mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/node.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
225 lines
5.9 KiB
225 lines
5.9 KiB
8 years ago
'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const util = require('util');
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const Worker = require('internal/cluster/worker');
const { internal, sendHelper } = require('internal/cluster/utils');
const cluster = new EventEmitter();
const handles = {};
const indexes = {};
const noop = () => {};
module.exports = cluster;
cluster.isWorker = true;
cluster.isMaster = false;
cluster.worker = null;
cluster.Worker = Worker;
cluster._setupWorker = function() {
const worker = new Worker({
id: +process.env.NODE_UNIQUE_ID | 0,
process: process,
state: 'online'
cluster.worker = worker;
process.once('disconnect', () => {
if (!worker.exitedAfterDisconnect) {
// Unexpected disconnect, master exited, or some such nastiness, so
// worker exits immediately.
process.on('internalMessage', internal(worker, onmessage));
send({ act: 'online' });
function onmessage(message, handle) {
if (message.act === 'newconn')
onconnection(message, handle);
else if (message.act === 'disconnect')
_disconnect.call(worker, true);
// obj is a net#Server or a dgram#Socket object.
cluster._getServer = function(obj, options, cb) {
const indexesKey = [options.address,
options.fd ].join(':');
if (indexes[indexesKey] === undefined)
indexes[indexesKey] = 0;
const message = util._extend({
act: 'queryServer',
index: indexes[indexesKey],
data: null
}, options);
// Set custom data on handle (i.e. tls tickets key)
if (obj._getServerData)
message.data = obj._getServerData();
send(message, (reply, handle) => {
if (typeof obj._setServerData === 'function')
if (handle)
shared(reply, handle, indexesKey, cb); // Shared listen socket.
rr(reply, indexesKey, cb); // Round-robin.
obj.once('listening', () => {
cluster.worker.state = 'listening';
const address = obj.address();
message.act = 'listening';
message.port = address && address.port || options.port;
// Shared listen socket.
function shared(message, handle, indexesKey, cb) {
const key = message.key;
// Monkey-patch the close() method so we can keep track of when it's
// closed. Avoids resource leaks when the handle is short-lived.
const close = handle.close;
handle.close = function() {
send({ act: 'close', key });
delete handles[key];
delete indexes[indexesKey];
return close.apply(this, arguments);
assert(handles[key] === undefined);
handles[key] = handle;
cb(message.errno, handle);
// Round-robin. Master distributes handles across workers.
function rr(message, indexesKey, cb) {
if (message.errno)
return cb(message.errno, null);
var key = message.key;
function listen(backlog) {
// TODO(bnoordhuis) Send a message to the master that tells it to
// update the backlog size. The actual backlog should probably be
// the largest requested size by any worker.
return 0;
function close() {
// lib/net.js treats server._handle.close() as effectively synchronous.
// That means there is a time window between the call to close() and
// the ack by the master process in which we can still receive handles.
// onconnection() below handles that by sending those handles back to
// the master.
if (key === undefined)
send({ act: 'close', key });
delete handles[key];
delete indexes[indexesKey];
key = undefined;
function getsockname(out) {
if (key)
util._extend(out, message.sockname);
return 0;
// Faux handle. Mimics a TCPWrap with just enough fidelity to get away
// with it. Fools net.Server into thinking that it's backed by a real
// handle. Use a noop function for ref() and unref() because the control
// channel is going to keep the worker alive anyway.
const handle = { close, listen, ref: noop, unref: noop };
if (message.sockname) {
handle.getsockname = getsockname; // TCP handles only.
assert(handles[key] === undefined);
handles[key] = handle;
cb(0, handle);
// Round-robin connection.
function onconnection(message, handle) {
const key = message.key;
const server = handles[key];
const accepted = server !== undefined;
send({ ack: message.seq, accepted });
if (accepted)
server.onconnection(0, handle);
function send(message, cb) {
return sendHelper(process, message, null, cb);
function _disconnect(masterInitiated) {
this.exitedAfterDisconnect = true;
let waitingCount = 1;
function checkWaitingCount() {
if (waitingCount === 0) {
// If disconnect is worker initiated, wait for ack to be sure
// exitedAfterDisconnect is properly set in the master, otherwise, if
// it's master initiated there's no need to send the
// exitedAfterDisconnect message
if (masterInitiated) {
} else {
send({ act: 'exitedAfterDisconnect' }, () => process.disconnect());
for (const key in handles) {
const handle = handles[key];
delete handles[key];
if (handle.owner)
// Extend generic Worker with methods specific to worker processes.
Worker.prototype.disconnect = function() {
return this;
Worker.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.exitedAfterDisconnect = true;
if (!this.isConnected()) {
} else {
send({ act: 'exitedAfterDisconnect' }, () => process.disconnect());
process.once('disconnect', () => process.exit(0));