You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3320 lines
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### v2.11.3 (2015-06-11):
This was a very quiet week. This release was done by
[@iarna](, while the rest of the team hangs out at
NodeConf Adventure!
* [`5b3b3c2`](
Updates a test to use only 0.8 compatible features
* [`9f439da`](
`spdx@0.4.1`: License range updates
* [`2dd055b`](
`normalize-package-data@2.2.1`: Fixes a crashing bug when the package.json
`scripts` property is not an object.
* [`e02e85d`](
`osenv@0.1.2`: Switches to using the `os-tmpdir` module instead of
`os.tmpdir()` for greate consistency in behavior between node versions.
* [`a6f0265`](
`ini@1.3.4` (@isaacs)[]
* [`7395977`](
`rimraf@2.4.0` (@isaacs)[]
### v2.11.2 (2015-06-04):
Another small release this week, brought to you by the latest addition to the
CLI team, [@zkat]( (Hi, all!)
Mostly small documentation tweaks and version updates. Oh! And `npm outdated`
is actually sorted now. Rejoice!
It's gonna be a while before we get another palindromic version number. Enjoy it
while it lasts. :3
* [`31aada4`](
[#8401]( `npm outdated` output is just
that much nicer to consume now, due to sorting by name.
* [`458a919`](
[#8469]( Explicitly set `cwd` for
`preversion`, `version`, and `postversion` scripts. This makes the scripts
findable relative to the root dir.
* [`55d6d71`](
Ensure package name and version are included in display during `npm version`
lifecycle execution. Gets rid of those little `undefined`s in the console.
* [`3901e49`](
[#8462]( English apparently requires
correspondence between indefinite articles and attached nouns.
* [`5a744e4`](
[#8421]( The effect of `npm prune`'s
`--production` flag and how to use it have been documented a bit better.
* [`eada625`](
We've updated our `.mailmap` and `AUTHORS` files to make sure credit is given
where credit is due. ([@othiym23](
* [`c929fd1`](
`readable-stream@1.1.13`: Manually deduped `v1.1.13` (streams3) to make
deduping more reliable on `npm@<3`. ([@othiym23](
* [`a9b4b78`](
`request@2.57.0`: Replace dependency on IncomingMessage's `.client` with
`.socket` as the former was deprecated in io.js 2.2.0.
* [`4b5e557`](
`abbrev@1.0.7`: Better testing, with coverage.
* [`561affe`](
`semver@4.3.6`: .npmignore added for less cruft, and better testing, with coverage.
* [`60aef3c`](
`graceful-fs@3.0.8`: io.js fixes.
* [`f8bd453`](
`config-chain@1.1.9`: Added MIT license to package.json
### v2.11.1 (2015-05-28):
This release brought to you from poolside at the Omni Amelia Island Resort and
JSConf 2015, which is why it's so tiny.
* [`cf109a6`](
[#8381]( Documented a subtle gotcha
with `.npmrc`, which is that it needs to have its permissions set such that
only the owner can read or write the file.
* [`180da67`](
[#8365]( Git 2.3 adds support for
`GIT_SSH_COMMAND`, which allows you to pass an explicit git command (with,
for example, a specific identity passed in on the command line).
* [`b72de41`](
`node-gyp@2.0.0`: Use a newer version of `gyp`, and generally improve support
for Visual Studios and Windows.
* [`8edbe21`](
`node-gyp@2.0.1`: Don't crash when Python's version doesn't parse as valid
semver. ([@TooTallNate](
* [`ba0e0a8`](
`glob@5.0.10`: Add coverage to tests. ([@isaacs](
* [`7333701`](
`request@2.56.0`: Bug fixes and dependency upgrades.
### v2.11.0 (2015-05-21):
For the first time in a very long time, we've added new events to the life
cycle used by `npm run-script`. Since running `npm version (major|minor|patch)`
is typically the last thing many developers do before publishing their updated
packages, it makes sense to add life cycle hooks to run tests or otherwise
preflight the package before doing a full publish. Thanks, as always, to the
indefatigable [@watilde]( for yet another great
usability improvement for npm!
* [`b07f7c7`](
Add new [`scripts`]( to
allow you to run scripts before and after
the [`npm version`](
command has run. This makes it easy to, for instance, require that your
test suite passes before bumping the version by just adding `"preversion":
"npm test"` to the scripts section of your `package.json`.
* [`8a46136`](
When we get a "not found" error from the registry, we'll now check to see
if the package name you specified is invalid and if so, give you a better
error message. ([@thefourtheye](
* [`9bcf573`](
[#8324]( On Windows, when you've configured a
custom `node-gyp`, run it with node itself instead of using the default open action (which
is almost never what you want). ([@bangbang93](
* [`1da9b04`](
[#7260]( `npm-registry-client@6.4.0`:
(Re-)allow publication of existing mixed-case packages (part 1).
* [`e926783`](
`normalize-package-data@2.2.0`: (Re-)allow publication of existing mixed-case
packages (part 2). ([@smikes](
* [`f62ee05`](
[#8314]( Update the README to warn
folks away from using the CLI's internal API. For the love of glob, just use a
child process to run the CLI! ([@claycarpenter](
* [`1093921`](
Update the documentation to note that, yes, you can publish scoped packages to the
public registry now! ([@mantoni](
* [`f87cde5`](
Fix typo in an example and grammar in the description in
the [shrinkwrap documentation](
* [`d3526ce`](
Improve the formatting in
the [shrinkwrap documentation](
* [`19fe6d2`](
Update []( to use syntax highlighting in
its code samples and bits of shell scripts. ([@SimenB](
* [`fc52160`](
[#4700]( [#5044](
`init-package-json@1.6.0`: Make entering an invalid version while running `npm init` give
you an immediate error and prompt you to correct it. ([@watilde](
* [`738853e`](
[#7763]( `fs-write-stream-atomic@1.0.3`: Fix a bug
where errors would not propagate, making error messages unhelpful.
* [`6d74a2d`](
`npm-package-arg@4.0.1`: Fix tests on windows ([@Bacra]( and with
more recent `hosted-git-info`. ([@iarna](
* [`50f7178`](
`hosted-git-info@2.1.4`: Correct spelling in its documentation.
* [`d7956ca`](
`glob@5.0.7`: Fix a bug where unusual error conditions could make
further use of the module fail. ([@isaacs](
* [`44f7d74`](
`tap@1.1.0`: Update to the most recent tap to get a whole host of bug
fixes and integration with [coveralls](
* [`c21e8a8`](
`nock@2.2.0` ([@othiym23](
* Add missing ISC license file to package ([@kasicka](
* [`aa9908c`]( `realize-package-specifier@3.0.1`
* [`23a3b1a`]( `fs-vacuum@1.2.6`
* [`8e04bba`]( `dezalgo@1.0.2`
* [`50f7178`]( `hosted-git-info@2.1.4`
* [`6a54917`]( `write-file-atomic@1.1.2`
* [`971f92c`]( `async-some@1.0.2`
* [`67b50b7`]( `normalize-git-url@1.0.1`
* Switch license to
[BSD-2-Clause]( from
plain "BSD" ([@isaacs](
* [`efdb733`]( `npm-user-validate@0.1.2`
* [`e926783`]( `normalize-package-data@2.2.0`
* Switch license to [ISC]( from
* [`c300956`]( `block-stream@0.0.8`
* [`1de1253`]( `lockfile@1.0.1`
* [`0d5698a`]( `osenv@0.1.1`
* [`2e84921`]( `abbrev@1.0.6`
* [`872fac9`]( `chmodr@0.1.1`
* [`01eb7f6`]( `chownr@0.0.2`
* [`294336f`]( `read@1.0.6`
* [`ebdf6a1`]( `graceful-fs@3.0.7`
* Switch license to [ISC]( from
* [`e5d237f`]( `nopt@3.0.2`
* [`79fef14`]( `rimraf@2.3.4`
* [`22527da`]( `minimatch@2.0.8`
* [`882ac87`]( `lru-cache@2.6.4`
* [`9d9d015`]( `npmlog@1.2.1`
### v2.10.1 (2015-05-14):
* [`dc77520`](
When getting back a 404 from a request to a private registry that uses a
registry path that extends past the root
(``), display the name of the
nonexistent package, rather than the first element in the registry API path.
Sorry, Artifactory users! ([@hayes](
* [`f70dea9`](
Make clearer that `--registry` can be used on a per-publish basis to push a
package to a non-default registry. ([@mischkl](
* [`a3e26f5`](
Did you know that GitHub shortcuts can have commit-ishes included
(`org/repo#branch`)? They can! ([@iarna](
* [`0e2c091`](
Some errors from `readPackage` were being swallowed, potentially leading to
invalid package trees on disk. ([@smikes](
* [`0b901ad`](
`lru-cache@2.6.3`: Removed some cruft from the published package.
