You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

554 lines
17 KiB

> Stability: 2 - Stable
The `repl` module provides a Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) implementation that
is available both as a standalone program or includible in other applications.
It can be accessed using:
const repl = require('repl');
## Design and Features
The `repl` module exports the `repl.REPLServer` class. While running, instances
of `repl.REPLServer` will accept individual lines of user input, evaluate those
according to a user-defined evaluation function, then output the result. Input
and output may be from `stdin` and `stdout`, respectively, or may be connected
to any Node.js [stream][].
Instances of `repl.REPLServer` support automatic completion of inputs,
simplistic Emacs-style line editing, multi-line inputs, ANSI-styled output,
saving and restoring current REPL session state, error recovery, and
customizable evaluation functions.
### Commands and Special Keys
The following special commands are supported by all REPL instances:
* `.break` - When in the process of inputting a multi-line expression, entering
the `.break` command (or pressing the `<ctrl>-C` key combination) will abort
further input or processing of that expression.
* `.clear` - Resets the REPL `context` to an empty object and clears any
multi-line expression currently being input.
* `.exit` - Close the I/O stream, causing the REPL to exit.
* `.help` - Show this list of special commands.
* `.save` - Save the current REPL session to a file:
`> .save ./file/to/save.js`
* `.load` - Load a file into the current REPL session.
`> .load ./file/to/load.js`
* `.editor` - Enter editor mode (`<ctrl>-D` to finish, `<ctrl>-C` to cancel)
> .editor
// Entering editor mode (^D to finish, ^C to cancel)
function welcome(name) {
return `Hello ${name}!`;
welcome('Node.js User');
// ^D
'Hello Node.js User!'
The following key combinations in the REPL have these special effects:
* `<ctrl>-C` - When pressed once, has the same effect as the `.break` command.
When pressed twice on a blank line, has the same effect as the `.exit`
* `<ctrl>-D` - Has the same effect as the `.exit` command.
* `<tab>` - When pressed on a blank line, displays global and local(scope)
variables. When pressed while entering other input, displays relevant
autocompletion options.
### Default Evaluation
By default, all instances of `repl.REPLServer` use an evaluation function that
evaluates JavaScript expressions and provides access to Node.js' built-in
modules. This default behavior can be overridden by passing in an alternative
evaluation function when the `repl.REPLServer` instance is created.
#### JavaScript Expressions
The default evaluator supports direct evaluation of JavaScript expressions:
> 1 + 1
> const m = 2
> m + 1
Unless otherwise scoped within blocks or functions, variables declared
either implicitly, or using the `const`, `let`, or `var` keywords
are declared at the global scope.
#### Global and Local Scope
The default evaluator provides access to any variables that exist in the global
scope. It is possible to expose a variable to the REPL explicitly by assigning
it to the `context` object associated with each `REPLServer`. For example:
const repl = require('repl');
const msg = 'message';
repl.start('> ').context.m = msg;
Properties in the `context` object appear as local within the REPL:
$ node repl_test.js
> m
It is important to note that context properties are *not* read-only by default.
To specify read-only globals, context properties must be defined using
const repl = require('repl');
const msg = 'message';
const r = repl.start('> ');
Object.defineProperty(r.context, 'm', {
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
value: msg
#### Accessing Core Node.js Modules
The default evaluator will automatically load Node.js core modules into the
REPL environment when used. For instance, unless otherwise declared as a
global or scoped variable, the input `fs` will be evaluated on-demand as
`global.fs = require('fs')`.
> fs.createReadStream('./some/file');
#### Assignment of the `_` (underscore) variable
The default evaluator will, by default, assign the result of the most recently
evaluated expression to the special variable `_` (underscore).
> [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
> _.length
> _ += 1
Explicitly setting `_` to a value will disable this behavior.
### Custom Evaluation Functions
When a new `repl.REPLServer` is created, a custom evaluation function may be
provided. This can be used, for instance, to implement fully customized REPL
The following illustrates a hypothetical example of a REPL that performs
translation of text from one language to another:
const repl = require('repl');
const Translator = require('translator').Translator;
const myTranslator = new Translator('en', 'fr');
function myEval(cmd, context, filename, callback) {
callback(null, myTranslator.translate(cmd));
repl.start({prompt: '> ', eval: myEval});
#### Recoverable Errors
As a user is typing input into the REPL prompt, pressing the `<enter>` key will
send the current line of input to the `eval` function. In order to support
multi-line input, the eval function can return an instance of `repl.Recoverable`
to the provided callback function:
function eval(cmd, context, filename, callback) {
let result;
try {
result = vm.runInThisContext(cmd);
} catch (e) {
if (isRecoverableError(e)) {
return callback(new repl.Recoverable(e));
callback(null, result);
function isRecoverableError(error) {
if ( === 'SyntaxError') {
return /^(Unexpected end of input|Unexpected token)/.test(error.message);
return false;
### Customizing REPL Output
By default, `repl.REPLServer` instances format output using the
[`util.inspect()`][] method before writing the output to the provided Writable
stream (`process.stdout` by default). The `useColors` boolean option can be
specified at construction to instruct the default writer to use ANSI style
codes to colorize the output from the `util.inspect()` method.
