// Walk through the file-system "database" of installed
// packages, and create a data object related to the
// installed versions of each package.
This will traverse through all node_modules folders,
resolving the dependencies object to the object corresponding to
the package that meets that dep, or just the version/range if
Assuming that you had this folder structure:
+-- package.json { name = "root" }
`-- node_modules
+-- foo {bar, baz, asdf}
| +-- node_modules
| +-- bar { baz }
| `-- baz
`-- asdf
where "foo" depends on bar, baz, and asdf, bar depends on baz,
and bar and baz are bundled with foo, whereas "asdf" is at
the higher level (sibling to foo), you'd get this object structure:
{ <package.json data>
, path: "/path/to"
, parent: null
, dependencies:
{ foo :
{ version: "1.2.3"
, path: "/path/to/node_modules/foo"
, parent: <Circular: root>
, dependencies:
{ bar:
{ parent: <Circular: foo>
, path: "/path/to/node_modules/foo/node_modules/bar"
, version: "2.3.4"
, dependencies: { baz: <Circular: foo.dependencies.baz> }
, baz: { ... }
, asdf: <Circular: asdf>
, asdf: { ... }
Unmet deps are left as strings.
Extraneous deps are marked with extraneous:true
deps that don't meet a requirement are marked with invalid:true
deps that don't meet a peer requirement are marked with peerInvalid:true
to READ(packagefolder, parentobj, name, reqver)
obj = read package.json
installed = ./node_modules/*
if parentobj is null, and no package.json
obj = {dependencies:{<installed>:"*"}}
deps = Object.keys(obj.dependencies)
obj.path = packagefolder
obj.parent = parentobj
if name, && obj.name !== name, obj.invalid = true
if reqver, && obj.version !satisfies reqver, obj.invalid = true
if !reqver && parentobj, obj.extraneous = true
for each folder in installed
obj.dependencies[folder] = READ(packagefolder+node_modules+folder,
obj, folder, obj.dependencies[folder])
# walk tree to find unmet deps
for each dep in obj.dependencies not in installed
r = obj.parent
while r
if r.dependencies[dep]
if r.dependencies[dep].verion !satisfies obj.dependencies[dep]
r.dependencies[dep].invalid = true
obj.dependencies[dep] = r.dependencies[dep]
r = null
else r = r.parent
return obj
1. Find unmet deps in parent directories, searching as node does up
as far as the left-most node_modules folder.
2. Ignore anything in node_modules that isn't a package folder.
try {
var fs = require("graceful-fs")
} catch (er) {
var fs = require("fs")
var path = require("path")
var asyncMap = require("slide").asyncMap
var semver = require("semver")
var readJson = require("read-package-json")
var url = require("url")
var util = require("util")
var extend = require("util-extend")
var debug = require("debuglog")("read-installed")
var readdir = require("readdir-scoped-modules")
module.exports = readInstalled
function readInstalled (folder, opts, cb) {
if (typeof opts === 'function') {
cb = opts
opts = {}
} else {
opts = extend({}, opts)
if (typeof opts.depth !== 'number')
opts.depth = Infinity
opts.depth = Math.max(0, opts.depth)
if (typeof opts.log !== 'function')
opts.log = function () {}
opts.dev = !!opts.dev
opts.realpathSeen = {}
opts.findUnmetSeen = []
readInstalled_(folder, null, null, null, 0, opts, function (er, obj) {
if (er) return cb(er)
// now obj has all the installed things, where they're installed
// figure out the inheritance links, now that the object is built.
resolveInheritance(obj, opts)
obj.root = true
unmarkExtraneous(obj, opts)
cb(null, obj)
function readInstalled_ (folder, parent, name, reqver, depth, opts, cb) {
var installed
, obj
, real
, link
, realpathSeen = opts.realpathSeen
readdir(path.resolve(folder, "node_modules"), function (er, i) {
// error indicates that nothing is installed here
if (er) i = []
installed = i.filter(function (f) { return f.charAt(0) !== "." })
readJson(path.resolve(folder, "package.json"), function (er, data) {
obj = copy(data)
if (!parent) {
obj = obj || true
er = null
return next(er)
fs.lstat(folder, function (er, st) {
if (er) {
if (!parent) real = true
return next(er)
fs.realpath(folder, function (er, rp) {
debug("realpath(%j) = %j", folder, rp)
real = rp
if (st.isSymbolicLink()) link = rp
var errState = null
, called = false
function next (er) {
if (errState) return
if (er) {
errState = er
return cb(null, [])
debug('next', installed, obj && typeof obj, name, real)
if (!installed || !obj || !real || called) return
called = true
if (realpathSeen[real]) return cb(null, realpathSeen[real])
if (obj === true) {
obj = {dependencies:{}, path:folder}
installed.forEach(function (i) { obj.dependencies[i] = "*" })
if (name && obj.name !== name) obj.invalid = true
obj.realName = name || obj.name
obj.dependencies = obj.dependencies || {}
// At this point, figure out what dependencies we NEED to get met
obj._dependencies = copy(obj.dependencies)
// "foo":"http://blah" and "foo":"latest" are always presumed valid
if (reqver
&& semver.validRange(reqver, true)
&& !semver.satisfies(obj.version, reqver, true)) {
obj.invalid = true
// Mark as extraneous at this point.