* [`d713e0b`](
`mkdirp@0.5.1`: Made compliant with `standard`, dropped support for Node 0.6,
added (Travis) support for Node 0.12 and io.js.
* [`a2d6578`](
`glob@1.0.3`: Updated to use `tap@1`. ([@isaacs](
* [`64cd1a5`](
`fstream@ 1.0.6`: Made compliant with [`standard`](
(done by [@othiym23](, and then debugged and
fixed by [@iarna](, and license changed to ISC.
([@othiym23]( /
* [`b527a7c`](
`which@1.1.1`: Callers can pass in their own `PATH` instead of relying on
`process.env`. ([@isaacs](
### v2.10.0 (2015-05-8):
If you've done much development in The Enterprise®™, you know that keeping
track of software licenses is far more important than one might expect / hope /
fear. Tracking licenses is a hassle, and while many (if not most) of us have
(reluctantly) gotten around to setting a license to use by default with all our
new projects (even if it's just WTFPL), that's about as far as most of us think
about it. In big enterprise shops, ensuring that projects don't inadvertently
use software with unacceptably encumbered licenses is serious business, and
developers spend a surprising (and appalling) amount of time ensuring that
licensing is covered by writing automated checkers and other license auditing
The Linux Foundation has been working on a machine-parseable syntax for license
expressions in the form of [SPDX](, an appropriately
enterprisey acronym. IP attorney and JavaScript culture hero [Kyle
Mitchell]( has put a considerable amount of effort into
bringing SPDX to JavaScript and Node. He's written
[`spdx.js`](, a JavaScript SPDX
expression parser, and has integrated it into npm in a few different ways.
For you as a user of npm, this means:
* npm now has proper support for dual licensing in `package.json`, due to
SPDX's compound expression syntax. Run `npm help package.json` for details.
* npm will warn you if the `package.json` for your project is either missing a
`"license"` field, or if the value of that field isn't a valid SPDX
expression (pro tip: `"BSD"` becomes `"BSD-2-Clause"` in SPDX (unless you
really want one of its variants); `"MIT"` and `"ISC"` are fine as-is; the
[full list](
is its own package).
* `npm init` now demands that you use a valid SPDX expression when using it
interactively (pro tip: I mostly use `npm init -y`, having previously run
`npm config set init.license=MIT` / `npm config set` /
`npm config set`).
* The documentation for `package.json` has been updated to tell you how to use
the `"license"` field properly with SPDX.
In general, this shouldn't be a big deal for anybody other than people trying
to run their own automated license validators, but in the long run, if
everybody switches to this format, many people's lives will be made much
simpler. I think this is an important improvement for npm and am very thankful
to Kyle for taking the lead on this. Also, even if you think all of this is
completely stupid, just [choose a license](
anyway. Future you will thank past you someday, unless you are
[djb](, in which case you are djb, and more power to you.
* [`8669f7d`](
[#8179]( Document how to use SPDX in
`license` stanzas in `package.json`, including how to migrate from old busted
license declaration arrays to fancy new compound-license clauses.
* [`98ad98c`](
[#8197]( `init-package-json@1.5.0`
Ensure that packages bootstrapped with `npm init` use an SPDX-compliant
license expression. ([@kemitchell](
* [`2ad3905`](
`normalize-package-data@2.1.0`: Warn when a package is missing a license
declaration, or using a license expression that isn't valid SPDX.
* [`127bb73`](
[#8197]( `tar@2.1.1`: Switch from
`BSD` to `ISC` for license, where the latter is valid SPDX.
* [`e9a933a`](
[#8197]( `once@1.3.2`: Switch from
`BSD` to `ISC` for license, where the latter is valid SPDX.
* [`412401f`](
[#8197]( `semver@4.3.4`: Switch from
`BSD` to `ISC` for license, where the latter is valid SPDX.
As a corollary to the previous changes, I've put some work into making `npm
install` spew out fewer pointless warnings about missing values in transitive
dependencies. From now on, npm will only warn you about missing READMEs,
license fields, and the like for top-level projects (including packages you
directly install into your application, but we may relax that eventually).
Practically _nobody_ liked having those warnings displayed for child
dependencies, for the simple reason that there was very little that anybody
could _do_ about those warnings, unless they happened to be the maintainers of
those dependencies themselves. Since many, many projects don't have
SPDX-compliant licenses, the number of warnings reached a level where they ran
the risk of turning into a block of visual noise that developers (read: me, and
probably you) would ignore forever.
So I fixed it. If you still want to see the messages about child dependencies,
they're still there, but have been pushed down a logging level to `info`. You
can display them by running `npm install -d` or `npm install --loglevel=info`.
* [`eb18245`](
Only warn on normalization errors for top-level dependencies. Transitive
dependency validation warnings are logged at `info` level.
* [`e40e809`](
`tap@1.0.1`: TAP: The Next Generation. Fix up many tests to they work
properly with the new major version of `node-tap`. Look at all the colors!
* [`f9314e9`](
`nock@1.9.0`: Minor tweaks and bug fixes. ([@pgte](
* [`45c2b1a`](
[#8187]( `npm ls` wasn't properly
recognizing dependencies installed from GitHub repositories as git
dependencies, and so wasn't displaying them as such.
* [`1ab57c3`](
In some cases, `npm help` was using something that looked like a regular
expression where a glob pattern should be used, and vice versa.
### v2.9.1 (2015-04-30):
The first item below is actually a pretty big deal, as it fixes (with a
one-word change and a much, much longer test case (thanks again,
[@iarna]( a regression that's been around for months
now. If you're depending on multiple branches of a single git dependency in a
single project, you probably want to check out `npm@2.9.1` and verify that
things (again?) work correctly in your project.
* [`178a6ad`](
[#7202]( When caching git
dependencies, do so by the whole URL, including the branch name, so that if a
single application depends on multiple branches from the same repository (in
practice, multiple version tags), every install is of the correct version,
instead of reusing whichever branch the caching process happened to check out
first. ([@iarna](
* [`63b79cc`](
[#8084]( Ensure that Bitbucket,
GitHub, and Gitlab dependencies are installed the same way as non-hosted git
dependencies, fixing `npm install --link`.
These changes may seem simple and small (except Lin's fix to the package name
restrictions, which was more an egregious oversight on our part), but cleaner
documentation makes npm significantly more pleasant to use. I really appreciate
all the typo fixes, clarifications, and formatting tweaks people send us, and
am delighted that we get so many of these pull requests. Thanks, everybody!
* [`ca478dc`](
[#8137]( Somehow, we had failed to
clearly document the full restrictions on package names.
[@linclark]( has now fixed that, although we will
take with us to our graves the reasons why the maximum package name length is 214
characters (well, OK, it was that that was the longest name in the registry
when we decided to put a cap on the name length).
* [`b574076`](
[#8079]( Make the `npm shrinkwrap`
documentation use code formatting for examples consistently. It would be
great to do this for more commands HINT HINT.
* [`1ff636e`](
[#8105]( Document that the global
`npmrc` goes in `$PREFIX/etc/npmrc`, instead of `$PREFIX/npmrc`.
* [`c3f2f7c`](
[#8127]( Document how to use `npm run
build` directly (hint: it's different from `npm build`!).
* [`873e467`](
[#8069]( Take the old, dead npm
mailing list address out of `package.json`. It seems that people don't have
much trouble figuring out how to report errors to npm.
* [`5abfc9c`](
[#7973]( `npm run-script` completion
will only suggest run scripts, instead of including dependencies. If for some
reason you still wanted it to suggest dependencies, let us know.
* [`4b564f0`](
[#8081]( Use `osenv` to parse the
environment's `PATH` in a platform-neutral way.
* [`a4b6238`](
[#8094]( When we refactored the
configuration code to split out checking for IPv4 local addresses, we
inadvertently completely broke it by failing to return the values. In
addition, just the call to `os.getInterfaces()` could throw on systems where
querying the network configuration requires elevated privileges (e.g. Amazon
Lambda). Add the return, and trap errors so they don't cause npm to explode.
Thanks to [@mhart]( for bringing this to our
attention! ([@othiym23](
* [`000cd8b`](
`rimraf@2.3.3`: More informative assertions on argument validation failure.
* [`530a2e3`](
`lru-cache@2.6.2`: Revert to old key access-time behavior, as it was correct
all along. ([@isaacs](
* [`d88958c`](
`minimatch@2.0.7`: Feature detection and test improvements.
* [`3fa39e4`](
`nock@1.7.1` ([@pgte](
### v2.9.0 (2015-04-23):
This week was kind of a breather to concentrate on fixing up the tests on the
`multi-stage` branch, and not mess with git issues for a little while.