It is possible to fully customize the output of a `repl.REPLServer` instance
by passing a new function in using the `writer` option on construction. The
following example, for instance, simply converts any input text to upper case:
const repl = require('repl');
const r = repl.start({prompt: '>', eval: myEval, writer: myWriter});
function myEval(cmd, context, filename, callback) {
function myWriter(output) {
return output.toUpperCase();
## Class: REPLServer
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.91
The `repl.REPLServer` class inherits from the [`readline.Interface`][] class.
Instances of `repl.REPLServer` are created using the `repl.start()` method and
*should not* be created directly using the JavaScript `new` keyword.
### Event: 'exit'
<!-- YAML
added: v0.7.7
The `'exit'` event is emitted when the REPL is exited either by receiving the
`.exit` command as input, the user pressing `<ctrl>-C` twice to signal `SIGINT`,
or by pressing `<ctrl>-D` to signal `'end'` on the input stream. The listener
callback is invoked without any arguments.
replServer.on('exit', () => {
console.log('Received "exit" event from repl!');
### Event: 'reset'
<!-- YAML
added: v0.11.0
The `'reset'` event is emitted when the REPL's context is reset. This occurs
whenever the `.clear` command is received as input *unless* the REPL is using
the default evaluator and the `repl.REPLServer` instance was created with the
`useGlobal` option set to `true`. The listener callback will be called with a
reference to the `context` object as the only argument.
This can be used primarily to re-initialize REPL context to some pre-defined
state as illustrated in the following simple example:
const repl = require('repl');
function initializeContext(context) {
context.m = 'test';
const r = repl.start({prompt: '>'});
r.on('reset', initializeContext);
When this code is executed, the global `'m'` variable can be modified but then
reset to its initial value using the `.clear` command:
$ ./node example.js
>m = 1
Clearing context...
### replServer.defineCommand(keyword, cmd)
<!-- YAML
added: v0.3.0
* `keyword` {String} The command keyword (*without* a leading `.` character).
* `cmd` {Object|Function} The function to invoke when the command is processed.
The `replServer.defineCommand()` method is used to add new `.`-prefixed commands
to the REPL instance. Such commands are invoked by typing a `.` followed by the
`keyword`. The `cmd` is either a Function or an object with the following
* `help` {String} Help text to be displayed when `.help` is entered (Optional).
* `action` {Function} The function to execute, optionally accepting a single
string argument.
The following example shows two new commands added to the REPL instance:
const repl = require('repl');
const replServer = repl.start({prompt: '> '});
replServer.defineCommand('sayhello', {
help: 'Say hello',
action: function(name) {
this.bufferedCommand = '';
console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);
replServer.defineCommand('saybye', function() {
The new commands can then be used from within the REPL instance:
> .sayhello Node.js User
Hello, Node.js User!
> .saybye
### replServer.displayPrompt([preserveCursor])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.91
* `preserveCursor` {Boolean}
The `replServer.displayPrompt()` method readies the REPL instance for input
from the user, printing the configured `prompt` to a new line in the `output`
and resuming the `input` to accept new input.
When multi-line input is being entered, an ellipsis is printed rather than the
When `preserveCursor` is `true`, the cursor placement will not be reset to `0`.
The `replServer.displayPrompt` method is primarily intended to be called from
within the action function for commands registered using the
`replServer.defineCommand()` method.
## repl.start([options])
<!-- YAML
added: v0.1.91
* `options` {Object | String}
* `prompt` {String} The input prompt to display. Defaults to `> `.
* `input` {Readable} The Readable stream from which REPL input will be read.
Defaults to `process.stdin`.
* `output` {Writable} The Writable stream to which REPL output will be
written. Defaults to `process.stdout`.
* `terminal` {boolean} If `true`, specifies that the `output` should be
treated as a a TTY terminal, and have ANSI/VT100 escape codes written to it.
Defaults to checking the value of the `isTTY` property on the `output`
stream upon instantiation.
* `eval` {Function} The function to be used when evaluating each given line
of input. Defaults to an async wrapper for the JavaScript `eval()`
function. An `eval` function can error with `repl.Recoverable` to indicate
the input was incomplete and prompt for additional lines.
* `useColors` {boolean} If `true`, specifies that the default `writer`
function should include ANSI color styling to REPL output. If a custom
`writer` function is provided then this has no effect. Defaults to the
REPL instances `terminal` value.
* `useGlobal` {boolean} If `true`, specifies that the default evaluation
function will use the JavaScript `global` as the context as opposed to
creating a new separate context for the REPL instance. Defaults to `false`.
