You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1220 lines
18 KiB

.globl _rsaz_512_sqr
.p2align 5
pushq %rbx
pushq %rbp
pushq %r12
pushq %r13
pushq %r14
pushq %r15
subq $128+24,%rsp
movq %rdx,%rbp
movq (%rsi),%rdx
movq 8(%rsi),%rax
movq %rcx,128(%rsp)
jmp L$oop_sqr
.p2align 5
movl %r8d,128+8(%rsp)
movq %rdx,%rbx
mulq %rdx
movq %rax,%r8
movq 16(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r9
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r9
movq 24(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r10
adcq $0,%r10
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r10
movq 32(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r11
adcq $0,%r11
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r11
movq 40(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r12
adcq $0,%r12
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r12
movq 48(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r13
adcq $0,%r13
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r13
movq 56(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r14
adcq $0,%r14
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r14
movq %rbx,%rax
movq %rdx,%r15
adcq $0,%r15
addq %r8,%r8
movq %r9,%rcx
adcq %r9,%r9
mulq %rax
movq %rax,(%rsp)
addq %rdx,%r8
adcq $0,%r9
movq %r8,8(%rsp)
shrq $63,%rcx
movq 8(%rsi),%r8
movq 16(%rsi),%rax
mulq %r8
addq %rax,%r10
movq 24(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%rbx
adcq $0,%rbx
mulq %r8
addq %rax,%r11
movq 32(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %rbx,%r11
movq %rdx,%rbx
adcq $0,%rbx
mulq %r8
addq %rax,%r12
movq 40(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %rbx,%r12
movq %rdx,%rbx
adcq $0,%rbx
mulq %r8
addq %rax,%r13
movq 48(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %rbx,%r13
movq %rdx,%rbx
adcq $0,%rbx
mulq %r8
addq %rax,%r14
movq 56(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %rbx,%r14
movq %rdx,%rbx
adcq $0,%rbx
mulq %r8
addq %rax,%r15
movq %r8,%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %rbx,%r15
movq %rdx,%r8
movq %r10,%rdx
adcq $0,%r8
addq %rdx,%rdx
leaq (%rcx,%r10,2),%r10
movq %r11,%rbx
adcq %r11,%r11
mulq %rax
addq %rax,%r9
adcq %rdx,%r10
adcq $0,%r11
movq %r9,16(%rsp)
movq %r10,24(%rsp)
shrq $63,%rbx
movq 16(%rsi),%r9
movq 24(%rsi),%rax
mulq %r9
addq %rax,%r12
movq 32(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%rcx
adcq $0,%rcx
mulq %r9
addq %rax,%r13
movq 40(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %rcx,%r13
movq %rdx,%rcx
adcq $0,%rcx
mulq %r9
addq %rax,%r14
movq 48(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %rcx,%r14
movq %rdx,%rcx
adcq $0,%rcx
mulq %r9
movq %r12,%r10
leaq (%rbx,%r12,2),%r12
addq %rax,%r15
movq 56(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %rcx,%r15
movq %rdx,%rcx
adcq $0,%rcx
mulq %r9
shrq $63,%r10
addq %rax,%r8
movq %r9,%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %rcx,%r8
movq %rdx,%r9
adcq $0,%r9
movq %r13,%rcx
leaq (%r10,%r13,2),%r13
mulq %rax
addq %rax,%r11
adcq %rdx,%r12
adcq $0,%r13
movq %r11,32(%rsp)
movq %r12,40(%rsp)
shrq $63,%rcx
movq 24(%rsi),%r10
movq 32(%rsi),%rax
mulq %r10
addq %rax,%r14
movq 40(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%rbx
adcq $0,%rbx
mulq %r10
addq %rax,%r15
movq 48(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %rbx,%r15
movq %rdx,%rbx
