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413 lines
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10 years ago
// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
(function TestClass() {
'use strict';
var calls = 0;
class Base {
constructor(_) {
assertEquals(Base, new.target);
assertInstanceof(new Base(1), Base);
assertInstanceof(new Base(1, 2), Base);
assertInstanceof(new Base(), Base);
assertEquals(3, calls);
(function TestDerivedClass() {
'use strict';
var calls = 0;
class Base {
constructor(expected) {
assertEquals(expected, new.target);
class Derived extends Base {
constructor(expected) {
assertEquals(expected, new.target);
new Derived(Derived, 'extra');
new Derived(Derived);
assertEquals(2, calls);
class Derived2 extends Derived {}
calls = 0;
new Derived2(Derived2);
new Derived2(Derived2, 'extra');
assertEquals(2, calls);
(function TestFunctionCall() {
var calls;
function f(expected) {
assertEquals(expected, new.target);
calls = 0;
f(undefined, 'extra');
assertEquals(3, calls);
calls = 0;
f.call({}, undefined);
f.call({}, undefined, 'extra');
assertEquals(3, calls);
calls = 0;
f.apply({}, [undefined]);
f.apply({}, [undefined, 'extra']);
f.apply({}, []);
assertEquals(3, calls);
(function TestFunctionConstruct() {
var calls;
function f(expected) {
assertEquals(expected, new.target);
calls = 0;
new f(f);
new f(f, 'extra');
assertEquals(2, calls);
(function TestClassExtendsFunction() {
'use strict';
var calls = 0;
function f(expected) {
assertEquals(expected, new.target);
class Derived extends f {
constructor(expected) {
assertEquals(expected, new.target);
new Derived(Derived);
new Derived(Derived, 'extra');
assertEquals(2, calls);
(function TestFunctionReturnObject() {
function f(expected) {
assertEquals(expected, new.target);
return /abc/;
assertInstanceof(new f(f), RegExp);
assertInstanceof(new f(f, 'extra'), RegExp);
assertInstanceof(f(undefined), RegExp);
assertInstanceof(f(), RegExp);
assertInstanceof(f(undefined, 'extra'), RegExp);
(function TestClassReturnObject() {
'use strict';
class Base {
constructor(expected) {
assertEquals(expected, new.target);
return /abc/;
assertInstanceof(new Base(Base), RegExp);
assertInstanceof(new Base(Base, 'extra'), RegExp);
class Derived extends Base {}
assertInstanceof(new Derived(Derived), RegExp);
assertInstanceof(new Derived(Derived, 'extra'), RegExp);
class Derived2 extends Base {
constructor(expected) {
assertInstanceof(this, RegExp);
assertInstanceof(new Derived2(Derived2), RegExp);
assertInstanceof(new Derived2(Derived2, 'extra'), RegExp);
(function TestReflectConstruct() {
var calls = 0;
function f(expected) {
assertEquals(expected, new.target);
var o = Reflect.construct(f, [f]);
assertEquals(Object.getPrototypeOf(o), f.prototype);
o = Reflect.construct(f, [f, 'extra']);
assertEquals(Object.getPrototypeOf(o), f.prototype);
assertEquals(2, calls);
calls = 0;
o = Reflect.construct(f, [f], f);
assertEquals(Object.getPrototypeOf(o), f.prototype);
o = Reflect.construct(f, [f, 'extra'], f);
assertEquals(Object.getPrototypeOf(o), f.prototype);
assertEquals(2, calls);
function g() {}
calls = 0;
o = Reflect.construct(f, [g], g);
assertEquals(Object.getPrototypeOf(o), g.prototype);
o = Reflect.construct(f, [g, 'extra'], g);
assertEquals(Object.getPrototypeOf(o), g.prototype);
assertEquals(2, calls);
(function TestRestParametersFunction() {
function f(...rest) {
assertEquals(rest[0], new.target);
assertInstanceof(new f(f), f);
assertInstanceof(new f(f, 'extra'), f);
(function TestRestParametersClass() {
'use strict';
class Base {
constructor(...rest) {
assertEquals(rest[0], new.target);
assertInstanceof(new Base(Base), Base);
