'use strict'
module.exports = npa
module.exports.resolve = resolve
module.exports.Result = Result
let url
let HostedGit
let semver
let path
let validatePackageName
let osenv
const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32' || global.FAKE_WINDOWS
const hasSlashes = isWindows ? /\\|[/]/ : /[/]/
const isURL = /^(?:git[+])?[a-z]+:/i
const isFilename = /[.](?:tgz|tar.gz|tar)$/i
function npa (arg, where) {
let name
let spec
const nameEndsAt = arg[0] === '@' ? arg.slice(1).indexOf('@') + 1 : arg.indexOf('@')
const namePart = nameEndsAt > 0 ? arg.slice(0, nameEndsAt) : arg
if (isURL.test(arg)) {
spec = arg
} else if (namePart[0] !== '@' && (hasSlashes.test(namePart) || isFilename.test(namePart))) {
spec = arg
} else if (nameEndsAt > 0) {
name = namePart
spec = arg.slice(nameEndsAt + 1)
} else {
if (!validatePackageName) validatePackageName = require('validate-npm-package-name')
const valid = validatePackageName(arg)
if (valid.validForOldPackages) {
name = arg
} else {
spec = arg
return resolve(name, spec, where, arg)
const isFilespec = isWindows ? /^(?:[.]|~[/]|[/\\]|[a-zA-Z]:)/ : /^(?:[.]|~[/]|[/]|[a-zA-Z]:)/
function resolve (name, spec, where, arg) {
const res = new Result({
raw: arg,
name: name,
rawSpec: spec,
fromArgument: arg != null
if (name) res.setName(name)
if (spec && (isFilespec.test(spec) || /^file:/i.test(spec))) {
return fromFile(res, where)
if (!HostedGit) HostedGit = require('hosted-git-info')
const hosted = HostedGit.fromUrl(spec, {noGitPlus: true, noCommittish: true})
if (hosted) {
return fromHostedGit(res, hosted)
} else if (spec && isURL.test(spec)) {
return fromURL(res)
} else if (spec && (hasSlashes.test(spec) || isFilename.test(spec))) {
return fromFile(res, where)
} else {
return fromRegistry(res)
function invalidPackageName (name, valid) {
const err = new Error(`Invalid package name "${name}": ${valid.errors.join('; ')}`)
return err
function invalidTagName (name) {
const err = new Error(`Invalid tag name "${name}": Tags may not have any characters that encodeURIComponent encodes.`)
return err
function Result (opts) {
this.type = opts.type
this.registry = opts.registry
this.where = opts.where
if (opts.raw == null) {
this.raw = opts.name ? opts.name + '@' + opts.rawSpec : opts.rawSpec
} else {
this.raw = opts.raw
this.name = undefined
this.escapedName = undefined
this.scope = undefined
this.rawSpec = opts.rawSpec == null ? '' : opts.rawSpec
this.saveSpec = opts.saveSpec
this.fetchSpec = opts.fetchSpec
if (opts.name) this.setName(opts.name)
this.gitRange = opts.gitRange
this.gitCommittish = opts.gitCommittish
this.hosted = opts.hosted
Result.prototype = {}
Result.prototype.setName = function (name) {
if (!validatePackageName) validatePackageName = require('validate-npm-package-name')
const valid = validatePackageName(name)
if (!valid.validForOldPackages) {
throw invalidPackageName(name, valid)
this.name = name
this.scope = name[0] === '@' ? name.slice(0, name.indexOf('/')) : undefined
// scoped packages in couch must have slash url-encoded, e.g. @foo%2Fbar
this.escapedName = name.replace('/', '%2f')
return this
Result.prototype.toString = function () {
const full = []
if (this.name != null && this.name !== '') full.push(this.name)
const spec = this.saveSpec || this.fetchSpec || this.rawSpec
if (spec != null && spec !== '') full.push(spec)
return full.length ? full.join('@') : this.raw
Result.prototype.toJSON = function () {
const result = Object.assign({}, this)
delete result.hosted
return result
function setGitCommittish (res, committish) {
if (committish != null && committish.length >= 7 && committish.slice(0, 7) === 'semver:') {
res.gitRange = decodeURIComponent(committish.slice(7))