adcq $0,%rbx
mulq %r10
movq %r14,%r12
leaq (%rcx,%r14,2),%r14
addq %rax,%r8
movq 56(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %rbx,%r8
movq %rdx,%rbx
adcq $0,%rbx
mulq %r10
shrq $63,%r12
addq %rax,%r9
movq %r10,%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %rbx,%r9
movq %rdx,%r10
adcq $0,%r10
movq %r15,%rbx
leaq (%r12,%r15,2),%r15
mulq %rax
addq %rax,%r13
adcq %rdx,%r14
adcq $0,%r15
movq %r13,48(%rsp)
movq %r14,56(%rsp)
shrq $63,%rbx
movq 32(%rsi),%r11
movq 40(%rsi),%rax
mulq %r11
addq %rax,%r8
movq 48(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%rcx
adcq $0,%rcx
mulq %r11
addq %rax,%r9
movq 56(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
movq %r8,%r12
leaq (%rbx,%r8,2),%r8
addq %rcx,%r9
movq %rdx,%rcx
adcq $0,%rcx
mulq %r11
shrq $63,%r12
addq %rax,%r10
movq %r11,%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %rcx,%r10
movq %rdx,%r11
adcq $0,%r11
movq %r9,%rcx
leaq (%r12,%r9,2),%r9
mulq %rax
addq %rax,%r15
adcq %rdx,%r8
adcq $0,%r9
movq %r15,64(%rsp)
movq %r8,72(%rsp)
shrq $63,%rcx
movq 40(%rsi),%r12
movq 48(%rsi),%rax
mulq %r12
addq %rax,%r10
movq 56(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%rbx
adcq $0,%rbx
mulq %r12
addq %rax,%r11
movq %r12,%rax
movq %r10,%r15
leaq (%rcx,%r10,2),%r10
adcq $0,%rdx
shrq $63,%r15
addq %rbx,%r11
movq %rdx,%r12
adcq $0,%r12
movq %r11,%rbx
leaq (%r15,%r11,2),%r11
mulq %rax
addq %rax,%r9
adcq %rdx,%r10
adcq $0,%r11
movq %r9,80(%rsp)
movq %r10,88(%rsp)
movq 48(%rsi),%r13
movq 56(%rsi),%rax
mulq %r13
addq %rax,%r12
movq %r13,%rax
movq %rdx,%r13
adcq $0,%r13
xorq %r14,%r14
shlq $1,%rbx
adcq %r12,%r12
adcq %r13,%r13
adcq %r14,%r14
mulq %rax
addq %rax,%r11
adcq %rdx,%r12
adcq $0,%r13
movq %r11,96(%rsp)
movq %r12,104(%rsp)
movq 56(%rsi),%rax
mulq %rax
addq %rax,%r13
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %rdx,%r14
movq %r13,112(%rsp)
movq %r14,120(%rsp)
movq (%rsp),%r8
movq 8(%rsp),%r9
movq 16(%rsp),%r10
movq 24(%rsp),%r11
movq 32(%rsp),%r12
movq 40(%rsp),%r13
movq 48(%rsp),%r14
movq 56(%rsp),%r15
call __rsaz_512_reduce
addq 64(%rsp),%r8
adcq 72(%rsp),%r9
adcq 80(%rsp),%r10
adcq 88(%rsp),%r11
adcq 96(%rsp),%r12
adcq 104(%rsp),%r13
adcq 112(%rsp),%r14
adcq 120(%rsp),%r15
sbbq %rcx,%rcx
call __rsaz_512_subtract
movq %r8,%rdx
movq %r9,%rax
movl 128+8(%rsp),%r8d
movq %rdi,%rsi
decl %r8d
jnz L$oop_sqr
leaq 128+24+48(%rsp),%rax
movq -48(%rax),%r15
movq -40(%rax),%r14
movq -32(%rax),%r13
movq -24(%rax),%r12
movq -16(%rax),%rbp
movq -8(%rax),%rbx
leaq (%rax),%rsp
.byte 0xf3,0xc3
.globl _rsaz_512_mul
.p2align 5
pushq %rbx
pushq %rbp
pushq %r12
pushq %r13
pushq %r14
pushq %r15
subq $128+24,%rsp
.byte 102,72,15,110,199
.byte 102,72,15,110,201
movq %r8,128(%rsp)
movq (%rdx),%rbx
movq %rdx,%rbp
call __rsaz_512_mul
.byte 102,72,15,126,199
.byte 102,72,15,126,205
movq (%rsp),%r8
movq 8(%rsp),%r9
movq 16(%rsp),%r10
movq 24(%rsp),%r11
movq 32(%rsp),%r12
movq 40(%rsp),%r13
movq 48(%rsp),%r14
movq 56(%rsp),%r15
call __rsaz_512_reduce
addq 64(%rsp),%r8
adcq 72(%rsp),%r9
adcq 80(%rsp),%r10
adcq 88(%rsp),%r11
adcq 96(%rsp),%r12
adcq 104(%rsp),%r13
adcq 112(%rsp),%r14
adcq 120(%rsp),%r15
sbbq %rcx,%rcx
call __rsaz_512_subtract
leaq 128+24+48(%rsp),%rax
movq -48(%rax),%r15
movq -40(%rax),%r14
movq -32(%rax),%r13
movq -24(%rax),%r12
movq -16(%rax),%rbp
movq -8(%rax),%rbx
leaq (%rax),%rsp
.byte 0xf3,0xc3
