// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef V8_X87_MACRO_ASSEMBLER_X87_H_
#define V8_X87_MACRO_ASSEMBLER_X87_H_
#include "src/assembler.h"
#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/frames.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// Convenience for platform-independent signatures. We do not normally
// distinguish memory operands from other operands on ia32.
typedef Operand MemOperand;
enum PointersToHereCheck {
enum RegisterValueType {
#ifdef DEBUG
bool AreAliased(Register reg1,
Register reg2,
Register reg3 = no_reg,
Register reg4 = no_reg,
Register reg5 = no_reg,
Register reg6 = no_reg,
Register reg7 = no_reg,
Register reg8 = no_reg);
// MacroAssembler implements a collection of frequently used macros.
class MacroAssembler: public Assembler {
// The isolate parameter can be NULL if the macro assembler should
// not use isolate-dependent functionality. In this case, it's the
// responsibility of the caller to never invoke such function on the
// macro assembler.
MacroAssembler(Isolate* isolate, void* buffer, int size);
void Load(Register dst, const Operand& src, Representation r);
void Store(Register src, const Operand& dst, Representation r);
// Operations on roots in the root-array.
void LoadRoot(Register destination, Heap::RootListIndex index);
void StoreRoot(Register source, Register scratch, Heap::RootListIndex index);
void CompareRoot(Register with, Register scratch, Heap::RootListIndex index);
// These methods can only be used with constant roots (i.e. non-writable
// and not in new space).
void CompareRoot(Register with, Heap::RootListIndex index);
void CompareRoot(const Operand& with, Heap::RootListIndex index);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GC Support
enum RememberedSetFinalAction {
// Record in the remembered set the fact that we have a pointer to new space
// at the address pointed to by the addr register. Only works if addr is not
// in new space.
void RememberedSetHelper(Register object, // Used for debug code.
Register addr, Register scratch,
SaveFPRegsMode save_fp,
RememberedSetFinalAction and_then);
void CheckPageFlag(Register object,
Register scratch,
int mask,
Condition cc,
Label* condition_met,
Label::Distance condition_met_distance = Label::kFar);
void CheckPageFlagForMap(
Handle<Map> map,
int mask,
Condition cc,
Label* condition_met,
Label::Distance condition_met_distance = Label::kFar);
// Check if object is in new space. Jumps if the object is not in new space.
// The register scratch can be object itself, but scratch will be clobbered.
void JumpIfNotInNewSpace(Register object,
Register scratch,
Label* branch,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar) {
InNewSpace(object, scratch, zero, branch, distance);
// Check if object is in new space. Jumps if the object is in new space.
// The register scratch can be object itself, but it will be clobbered.
void JumpIfInNewSpace(Register object,
Register scratch,
Label* branch,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar) {
InNewSpace(object, scratch, not_zero, branch, distance);
// Check if an object has a given incremental marking color. Also uses ecx!
void HasColor(Register object,
Register scratch0,
Register scratch1,
Label* has_color,
Label::Distance has_color_distance,
int first_bit,
int second_bit);
void JumpIfBlack(Register object,
Register scratch0,
Register scratch1,
Label* on_black,
Label::Distance on_black_distance = Label::kFar);
// Checks the color of an object. If the object is already grey or black
// then we just fall through, since it is already live. If it is white and
// we can determine that it doesn't need to be scanned, then we just mark it
// black and fall through. For the rest we jump to the label so the
// incremental marker can fix its assumptions.
void EnsureNotWhite(Register object,
Register scratch1,
Register scratch2,
Label* object_is_white_and_not_data,
Label::Distance distance);
// Notify the garbage collector that we wrote a pointer into an object.
// |object| is the object being stored into, |value| is the object being
// stored. value and scratch registers are clobbered by the operation.
