* Ben: what sort of strategy to take? Deprecated only in the docs but no warning. Looking for an official deprecation policy.
* Bert: suggest we could properly deprecate but not a good case for removing it completely, Chris agreed
* Fedor: suggested a policy that removal of deprecated features should be done where there is a maintenance overhead, but otherwise if there is little/no cost then "who cares"
* Discussed a deprecation message on `require(‘sys’)`
* Ben: -0
* Fedor: +1
* Chris: +1
* Trevor: -0
* Bert: +1
* No disagreement to adding a deprecation message, **ask initial PR submitter to change to just adding a message**
### module: force require('process') to return a reference to process #206
* Bert: not the way that JS adds new features; discussed the new Intl addition to joyent/node, in favor of making more things requirable rather than adding new globals all the time
* Tangential discussion on the Intl object being added in joyent/node
* Trevor: concerns about 1.0 vs 1.x branch naming with maintaining semver releases while also doing LTS, 1.x effectively becomes master until a 2.0 comes along.
* Bert: -1
* Ben: +1
* Chris: +1
* Fedor: +1
* Trevor: 0
Action: **Rename to "v1.x", Ben agreed to make the change**
### Merge strategy (v0.10 and joyent/node)
* _Much_ discussion about merge strategies, patches, branches, etc.
* Agreed to merge regularly
* **Bert agreed to monitor the situation and propose a merge strategy when the time is right**
### Next meeting
* Agreed to meet again on the 7th of January UTC
* Agreed to have mini-stand-up at the beginning of each meeting