'use strict'
const BB = require ( 'bluebird' )
const fs = require ( 'graceful-fs' )
const iferr = require ( 'iferr' )
const inflateShrinkwrap = require ( './inflate-shrinkwrap.js' )
const log = require ( 'npmlog' )
const parseJSON = require ( '../utils/parse-json.js' )
const path = require ( 'path' )
const PKGLOCK_VERSION = require ( '../npm.js' ) . lockfileVersion
const readFileAsync = BB . promisify ( fs . readFile )
module . exports = readShrinkwrap
function readShrinkwrap ( child , next ) {
if ( child . package . _ shrinkwrap ) return process . nextTick ( next )
BB . join (
maybeReadFile ( 'npm-shrinkwrap.json' , child ) ,
// Don't read non-root lockfiles
child . isTop && maybeReadFile ( 'package-lock.json' , child ) ,
child . isTop && maybeReadFile ( 'package.json' , child ) ,
( shrinkwrap , lockfile , pkgJson ) => {
if ( shrinkwrap && lockfile ) {
log . warn ( 'read-shrinkwrap' , 'Ignoring package-lock.json because there is already an npm-shrinkwrap.json. Please use only one of the two.' )
const name = shrinkwrap ? 'npm-shrinkwrap.json' : 'package-lock.json'
let parsed = null
if ( shrinkwrap || lockfile ) {
try {
parsed = parseJSON ( shrinkwrap || lockfile )
} catch ( ex ) {
throw ex
if ( parsed && parsed . lockfileVersion !== PKGLOCK_VERSION ) {
log . warn ( 'read-shrinkwrap' , ` This version of npm is compatible with lockfileVersion@ ${ PKGLOCK_VERSION } , but ${ name } was generated for lockfileVersion@ ${ parsed . lockfileVersion || 0 } . I'll try to do my best with it! ` )
child . package . _ shrinkwrap = parsed
) . then ( ( ) => next ( ) , next )
function maybeReadFile ( name , child ) {
return readFileAsync (
path . join ( child . path , name )
) . catch ( { code : 'ENOENT' } , ( ) => null )
module . exports . andInflate = function ( child , next ) {
readShrinkwrap ( child , iferr ( next , function ( ) {
if ( child . package . _ shrinkwrap ) {
return inflateShrinkwrap ( child , child . package . _ shrinkwrap || { } , next )
} else {
return next ( )
} ) )