* `ignoreUndefined` {boolean} If `true`, specifies that the default writer
will not output the return value of a command if it evaluates to
`undefined`. Defaults to `false`.
* `writer` {Function} The function to invoke to format the output of each
command before writing to `output`. Defaults to [`util.inspect()`][].
* `completer` {Function} An optional function used for custom Tab auto
completion. See [`readline.InterfaceCompleter`][] for an example.
* `replMode` - A flag that specifies whether the default evaluator executes
all JavaScript commands in strict mode, default mode, or a hybrid mode
("magic" mode.) Acceptable values are:
* `repl.REPL_MODE_SLOPPY` - evaluates expressions in sloppy mode.
* `repl.REPL_MODE_STRICT` - evaluates expressions in strict mode. This is
equivalent to prefacing every repl statement with `'use strict'`.
* `repl.REPL_MODE_MAGIC` - attempt to evaluates expressions in default
mode. If expressions fail to parse, re-try in strict mode.
* `breakEvalOnSigint` - Stop evaluating the current piece of code when
`SIGINT` is received, i.e. `Ctrl+C` is pressed. This cannot be used together
with a custom `eval` function. Defaults to `false`.
The `repl.start()` method creates and starts a `repl.REPLServer` instance.
If `options` is a string, then it specifies the input prompt:
const repl = require('repl');
// a Unix style prompt
repl.start('$ ');
## The Node.js REPL
Node.js itself uses the `repl` module to provide its own interactive interface
for executing JavaScript. This can be used by executing the Node.js binary
without passing any arguments (or by passing the `-i` argument):
$ node
> const a = [1, 2, 3];
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
> a.forEach((v) => {
... console.log(v);
... });
### Environment Variable Options
Various behaviors of the Node.js REPL can be customized using the following
environment variables:
- `NODE_REPL_HISTORY` - When a valid path is given, persistent REPL history
will be saved to the specified file rather than `.node_repl_history` in the
user's home directory. Setting this value to `""` will disable persistent
REPL history. Whitespace will be trimmed from the value.
- `NODE_REPL_HISTORY_SIZE` - Defaults to `1000`. Controls how many lines of
history will be persisted if history is available. Must be a positive number.
- `NODE_REPL_MODE` - May be any of `sloppy`, `strict`, or `magic`. Defaults
to `magic`, which will automatically run "strict mode only" statements in
strict mode.
### Persistent History
By default, the Node.js REPL will persist history between `node` REPL sessions
by saving inputs to a `.node_repl_history` file located in the user's home
directory. This can be disabled by setting the environment variable
<!-- YAML
added: v2.0.0
deprecated: v3.0.0
> Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use `NODE_REPL_HISTORY` instead.
Previously in Node.js/io.js v2.x, REPL history was controlled by using a
`NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE` environment variable, and the history was saved in JSON
format. This variable has now been deprecated, and the old JSON REPL history
file will be automatically converted to a simplified plain text format. This new
file will be saved to either the user's home directory, or a directory defined
by the `NODE_REPL_HISTORY` variable, as documented in the
[Environment Variable Options](#repl_environment_variable_options).
### Using the Node.js REPL with advanced line-editors
For advanced line-editors, start Node.js with the environmental variable
`NODE_NO_READLINE=1`. This will start the main and debugger REPL in canonical
terminal settings which will allow you to use with `rlwrap`.
For example, you could add this to your bashrc file:
alias node="env NODE_NO_READLINE=1 rlwrap node"
### Starting multiple REPL instances against a single running instance
It is possible to create and run multiple REPL instances against a single
running instance of Node.js that share a single `global` object but have
separate I/O interfaces.
The following example, for instance, provides separate REPLs on `stdin`, a Unix
socket, and a TCP socket:
const net = require('net');
const repl = require('repl');
let connections = 0;
prompt: 'Node.js via stdin> ',
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
net.createServer((socket) => {
connections += 1;
prompt: 'Node.js via Unix socket> ',
input: socket,
output: socket
}).on('exit', () => {
net.createServer((socket) => {
connections += 1;
prompt: 'Node.js via TCP socket> ',
input: socket,
output: socket
}).on('exit', () => {
Running this application from the command line will start a REPL on stdin.
Other REPL clients may connect through the Unix socket or TCP socket. `telnet`,
for instance, is useful for connecting to TCP sockets, while `socat` can be used
to connect to both Unix and TCP sockets.
By starting a REPL from a Unix socket-based server instead of stdin, it is
possible to connect to a long-running Node.js process without restarting it.
For an example of running a "full-featured" (`terminal`) REPL over
a `net.Server` and `net.Socket` instance, see:
For an example of running a REPL instance over curl(1),
[stream]: stream.html
[`util.inspect()`]: util.html#util_util_inspect_object_options
[`readline.Interface`]: readline.html#readline_class_interface
[`readline.InterfaceCompleter`]: readline.html#readline_use_of_the_completer_function