Unfortunately, There are now enough severe git issues that we'll probably have
to spend another couple weeks tackling them. In the meantime, enjoy these two
small features. They're just enough to qualify for a semver-minor bump:
* [`2799322`](
[#7426]( Include local modules in `npm
outdated` and `npm update`. ([@ArnaudRinquin](
* [`2114862`](
[#8014]( The prefix used before the
version on version tags is now configurable via `tag-version-prefix`. Be
careful with this one and read the docs before using it.
* [`18ce0ec`](
[#3032]( `npm unpublish` will now use
the registry set in `package.json`, just like `npm publish`. This only
applies, for now, when unpublishing the entire package, as unpublishing a
single version requires the name be included on the command line and
therefore doesn't read from `package.json`. ([@watilde](
* [`9ad2100`](
[#8008]( Once again, when considering
what to install on `npm install`, include `devDependencies`.
* [`5466260`](
[#8003]( Clarify the documentation
around scopes to make it easier to understand how they support private
packages. ([@smikes](
* [`faf65a7`](
`init-package-json@1.4.2`: If there are multiple validation errors and
warnings, ensure they all get displayed (includes a rad new way of testing
`init-package-json` contributed by
* [`7f10f38`](
`editor@1.0.0`: `1.0.0` is literally more than `0.1.0` (no change aside from
version number). ([@substack](
* [`4979af3`](
[#6805]( `npm-registry-client@6.3.3`:
Decode scoped package names sent by the registry so they look nicer.
### v2.8.4 (2015-04-16):
This is the fourth release of npm this week, so it's mostly just landing a few
small outstanding PRs on dependencies and some tiny documentation tweaks.
`npm@2.8.3` is where the real action is.
* [`ee2bd77`](
[#7983]( `tar@2.1.0`: Better error
reporting in corrupted tar files, and add support for the `fromBase` flag
(rescued from the dustbin of history by
* [`d8eee6c`](
`init-package-json@1.4.1`: Add support for a default author, and only add
scope to a package name once. ([@othiym23](
* [`4fc5d98`](
`lru-cache@2.6.1`: Small tweaks to cache value aging and entry counting that
are irrelevant to npm. ([@isaacs](
* [`1fe5840`](
[#7946]( Make `npm init` text
friendlier. ([@sandfox](
### v2.8.3 (2015-04-15):
This is the last of a set of releases intended to ensure npm's git support is
robust enough that we can stop working on it for a while. These fixes are
small, but prevent a common crasher and clear up one of the more confusing
error messages coming out of npm when working with repositories hosted on git.
* [`387f889`](
[#7961]( Ensure that hosted git SSH
URLs always have a valid protocol when stored in `resolved` fields in
`npm-shrinkwrap.json`. ([@othiym23](
* [`394c2f5`](
Switch the order in which hosted Git providers are checked to `git:`,
`git+https:`, then `git+ssh:` (from `git:`, `git+ssh:`, then `git+https:`) in
an effort to go from most to least likely to succeed, to make for less
confusing error message. ([@othiym23](
### v2.8.2 (2015-04-14):
npm has been having an issue with CouchDB's web server since the release
of io.js and Node.js 0.12.0 that has consumed a huge amount of my time
to little visible effect. Sam Mikes picked up the thread from me, and
after a [_lot_ of effort](
figured out that ultimately there are probably a couple problems with
the new HTTP Agent keep-alive handling in new versions of Node. In
addition, `npm-registry-client` was gratuitously sending a body along
with a GET request which was triggering the bugs. Sam removed about 10 bytes from
one file in `npm-registry-client`, and this problem, which has been bugging us for months,
completely went away.
In conclusion, Sam Mikes is great, and anybody using a private registry
hosted on CouchDB should thank him for his hard work. Also, thanks to
the community at large for pitching in on this bug, which has been
around for months now.
* [`431c3bf`](
[#7699]( `npm-registry-client@6.3.2`:
Don't send body with HTTP GET requests when logging in.
### v2.8.1 (2015-04-12):
A [helpful bug report](
led to another round of changes to
some additional test-writing, and a bunch of hands-on testing against actual
private repositories. While the complexity of npm's git dependency handling is
nearly fractal (because npm is very complex, and git is even more complex),
it's feeling way more solid than it has for a while. We think this is a
substantial improvement over what we had before, so give `npm@2.8.1` a shot if
you have particularly complex git use cases and
[let us know]( how it goes.
(NOTE: These changes mostly affect cloning and saving references to packages
hosted in git repositories, and don't address some known issues with things
like lifecycle scripts not being run on npm dependencies. Work continues on
other issues that affect parity between git and npm registry packages.)
* [`66377c6`](
[#7872]( `hosted-git-info@2.1.2`: Pass
through credentials embedded in SSH and HTTPs git URLs.
* [`15efe12`](
[#7872]( Use the new version of
`hosted-git-info` to pass along credentials embedded in git URLs. Test it.
Test it a lot. ([@othiym23](
Big thanks to [@ewie]( for identifying an issue with
how npm was handling `peerDependencies` that were implicitly installed from the
`package.json` files of scoped dependencies. This
[will be a moot point](
with the release of `npm@3`, but until then, it's important that
`peerDependency` auto-installation work as expected.
* [`b027319`](
[#7920]( Scoped packages with
`peerDependencies` were installing the `peerDependencies` into the wrong
directory. ([@ewie](
* [`649e31a`](
[#7920]( Test `peerDependency`
installs involving scoped packages using `npm-package-arg` instead of simple
path tests, for consistency. ([@othiym23](
[@iarna]( and I
([@othiym23]( have been discussing a
[candidate plan]('s-tests:-a-plan-maybe)
for improving npm's test suite, with the goal of making it easier for new
contributors to get involved with npm by reducing the learning curve
necessary to be able to write good tests for proposed changes. This is the
first substantial piece of that effort. Here's what the commit message for
had to say about this work:
> It's too difficult for npm contributors to figure out what the conventional
> style is for tests. Part of the problem is that the documentation in
> is inadequate, but another important factor is that the tests
> themselves are written in a variety of styles. One of the most notable
> examples of this is the fact that many tests use fixture directories to store
> precooked test scenarios and package.json files.
> This had some negative consequences:
> * tests weren't idempotent
> * subtle dependencies between tests existed
> * new tests get written in this deprecated style because it's not
> obvious that the style is out of favor
> * it's hard to figure out why a lot of those directories existed,
> because they served a variety of purposes, so it was difficult to
> tell when it was safe to remove them
> All in all, the fixture directories were a major source of technical debt, and
> cleaning them up, while time-consuming, makes the whole test suite much more
> approachable, and makes it more likely that new tests written by outside
> contributors will follow a conventional style. To support that, all of the
> tests touched by this changed were cleaned up to pass the `standard` style
> checker.
And here's a little extra context from a comment I left on [#7929](
> One of the other things that encouraged me was looking at this
> [presentation on technical debt](
> from Pycon 2015, especially slide 53, which I interpreted in terms of
> difficulty getting new contributors to submit patches to an OSS project like
> npm. npm has a long ways to go, but I feel good about this change.
* [`ed7e249`](
[#7929]( Eliminate fixture directories
from `test/tap`, leaving each test self-contained.
* [`4928d30`](
[#7929]( Move fixture files from
`test/tap/*` to `test/fixtures`. ([@othiym23](
* [`e925deb`](
[#7929]( Tweak the run scripts to stop
slaughtering the CPU on doc rebuild.
* [`65bf7cf`](
[#7923]( Use an alias of scripts and
run-scripts in `npm run test-all` ([@watilde](
* [`756a3fb`](
[#7923]( Sync timeout time of `npm
run-script test-all` to be the same as `test` and `tap` scripts.
* [`8299b5f`](
Set a timeout for tap tests for `npm run-script test-all`.
* [`d90d0b9`](
[#7924]( Remove `child-process-close`,
as it was included for Node 0.6 compatibility, and npm no longer supports
0.6. ([@robertkowalski](
* [`16427c1`](
`lru-cache@2.5.2`: More accurate updating of expiry times when `maxAge` is
set. ([@isaacs](
* [`03cce83`](
`nock@1.6.0`: Mocked network error handling.
* [`f93b1f0`](
`glob@5.0.5`: Use `path-is-absolute` polyfill, allowing newer Node.js and
io.js versions to use `path.isAbsolute()`.
* [`a70d694`](
`request@2.55.0`: Bug fixes and simplification.
* [`2aecc6f`](
`columnify@1.5.1`: Switch to using babel from 6to5.
### v2.8.0 (2015-04-09):
If you look at [the last release's release
you will note that they confidently assert that it's perfectly OK to force all
GitHub URLs through the same `git:` -> `git+ssh:` fallback flow for cloning. It
turns out that many users depend on `git+https:` URLs in their build
environments because they use GitHub auth tokens instead of SSH keys. Also, in
some cases you just want to be able to explicitly say how a given dependency
should be cloned from GitHub.
