'use strict';
const Path = require('path');
const { test } = require('tap');
const startCLI = require('./start-cli');
test('break on (uncaught) exceptions', (t) => {
const script = Path.join('examples', 'exceptions.js');
const cli = startCLI([script]);
function onFatal(error) {
throw error;
return cli.waitFor(/break/)
.then(() => cli.waitForPrompt())
.then(() => {
t.match(cli.output, `break in ${script}:1`);
// making sure it will die by default:
.then(() => cli.command('c'))
.then(() => cli.waitFor(/disconnect/))
// Next run: With `breakOnException` it pauses in both places
.then(() => cli.stepCommand('r'))
.then(() => {
t.match(cli.output, `break in ${script}:1`);
.then(() => cli.command('breakOnException'))
.then(() => cli.stepCommand('c'))
.then(() => {
t.match(cli.output, `exception in ${script}:3`);
.then(() => cli.stepCommand('c'))
.then(() => {
t.match(cli.output, `exception in ${script}:9`);
// Next run: With `breakOnUncaught` it only pauses on the 2nd exception
.then(() => cli.command('breakOnUncaught'))
.then(() => cli.stepCommand('r')) // also, the setting survives the restart
.then(() => {
t.match(cli.output, `break in ${script}:1`);
.then(() => cli.stepCommand('c'))
.then(() => {
t.match(cli.output, `exception in ${script}:9`);
// Next run: Back to the initial state! It should die again.
.then(() => cli.command('breakOnNone'))
.then(() => cli.stepCommand('r'))
.then(() => {
t.match(cli.output, `break in ${script}:1`);
.then(() => cli.command('c'))
.then(() => cli.waitFor(/disconnect/))
.then(() => cli.quit())
.then(null, onFatal);