.globl _rsaz_512_mul_gather4
.p2align 5
pushq %rbx
pushq %rbp
pushq %r12
pushq %r13
pushq %r14
pushq %r15
subq $152,%rsp
movd %r9d,%xmm8
movdqa L$inc+16(%rip),%xmm1
movdqa L$inc(%rip),%xmm0
pshufd $0,%xmm8,%xmm8
movdqa %xmm1,%xmm7
movdqa %xmm1,%xmm2
paddd %xmm0,%xmm1
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm0
movdqa %xmm7,%xmm3
paddd %xmm1,%xmm2
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm1
movdqa %xmm7,%xmm4
paddd %xmm2,%xmm3
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm2
movdqa %xmm7,%xmm5
paddd %xmm3,%xmm4
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm3
movdqa %xmm7,%xmm6
paddd %xmm4,%xmm5
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm4
paddd %xmm5,%xmm6
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm5
paddd %xmm6,%xmm7
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm6
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm7
movdqa 0(%rdx),%xmm8
movdqa 16(%rdx),%xmm9
movdqa 32(%rdx),%xmm10
movdqa 48(%rdx),%xmm11
pand %xmm0,%xmm8
movdqa 64(%rdx),%xmm12
pand %xmm1,%xmm9
movdqa 80(%rdx),%xmm13
pand %xmm2,%xmm10
movdqa 96(%rdx),%xmm14
pand %xmm3,%xmm11
movdqa 112(%rdx),%xmm15
leaq 128(%rdx),%rbp
pand %xmm4,%xmm12
pand %xmm5,%xmm13
pand %xmm6,%xmm14
pand %xmm7,%xmm15
por %xmm10,%xmm8
por %xmm11,%xmm9
por %xmm12,%xmm8
por %xmm13,%xmm9
por %xmm14,%xmm8
por %xmm15,%xmm9
por %xmm9,%xmm8
pshufd $0x4e,%xmm8,%xmm9
por %xmm9,%xmm8
.byte 102,76,15,126,195
movq %r8,128(%rsp)
movq %rdi,128+8(%rsp)
movq %rcx,128+16(%rsp)
movq (%rsi),%rax
movq 8(%rsi),%rcx
mulq %rbx
movq %rax,(%rsp)
movq %rcx,%rax
movq %rdx,%r8
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r8
movq 16(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r9
adcq $0,%r9
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r9
movq 24(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r10
adcq $0,%r10
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r10
movq 32(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r11
adcq $0,%r11
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r11
movq 40(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r12
adcq $0,%r12
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r12
movq 48(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r13
adcq $0,%r13
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r13
movq 56(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r14
adcq $0,%r14
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r14
movq (%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r15
adcq $0,%r15
leaq 8(%rsp),%rdi
movl $7,%ecx
jmp L$oop_mul_gather
.p2align 5
movdqa 0(%rbp),%xmm8
movdqa 16(%rbp),%xmm9
movdqa 32(%rbp),%xmm10
movdqa 48(%rbp),%xmm11
pand %xmm0,%xmm8
movdqa 64(%rbp),%xmm12
pand %xmm1,%xmm9
movdqa 80(%rbp),%xmm13
pand %xmm2,%xmm10
movdqa 96(%rbp),%xmm14
pand %xmm3,%xmm11
movdqa 112(%rbp),%xmm15
leaq 128(%rbp),%rbp
pand %xmm4,%xmm12
pand %xmm5,%xmm13
pand %xmm6,%xmm14
pand %xmm7,%xmm15
por %xmm10,%xmm8
por %xmm11,%xmm9
por %xmm12,%xmm8
por %xmm13,%xmm9
por %xmm14,%xmm8
por %xmm15,%xmm9
por %xmm9,%xmm8
pshufd $0x4e,%xmm8,%xmm9
por %xmm9,%xmm8
.byte 102,76,15,126,195
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r8
movq 8(%rsi),%rax
movq %r8,(%rdi)
movq %rdx,%r8
adcq $0,%r8
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r9
movq 16(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r9,%r8
