/uri', 'http://example.org/base/this'],
['http:this', 'http:base', 'http:this'],
['.//g', 'f:/a', 'f://g'],
['b/c//d/e', 'f://example.org/base/a', 'f://example.org/base/b/c//d/e'],
['../b/c', 'foo:a/y/z', 'foo:a/b/c'],
//changeing auth
// changing port
// https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/1435
relativeTests2.forEach(function(relativeTest) {
const a = url.resolve(relativeTest[1], relativeTest[0]);
const e = relativeTest[2];
assert.equal(a, e,
'resolve(' + [relativeTest[1], relativeTest[0]] + ') == ' + e +
'\n actual=' + a);
//if format and parse are inverse operations then
//resolveObject(parse(x), y) == parse(resolve(x, y))
//format: [from, path, expected]
relativeTests.forEach(function(relativeTest) {
var actual = url.resolveObject(url.parse(relativeTest[0]), relativeTest[1]);
var expected = url.parse(relativeTest[2]);
assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
expected = relativeTest[2];
actual = url.format(actual);
assert.equal(actual, expected,
'format(' + actual + ') == ' + expected + '\nactual:' + actual);
//format: [to, from, result]
// the test: ['.//g', 'f:/a', 'f://g'] is a fundamental problem
// url.parse('f:/a') does not have a host
// url.resolve('f:/a', './/g') does not have a host because you have moved
// down to the g directory. i.e. f: //g, however when this url is parsed
// f:// will indicate that the host is g which is not the case.
// it is unclear to me how to keep this information from being lost
// it may be that a pathname of ////g should collapse to /g but this seems
// to be a lot of work for an edge case. Right now I remove the test
if (relativeTests2[181][0] === './/g' &&
relativeTests2[181][1] === 'f:/a' &&
relativeTests2[181][2] === 'f://g') {
relativeTests2.splice(181, 1);
relativeTests2.forEach(function(relativeTest) {
var actual = url.resolveObject(url.parse(relativeTest[1]), relativeTest[0]);
var expected = url.parse(relativeTest[2]);
assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected);
expected = relativeTest[2];
actual = url.format(actual);
assert.equal(actual, expected,
'format(' + relativeTest[1] + ') == ' + expected +
'\nactual:' + actual);
// https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/1036
var throws = [
function() {}
for (let i = 0; i < throws.length; i++) {
assert.throws(function() { url.format(throws[i]); }, TypeError);
assert.strictEqual(url.format(''), '');
assert.strictEqual(url.format({}), '');