You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
777 B

#!/usr/bin/env node
/* globals cat, cd, echo, grep, sed, ShellString */
echo('Appending docs to');
cd(__dirname + '/..');
// Extract docs from shell.js
var docs = grep('^//@', 'shell.js');
// Now extract docs from the appropriate src/*.js files
docs = docs.replace(/\/\/@include (.+)/g, function (match, path) {
var file = path.match('.js$') ? path : path + '.js';
return grep('^//@', file);
// Remove '//@'
docs = docs.replace(/\/\/@ ?/g, '');
// Wipe out the old docs
ShellString(cat('').replace(/## Command reference(.|\n)*\n## Team/, '## Command reference\n## Team')).to('');
// Append new docs to README
sed('-i', /## Command reference/, '## Command reference\n\n' + docs, '');
echo('All done.');