movq %rdx,%r9
adcq $0,%r9
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r10
movq 24(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r10,%r9
movq %rdx,%r10
adcq $0,%r10
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r11
movq 32(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r11,%r10
movq %rdx,%r11
adcq $0,%r11
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r12
movq 40(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r12,%r11
movq %rdx,%r12
adcq $0,%r12
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r13
movq 48(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r13,%r12
movq %rdx,%r13
adcq $0,%r13
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r14
movq 56(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r14,%r13
movq %rdx,%r14
adcq $0,%r14
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r15
movq (%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r15,%r14
movq %rdx,%r15
adcq $0,%r15
leaq 8(%rdi),%rdi
decl %ecx
jnz L$oop_mul_gather
movq %r8,(%rdi)
movq %r9,8(%rdi)
movq %r10,16(%rdi)
movq %r11,24(%rdi)
movq %r12,32(%rdi)
movq %r13,40(%rdi)
movq %r14,48(%rdi)
movq %r15,56(%rdi)
movq 128+8(%rsp),%rdi
movq 128+16(%rsp),%rbp
movq (%rsp),%r8
movq 8(%rsp),%r9
movq 16(%rsp),%r10
movq 24(%rsp),%r11
movq 32(%rsp),%r12
movq 40(%rsp),%r13
movq 48(%rsp),%r14
movq 56(%rsp),%r15
call __rsaz_512_reduce
addq 64(%rsp),%r8
adcq 72(%rsp),%r9
adcq 80(%rsp),%r10
adcq 88(%rsp),%r11
adcq 96(%rsp),%r12
adcq 104(%rsp),%r13
adcq 112(%rsp),%r14
adcq 120(%rsp),%r15
sbbq %rcx,%rcx
call __rsaz_512_subtract
leaq 128+24+48(%rsp),%rax
movq -48(%rax),%r15
movq -40(%rax),%r14
movq -32(%rax),%r13
movq -24(%rax),%r12
movq -16(%rax),%rbp
movq -8(%rax),%rbx
leaq (%rax),%rsp
.byte 0xf3,0xc3
.globl _rsaz_512_mul_scatter4
.p2align 5
pushq %rbx
pushq %rbp
pushq %r12
pushq %r13
pushq %r14
pushq %r15
movl %r9d,%r9d
subq $128+24,%rsp
leaq (%r8,%r9,8),%r8
.byte 102,72,15,110,199
.byte 102,72,15,110,202
.byte 102,73,15,110,208
movq %rcx,128(%rsp)
movq %rdi,%rbp
movq (%rdi),%rbx
call __rsaz_512_mul
.byte 102,72,15,126,199
.byte 102,72,15,126,205
movq (%rsp),%r8
movq 8(%rsp),%r9
movq 16(%rsp),%r10
movq 24(%rsp),%r11
movq 32(%rsp),%r12
movq 40(%rsp),%r13
movq 48(%rsp),%r14
movq 56(%rsp),%r15
call __rsaz_512_reduce
addq 64(%rsp),%r8
adcq 72(%rsp),%r9
adcq 80(%rsp),%r10
adcq 88(%rsp),%r11
adcq 96(%rsp),%r12
adcq 104(%rsp),%r13
adcq 112(%rsp),%r14
adcq 120(%rsp),%r15
.byte 102,72,15,126,214
sbbq %rcx,%rcx
call __rsaz_512_subtract
movq %r8,0(%rsi)
movq %r9,128(%rsi)
movq %r10,256(%rsi)
movq %r11,384(%rsi)
movq %r12,512(%rsi)
movq %r13,640(%rsi)
movq %r14,768(%rsi)
movq %r15,896(%rsi)
leaq 128+24+48(%rsp),%rax
movq -48(%rax),%r15
movq -40(%rax),%r14
movq -32(%rax),%r13
movq -24(%rax),%r12
movq -16(%rax),%rbp
movq -8(%rax),%rbx
leaq (%rax),%rsp
.byte 0xf3,0xc3
.globl _rsaz_512_mul_by_one
.p2align 5
pushq %rbx
pushq %rbp
pushq %r12
pushq %r13
pushq %r14
pushq %r15
subq $128+24,%rsp
movq %rdx,%rbp
movq %rcx,128(%rsp)
movq (%rsi),%r8
pxor %xmm0,%xmm0
movq 8(%rsi),%r9
movq 16(%rsi),%r10
movq 24(%rsi),%r11
movq 32(%rsi),%r12
movq 40(%rsi),%r13
movq 48(%rsi),%r14
movq 56(%rsi),%r15
movdqa %xmm0,(%rsp)
movdqa %xmm0,16(%rsp)
movdqa %xmm0,32(%rsp)
movdqa %xmm0,48(%rsp)
movdqa %xmm0,64(%rsp)
movdqa %xmm0,80(%rsp)
movdqa %xmm0,96(%rsp)
call __rsaz_512_reduce