// The offset is the offset from the start of the object, not the offset from
// the tagged HeapObject pointer. For use with FieldOperand(reg, off).
void RecordWriteField(
Register object, int offset, Register value, Register scratch,
SaveFPRegsMode save_fp,
RememberedSetAction remembered_set_action = EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET,
SmiCheck smi_check = INLINE_SMI_CHECK,
PointersToHereCheck pointers_to_here_check_for_value =
// As above, but the offset has the tag presubtracted. For use with
// Operand(reg, off).
void RecordWriteContextSlot(
Register context, int offset, Register value, Register scratch,
SaveFPRegsMode save_fp,
RememberedSetAction remembered_set_action = EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET,
SmiCheck smi_check = INLINE_SMI_CHECK,
PointersToHereCheck pointers_to_here_check_for_value =
kPointersToHereMaybeInteresting) {
RecordWriteField(context, offset + kHeapObjectTag, value, scratch, save_fp,
remembered_set_action, smi_check,
// Notify the garbage collector that we wrote a pointer into a fixed array.
// |array| is the array being stored into, |value| is the
// object being stored. |index| is the array index represented as a
// Smi. All registers are clobbered by the operation RecordWriteArray
// filters out smis so it does not update the write barrier if the
// value is a smi.
void RecordWriteArray(
Register array, Register value, Register index, SaveFPRegsMode save_fp,
RememberedSetAction remembered_set_action = EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET,
SmiCheck smi_check = INLINE_SMI_CHECK,
PointersToHereCheck pointers_to_here_check_for_value =
// For page containing |object| mark region covering |address|
// dirty. |object| is the object being stored into, |value| is the
// object being stored. The address and value registers are clobbered by the
// operation. RecordWrite filters out smis so it does not update the
// write barrier if the value is a smi.
void RecordWrite(
Register object, Register address, Register value, SaveFPRegsMode save_fp,
RememberedSetAction remembered_set_action = EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET,
SmiCheck smi_check = INLINE_SMI_CHECK,
PointersToHereCheck pointers_to_here_check_for_value =
// For page containing |object| mark the region covering the object's map
// dirty. |object| is the object being stored into, |map| is the Map object
// that was stored.
void RecordWriteForMap(Register object, Handle<Map> map, Register scratch1,
Register scratch2, SaveFPRegsMode save_fp);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Debugger Support
void DebugBreak();
// Generates function and stub prologue code.
void StubPrologue();
void Prologue(bool code_pre_aging);
// Enter specific kind of exit frame. Expects the number of
// arguments in register eax and sets up the number of arguments in
// register edi and the pointer to the first argument in register
// esi.
void EnterExitFrame(bool save_doubles);
void EnterApiExitFrame(int argc);
// Leave the current exit frame. Expects the return value in
// register eax:edx (untouched) and the pointer to the first
// argument in register esi.
void LeaveExitFrame(bool save_doubles);
// Leave the current exit frame. Expects the return value in
// register eax (untouched).
void LeaveApiExitFrame(bool restore_context);
// Find the function context up the context chain.
void LoadContext(Register dst, int context_chain_length);
// Conditionally load the cached Array transitioned map of type
// transitioned_kind from the native context if the map in register
// map_in_out is the cached Array map in the native context of
// expected_kind.
void LoadTransitionedArrayMapConditional(
ElementsKind expected_kind,
ElementsKind transitioned_kind,
Register map_in_out,
Register scratch,
Label* no_map_match);
// Load the global function with the given index.
void LoadGlobalFunction(int index, Register function);
// Load the initial map from the global function. The registers
// function and map can be the same.
void LoadGlobalFunctionInitialMap(Register function, Register map);
// Push and pop the registers that can hold pointers.
void PushSafepointRegisters() { pushad(); }
void PopSafepointRegisters() { popad(); }
// Store the value in register/immediate src in the safepoint
// register stack slot for register dst.
void StoreToSafepointRegisterSlot(Register dst, Register src);
void StoreToSafepointRegisterSlot(Register dst, Immediate src);
void LoadFromSafepointRegisterSlot(Register dst, Register src);
void LoadHeapObject(Register result, Handle<HeapObject> object);
void CmpHeapObject(Register reg, Handle<HeapObject> object);
void PushHeapObject(Handle<HeapObject> object);
void LoadObject(Register result, Handle<Object> object) {
AllowDeferredHandleDereference heap_object_check;
if (object->IsHeapObject()) {
LoadHeapObject(result, Handle<HeapObject>::cast(object));
} else {
Move(result, Immediate(object));
void CmpObject(Register reg, Handle<Object> object) {
AllowDeferredHandleDereference heap_object_check;
if (object->IsHeapObject()) {
CmpHeapObject(reg, Handle<HeapObject>::cast(object));
} else {
cmp(reg, Immediate(object));
void CmpWeakValue(Register value, Handle<WeakCell> cell, Register scratch);
void LoadWeakValue(Register value, Handle<WeakCell> cell, Label* miss);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// JavaScript invokes
// Invoke the JavaScript function code by either calling or jumping.