assertInstanceof(new Base(Base, 'extra'), Base);
class Derived extends Base {}
assertInstanceof(new Derived(Derived), Derived);
assertInstanceof(new Derived(Derived, 'extra'), Derived);
(function TestArrowFunction() {
function f(expected) {
(() => {
assertEquals(expected, new.target);
assertInstanceof(new f(f), f);
assertInstanceof(new f(f, 'extra'), f);
(function TestRestParametersClass() {
'use strict';
class Base {
constructor(expected) {
(() => {
assertEquals(expected, new.target);
assertInstanceof(new Base(Base), Base);
assertInstanceof(new Base(Base, 'extra'), Base);
class Derived extends Base {}
assertInstanceof(new Derived(Derived), Derived);
assertInstanceof(new Derived(Derived, 'extra'), Derived);
(function TestSloppyArguments() {
var length, a0, a1, a2, nt;
function f(x) {
assertEquals(length, arguments.length);
assertEquals(a0, arguments[0]);
assertEquals(a1, arguments[1]);
assertEquals(a2, arguments[2]);
assertEquals(nt, new.target);
if (length > 0) {
x = 42;
assertEquals(42, x);
assertEquals(42, arguments[0]);
arguments[0] = 33;
assertEquals(33, x);
assertEquals(33, arguments[0]);
nt = f;
length = 0;
new f();
length = 1;
a0 = 1;
new f(1);
length = 2;
a0 = 1;
a1 = 2;
new f(1, 2);
length = 3;
a0 = 1;
a1 = 2;
a2 = 3;
new f(1, 2, 3);
nt = undefined;
a0 = a1 = a2 = undefined;
length = 0;
length = 1;
a0 = 1;
length = 2;
a0 = 1;
a1 = 2;
f(1, 2);
length = 3;
a0 = 1;
a1 = 2;
a2 = 3;
f(1, 2, 3);
(function TestStrictArguments() {
var length, a0, a1, a2, nt;
function f(x) {
'use strict';
assertEquals(length, arguments.length);
assertEquals(a0, arguments[0]);
assertEquals(a1, arguments[1]);
assertEquals(a2, arguments[2]);
assertEquals(nt, new.target);
if (length > 0) {
x = 42;
assertEquals(a0, arguments[0]);
arguments[0] = 33;
assertEquals(33, arguments[0]);
nt = f;
length = 0;
new f();
length = 1;
a0 = 1;
new f(1);
length = 2;
a0 = 1;
a1 = 2;
new f(1, 2);
length = 3;
a0 = 1;
a1 = 2;
a2 = 3;
new f(1, 2, 3);
nt = undefined;
a0 = a1 = a2 = undefined;
length = 0;
length = 1;
a0 = 1;
length = 2;
a0 = 1;
a1 = 2;
f(1, 2);
length = 3;
a0 = 1;
a1 = 2;
a2 = 3;
f(1, 2, 3);
10 years ago
(function TestOtherScopes() {
function f1() { return eval("'use strict'; new.target") }
assertSame(f1, new f1);
function f2() { with ({}) return new.target }
assertSame(f2, new f2);
function f3({a}) { return new.target }
assertSame(f3, new f3({}));
function f4(...a) { return new.target }
assertSame(f4, new f4);
function f5() { 'use strict'; { let x; return new.target } }
assertSame(f5, new f5);
function f6() { with ({'new.target': 42}) return new.target }
assertSame(f6, new f6);
9 years ago
// Has to be top-level to be inlined.
function get_new_target() { return new.target; }
(function TestInlining() {
"use strict";
new function() { assertEquals(undefined, get_new_target()); }
new function() { assertEquals(get_new_target, new get_new_target()); }
class A extends get_new_target {
constructor() {
var new_target = super();
this.new_target = new_target;
assertEquals(A, new A().new_target);
10 years ago
(function TestEarlyErrors() {
assertThrows(function() { Function("new.target = 42"); }, ReferenceError);
assertThrows(function() { Function("var foo = 1; new.target = foo = 42"); }, ReferenceError);
assertThrows(function() { Function("var foo = 1; foo = new.target = 42"); }, ReferenceError);
assertThrows(function() { Function("new.target--"); }, ReferenceError);
assertThrows(function() { Function("--new.target"); }, ReferenceError);
assertThrows(function() { Function("(new.target)++"); }, ReferenceError);
assertThrows(function() { Function("++(new.target)"); }, ReferenceError);
assertThrows(function() { Function("for (new.target of {});"); }, SyntaxError);