movq %r8,(%rdi)
movq %r9,8(%rdi)
movq %r10,16(%rdi)
movq %r11,24(%rdi)
movq %r12,32(%rdi)
movq %r13,40(%rdi)
movq %r14,48(%rdi)
movq %r15,56(%rdi)
leaq 128+24+48(%rsp),%rax
movq -48(%rax),%r15
movq -40(%rax),%r14
movq -32(%rax),%r13
movq -24(%rax),%r12
movq -16(%rax),%rbp
movq -8(%rax),%rbx
leaq (%rax),%rsp
.byte 0xf3,0xc3
.p2align 5
movq %r8,%rbx
imulq 128+8(%rsp),%rbx
movq 0(%rbp),%rax
movl $8,%ecx
jmp L$reduction_loop
.p2align 5
mulq %rbx
movq 8(%rbp),%rax
negq %r8
movq %rdx,%r8
adcq $0,%r8
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r9
movq 16(%rbp),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r9,%r8
movq %rdx,%r9
adcq $0,%r9
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r10
movq 24(%rbp),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r10,%r9
movq %rdx,%r10
adcq $0,%r10
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r11
movq 32(%rbp),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r11,%r10
movq 128+8(%rsp),%rsi
adcq $0,%rdx
movq %rdx,%r11
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r12
movq 40(%rbp),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
imulq %r8,%rsi
addq %r12,%r11
movq %rdx,%r12
adcq $0,%r12
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r13
movq 48(%rbp),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r13,%r12
movq %rdx,%r13
adcq $0,%r13
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r14
movq 56(%rbp),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r14,%r13
movq %rdx,%r14
adcq $0,%r14
mulq %rbx
movq %rsi,%rbx
addq %rax,%r15
movq 0(%rbp),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r15,%r14
movq %rdx,%r15
adcq $0,%r15
decl %ecx
jne L$reduction_loop
.byte 0xf3,0xc3
.p2align 5
movq %r8,(%rdi)
movq %r9,8(%rdi)
movq %r10,16(%rdi)
movq %r11,24(%rdi)
movq %r12,32(%rdi)
movq %r13,40(%rdi)
movq %r14,48(%rdi)
movq %r15,56(%rdi)
movq 0(%rbp),%r8
movq 8(%rbp),%r9
negq %r8
notq %r9
andq %rcx,%r8
movq 16(%rbp),%r10
andq %rcx,%r9
notq %r10
movq 24(%rbp),%r11
andq %rcx,%r10
notq %r11
movq 32(%rbp),%r12
andq %rcx,%r11
notq %r12
movq 40(%rbp),%r13
andq %rcx,%r12
notq %r13
movq 48(%rbp),%r14
andq %rcx,%r13
notq %r14
movq 56(%rbp),%r15
andq %rcx,%r14
notq %r15
andq %rcx,%r15
addq (%rdi),%r8
adcq 8(%rdi),%r9
adcq 16(%rdi),%r10
adcq 24(%rdi),%r11
adcq 32(%rdi),%r12
adcq 40(%rdi),%r13
adcq 48(%rdi),%r14
adcq 56(%rdi),%r15
movq %r8,(%rdi)
movq %r9,8(%rdi)
movq %r10,16(%rdi)
movq %r11,24(%rdi)
movq %r12,32(%rdi)
movq %r13,40(%rdi)
movq %r14,48(%rdi)
movq %r15,56(%rdi)
.byte 0xf3,0xc3
.p2align 5
leaq 8(%rsp),%rdi
movq (%rsi),%rax
mulq %rbx
movq %rax,(%rdi)
movq 8(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r8
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r8
movq 16(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r9
adcq $0,%r9
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r9
movq 24(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r10
adcq $0,%r10
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r10
movq 32(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r11
adcq $0,%r11
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r11
movq 40(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r12
adcq $0,%r12
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r12
movq 48(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r13
adcq $0,%r13