void InvokeCode(Register code,
const ParameterCount& expected,
const ParameterCount& actual,
InvokeFlag flag,
const CallWrapper& call_wrapper) {
InvokeCode(Operand(code), expected, actual, flag, call_wrapper);
void InvokeCode(const Operand& code,
const ParameterCount& expected,
const ParameterCount& actual,
InvokeFlag flag,
const CallWrapper& call_wrapper);
// Invoke the JavaScript function in the given register. Changes the
// current context to the context in the function before invoking.
void InvokeFunction(Register function,
const ParameterCount& actual,
InvokeFlag flag,
const CallWrapper& call_wrapper);
void InvokeFunction(Register function,
const ParameterCount& expected,
const ParameterCount& actual,
InvokeFlag flag,
const CallWrapper& call_wrapper);
void InvokeFunction(Handle<JSFunction> function,
const ParameterCount& expected,
const ParameterCount& actual,
InvokeFlag flag,
const CallWrapper& call_wrapper);
// Invoke specified builtin JavaScript function. Adds an entry to
// the unresolved list if the name does not resolve.
void InvokeBuiltin(Builtins::JavaScript id,
InvokeFlag flag,
const CallWrapper& call_wrapper = NullCallWrapper());
// Store the function for the given builtin in the target register.
void GetBuiltinFunction(Register target, Builtins::JavaScript id);
// Store the code object for the given builtin in the target register.
void GetBuiltinEntry(Register target, Builtins::JavaScript id);
// Expression support
// Support for constant splitting.
bool IsUnsafeImmediate(const Immediate& x);
void SafeMove(Register dst, const Immediate& x);
void SafePush(const Immediate& x);
// Compare object type for heap object.
// Incoming register is heap_object and outgoing register is map.
void CmpObjectType(Register heap_object, InstanceType type, Register map);
// Compare instance type for map.
void CmpInstanceType(Register map, InstanceType type);
// Check if a map for a JSObject indicates that the object has fast elements.
// Jump to the specified label if it does not.
void CheckFastElements(Register map,
Label* fail,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
// Check if a map for a JSObject indicates that the object can have both smi
// and HeapObject elements. Jump to the specified label if it does not.
void CheckFastObjectElements(Register map,
Label* fail,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
// Check if a map for a JSObject indicates that the object has fast smi only
// elements. Jump to the specified label if it does not.
void CheckFastSmiElements(Register map,
Label* fail,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
// Check to see if maybe_number can be stored as a double in
// FastDoubleElements. If it can, store it at the index specified by key in
// the FastDoubleElements array elements, otherwise jump to fail.
void StoreNumberToDoubleElements(Register maybe_number,
Register elements,
Register key,
Register scratch,
Label* fail,
int offset = 0);
// Compare an object's map with the specified map.
void CompareMap(Register obj, Handle<Map> map);
// Check if the map of an object is equal to a specified map and branch to
// label if not. Skip the smi check if not required (object is known to be a
// heap object). If mode is ALLOW_ELEMENT_TRANSITION_MAPS, then also match
// against maps that are ElementsKind transition maps of the specified map.
void CheckMap(Register obj,
Handle<Map> map,
Label* fail,
SmiCheckType smi_check_type);
// Check if the map of an object is equal to a specified weak map and branch
// to a specified target if equal. Skip the smi check if not required
// (object is known to be a heap object)
void DispatchWeakMap(Register obj, Register scratch1, Register scratch2,
Handle<WeakCell> cell, Handle<Code> success,
SmiCheckType smi_check_type);
// Check if the object in register heap_object is a string. Afterwards the
// register map contains the object map and the register instance_type
// contains the instance_type. The registers map and instance_type can be the
// same in which case it contains the instance type afterwards. Either of the
// registers map and instance_type can be the same as heap_object.