Because of the way we resolved the inconsistency in GitHub shorthand handling
[before](, this
turned out to be difficult to work around. So instead of hacking around it, we
completely redid how git is handled within npm and its attendant packages.
Again. This time, we changed things so that `normalize-package-data` and
`read-package-json` leave more of the git logic to npm itself, which makes
handling shorthand syntax consistently much easier, and also allows users to
resume using explicit, fully-qualified git URLs without npm messing with them.
Here's a summary of what's changed:
* Instead of converting the GitHub shorthand syntax to a `git+ssh:`, `git:`, or
`git+https:` URL and saving that, save the shorthand itself to
* If presented with shortcuts, try cloning via the git protocol, SSH, and HTTPS
(in that order).
* No longer prompt for credentials -- it didn't work right with the spinner,
and wasn't guaranteed to work anyway. We may experiment with doing this a
better way in the future. Users can override this by setting `GIT_ASKPASS` in
their environment if they want to experiment with interactive cloning, but
should also set `--no-spin` on the npm command line (or run `npm config set
* **EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE**: Add support for `github:`, `gist:`, `bitbucket:`,
and `gitlab:` shorthand prefixes. GitHub shortcuts will continue to be
normalized to `org/repo` instead of being saved as `github:org/repo`, but
`gitlab:`, `gist:`, and `bitbucket:` prefixes will be used on the command
line and from `package.json`. BE CAREFUL WITH THIS. `package.json` files
published with the new shorthand syntax can _only_ be read by `npm@2.8.0` and
later, and this feature is mostly meant for playing around with it. If you
want to save git dependencies in a form that older versions of npm can read,
use `--save-exact`, which will save the git URL and resolved commit hash of
the head of the branch in a manner similar to the way that `--save-exact`
pins versions for registry dependencies. This is documented (so check `npm
help install` for details), but we're not going to make a lot of noise about
it until it has a chance to bake in a little more.
It is [@othiym23]('s sincere hope that this will
resolve all of the inconsistencies users were seeing with GitHub and git-hosted
packages, but given the level of change here, that may just be a fond wish.
Extra testing of this change is requested.
* [`6b0f588`](
[#7867]( Use git shorthand and git
URLs as presented by user. Support new `hosted-git-info` shortcut syntax.
Save shorthand in `package.json`. Try cloning via `git:`, `git+ssh:`, and
`git+https:`, in that order, when supported by the underlying hosting
provider. ([@othiym23](
* [`75d4267`](
[#7867]( Document new GitHub, GitHub
gist, Bitbucket, and GitLab shorthand syntax.
* [`7d92c75`](
[#7867]( When `--save-exact` is used
with git shorthand or URLs, save the fully-resolved URL, with branch name
resolved to the exact hash for the commit checked out.
* [`9220e59`](
[#7867]( Ensure that non-prefixed and
non-normalized GitHub shortcuts are saved to `package.json`.
* [`dd398e9`](
[#7867]( `hosted-git-info@2.1.1`:
Ensure that `gist:` shorthand survives being round-tripped through
`package.json`. ([@othiym23](
* [`33d1420`](
[#7867]( `hosted-git-info@2.1.0`: Add
support for auth embedded directly in git URLs.
* [`23a1d5a`](
[#7867]( `hosted-git-info@2.0.2`: Make
it possible to determine in which form a hosted git URL was passed.
* [`eaf75ac`](
`normalize-package-data@2.0.0`: Normalize GitHub specifiers so they pass
through shortcut syntax and preserve explicit URLs.
* [`95e0535`](
[#7867]( `npm-package-arg@4.0.0`: Add
git URL and shortcut to hosted git spec and use `hosted-git-info@2.0.2`.
* [`a808926`](
`realize-package-specifier@3.0.0`: Use `npm-package-arg@4.0.0` and test
shortcut specifier behavior. ([@iarna](
* [`6dd1e03`](
[#7867]( `init-package-json@1.4.0`:
Allow dependency on `read-package-json@2.0.0`.
* [`63254bb`](
[#7867]( `read-installed@4.0.0`: Use
`read-package-json@2.0.0`. ([@iarna](
* [`254b887`](
[#7867]( `read-package-json@2.0.0`:
Use `normalize-package-data@2.0.0`. ([@iarna](
* [`0b9f8be`](
[#7867]( `npm-registry-client@6.3.0`:
Mark compatibility with `normalize-package-data@2.0.0` and
`npm-package-arg@4.0.0`. ([@iarna](
* [`f40ecaa`](
[#7867]( Extract a common method to
use when cloning git repos for testing.
npm continues to [get closer]( to being
completely green on Travis for Node 0.8.
* [`26d36e9`](
[#7842]( When spawning child
processes, map exit code 127 to ENOENT so Node 0.8 handles child process
failures the same as later versions.
* [`54cd895`](
[#7842]( Node 0.8 requires -e with -p
when evaluating snippets; fix test.
* [`20e9003`](
`tar@2.0.1`: Fix regression where relative symbolic links within an
extraction root that pointed within an extraction root would get normalized
to absolute symbolic links. ([@isaacs](
* [`2ef8898`](
[#7879]( Better document that `npm
publish --tag=foo` will not set `latest` to that version.
### v2.7.6 (2015-04-02):
Part of the reason that we're reluctant to take patches to how npm deals with
git dependencies is that every time we touch the git support, something breaks.
The last few releases are a case in point. `npm@2.7.4` completely broke
installing private modules from GitHub, and `npm@2.7.5` fixed them at the cost
of logging a misleading error message that caused many people to believe that
their dependencies hadn't been successfully installed when they actually had
This all started from a desire to ensure that GitHub shortcut syntax is being
handled correctly. The correct behavior is for npm to try to clone all
dependencies on GitHub (whether they're specified with the GitHub
`organization/repository` shortcut syntax or not) via the plain `git:` protocol
first, and to fall back to using `git+ssh:` if `git:` doesn't work. Previously,
sometimes npm would use `git:` and `git+ssh:` in some cases (most notably when
using GitHub shortcut syntax on the command line), and use `git+https:` in
others (when the GitHub shortcut syntax was present in `package.json`). This
led to subtle and hard-to-understand inconsistencies, and we're glad that as of
`npm@2.7.6`, we've finally gotten things to where they were before we started,
only slightly more consistent overall.
We are now going to go back to our policy of being extremely reluctant to touch
the code that handles Git dependencies.
* [`b747593`](
[#7630]( Don't automatically log all
git failures as errors. `maybeGithub` needs to be able to fail without
logging to support its fallback logic.
* [`cd67a0d`](
[#7829]( When fetching a git remote
URL, handle failures gracefully (without assuming standard output exists).
* [`637c7d1`](
[#7829]( When fetching a git remote
URL, handle failures gracefully (without assuming standard _error_ exists).
* [`78005eb`](
[#7743]( Always quote arguments passed
to `npm run-script`. This allows build systems and the like to safely escape
glob patterns passed as arguments to `run-scripts` with `npm run-script
<script> -- <arguments>`. This is a tricky change to test, and may be
reverted or moved to `npm@3` if it turns out it breaks things for users.
* [`da015ee`](
[#7074]( `read-package-json@1.3.3`:
`read-package-json` no longer caches `package.json` files, which trades a
very small performance loss for the elimination of a large class of really
annoying race conditions. See [#7074](
for the grisly details. ([@othiym23](
* [`dd20f57`](
`init-package-json@1.3.2`: Only add the `@` to scoped package names if it's
not already there when reading from the filesystem
([@watilde](, and support inline validation of
package names ([@michaelnisi](
* [`1f380f6`](
[#7820]( `are-we-there-yet@1.0.4`: Use
`readable-stream` instead of built-in `stream` module to better support
Node.js 0.8.x. ([@SonicHedgehog](
* [`d380188`](
`semver@4.3.3`: Don't throw on `semver.parse(null)`, and parse numeric
version strings more robustly. ([@isaacs](
* [`01d9964`](
`nock@1.4.0`: This change may need to be rolled back, or rolled forward,
because [nock depends on
`setImmediate`](, which causes tests
to fail when run with Node.js 0.8. ([@othiym23](
* [`91f5cb1`](
[#7791]( Fix brackets in npmconf so
that `loaded` is set correctly.
* [`1349e27`](
[#7818]( Update `` to point
out that the install script now lives on
### v2.7.5 (2015-03-26):
* [`300834e`](
`tar@2.0.0`: Normalize symbolic links that point to targets outside the
extraction root. This prevents packages containing symbolic links from
overwriting targets outside the expected paths for a package. Thanks to [Tim
Cuthbertson]( and the team at [Lift
Security]( for working with the npm team to identify
this issue. ([@othiym23](
* [`0dc6875`](
`semver@4.3.2`: Package versions can be no more than 256 characters long.
