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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Thomas Nagy, 2005-2008 (ita)
Configuration system
A configuration instance is created when "waf configure" is called, it is used to:
* create data dictionaries (Environment instances)
* store the list of modules to import
The old model (copied from Scons) was to store logic (mapping file extensions to functions)
along with the data. In Waf a way was found to separate that logic by adding an indirection
layer (storing the names in the Environment instances)
In the new model, the logic is more object-oriented, and the user scripts provide the
logic. The data files (Environments) must contain configuration data only (flags, ..).
Note: the c/c++ related code is in the module config_c
import os, shlex, sys, time
try: import cPickle
except ImportError: import pickle as cPickle
import Environment, Utils, Options
from Logs import warn
from Constants import *
conf_template = '''# project %(app)s configured on %(now)s by
# waf %(wafver)s (abi %(abi)s, python %(pyver)x on %(systype)s)
# using %(args)s
class ConfigurationError(Utils.WscriptError):
autoconfig = False
"reconfigure the project automatically"
def find_file(filename, path_list):
"""find a file in a list of paths
@param filename: name of the file to search for
@param path_list: list of directories to search
@return: the first occurrence filename or '' if filename could not be found
for directory in Utils.to_list(path_list):
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory, filename)):
return directory
return ''
def find_program_impl(env, filename, path_list=[], var=None, environ=None):
"""find a program in folders path_lst, and sets env[var]
@param env: environment
@param filename: name of the program to search for
@param path_list: list of directories to search for filename
@param var: environment value to be checked for in env or os.environ
@return: either the value that is referenced with [var] in env or os.environ
or the first occurrence filename or '' if filename could not be found
if not environ:
environ = os.environ
try: path_list = path_list.split()
except AttributeError: pass
if var:
if env[var]: return env[var]
if var in environ: env[var] = environ[var]
if not path_list: path_list = environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
ext = (Options.platform == 'win32') and '.exe,.com,.bat,.cmd' or ''
for y in [filename+x for x in ext.split(',')]:
for directory in path_list:
x = os.path.join(directory, y)
if os.path.isfile(x):
if var: env[var] = x
return x
return ''
class ConfigurationContext(Utils.Context):
tests = {}
error_handlers = []
def __init__(self, env=None, blddir='', srcdir=''):
self.env = None
self.envname = ''
self.environ = dict(os.environ)
self.line_just = 40
self.blddir = blddir
self.srcdir = srcdir
self.all_envs = {}
# curdir: necessary for recursion
self.cwd = self.curdir = os.getcwd() = [] # tools loaded in the configuration, and that will be loaded when building
self.lastprog = ''
self.hash = 0
self.files = []
self.tool_cache = []
if self.blddir:
def post_init(self):
self.cachedir = os.path.join(self.blddir, CACHE_DIR)
path = os.path.join(self.blddir, WAF_CONFIG_LOG)
try: os.unlink(path)
except (OSError, IOError): pass
self.log = open(path, 'w')
except (OSError, IOError):
self.fatal('could not open %r for writing' % path)
app = getattr(Utils.g_module, 'APPNAME', '')
if app:
ver = getattr(Utils.g_module, 'VERSION', '')
if ver:
app = "%s (%s)" % (app, ver)
now = time.ctime()
pyver = sys.hexversion
systype = sys.platform
args = " ".join(sys.argv)
abi = ABI
self.log.write(conf_template % vars())
def __del__(self):
"""cleanup function: close config.log"""
# may be ran by the gc, not always after initialization
if hasattr(self, 'log') and self.log:
def fatal(self, msg):
raise ConfigurationError(msg)
def check_tool(self, input, tooldir=None, funs=None):
"load a waf tool"
tools = Utils.to_list(input)
if tooldir: tooldir = Utils.to_list(tooldir)
for tool in tools:
tool = tool.replace('++', 'xx')
if tool == 'java': tool = 'javaw'
if tool.lower() == 'unittest': tool = 'unittestw'
# avoid loading the same tool more than once with the same functions
# used by composite projects
mag = (tool, id(self.env), funs)
if mag in self.tool_cache:
module = Utils.load_tool(tool, tooldir)
if funs:
func = getattr(module, 'detect', None)
if func:
if type(func) is type(find_file): func(self)
else: self.eval_rules(func){'tool':tool, 'tooldir':tooldir, 'funs':funs})
def sub_config(self, k):
"executes the configure function of a wscript module"
self.recurse(k, name='configure')
def pre_recurse(self, name_or_mod, path, nexdir):
return {'conf': self, 'ctx': self}
def post_recurse(self, name_or_mod, path, nexdir):
if not autoconfig:
self.hash = hash((self.hash, getattr(name_or_mod, 'waf_hash_val', name_or_mod)))
def store(self, file=''):
"save the config results into the cache file"
if not os.path.isdir(self.cachedir):
if not file:
file = open(os.path.join(self.cachedir, ''), 'w')
file.write('version = 0x%x\n' % HEXVERSION)
file.write('tools = %r\n' %
if not self.all_envs:
self.fatal('nothing to store in the configuration context!')