Condition IsObjectStringType(Register heap_object,
Register map,
Register instance_type);
// Check if the object in register heap_object is a name. Afterwards the
// register map contains the object map and the register instance_type
// contains the instance_type. The registers map and instance_type can be the
// same in which case it contains the instance type afterwards. Either of the
// registers map and instance_type can be the same as heap_object.
Condition IsObjectNameType(Register heap_object,
Register map,
Register instance_type);
// Check if a heap object's type is in the JSObject range, not including
// JSFunction. The object's map will be loaded in the map register.
// Any or all of the three registers may be the same.
// The contents of the scratch register will always be overwritten.
void IsObjectJSObjectType(Register heap_object,
Register map,
Register scratch,
Label* fail);
// The contents of the scratch register will be overwritten.
void IsInstanceJSObjectType(Register map, Register scratch, Label* fail);
// FCmp is similar to integer cmp, but requires unsigned
// jcc instructions (je, ja, jae, jb, jbe, je, and jz).
void FCmp();
void FXamMinusZero();
void FXamSign();
void X87CheckIA();
void X87SetRC(int rc);
void X87SetFPUCW(int cw);
void ClampUint8(Register reg);
void ClampTOSToUint8(Register result_reg);
void SlowTruncateToI(Register result_reg, Register input_reg,
int offset = HeapNumber::kValueOffset - kHeapObjectTag);
void TruncateHeapNumberToI(Register result_reg, Register input_reg);
void TruncateX87TOSToI(Register result_reg);
void X87TOSToI(Register result_reg, MinusZeroMode minus_zero_mode,
Label* lost_precision, Label* is_nan, Label* minus_zero,
Label::Distance dst = Label::kFar);
// Smi tagging support.
void SmiTag(Register reg) {
STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
add(reg, reg);
void SmiUntag(Register reg) {
sar(reg, kSmiTagSize);
// Modifies the register even if it does not contain a Smi!
void SmiUntag(Register reg, Label* is_smi) {
STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1);
sar(reg, kSmiTagSize);
STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
j(not_carry, is_smi);
void LoadUint32NoSSE2(Register src) {
void LoadUint32NoSSE2(const Operand& src);
// Jump the register contains a smi.
inline void JumpIfSmi(Register value,
Label* smi_label,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar) {
test(value, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
j(zero, smi_label, distance);
// Jump if the operand is a smi.
inline void JumpIfSmi(Operand value,
Label* smi_label,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar) {
test(value, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
j(zero, smi_label, distance);
// Jump if register contain a non-smi.
inline void JumpIfNotSmi(Register value,
Label* not_smi_label,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar) {
test(value, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
j(not_zero, not_smi_label, distance);
void LoadInstanceDescriptors(Register map, Register descriptors);
void EnumLength(Register dst, Register map);
void NumberOfOwnDescriptors(Register dst, Register map);
template<typename Field>
void DecodeField(Register reg) {
static const int shift = Field::kShift;
static const int mask = Field::kMask >> Field::kShift;
if (shift != 0) {
sar(reg, shift);
and_(reg, Immediate(mask));
template<typename Field>
void DecodeFieldToSmi(Register reg) {
static const int shift = Field::kShift;
static const int mask = (Field::kMask >> Field::kShift) << kSmiTagSize;
STATIC_ASSERT((mask & (0x80000000u >> (kSmiTagSize - 1))) == 0);
STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
if (shift < kSmiTagSize) {
shl(reg, kSmiTagSize - shift);
} else if (shift > kSmiTagSize) {
sar(reg, shift - kSmiTagSize);
and_(reg, Immediate(mask));
// Abort execution if argument is not a number, enabled via --debug-code.
void AssertNumber(Register object);
// Abort execution if argument is not a smi, enabled via --debug-code.
void AssertSmi(Register object);
// Abort execution if argument is a smi, enabled via --debug-code.
void AssertNotSmi(Register object);
// Abort execution if argument is not a string, enabled via --debug-code.
void AssertString(Register object);
// Abort execution if argument is not a name, enabled via --debug-code.
void AssertName(Register object);
// Abort execution if argument is not undefined or an AllocationSite, enabled
// via --debug-code.
void AssertUndefinedOrAllocationSite(Register object);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exception handling
// Push a new try handler and link it into try handler chain.
void PushTryHandler(StackHandler::Kind kind, int handler_index);
// Unlink the stack handler on top of the stack from the try handler chain.
