var test = require('tap').test
var url = require('url')
// var server = require('./lib/server.js')
var Client = require('../')
test('defaulted initialization', function (t) {
var client = new Client()
var options = client.initialize(
t.equal(options.url, 'http://localhost:1337/', 'URLs match')
t.equal(options.method, 'GET', 'methods match')
t.equal(options.proxy, undefined, "proxy won't overwrite environment")
t.equal(options.localAddress, undefined, 'localAddress has no default value')
t.equal(options.strictSSL, true, 'SSL is strict by default')
t.equal(options.headers.accept, 'application/json', 'accept header set')
'npm-registry-client version is present in headers'
t.ok(options.headers['npm-session'], 'request ID generated')
t.ok(options.headers['user-agent'], 'user-agent preset')
var HttpAgent = require('http').Agent
t.ok(options.agent instanceof HttpAgent, 'got an HTTP agent for an HTTP URL')
t.equal(options.agent.maxSockets, 50, 'maxSockets set to a reasonable default')
test('intializing with maxSockets set works for http', function (t) {
var client = new Client({ maxSockets: Infinity })
var options = client.initialize(
var HttpAgent = require('http').Agent
t.ok(options.agent instanceof HttpAgent, 'got an HTTP agent for an HTTP URL')
t.equal(options.agent.maxSockets, Infinity, 'request uses configured value for maxSockets')
test('intializing with maxSockets set works for https', function (t) {
var client = new Client({ maxSockets: Infinity })
var options = client.initialize(
var HttpsAgent = require('https').Agent
t.ok(options.agent instanceof HttpsAgent, 'got an HTTPS agent for an HTTPS URL')
t.equal(options.agent.maxSockets, Infinity, 'request uses configured value for maxSockets')
test('referer set on client', function (t) {
var client = new Client()
client.refer = 'xtestx'
var options = client.initialize(
t.equal(options.headers.referer, 'xtestx', 'referer header set')
test('initializing with proxy explicitly disabled', function (t) {
var client = new Client({ proxy: { http: false } })
var options = client.initialize(
t.ok('proxy' in options, 'proxy overridden by explicitly setting to false')
t.equal(options.proxy, null, 'request will override proxy when empty proxy passed in')
test('initializing with proxy undefined', function (t) {
var client = new Client({ proxy: { http: undefined } })
var options = client.initialize(
t.notOk('proxy' in options, 'proxy can be read from env.PROXY by request')
test('initializing with a certificate should map down to the https agent', function (t) {
var certificate = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- TEST\nTEST -----END CERTIFICATE-----\n'
var client = new Client({
ssl: {
certificate: certificate
var options = client.initialize(
{ protocol: 'https:' },
t.equal(options.agent.options.cert, certificate, 'certificate will be saved properly on agent')