// This will be un-marked in unmarkExtraneous, where we mark as
// not-extraneous everything that is required in some way from
// the root object.
obj.extraneous = true
obj.path = obj.path || folder
obj.realPath = real
obj.link = link
if (parent && !obj.link) obj.parent = parent
realpathSeen[real] = obj
obj.depth = depth
//if (depth >= opts.depth) return cb(null, obj)
asyncMap(installed, function (pkg, cb) {
var rv = obj.dependencies[pkg]
if (!rv && obj.devDependencies && opts.dev)
rv = obj.devDependencies[pkg]
if (depth > opts.depth) {
obj.dependencies = {}
return cb(null, obj)
readInstalled_( path.resolve(folder, "node_modules/"+pkg)
, obj, pkg, obj.dependencies[pkg], depth + 1, opts
, cb )
}, function (er, installedData) {
if (er) return cb(er)
installedData.forEach(function (dep) {
obj.dependencies[dep.realName] = dep
// any strings here are unmet things. however, if it's
// optional, then that's fine, so just delete it.
if (obj.optionalDependencies) {
Object.keys(obj.optionalDependencies).forEach(function (dep) {
if (typeof obj.dependencies[dep] === "string") {
delete obj.dependencies[dep]
return cb(null, obj)
// starting from a root object, call findUnmet on each layer of children
var riSeen = []
function resolveInheritance (obj, opts) {
if (typeof obj !== "object") return
if (riSeen.indexOf(obj) !== -1) return
if (typeof obj.dependencies !== "object") {
obj.dependencies = {}
Object.keys(obj.dependencies).forEach(function (dep) {
findUnmet(obj.dependencies[dep], opts)
Object.keys(obj.dependencies).forEach(function (dep) {
if (typeof obj.dependencies[dep] === "object") {
resolveInheritance(obj.dependencies[dep], opts)
} else {
debug("unmet dep! %s %s@%s", obj.name, dep, obj.dependencies[dep])
findUnmet(obj, opts)
// find unmet deps by walking up the tree object.
// No I/O
function findUnmet (obj, opts) {
var findUnmetSeen = opts.findUnmetSeen
if (findUnmetSeen.indexOf(obj) !== -1) return
debug("find unmet parent=%s obj=", obj.parent && obj.parent.name, obj.name || obj)
var deps = obj.dependencies = obj.dependencies || {}
.filter(function (d) { return typeof deps[d] === "string" })
.forEach(function (d) {
var found = findDep(obj, d)
debug("finding dep %j", d, found && found.name || found)
// "foo":"http://blah" and "foo":"latest" are always presumed valid
if (typeof deps[d] === "string" &&
semver.validRange(deps[d], true) &&
found &&
!semver.satisfies(found.version, deps[d], true)) {
// the bad thing will happen
opts.log( "unmet dependency"
, obj.path + " requires "+d+"@'"+deps[d]
+ "' but will load\n"
+ found.path+",\nwhich is version "+found.version )
found.invalid = true
if (found) {
deps[d] = found
var peerDeps = obj.peerDependencies = obj.peerDependencies || {}
Object.keys(peerDeps).forEach(function (d) {
var dependency
if (!obj.parent) {
dependency = obj.dependencies[d]
// read it as a missing dep
if (!dependency) {
obj.dependencies[d] = peerDeps[d]
} else {
var r = obj.parent
while (r && !dependency) {
dependency = r.dependencies && r.dependencies[d]
r = r.link ? null : r.parent
if (!dependency) {
// mark as a missing dep!
obj.dependencies[d] = peerDeps[d]
} else if (!semver.satisfies(dependency.version, peerDeps[d], true)) {
dependency.peerInvalid = true
return obj
function unmarkExtraneous (obj, opts) {
// Mark all non-required deps as extraneous.
// start from the root object and mark as non-extraneous all modules
// that haven't been previously flagged as extraneous then propagate
// to all their dependencies
obj.extraneous = false
var deps = obj._dependencies || []
if (opts.dev && obj.devDependencies && (obj.root || obj.link)) {
Object.keys(obj.devDependencies).forEach(function (k) {
deps[k] = obj.devDependencies[k]
if (obj.peerDependencies) {
Object.keys(obj.peerDependencies).forEach(function (k) {
deps[k] = obj.peerDependencies[k]
debug("not extraneous", obj._id, deps)
Object.keys(deps).forEach(function (d) {
var dep = findDep(obj, d)
if (dep && dep.extraneous) {
unmarkExtraneous(dep, opts)
// Find the one that will actually be loaded by require()
// so we can make sure it's valid etc.
function findDep (obj, d) {
var r = obj
, found = null
while (r && !found) {
// if r is a valid choice, then use that.
// kinda weird if a pkg depends on itself, but after the first
// iteration of this loop, it indicates a dep cycle.
if (typeof r.dependencies[d] === "object") {
found = r.dependencies[d]
if (!found && r.realName === d) found = r
r = r.link ? null : r.parent
return found
function copy (obj) {
if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') return obj
if (Array.isArray(obj)) return obj.map(copy)
var o = {}
for (var i in obj) o[i] = copy(obj[i])
return o