void PopTryHandler();
// Throw to the top handler in the try hander chain.
void Throw(Register value);
// Throw past all JS frames to the top JS entry frame.
void ThrowUncatchable(Register value);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inline caching support
// Generate code for checking access rights - used for security checks
// on access to global objects across environments. The holder register
// is left untouched, but the scratch register is clobbered.
void CheckAccessGlobalProxy(Register holder_reg,
Register scratch1,
Register scratch2,
Label* miss);
void GetNumberHash(Register r0, Register scratch);
void LoadFromNumberDictionary(Label* miss,
Register elements,
Register key,
Register r0,
Register r1,
Register r2,
Register result);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Allocation support
// Allocate an object in new space or old pointer space. If the given space
// is exhausted control continues at the gc_required label. The allocated
// object is returned in result and end of the new object is returned in
// result_end. The register scratch can be passed as no_reg in which case
// an additional object reference will be added to the reloc info. The
// returned pointers in result and result_end have not yet been tagged as
// heap objects. If result_contains_top_on_entry is true the content of
// result is known to be the allocation top on entry (could be result_end
// from a previous call). If result_contains_top_on_entry is true scratch
// should be no_reg as it is never used.
void Allocate(int object_size,
Register result,
Register result_end,
Register scratch,
Label* gc_required,
AllocationFlags flags);
void Allocate(int header_size,
ScaleFactor element_size,
Register element_count,
RegisterValueType element_count_type,
Register result,
Register result_end,
Register scratch,
Label* gc_required,
AllocationFlags flags);
void Allocate(Register object_size,
Register result,
Register result_end,
Register scratch,
Label* gc_required,
AllocationFlags flags);
// Undo allocation in new space. The object passed and objects allocated after
// it will no longer be allocated. Make sure that no pointers are left to the
// object(s) no longer allocated as they would be invalid when allocation is
// un-done.
void UndoAllocationInNewSpace(Register object);
// Allocate a heap number in new space with undefined value. The
// register scratch2 can be passed as no_reg; the others must be
// valid registers. Returns tagged pointer in result register, or
// jumps to gc_required if new space is full.
void AllocateHeapNumber(Register result,
Register scratch1,
Register scratch2,
Label* gc_required,
MutableMode mode = IMMUTABLE);
// Allocate a sequential string. All the header fields of the string object
// are initialized.
void AllocateTwoByteString(Register result,
Register length,
Register scratch1,
Register scratch2,
Register scratch3,
Label* gc_required);
void AllocateOneByteString(Register result, Register length,
Register scratch1, Register scratch2,
Register scratch3, Label* gc_required);
void AllocateOneByteString(Register result, int length, Register scratch1,
Register scratch2, Label* gc_required);
// Allocate a raw cons string object. Only the map field of the result is
// initialized.
void AllocateTwoByteConsString(Register result,
Register scratch1,
Register scratch2,
Label* gc_required);
void AllocateOneByteConsString(Register result, Register scratch1,
Register scratch2, Label* gc_required);
// Allocate a raw sliced string object. Only the map field of the result is
// initialized.
void AllocateTwoByteSlicedString(Register result,
Register scratch1,
Register scratch2,
Label* gc_required);
void AllocateOneByteSlicedString(Register result, Register scratch1,
Register scratch2, Label* gc_required);
// Copy memory, byte-by-byte, from source to destination. Not optimized for
// long or aligned copies.
// The contents of index and scratch are destroyed.
void CopyBytes(Register source,
Register destination,
Register length,
Register scratch);
// Initialize fields with filler values. Fields starting at |start_offset|
// not including end_offset are overwritten with the value in |filler|. At
// the end the loop, |start_offset| takes the value of |end_offset|.
void InitializeFieldsWithFiller(Register start_offset,
Register end_offset,
Register filler);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Support functions.
// Check a boolean-bit of a Smi field.
void BooleanBitTest(Register object, int field_offset, int bit_index);
// Check if result is zero and op is negative.
void NegativeZeroTest(Register result, Register op, Label* then_label);
// Check if result is zero and any of op1 and op2 are negative.