This prevents a situation in which parsing the version number can use
exponentially more time and memory to parse, leading to a potential denial of
service. Thanks to Adam Baldwin at Lift Security for bringing this to our
attention. ([@isaacs](
* [`5811468`](
[#7713]( Add a test for `npm link` and
`npm link <package>`. ([@watilde](
* [`3cf3b0c`](
[#7713]( Only use absolute symbolic
links when `npm link`ing. ([@hokaccha](
* [`f35aa93`](
[#7443]( Keep relative URLs when
hitting search endpoint. ([@othiym23](
* [`eab6184`](
[#7766]( One last tweak to ensure that
GitHub shortcuts work with private repositories.
* [`5d7f704`](
[#7656]( Don't try to load a deleted
CA file, allowing the `cafile` config to be changed.
* [`a840a13`](
[#7746]( Only fix up URL paths when
there are paths to fix up. ([@othiym23](
* [`94df809`](
`request@2.54.0`: Fixes for Node.js 0.12 and io.js.
* [`98a13ea`](
`opener@1.4.1`: Deal with `start` on Windows more conventionally.
* [`c2417c7`](
`require-inject@1.2.0`: Add installGlobally to bypass cleanups.
* [`f87c728`](
[#7696]( Months and minutes were
swapped in ([@MeddahJ](
* [`4e216b2`](
[#7752]( Update string examples to be
properly quoted. ([@snuggs](
* [`402f52a`](
[#7635]( Clarify Windows installation
instructions. ([@msikma](
* [`c910399`](
small typo fix to `` ([@e-jigsaw](
### v2.7.4 (2015-03-20):
* [`fe1bc38`](
[#7672]( `npm-registry-client@3.1.2`:
Fix client-side certificate handling by correcting property name.
* [`3ce3cc2`](
[#7635]( `fstream-npm@1.0.2`: Raise a
more descriptive error when `bundledDependencies` isn't an array.
* [`3a12723`](
[#7661]( Allow setting `--registry` on
the command line to trump the mapped registry for `--scope`.
* [`89ce829`](
[#7630]( `hosted-git-info@1.5.3`: Part
3 of ensuring that GitHub shorthand is handled consistently.
* [`63313eb`](
`realize-package-specifier@2.2.0`: Part 2 of ensuring that GitHub shorthand
is handled consistently. ([@othiym23](
* [`3ed41bf`](
[#7630]( `npm-package-arg@3.1.1`: Part
1 of ensuring that GitHub shorthand is handled consistently.
* [`6a498c6`](
`npm-registry-couchapp@2.6.7`: Ensure that npm continues to work with new
registry architecture. ([@bcoe](
* [`bd72c47`](
`glob@5.0.3`: Updated to latest version.
* [`4bfbaa2`](
`npmlog@1.2.0`: Getting up to date with latest version (but not using any of
the new features). ([@othiym23](
* [`3703b0b`](
Add regression test for `npm version` to ensure `message` property in config
continues to be honored. ([@dannyfritz](
### v2.7.3 (2015-03-16):
* [`1549106`](
[#7641]( Due to 448efd0, running `npm
shrinkwrap --dev` caused production dependencies to no longer be included in
`npm-shrinkwrap.json`. Whoopsie! ([@othiym23](
### v2.7.2 (2015-03-12):
* [`fb0ac26`](
[#7579]( Only block removing files and
links when we're sure npm isn't responsible for them. This change is hard to
summarize, because if things are working correctly you should never see it,
but if you want more context, just [go read the commit
which lays it all out. ([@othiym23](
* [`051c473`](
[#7552]( `bundledDependencies` are now
properly included in the installation context. This is another fantastically
hard-to-summarize bug, and once again, I encourage you to [read the commit
if you're curious about the details. The snappy takeaway is that this
unbreaks many use cases for `ember-cli`. ([@othiym23](
* [`fcd9247`](
[#7597]( Awk varies pretty
dramatically from platform to platform, so use Perl to generate the AUTHORS
list instead. ([@KenanY](
* [`721b17a`](
[#7598]( `npm install --save` really
isn't experimental anymore. ([@RichardLitt](
* [`a91f2c7`](
[#7559]( `node-gyp@1.0.3` Switch
`node-gyp` to use `stdio` instead of `customFds` so it stops printing a
deprecation warning every time you build a native dependency.
* [`0c85db7`](
`rimraf@2.3.2`: Globbing now deals with paths containing valid glob
metacharacters better. ([@isaacs](
* [`d14588e`](
`minimatch@2.0.4`: Bug fixes. ([@isaacs](
* [`aa9952e`](
`graceful-fs@3.0.6`: Bug fixes. ([@isaacs](
### v2.7.1 (2015-03-05):
* [`6823807`](
[#7121]( `npm install --save` for Git
dependencies saves the URL passed in, instead of the temporary directory used
to clone the remote repo. Fixes using Git dependencies when shrinkwrapping.
In the process, rewrote the Git dependency caching code. Again. No more
single-letter variable names, and a much clearer workflow.
* [`c8258f3`](
[#7486]( When installing Git remotes,
the caching code was passing in the function `gitEnv` instead of the results
of invoking it. ([@functino](
* [`c618eed`](
[#2556]( Make it possible to install
Git dependencies when using `--link` by not linking just the Git
dependencies. ([@smikes](
* [`abdd040`](
`read-package-json@1.3.2`: Provide more helpful error messages when JSON
parse errors are encountered by using a more forgiving JSON parser than
JSON.parse. ([@smikes](
* [`c56cfcd`](
[#7525]( `npm dedupe` handles scoped
packages. ([@KidkArolis](
* [`1b8ba74`](
[#7531]( `npm stars` and `npm whoami`
will no longer send the registry the error text saying you need to log in as
your username. ([@othiym23](
* [`6de1e91`](
[#6441]( Prevent needless reinstalls
by only updating packages when the current version isn't the same as the
version returned as `wanted` by `npm outdated`.
* [`2abc3ee`](
Add `npm upgrade` as an alias for `npm update`.
* [`bcd4722`](
[#7508]( FreeBSD uses `EAI_FAIL`
instead of `ENOTFOUND`. ([@othiym23](
* [`21c1ac4`](
[#7507]( Update support URL in generic
error handler to `https:` from `http:`.
* [`b6bd99a`](
[#7492]( On install, the
`package.json` `engineStrict` deprecation only warns for the current package.
* [`4ef1412`](
[#7075]( If you try to tag a release
as a valid semver range, `npm publish` and `npm tag` will error early instead
of proceeding. ([@smikes](
* [`ad53d0f`](
Use `rimraf` in npm build script because Windows doesn't know what rm is.
* [`8885c4d`](
`rimraf@2.3.1`: Better Windows support.
* [`8885c4d`](
`glob@4.4.2`: Handle bad symlinks properly.
dId yuo know that submiting fxies for doc tpyos is an exclelent way to get
strated contriburting to a new open-saurce porject?
* [`42c605c`](
Fix typo in `` ([@adrianblynch](
* [`c9bd58d`](
Add note about `node_modules/.bin` being added to the path in `npm
run-script`. ([@quarterto](
* [`903bdd1`](
Matt Ranney confused the world when he renamed `node-redis` to `redis`. "The
world" includes npm's documentation.
* [`dea9bb2`](
Fix typo in contributor link. ([@watilde](
* [`1226ca9`](
Properly close code block in
### v2.7.0 (2015-02-26):
For a very long time (maybe forever?), the documentation for `npm run-script`
has said that `npm restart` will only call `npm stop` and `npm start` when
there is no command defined as `npm restart` in `package.json`. The problem
with this documentation is that `npm run-script` was apparently never wired up
to actually work this way.
Until now.
If the patch below were landed on its own, free of context, it would be a
breaking change. But, since the "new" behavior is how the documentation claims
this feature has always worked, I'm classifying it as a patch-level bug fix. I
apologize in advance if this breaks anybody's deployment scripts, and if it
turns out to be a significant regression in practice, we can revert this change
and move it to `npm@3`, which is allowed to make breaking changes due to being
a new major version of semver.
* [`2f6a1df`](
[#1999]( Only run `stop` and `start`
scripts (plus their pre- and post- scripts) when there's no `restart` script
defined. This makes it easier to support graceful restarts of services
managed by npm. ([@watilde]( /
* [`145af65`](
[#4887]( Replace calls to the
`node-gyp` script bundled with npm by passing the
`--node-gyp=/path/to/node-gyp` option to npm. Swap in `pangyp` or a version
of `node-gyp` modified to work better with io.js without having to touch
npm's code! ([@ackalker](
Following `npm@2.6.1`'s unexpected fix of many of the issues with `npm update
-g` simply by making `--depth=0` the default for `npm outdated`, friend of npm
[@watilde]( has made several modest changes to npm's
behavior that together justify bumping npm's minor version, as well as making
npm significantly more pleasant to use:
* [`448efd0`](
[#2853]( Add support for `--dev` and
`--prod` to `npm ls`, so that you can list only the trees of production or
development dependencies, as desired.