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r13
movq 56(%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r14
adcq $0,%r14
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r14
movq (%rsi),%rax
movq %rdx,%r15
adcq $0,%r15
leaq 8(%rbp),%rbp
leaq 8(%rdi),%rdi
movl $7,%ecx
jmp L$oop_mul
.p2align 5
movq (%rbp),%rbx
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r8
movq 8(%rsi),%rax
movq %r8,(%rdi)
movq %rdx,%r8
adcq $0,%r8
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r9
movq 16(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r9,%r8
movq %rdx,%r9
adcq $0,%r9
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r10
movq 24(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r10,%r9
movq %rdx,%r10
adcq $0,%r10
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r11
movq 32(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r11,%r10
movq %rdx,%r11
adcq $0,%r11
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r12
movq 40(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r12,%r11
movq %rdx,%r12
adcq $0,%r12
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r13
movq 48(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r13,%r12
movq %rdx,%r13
adcq $0,%r13
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r14
movq 56(%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r14,%r13
movq %rdx,%r14
leaq 8(%rbp),%rbp
adcq $0,%r14
mulq %rbx
addq %rax,%r15
movq (%rsi),%rax
adcq $0,%rdx
addq %r15,%r14
movq %rdx,%r15
adcq $0,%r15
leaq 8(%rdi),%rdi
decl %ecx
jnz L$oop_mul
movq %r8,(%rdi)
movq %r9,8(%rdi)
movq %r10,16(%rdi)
movq %r11,24(%rdi)
movq %r12,32(%rdi)
movq %r13,40(%rdi)
movq %r14,48(%rdi)
movq %r15,56(%rdi)
.byte 0xf3,0xc3
.globl _rsaz_512_scatter4
.p2align 4
leaq (%rdi,%rdx,8),%rdi
movl $8,%r9d
jmp L$oop_scatter
.p2align 4
movq (%rsi),%rax
leaq 8(%rsi),%rsi
movq %rax,(%rdi)
leaq 128(%rdi),%rdi
decl %r9d
jnz L$oop_scatter
.byte 0xf3,0xc3
.globl _rsaz_512_gather4
.p2align 4
movd %edx,%xmm8
movdqa L$inc+16(%rip),%xmm1
movdqa L$inc(%rip),%xmm0
pshufd $0,%xmm8,%xmm8
movdqa %xmm1,%xmm7
movdqa %xmm1,%xmm2
paddd %xmm0,%xmm1
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm0
movdqa %xmm7,%xmm3
paddd %xmm1,%xmm2
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm1
movdqa %xmm7,%xmm4
paddd %xmm2,%xmm3
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm2
movdqa %xmm7,%xmm5
paddd %xmm3,%xmm4
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm3
movdqa %xmm7,%xmm6
paddd %xmm4,%xmm5
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm4
paddd %xmm5,%xmm6
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm5
paddd %xmm6,%xmm7
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm6
pcmpeqd %xmm8,%xmm7
movl $8,%r9d
jmp L$oop_gather
.p2align 4
movdqa 0(%rsi),%xmm8
movdqa 16(%rsi),%xmm9
movdqa 32(%rsi),%xmm10
movdqa 48(%rsi),%xmm11
pand %xmm0,%xmm8
movdqa 64(%rsi),%xmm12
pand %xmm1,%xmm9
movdqa 80(%rsi),%xmm13
pand %xmm2,%xmm10
movdqa 96(%rsi),%xmm14
pand %xmm3,%xmm11
movdqa 112(%rsi),%xmm15
leaq 128(%rsi),%rsi
pand %xmm4,%xmm12
pand %xmm5,%xmm13
pand %xmm6,%xmm14
pand %xmm7,%xmm15
por %xmm10,%xmm8
por %xmm11,%xmm9
por %xmm12,%xmm8
por %xmm13,%xmm9
por %xmm14,%xmm8
por %xmm15,%xmm9
por %xmm9,%xmm8
pshufd $0x4e,%xmm8,%xmm9
por %xmm9,%xmm8
movq %xmm8,(%rdi)
leaq 8(%rdi),%rdi
decl %r9d
jnz L$oop_gather
.byte 0xf3,0xc3
.p2align 6
.long 0,0, 1,1
.long 2,2, 2,2