// Register scratch is destroyed, and it must be different from op2.
void NegativeZeroTest(Register result, Register op1, Register op2,
Register scratch, Label* then_label);
// Try to get function prototype of a function and puts the value in
// the result register. Checks that the function really is a
// function and jumps to the miss label if the fast checks fail. The
// function register will be untouched; the other registers may be
// clobbered.
void TryGetFunctionPrototype(Register function,
Register result,
Register scratch,
Label* miss,
bool miss_on_bound_function = false);
// Picks out an array index from the hash field.
// Register use:
// hash - holds the index's hash. Clobbered.
// index - holds the overwritten index on exit.
void IndexFromHash(Register hash, Register index);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Runtime calls
// Call a code stub. Generate the code if necessary.
void CallStub(CodeStub* stub, TypeFeedbackId ast_id = TypeFeedbackId::None());
// Tail call a code stub (jump). Generate the code if necessary.
void TailCallStub(CodeStub* stub);
// Return from a code stub after popping its arguments.
void StubReturn(int argc);
// Call a runtime routine.
void CallRuntime(const Runtime::Function* f, int num_arguments,
SaveFPRegsMode save_doubles = kDontSaveFPRegs);
void CallRuntimeSaveDoubles(Runtime::FunctionId id) {
const Runtime::Function* function = Runtime::FunctionForId(id);
CallRuntime(function, function->nargs, kSaveFPRegs);
// Convenience function: Same as above, but takes the fid instead.
void CallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId id, int num_arguments,
SaveFPRegsMode save_doubles = kDontSaveFPRegs) {
CallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionForId(id), num_arguments, save_doubles);
// Convenience function: call an external reference.
void CallExternalReference(ExternalReference ref, int num_arguments);
// Tail call of a runtime routine (jump).
// Like JumpToExternalReference, but also takes care of passing the number
// of parameters.
void TailCallExternalReference(const ExternalReference& ext,
int num_arguments,
int result_size);
// Convenience function: tail call a runtime routine (jump).
void TailCallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId fid,
int num_arguments,
int result_size);
// Before calling a C-function from generated code, align arguments on stack.
// After aligning the frame, arguments must be stored in esp[0], esp[4],
// etc., not pushed. The argument count assumes all arguments are word sized.
// Some compilers/platforms require the stack to be aligned when calling
// C++ code.
// Needs a scratch register to do some arithmetic. This register will be
// trashed.
void PrepareCallCFunction(int num_arguments, Register scratch);
// Calls a C function and cleans up the space for arguments allocated
// by PrepareCallCFunction. The called function is not allowed to trigger a
// garbage collection, since that might move the code and invalidate the
// return address (unless this is somehow accounted for by the called
// function).
void CallCFunction(ExternalReference function, int num_arguments);
void CallCFunction(Register function, int num_arguments);
// Prepares stack to put arguments (aligns and so on). Reserves
// space for return value if needed (assumes the return value is a handle).
// Arguments must be stored in ApiParameterOperand(0), ApiParameterOperand(1)
// etc. Saves context (esi). If space was reserved for return value then
// stores the pointer to the reserved slot into esi.
void PrepareCallApiFunction(int argc);
// Calls an API function. Allocates HandleScope, extracts returned value
// from handle and propagates exceptions. Clobbers ebx, edi and
// caller-save registers. Restores context. On return removes
// stack_space * kPointerSize (GCed).
void CallApiFunctionAndReturn(Register function_address,
ExternalReference thunk_ref,
Operand thunk_last_arg,
int stack_space,
Operand return_value_operand,
Operand* context_restore_operand);
// Jump to a runtime routine.
void JumpToExternalReference(const ExternalReference& ext);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utilities
void Ret();
// Return and drop arguments from stack, where the number of arguments
// may be bigger than 2^16 - 1. Requires a scratch register.
void Ret(int bytes_dropped, Register scratch);
// Emit code to discard a non-negative number of pointer-sized elements
// from the stack, clobbering only the esp register.
void Drop(int element_count);
void Call(Label* target) { call(target); }
void Push(Register src) { push(src); }
void Pop(Register dst) { pop(dst); }
// Emit call to the code we are currently generating.
void CallSelf() {
Handle<Code> self(reinterpret_cast<Code**>(CodeObject().location()));
call(self, RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);
// Move if the registers are not identical.
void Move(Register target, Register source);
// Move a constant into a destination using the most efficient encoding.