* [`a0a8777`](
[#7463]( Split the list printed by
`npm run-script` into lifecycle scripts and scripts directly invoked via `npm
run-script`. ([@watilde](
* [`a5edc17`](
[#6749]( `init-package-json@1.3.1`:
Support for passing scopes to `npm init` so packages are initialized as part
of that scope / organization / team. ([@watilde](
It turns out that quite a few pull requests had piled up on npm's issue
tracker, and they included some nice small features and fixes:
* [`f33e8b8`](
[#7354]( Add `--if-present` flag to
allow e.g. CI systems to call (semi-) standard build tasks defined in
`package.json`, but don't raise an error if no such script is defined.
* [`7bf85cc`](
[#6248]( Globally unlink a package
when `npm rm` / `npm unlink` is called with no arguments.
* [`a2e04bd`](
[#7294]( Ensure that when depending on
`git+<proto>` URLs, npm doesn't keep tacking additional `git+` prefixes onto
the front. ([@twhid](
* [`0f87f5e`](
[#6422]( When depending on GitHub
private repositories, make sure we construct the Git URLS correctly.
* [`50f461d`](
[#4595]( Support finding compressed
manpages. It's still up to the system to figure out how to display them,
though. ([@pshevtsov](
* [`44da664`](
[#7465]( When calling git, log the
**full** command, with all arguments, on error.
* [`9748d5c`](
Add parent to error on `ETARGET` error.
* [`37038d7`](
[#4663]( Remove hackaround for Linux
tests, as it's evidently no longer necessary.
* [`d7b7853`](
[#2612]( Add support for path
completion on `npm install`, which narrows completion to only directories
containing `package.json` files. ([@deestan](
* [`628fcdb`](
Remove all command completion calls to `-/short`, because it's been removed
from the primary registry for quite some time, and is generally a poor idea
on any registry with more than a few hundred packages.
* [`3f6061d`](
[#6659]( Instead of removing zsh
completion global, make it a local instead.
* [`5bc70e6`](
[#7417]( Provide concrete examples of
how the new `npm update` defaults work in practice, tied to actual test
cases. Everyone interested in using `npm update -g` now that it's been fixed
should read these documents, as should anyone interested in writing
documentation for npm. ([@smikes](
* [`8ac6f21`](
[#6543]( Clarify `npm-scripts`
warnings to de-emphasize dangers of using `install` scripts.
* [`ebe3b37`](
[#6711]( Note that git tagging of
versions can be disabled via `--no-git-tag-verson`.
* [`2ef5771`](
[#6711]( Document `git-tag-version`
configuration option. ([@KenanY](
* [`95e59b2`](
Document that `NODE_ENV=production` behaves analogously to `--production` on
`npm install`. ([@stefaneg](
* [`687117a`](
[#7463]( Document the new script
grouping behavior in the man page for `npm run-script`.
* [`536b2b6`](
Rescue one of the the disabled tests and make it work properly.
* [`89fc6a4`](
`which@1.0.9`: Test for being run as root, as well as the current user.
* [`5d0612f`](
`glob@4.4.1`: Better error message to explain why calling sync glob with a
callback results in an error. ([@isaacs](
* [`64b07f6`](
`tap@0.7.1`: More accurate counts of pending & skipped tests.
* [`8fda451`](
`semver@4.3.1`: Make official the fact that `node-semver` has moved from
[@isaacs]('s organization to
[@npm]('s. ([@isaacs](
### v2.6.1 (2015-02-19):
* [`8b98f0e`](
[#4471]( `npm outdated` (and only `npm
outdated`) now defaults to `--depth=0`. See the [docs for
for the mildly confusing details. ([@smikes](
* [`aa79194`](
[#6565]( Tweak `peerDependency`
deprecation warning to include which peer dependency on which package is
going to need to change. ([@othiym23](
* [`5fa067f`](
[#7171]( Tweak `engineStrict`
deprecation warning to include which `package.json` is using it.
* [`0fe0caa`](
`glob@4.4.0`: Glob patterns can now ignore matches.
### v2.6.0 (2015-02-12):
* [`38c4825`](
[#5068]( Add new logout command, and
make it do something useful on both bearer-based and basic-based authed
clients. ([@othiym23](
* [`4bf0f5d`](
`npm-registry-client@6.1.1`: Support new `logout` endpoint to invalidate
token for sessions. ([@othiym23](
* [`c8e08e6`](
[#6565]( Warn that `peerDependency`
behavior is changing and add a note to the docs.
* [`7c81a5f`](
[#7171]( Warn that `engineStrict` in
`package.json` will be going away in the next major version of npm (coming
soon!) ([@othiym23](
* [`add5890`](
[#4668]( `read-package-json@1.3.1`:
Warn when a `bin` symbolic link is a dangling reference.
* [`4b42071`](
`semver@4.3.0`: Add functions to extract parts of the version triple, fix a
typo. ([@isaacs](
* [`a9aff38`](
Use full path for man pages as the symbolic link source, instead of just the
file name. ([@bengl](
* [`6fd0fbd`](
[#7233]( Ensure `globalconfig` path
exists before trying to edit it. ([@ljharb](
* [`a0a2620`](
`ini@1.3.3`: Allow embedded, quoted equals signs in ini field names.
Also typos and other documentation issues were addressed by
[@rutsky](, [@imurchie](,
[@marr](, [@amZotti](, and
[@karlhorky]( Thank you, everyone!
### v2.5.1 (2015-02-06):
This release doesn't look like much, but considerable effort went into ensuring
that npm's tests will pass on io.js 1.1.0 and Node 0.11.16 / 0.12.0 on both OS
X and Linux.
**NOTE:** there are no actual changes to npm's code in `npm@2.5.1`. Only test
code (and the upgrade of `request` to the latest version) has changed.
#### `npm-registry-mock@1.0.0`:
* [`0e8d473`](
[#7281]( `npm-registry-mock@1.0.0`:
Clean up API, set `connection: close`.
* [`4707bba`](
Further update tests to work with `npm-registry-mock@1.0.0`.
* [`41a0f89`](
Got rid of completely gratuitous global config manipulation in tests.
* [`a4c7af9`](
`request@2.53.0`: Tweaks to tunneling proxy behavior.
### v2.5.0 (2015-01-29):
* [`9d61e96`](
`npm outdated --long` now includes a column showing the type of dependency.
* [`fec4c96`](
Allow `--no-proxy` to override `HTTP_PROXY` setting in environment.
* [`589acb9`](
Only set `access` when publshing when it's explicitly set.
* [`1027087`](
Add script and `Makefile` stanza to update AUTHORS.
* [`eeff04d`](
Add `NPMOPTS` to top-level install in `Makefile` to override `userconfig`.
* [`0d17328`](
`fstream@1.0.4`: Run chown only when necessary.
* [`9aa4622`](
`columnify@1.4.1`: ES6ified! ([@timoxley](
* [`51b2fd1`](
Update default version in `docs/`.
#### `npm-registry-client@6.0.7`:
* [`f9313a0`](
[#7226]( Ensure that all request
settings are copied onto the agent.
* [`e186f6e`](
Only set `access` on publish when it differs from the norm.
* [`f9313a0`](
Allow overriding request's environment-based proxy handling.
* [`f9313a0`](
Properly handle retry failures on fetch.
### v2.4.1 (2015-01-23):
![bridge that doesn't meet in the middle](
Let's accentuate the positive: the `dist-tag` endpoints for `npm dist-tag
{add,rm,ls}` are now live on the public npm registry.
* [`f70272b`](
`npm-registry-client@6.0.3`: Properly escape JSON tag version strings and
filter `_etag` from CouchDB docs. ([@othiym23](
### v2.4.0 (2015-01-22):
NOTE: This week's registry-2 commands are leading the implementation on a little bit, so some of the following may not work for
another week or so. Also note that `npm access` has documentation and
subcommands that are not yet finished, because they depend on incompletely
specified registry API endpoints. Things are coming together very quickly,
though, so expect the missing pieces to be filled in the coming weeks.
* [`c963eb2`](
[#7181]( NEW `npm access public` and
`npm access restricted`: Toggle visibility of scoped packages.
* [`dc51810`](
[#6243]( /
[#6854]( NEW `npm dist-tags`: Directly
manage `dist-tags` on packages. Most notably, `dist-tags` can now be deleted.
* [`4c7c132`](
[#7181]( /
[#6854]( `npm-registry-client@6.0.1`:
Add new `access` and `dist-tags` endpoints
* [`10d5c77`](
[#6274]( Deprecate `npm tag` in favor
of `npm dist-tag`. ([@othiym23](
* [`29a6ef3`](
[#6850]( Be smarter about determining
base of file deletion when unbuilding. ([@phated](
* [`4ad01ea`](
`init-package-json@1.2.0`: Support `--save-exact` in `npm init`.
