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140 lines
44 KiB

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"tough-cookie": ">=0.12.0",
"tunnel-agent": "~0.4.0"
"description": "Simplified HTTP request client.",
"devDependencies": {
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"karma-browserify": "~3.0.1",
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"karma-coverage": "0.2.6",
"karma-phantomjs-launcher": "~0.1.4",
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"license": "Apache-2.0",
"main": "index.js",
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"name": "nylen",
"email": ""
"name": "fredkschott",
"email": ""
"name": "simov",
"email": ""
"name": "request",
"optionalDependencies": {},
"readme": "\n# Request - Simplified HTTP client\n\n[![npm package](](\n\n[![Build status](](\n[![Coverage](](\n[![Coverage](](\n[![Dependency Status](](\n[![Gitter](](\n\n\n## Super simple to use\n\nRequest is designed to be the simplest way possible to make http calls. It supports HTTPS and follows redirects by default.\n\n```js\nvar request = require('request');\nrequest('', function (error, response, body) {\n if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {\n console.log(body) // Show the HTML for the Google homepage.\n }\n})\n```\n\n\n## Table of contents\n\n- [Streaming](#streaming)\n- [Forms](#forms)\n- [HTTP Authentication](#http-authentication)\n- [Custom HTTP Headers](#custom-http-headers)\n- [OAuth Signing](#oauth-signing)\n- [Proxies](#proxies)\n- [Unix Domain Sockets](#unix-domain-sockets)\n- [TLS/SSL Protocol](#tlsssl-protocol)\n- [Support for HAR 1.2](#support-for-har-12)\n- [**All Available Options**](#requestoptions-callback)\n\nRequest also offers [convenience methods](#convenience-methods) like\n`request.defaults` and ``, and there are\nlots of [usage examples](#examples) and several\n[debugging techniques](#debugging).\n\n\n---\n\n\n## Streaming\n\nYou can stream any response to a file stream.\n\n```js\nrequest('').pipe(fs.createWriteStream('doodle.png'))\n```\n\nYou can also stream a file to a PUT or POST request. This method will also check the file extension against a mapping of file extensions to content-types (in this case `application/json`) and use the proper `content-type` in the PUT request (if the headers don’t already provide one).\n\n```js\nfs.createReadStream('file.json').pipe(request.put(''))\n```\n\nRequest can also `pipe` to itself. When doing so, `content-type` and `content-length` are preserved in the PUT headers.\n\n```js\nrequest.get('').pipe(request.put(''))\n```\n\nRequest emits a \"response\" event when a response is received. The `response` argument will be an instance of [http.IncomingMessage](\n\n```js\nrequest\n .get('')\n .on('response', function(response) {\n console.log(response.statusCode) // 200\n console.log(response.headers['content-type']) // 'image/png'\n })\n .pipe(request.put(''))\n```\n\nTo easily handle errors when streaming requests, listen to the `error` event before piping:\n\n```js\nrequest\n .get('')\n .on('error', function(err) {\n console.log(err)\n })\n .pipe(fs.createWriteStream('doodle.png'))\n```\n\nNow lets get fancy.\n\n```js\nhttp.createServer(function (req, resp) {\n if (req.url === '/doodle.png') {\n if (req.method === 'PUT') {\n req.pipe(request.put(''))\n } else if (req.method === 'GET' || req.method === 'HEAD') {\n request.get('').pipe(resp)\n }\n }\n})\n```\n\nYou can also `pipe()` from `http.ServerRequest` instances, as well as to `http.ServerResponse` instances. The HTTP method, headers, and entity-body data will be sent. Which means that, if you don't really care about security, you can do:\n\n```js\nhttp.createServer(function (req, resp) {\n if (req.url === '/doodle.png') {\n var x = request('h
"readmeFilename": "",
"repository": {
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"url": "git+"
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint lib/ *.js tests/ && echo Lint passed.",
"test": "npm run lint && npm run test-ci && npm run test-browser",
"test-browser": "node tests/browser/start.js",
"test-ci": "taper tests/test-*.js",
"test-cov": "istanbul cover tape tests/test-*.js"
"tags": [
"version": "2.64.0"