void Move(Register dst, const Immediate& x);
void Move(const Operand& dst, const Immediate& x);
// Push a handle value.
void Push(Handle<Object> handle) { push(Immediate(handle)); }
void Push(Smi* smi) { Push(Handle<Smi>(smi, isolate())); }
Handle<Object> CodeObject() {
return code_object_;
// Insert code to verify that the x87 stack has the specified depth (0-7)
void VerifyX87StackDepth(uint32_t depth);
// Emit code for a truncating division by a constant. The dividend register is
// unchanged, the result is in edx, and eax gets clobbered.
void TruncatingDiv(Register dividend, int32_t divisor);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StatsCounter support
void SetCounter(StatsCounter* counter, int value);
void IncrementCounter(StatsCounter* counter, int value);
void DecrementCounter(StatsCounter* counter, int value);
void IncrementCounter(Condition cc, StatsCounter* counter, int value);
void DecrementCounter(Condition cc, StatsCounter* counter, int value);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Debugging
// Calls Abort(msg) if the condition cc is not satisfied.
// Use --debug_code to enable.
void Assert(Condition cc, BailoutReason reason);
void AssertFastElements(Register elements);
// Like Assert(), but always enabled.
void Check(Condition cc, BailoutReason reason);
// Print a message to stdout and abort execution.
void Abort(BailoutReason reason);
// Check that the stack is aligned.
void CheckStackAlignment();
// Verify restrictions about code generated in stubs.
void set_generating_stub(bool value) { generating_stub_ = value; }
bool generating_stub() { return generating_stub_; }
void set_has_frame(bool value) { has_frame_ = value; }
bool has_frame() { return has_frame_; }
inline bool AllowThisStubCall(CodeStub* stub);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// String utilities.
// Generate code to do a lookup in the number string cache. If the number in
// the register object is found in the cache the generated code falls through
// with the result in the result register. The object and the result register
// can be the same. If the number is not found in the cache the code jumps to
// the label not_found with only the content of register object unchanged.
void LookupNumberStringCache(Register object,
Register result,
Register scratch1,
Register scratch2,
Label* not_found);
// Check whether the instance type represents a flat one-byte string. Jump to
// the label if not. If the instance type can be scratched specify same
// register for both instance type and scratch.
void JumpIfInstanceTypeIsNotSequentialOneByte(
Register instance_type, Register scratch,
Label* on_not_flat_one_byte_string);
// Checks if both objects are sequential one-byte strings, and jumps to label
// if either is not.
void JumpIfNotBothSequentialOneByteStrings(
Register object1, Register object2, Register scratch1, Register scratch2,
Label* on_not_flat_one_byte_strings);
// Checks if the given register or operand is a unique name
void JumpIfNotUniqueNameInstanceType(Register reg, Label* not_unique_name,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar) {
JumpIfNotUniqueNameInstanceType(Operand(reg), not_unique_name, distance);
void JumpIfNotUniqueNameInstanceType(Operand operand, Label* not_unique_name,
Label::Distance distance = Label::kFar);
void EmitSeqStringSetCharCheck(Register string,
Register index,
Register value,
uint32_t encoding_mask);
static int SafepointRegisterStackIndex(Register reg) {
return SafepointRegisterStackIndex(reg.code());
// Activation support.
void EnterFrame(StackFrame::Type type);
void EnterFrame(StackFrame::Type type, bool load_constant_pool_pointer_reg);
void LeaveFrame(StackFrame::Type type);
// Expects object in eax and returns map with validated enum cache
// in eax. Assumes that any other register can be used as a scratch.
void CheckEnumCache(Label* call_runtime);
// AllocationMemento support. Arrays may have an associated
// AllocationMemento object that can be checked for in order to pretransition
// to another type.
// On entry, receiver_reg should point to the array object.
// scratch_reg gets clobbered.
// If allocation info is present, conditional code is set to equal.
void TestJSArrayForAllocationMemento(Register receiver_reg,
Register scratch_reg,
Label* no_memento_found);
void JumpIfJSArrayHasAllocationMemento(Register receiver_reg,
Register scratch_reg,
Label* memento_found) {
Label no_memento_found;
TestJSArrayForAllocationMemento(receiver_reg, scratch_reg,
j(equal, memento_found);
// Jumps to found label if a prototype map has dictionary elements.
void JumpIfDictionaryInPrototypeChain(Register object, Register scratch0,
Register scratch1, Label* found);
bool generating_stub_;
bool has_frame_;
// This handle will be patched with the code object on installation.