### v2.3.0 (2015-01-15):
* [`e662a60`](
The new `whoami` endpoint might not return a value.
* [`c2cccd4`](
`npm-registry-client@5.0.0`: Includes the following fine changes
* [`ba6b73e`](
Move `/whoami` endpoint out of the package namespace (to `/-/whoami`).
* [`3b174b7`](
[#93]( Registries based
on token-based auth can now offer starring.
* [`4701a29`](
Fix HTTP[S] connection keep-alive on Node 0.11 / io.js 1.0.
* [`98e1e10`](
[#6791]( Add caching based on
Last-Modified / If-Modified-Since headers. Includes this
`npm-registry-client@5.0.0` change ([@lxe](
* [`07bc335`](
[#86]( Add Last-Modified
/ If-Modified-Since cache header handling. ([@lxe](
* [`706d49a`](
[#7107]( `getCacheStat` passes a stub
stat on Windows. ([@rmg](
* [`5fce278`](
[#5267]( Use `%COMSPEC%` when set on
Windows. ([@edmorley](
* [`cc2e099`](
[#7083]( Ensure Git cache prefix
exists before repo clone on Windows.
* [`c6fb430`](
[#4197]( Report `umask` as a 0-padded
octal literal. ([@smikes](
* [`209713e`](
[#4197]( `umask@1.1.0`: Properly
handle `umask`s (i.e. not decimal numbers).
* [`9eac0a1`](
Make the example for bin links non-destructive.
* [`6338bcf`](
`glob@4.3.5`: " -> ', for some reason. ([@isaacs](
### v2.2.0 (2015-01-08):
* [`88c531d`](
[#7056]( version doesn't need a
package.json. ([@othiym23](
* [`2656c19`](
[#7095]( Link to npm website instead
of registry. ([@konklone](
* [`c76b801`](
[#7067]( Obfuscate secrets, including
nerfed URLs. ([@smikes](
* [`17f66ce`](
[#6849]( Explain the tag workflow more
clearly. ([@smikes](
* [`e309df6`](
[#7096]( Really, `npm update -g` is
almost always a terrible idea. ([@smikes](
* [`acf287d`](
[#6999]( `npm run-script env`: add a
new default script that will print out environment values.
* [`560c009`](
[#6745]( Document `npm update --dev`.
* [`226a677`](
[#7046]( We have never been the Node
package manager. ([@linclark](
* [`38eef22`](
`npm-install-checks@1.0.5`: Compatibility with npmlog@^1.
### v2.1.18 (2015-01-01):
* [`bf8640b`](
[#7044]( Document `.npmignore` syntax.
### v2.1.17 (2014-12-25):
merry npm xmas
Working with [@phated](, I discovered that npm still
had some lingering race conditions around how it handles Git dependencies. The
following changes were intended to remedy to these issues. Thanks to
[@phated]( for all his help getting to the bottom of
* [`bdf1c84`](
[#7006]( Only `chown` template and
top-level Git cache directories. ([@othiym23](
* [`581a72d`](
[#7006]( Map Git remote inflighting to
clone paths rather than Git URLs. ([@othiym23](
* [`1c48d08`](
[#7009]( `normalize-git-url@1.0.0`:
Normalize Git URLs while caching. ([@othiym23](
* [`5423cf0`](
[#7009]( Pack tarballs to their final
locations atomically. ([@othiym23](
* [`7f6557f`](
[#7009]( Inflight local directory
packing, just to be safe. ([@othiym23](
Other changes:
* [`1c491e6`](
[#6991]( `npm version`: fix regression
in dirty-checking behavior ([@rlidwka](
* [`55ceb2b`](
[#1991]( modify docs to reflect actual
`npm restart` behavior ([@smikes](
* [`fb8e31b`](
[#6982]( when doing registry
operations, ensure registry URL always ends with `/`
* [`5bcba65`](
pull whitelisted Git environment variables out into a named constant
* [`be04bbd`](
[#7000]( No longer install badly-named
manpage files, and log an error when trying to uninstall them.
* [`6b7c5ec`](
[#7011]( Send auth for tarball fetches
for packages in `npm-shrinkwrap.json` from private registries.
* [`9b9de06`](
`glob@4.3.2`: Better handling of trailing slashes.
* [`030f3c7`](
`semver@4.2.0`: Diffing between version strings.
### v2.1.16 (2014-12-22):
* [`a4e4e33`](
[#6987]( `read-installed@3.1.5`: fixed
a regression where a new / empty package would cause read-installed to throw.
([@othiym23]( /
### v2.1.15 (2014-12-18):
* [`e5a2dee`](
[#6951]( `fs-vacuum@1.2.5`: Use
`path-is-inside` for better Windows normalization.
* [`ac6167c`](
[#6955]( Call `path.normalize` in
`lib/utils/gently-rm.js` for better Windows normalization.
* [`c625d71`](
[#6964]( Clarify CA configuration
docs. ([@jeffjo](
* [`58b8cb5`](
[#6950]( Fix documentation typos.
* [`7c1299d`](
[#6909]( Remove confusing mention of
rubygems `~>` semver operator. ([@mjtko](
* [`7dfdcc6`](
[#6909]( `semver@4.1.1`: Synchronize
documentation with PR [#6909](
* [`adfddf3`](
[#6925]( Correct typo in
`doc/api/` ([@oddurs](
* [`f5c534b`](
[#6920]( Remove recommendation to run
as root from ``.
* [`3ef4459`](
[#6920]( `` has
gone the way of all things. That means it's gone.
### v2.1.14 (2014-12-13):
* [`cf7aeae`](
[#6923]( Overaggressive link update
for new website broke node-gyp. ([@othiym23](
### v2.1.13 (2014-12-11):
* [`cbb890e`](
[#6897]( npm is a nice package manager
that runs server-side JavaScript. ([@othiym23](
* [`d9043c3`](
[#6893]( Remove erroneous docs about
preupdate / update / postupdate lifecycle scripts, which have never existed.
* [`c5df4d0`](
[#6884]( Update to
in docs. ([@linclark](
* [`cb6ff8d`](
[#6879]( npm version: Update
shrinkwrap post-check. ([@othiym23](
* [`2a340bd`](
[#6868]( Use magic numbers instead of
regexps to distinguish tarballs from other things.
* [`f1c8bdb`](
[#6861]( `npm-registry-client@4.0.5`:
Distinguish between error properties that are part of the response and error
strings that should be returned to the user.
* [`d3a1b63`](
[#6762]( Make `npm outdated` ignore
private packages. ([@KenanY](
* [`16d8542`]( Drop support for node < 0.8, remove engines bits.
* [`b9c6046`](
`init-package-json@1.1.3`: ([@terinstock](
noticed that `init.license` configuration doesn't stick. Make sure that
dashed defaults don't trump dotted parameters.
* [`b6d6acf`](
`which@1.0.8`: No longer use graceful-fs for some reason.
* [`d39f673`](
`request@2.51.0`: Incorporate bug fixes. ([@nylen](
* [`c7ad727`](
`columnify@1.3.2`: Incorporate bug fixes.
### v2.1.12 (2014-12-04):
* [`e5b1e44`](
add alias verison=version ([@isaacs](
* [`5eed7bd`](
`request@2.49.0` ([@nylen](
* [`e72f81d`](
`glob@4.3.1` / `minimatch@2.0.1` ([@isaacs](
* [`b8dcc36`](
`graceful-fs@3.0.5` ([@isaacs](
### v2.1.11 (2014-11-27):
* [`4861d28`](
`which@1.0.7`: License update. ([@isaacs](
* [`30a2ea8`](
`ini@1.3.2`: License update. ([@isaacs](
* [`6a4ea05`](
`fstream@1.0.3`: Propagate error events to downstream streams.
* [`a558695`](
`tar@1.0.3`: Don't extract broken files, propagate `drain` event.
* [`989624e`](
[#6767]( Actually pass parameters when
adding git repo to cach under Windows.
* [`657af73`](
[#6774]( When verifying paths on
unbuild, resolve both source and target as symlinks.
* [`fd19c40`](
`realize-package-specifier@1.3.0`: Make it so that `npm install foo@1` work
when a file named `1` exists. ([@iarna](
* [`c8ac37a`](
`npm-registry-client@4.0.4`: Fix regression in failed fetch retries.
### v2.1.10 (2014-11-20):
* [`756f3d4`](
[#6735]( Log "already built" messages
at info, not error. ([@smikes](
* [`1b7330d`](
[#6729]( `npm-registry-client@4.0.3`:
GitHub won't redirect you through an HTML page to a compressed tarball if you
don't tell it you accept JSON responses.