for key in self.all_envs:
tmpenv = self.all_envs[key], key + CACHE_SUFFIX))
def set_env_name(self, name, env):
"add a new environment called name"
self.all_envs[name] = env
return env
def retrieve(self, name, fromenv=None):
"retrieve an environment called name"
env = self.all_envs[name]
except KeyError:
env = Environment.Environment()
env['PREFIX'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(Options.options.prefix))
self.all_envs[name] = env
if fromenv: warn("The environment %s may have been configured already" % name)
return env
def setenv(self, name):
"enable the environment called name"
self.env = self.retrieve(name)
self.envname = name
def add_os_flags(self, var, dest=None):
# do not use 'get' to make certain the variable is not defined
try: self.env.append_value(dest or var, Utils.to_list(self.environ[var]))
except KeyError: pass
def check_message_1(self, sr):
self.line_just = max(self.line_just, len(sr))
for x in ('\n', self.line_just * '-', '\n', sr, '\n'):
Utils.pprint('NORMAL', "%s :" % sr.ljust(self.line_just), sep='')
def check_message_2(self, sr, color='GREEN'):
Utils.pprint(color, sr)
def check_message(self, th, msg, state, option=''):
sr = 'Checking for %s %s' % (th, msg)
p = self.check_message_2
if state: p('ok ' + str(option))
else: p('not found', 'YELLOW')
# FIXME remove in waf 1.6
# the parameter 'option' is not used (kept for compatibility)
def check_message_custom(self, th, msg, custom, option='', color='PINK'):
sr = 'Checking for %s %s' % (th, msg)
self.check_message_2(custom, color)
def find_program(self, filename, path_list=[], var=None, mandatory=False):
"wrapper that adds a configuration message"
ret = None
if var:
if self.env[var]:
ret = self.env[var]
elif var in os.environ:
ret = os.environ[var]
if not isinstance(filename, list): filename = [filename]
if not ret:
for x in filename:
ret = find_program_impl(self.env, x, path_list, var, environ=self.environ)
if ret: break
self.check_message_1('Check for program %s' % ' or '.join(filename))
self.log.write(' find program=%r paths=%r var=%r\n -> %r\n' % (filename, path_list, var, ret))
if ret:
Utils.pprint('GREEN', str(ret))
Utils.pprint('YELLOW', 'not found')
if mandatory:
self.fatal('The program %r is required' % filename)
if var:
self.env[var] = ret
return ret
def cmd_to_list(self, cmd):
"commands may be written in pseudo shell like 'ccache g++'"
if isinstance(cmd, str) and cmd.find(' '):
except OSError:
return shlex.split(cmd)
return [cmd]
return cmd
def __getattr__(self, name):
r = self.__class__.__dict__.get(name, None)
if r: return r
if name and name.startswith('require_'):
for k in ['check_', 'find_']:
n = name.replace('require_', k)
ret = self.__class__.__dict__.get(n, None)
if ret:
def run(*k, **kw):
r = ret(self, *k, **kw)
if not r:
self.fatal('requirement failure')
return r
return run
self.fatal('No such method %r' % name)
def eval_rules(self, rules):
self.rules = Utils.to_list(rules)
for x in self.rules:
f = getattr(self, x)
if not f: self.fatal("No such method '%s'." % x)
except Exception, e:
ret = self.err_handler(x, e)
if ret == BREAK:
elif ret == CONTINUE:
def err_handler(self, fun, error):
def conf(f):
"decorator: attach new configuration functions"
setattr(ConfigurationContext, f.__name__, f)
return f
def conftest(f):
"decorator: attach new configuration tests (registered as strings)"
ConfigurationContext.tests[f.__name__] = f
return conf(f)