res.gitCommittish = null
} else if (committish == null || committish === '') {
res.gitCommittish = 'master'
} else {
res.gitCommittish = committish
return res
const isAbsolutePath = /^[/]|^[A-Za-z]:/
function resolvePath (where, spec) {
if (isAbsolutePath.test(spec)) return spec
if (!path) path = require('path')
return path.resolve(where, spec)
function isAbsolute (dir) {
if (dir[0] === '/') return true
if (/^[A-Za-z]:/.test(dir)) return true
return false
function fromFile (res, where) {
if (!where) where = process.cwd()
res.type = isFilename.test(res.rawSpec) ? 'file' : 'directory'
res.where = where
const spec = res.rawSpec.replace(/\\/g, '/')
.replace(/^file:[/]*([A-Za-z]:)/, '$1') // drive name paths on windows
.replace(/^file:(?:[/]*([~./]))?/, '$1')
if (/^~[/]/.test(spec)) {
// this is needed for windows and for file:~/foo/bar
if (!osenv) osenv = require('osenv')
res.fetchSpec = resolvePath(osenv.home(), spec.slice(2))
res.saveSpec = 'file:' + spec
} else {
res.fetchSpec = resolvePath(where, spec)
if (isAbsolute(spec)) {
res.saveSpec = 'file:' + spec
} else {
if (!path) path = require('path')
res.saveSpec = 'file:' + path.relative(where, res.fetchSpec)
return res
function fromHostedGit (res, hosted) {
res.type = 'git'
res.hosted = hosted
res.saveSpec = hosted.toString({noGitPlus: false, noCommittish: false})
res.fetchSpec = hosted.getDefaultRepresentation() === 'shortcut' ? null : hosted.toString()
return setGitCommittish(res, hosted.committish)
function unsupportedURLType (protocol, spec) {
const err = new Error(`Unsupported URL Type "${protocol}": ${spec}`)
return err
function matchGitScp (spec) {
// git ssh specifiers are overloaded to also use scp-style git
// specifiers, so we have to parse those out and treat them special.
// They are NOT true URIs, so we can't hand them to `url.parse`.
// This regex looks for things that look like:
// git+ssh://git@my.custom.git.com:username/project.git#deadbeef
// ...and various combinations. The username in the beginning is *required*.
const matched = spec.match(/^git\+ssh:\/\/([^:]+:[^#]+(?:\.git)?)(?:#(.*))$/i)
return matched && !matched[1].match(/:[0-9]+\/?.*$/i) && {
fetchSpec: matched[1],
gitCommittish: matched[2]
function fromURL (res) {
if (!url) url = require('url')
const urlparse = url.parse(res.rawSpec)
res.saveSpec = res.rawSpec
// check the protocol, and then see if it's git or not
switch (urlparse.protocol) {
case 'git:':
case 'git+http:':
case 'git+https:':
case 'git+rsync:':
case 'git+ftp:':
case 'git+file:':
case 'git+ssh:':
res.type = 'git'
const match = urlparse.protocol === 'git+ssh:' && matchGitScp(res.rawSpec)
if (match) {
res.fetchSpec = match.fetchSpec
res.gitCommittish = match.gitCommittish
} else {
setGitCommittish(res, urlparse.hash != null ? urlparse.hash.slice(1) : '')
urlparse.protocol = urlparse.protocol.replace(/^git[+]/, '')
delete urlparse.hash
res.fetchSpec = url.format(urlparse)
case 'http:':
case 'https:':
res.type = 'remote'
res.fetchSpec = res.saveSpec
throw unsupportedURLType(urlparse.protocol, res.rawSpec)
return res
function fromRegistry (res) {
res.registry = true
const spec = res.rawSpec === '' ? 'latest' : res.rawSpec
// no save spec for registry components as we save based on the fetched
// version, not on the argument so this can't compute that.
res.saveSpec = null
res.fetchSpec = spec
if (!semver) semver = require('semver')
const version = semver.valid(spec, true)
const range = semver.validRange(spec, true)
if (version) {
res.type = 'version'
} else if (range) {
res.type = 'range'
} else {
if (encodeURIComponent(spec) !== spec) {
throw invalidTagName(spec)
res.type = 'tag'
return res