Handle<Object> code_object_;
// Helper functions for generating invokes.
void InvokePrologue(const ParameterCount& expected,
const ParameterCount& actual,
Handle<Code> code_constant,
const Operand& code_operand,
Label* done,
bool* definitely_mismatches,
InvokeFlag flag,
Label::Distance done_distance,
const CallWrapper& call_wrapper = NullCallWrapper());
void EnterExitFramePrologue();
void EnterExitFrameEpilogue(int argc, bool save_doubles);
void LeaveExitFrameEpilogue(bool restore_context);
// Allocation support helpers.
void LoadAllocationTopHelper(Register result,
Register scratch,
AllocationFlags flags);
void UpdateAllocationTopHelper(Register result_end,
Register scratch,
AllocationFlags flags);
// Helper for implementing JumpIfNotInNewSpace and JumpIfInNewSpace.
void InNewSpace(Register object,
Register scratch,
Condition cc,
Label* condition_met,
Label::Distance condition_met_distance = Label::kFar);
// Helper for finding the mark bits for an address. Afterwards, the
// bitmap register points at the word with the mark bits and the mask
// the position of the first bit. Uses ecx as scratch and leaves addr_reg
// unchanged.
inline void GetMarkBits(Register addr_reg,
Register bitmap_reg,
Register mask_reg);
// Helper for throwing exceptions. Compute a handler address and jump to
// it. See the implementation for register usage.
void JumpToHandlerEntry();
// Compute memory operands for safepoint stack slots.
Operand SafepointRegisterSlot(Register reg);
static int SafepointRegisterStackIndex(int reg_code);
// Needs access to SafepointRegisterStackIndex for compiled frame
// traversal.
friend class StandardFrame;
// The code patcher is used to patch (typically) small parts of code e.g. for
// debugging and other types of instrumentation. When using the code patcher
// the exact number of bytes specified must be emitted. Is not legal to emit
// relocation information. If any of these constraints are violated it causes
// an assertion.
class CodePatcher {
CodePatcher(byte* address, int size);
virtual ~CodePatcher();
// Macro assembler to emit code.
MacroAssembler* masm() { return &masm_; }
byte* address_; // The address of the code being patched.
int size_; // Number of bytes of the expected patch size.
MacroAssembler masm_; // Macro assembler used to generate the code.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static helper functions.
// Generate an Operand for loading a field from an object.
inline Operand FieldOperand(Register object, int offset) {
return Operand(object, offset - kHeapObjectTag);
// Generate an Operand for loading an indexed field from an object.
inline Operand FieldOperand(Register object,
Register index,
ScaleFactor scale,
int offset) {
return Operand(object, index, scale, offset - kHeapObjectTag);
inline Operand FixedArrayElementOperand(Register array,
Register index_as_smi,
int additional_offset = 0) {
int offset = FixedArray::kHeaderSize + additional_offset * kPointerSize;
return FieldOperand(array, index_as_smi, times_half_pointer_size, offset);
inline Operand ContextOperand(Register context, int index) {
return Operand(context, Context::SlotOffset(index));
inline Operand GlobalObjectOperand() {
return ContextOperand(esi, Context::GLOBAL_OBJECT_INDEX);
// Generates an Operand for saving parameters after PrepareCallApiFunction.
Operand ApiParameterOperand(int index);
extern void LogGeneratedCodeCoverage(const char* file_line);
#define ACCESS_MASM(masm) { \
byte* ia32_coverage_function = \
reinterpret_cast<byte*>(FUNCTION_ADDR(LogGeneratedCodeCoverage)); \
masm->pushfd(); \
masm->pushad(); \
masm->push(Immediate(reinterpret_cast<int>(&__FILE_LINE__))); \
masm->call(ia32_coverage_function, RelocInfo::RUNTIME_ENTRY); \
masm->pop(eax); \
masm->popad(); \
masm->popfd(); \
} \
#define ACCESS_MASM(masm) masm->
} } // namespace v8::internal
#endif // V8_X87_MACRO_ASSEMBLER_X87_H_