Warning: this is not actual API but desired API.
# `uv_handle_t`
This is the abstract base class of all types of handles. All handles have in
* When handles are initialized, the reference count to the event loop is
increased by one.
* The user owns the `uv_handle_t` memory and is in charge of freeing it.
* In order to free resources associated with a handle, one must `uv_close()`
and wait for the `uv_close_cb` callback. After the close callback has been
made, the user is allowed to the `uv_handle_t` object.
* The `uv_close_cb` is always made directly off the event loop. That is, it
is not called from `uv_close()`.
# `uv_tcp_server_t`
A TCP server class that is a subclass of `uv_handle_t`. This can be bound to
an address and begin accepting new TCP sockets.
int uv_bind4(uv_tcp_server_t* tcp_server, struct sockaddr_in* address);
int uv_bind6(uv_tcp_server_t* tcp_server, struct sockaddr_in6* address);
Binds the TCP server to an address. The `address` can be created with
`uv_ip4_addr()`. Call this before `uv_listen()`
Returns zero on success, -1 on failure. Errors in order of least-seriousness:
* `UV_EADDRINUSE` There is already another socket bound to the specified
* `UV_EADDRNOTAVAIL` The `address` parameter is an IP address that is not
* `UV_EINVAL` The server is already bound to an address.
* `UV_EFAULT` Memory of `address` parameter is unintelligible.
int uv_listen(uv_tcp_server_t*, int backlog, uv_connection_cb cb);
Begins listening for connections. The accept callback is level-triggered.
int uv_accept(uv_tcp_server_t* server,
uv_tcp_t* client);
Accepts a connection. This should be called after the accept callback is
made. The `client` parameter should be uninitialized memory; `uv_accept` is
used instead of `uv_tcp_init` for server-side `uv_tcp_t` initialization.
Return value 0 indicates success, -1 failure. Possible errors:
* `UV_EAGAIN` There are no connections. Wait for the `uv_connection_cb` callback
to be called again.
* `UV_EFAULT` The memory of either `server` is unintelligible.
# `uv_stream_t`
An abstract subclass of `uv_handle_t`. Streams represent something that
reads and/or writes data. Streams can be half or full-duplex. TCP sockets
are streams, files are streams with offsets.
int uv_read_start(uv_stream_t* stream,
uv_alloc_cb alloc_cb,
uv_read_cb read_cb);
Starts the stream reading continuously. The `alloc_cb` is used to allow the
user to implement various means of supplying the stream with buffers to
fill. The `read_cb` returns buffers to the user filled with data.
Sometimes the buffers returned to the user do not contain data. This does
not indicate EOF as in other systems. EOF is made via the `uv_eof_cb` which
can be set like this `uv_set_eof_cb(stream, eof_cb);`
int uv_read_stop(uv_stream_t* stream);
Stops reading from the stream.
int uv_write_req_init(uv_write_req_t*,
uv_buf_t bufs[],
int butcnf);
Initiates a write request on a stream.
int uv_shutdown_req_init(uv_shutdown_req_t*, uv_stream_t*)
Initiates a shutdown of outgoing data once the write queue drains.
# `uv_tcp_t`
The TCP handle class represents one endpoint of a duplex TCP stream.
`uv_tcp_t` is a subclass of `uv_stream_t`. A TCP handle can represent a
client side connection (one that has been used with uv_connect_req_init`)
or a server-side connection (one that was initialized with `uv_accept`)
int uv_connect_req_init(uv_connect_req_t* req,
uv_tcp_t* socket,
struct sockaddr* addr);
Initiates a request to open a connection.
# `uv_req_t`
Abstract class represents an asynchronous request. This is a subclass of `uv_handle_t`.
# `uv_connect_req_t`
Subclass of `uv_req_t`. Represents a request for a TCP connection. Operates
on `uv_tcp_t` handles. Like other types of requests the `close_cb` indicates
completion of the request.
int uv_connect_req_init(uv_connect_req_t* req,
uv_tcp_t* socket,
struct sockaddr* addr);
Initializes the connection request. Returning 0 indicates success, -1 if
there was an error. The following values can be retrieved from
`uv_last_error` in the case of an error:
* ???
# `uv_shutdown_req_t`
Subclass of `uv_req_t`. Represents an ongoing shutdown request. Once the
write queue of the parent `uv_stream_t` is drained, the outbound data
channel is shutdown. Once a shutdown request is initiated on a stream, the
stream will allow no more writes.
int uv_shutdown_req_init(uv_shutdown_req_t*,
uv_stream_t* parent);
Initializes the shutdown request.
# `uv_write_req_t`
int uv_write_req_init(uv_write_req_t*,
uv_buf_t bufs[],
int butcnf);
Initiates a write request on a stream.