* [`d9c7857`](
`readdir-scoped-modules@1.0.1`: Use `graceful-fs` so the whole dependency
tree gets read, even in case of `EMFILE`.
* [`3a085be`](
Grammar fix in docs. ([@icylace](
* [`3f8e2ff`](
Did you know that npm has a Code of Conduct? Add a link to it to ([@isaacs](
* [`319ccf6`](
`glob@4.2.1`: Performance tuning. ([@isaacs](
* [`835f046`](
`readable-stream@1.0.33`: Bug fixes. ([@rvagg](
* [`a34c38d`](
`request@2.48.0`: Bug fixes. ([@nylen](
### v2.1.9 (2014-11-13):
* [`eed9f61`](
[#6542]( `npm owner add / remove` now
works properly with scoped packages
* [`cd25973`](
[#6548]( using sudo won't leave the
cache's git directories with bad permissions
* [`56930ab`](
fixed irregular `npm cache ls` output (yes, that's a thing)
* [`740f483`](
legacy tests no longer poison user's own cache
* [`ce37f14`](
[#6169]( add terse output similar to
`npm publish / unpublish` for `npm owner add / remove`
* [`bf2b8a6`](
[#6680]( pass auth credentials to
registry when downloading search index
* [`00ecb61`](
[#6400]( `.npmignore` is respected for
git repos on cache / pack / publish
* [`d1b3a9e`](
[#6311]( `npm ls -l --depth=0` no
longer prints phantom duplicate children
* [`07c5f34`](
[#6690]( `uid-number@0.0.6`: clarify
confusing names in error-handling code ([@isaacs](
* [`1ac9be9`](
[#6684]( `npm init`: don't report
write if canceled ([@smikes](
* [`7bb207d`](
[#5754]( never remove app directories
on failed install ([@othiym23](
* [`705ce60`](
[#5754]( `fs-vacuum@1.2.2`: don't
throw when another fs task writes to a directory being vacuumed
* [`1b650f4`](
[#6255]( ensure that order credentials
are used from `.npmrc` doesn't regress
* [`9bb2c34`](
[#6644]( `warn` rather than `info` on
fetch failure ([@othiym23](
* [`e34a7b6`](
[#6524]( `npm-registry-client@4.0.2`:
proxy via `request` more transparently
* [`40afd6a`](
[#6524]( push proxy settings into
`request` ([@tauren](
### v2.1.8 (2014-11-06):
* [`063d843`](
npm version now updates version in npm-shrinkwrap.json
* [`3f53cd7`](
[#6559]( save local dependencies in
npm-shrinkwrap.json ([@Torsph](
* [`e249262`]( mention scoped pkgs in namespace Q
* [`6b06ec4`](
[#6642]( `init-package-json@1.1.2`:
Handle both `init-author-name` and ``.
* [`9cb334c`](
[#6409]( document commit-ish with
GitHub URLs ([@smikes](
* [`0aefae9`](
[#2959]( npm run no longer fails
silently ([@flipside](
* [`e007a2c`](
[#3908]( include command in spawn
errors ([@smikes](
### v2.1.7 (2014-10-30):
* [`6750b05`](
[#6398]( `npm-registry-client@4.0.0`:
consistent API, handle relative registry paths, use auth more consistently
* [`7719cfd`](
[#6560]( use new npm-registry-client
API ([@othiym23](
* [`ed61971`](
move caching of search metadata from `npm-registry-client` to npm itself
* [`3457041`](
handle caching of metadata independently from `npm-registry-client`
* [`20a331c`](
[#6538]( map registry URLs to
credentials more safely ([@indexzero](
* [`4072e97`](
[#6589]( `npm-registry-client@4.0.1`:
allow publishing of packages with names identical to built-in Node modules
* [`254f0e4`](
`tar@1.0.2`: better error-handling ([@runk](
* [`73ee2aa`](
`request@2.47.0` ([@mikeal](
### v2.1.6 (2014-10-23):
* [`681b398`](
[#6523]( fix default `logelevel` doc
* [`80b368f`](
[#6528]( `npm version` should work in
a git directory without git ([@terinjokes](
* [`5f5f9e4`](
[#6483]( `init-package-json@1.1.1`:
Properly pick up default values from environment variables.
* [`a114870`](
perl 5.18.x doesn't like -pi without filenames
* [`de5ba00`](
`request@2.46.0`: Tests and cleanup.
* [`76933f1`](
`fstream-npm@1.0.1`: Always include `LICENSE[.*]`, `LICENCE[.*]`,
`CHANGES[.*]`, `CHANGELOG[.*]`, and `HISTORY[.*]`.
### v2.1.5 (2014-10-16):
* [`6a14b23`](
[#6397]( Defactor npmconf back into
npm. ([@othiym23](
* [`4000e33`](
[#6323]( Install `peerDependencies`
from top. ([@othiym23](
* [`5d119ae`](
[#6498]( Better error messages on
malformed `.npmrc` properties. ([@nicks](
* [`ae18efb`](
[#6093]( Replace instances of 'hash'
with 'object' in documentation. ([@zeke](
* [`53108b2`](
[#1558]( Clarify how local paths
should be used. ([@KenanY](
* [`344fa1a`](
[#6488]( Work around bug in marked.
* [`60c2942`](
`realize-package-specifier@1.2.0`: Handle names and rawSpecs more
consistently. ([@iarna](
* [`1b5c95f`](
`sha@1.3.0`: Change line endings?
* [`d7dee3f`](
`request@2.45.0`: Dependency updates, better proxy support, better compressed
response handling, lots of 'use strict'.
* [`3d75180`](
`opener@1.4.0`: Added gratuitous return.
* [`8e2703f`](
`retry@0.6.1` / `npm-registry-client@3.2.4`: Change of ownership.
* [`c87b00f`](
`once@1.3.1`: Wrap once with wrappy. ([@isaacs](
* [`01ec790`](
`npm-user-validate@0.1.1`: Correct repository URL.
* [`389e52c`](
`glob@4.0.6`: Now absolutely requires `graceful-fs`.
* [`e15ab15`](
`ini@1.3.0`: Tighten up whitespace handling.
* [`7610f3e`](
`archy@1.0.0` ([@substack](
* [`9c13149`](
`semver@4.1.0`: Add support for prerelease identifiers.
* [`f096c25`](
`graceful-fs@3.0.4`: Add a bunch of additional tests, skip the unfortunate
complications of `graceful-fs@3.0.3`. ([@isaacs](
### v2.1.4 (2014-10-09):
* [`3aeb440`](
[#6442]( proxying git needs `GIT_SSL_CAINFO`
* [`a8da8d6`](
[#6413]( write builtin config on any
global npm install ([@isaacs](
* [`9e4d632`](
[#6343]( don't pass run arguments to
pre & post scripts ([@TheLudd](
* [`d831b1f`](
[#6399]( race condition: inflight
installs, prevent `peerDependency` problems
* [`82b775d`](
[#6384]( race condition: inflight
caching by URL rather than semver range
* [`7bee042`](
`inflight@1.0.4`: callback can take arbitrary number of parameters
* [`3bff494`](
[#5195]( fixed regex color regression
for `npm search` ([@chrismeyersfsu](
* [`33ba2d5`](
[#6387]( allow `npm view global` if
package is specified ([@evanlucas](
* [`99c4cfc`](
[#6388]( npm-publish →
npm-developers(7) ([@kennydude](
* [`8d6bfcb`](
tap tests run with no system-wide side effects
* [`7a1472f`](
added npm cache cleanup script
* [`0ce6a37`](
stripped out dead test code (othiym23)
* replace spawn with common.npm (@chrismeyersfsu):
* [`0dcd614`](
* [`97f861c`](
* [`d01b3de`](
* [`7b63016`](
* [`c877553`](
* [`df98525`](
* [`99c4cfc`](
### v2.1.3 (2014-10-02):
* [`1e64473`](
`rm -rf npm submodule` command, which has been broken since the Carter
Administration ([@isaacs](
* [`3e431f9`](
[joyent/node#8492]( bye bye
customFds, hello stdio ([@othiym23](
Other changes:
* [`ea607a8`](
[#6372]( noisily error (without
aborting) on multi-{install,build} ([@othiym23](
* [`3ee2799`](
[#6372]( only make cache creation
requests in flight ([@othiym23](
* [`1a90ec2`](
[#6372]( wait to put Git URLs in
flight until normalized ([@othiym23](
* [`664795b`](
[#6372]( log what is and isn't in
flight ([@othiym23](
* [`00ef580`](
`inflight@1.0.3`: fix largely theoretical race condition, because we really
really hate race conditions ([@isaacs](
* [`1cde465`](
`realize-package-specifier@1.1.0`: handle local dependencies better
* [`86f084c`](
`realize-package-specifier@1.0.2`: dependency realization! in its own module!
* [`553d830`](
`npm-package-arg@2.1.3`: simplified semver, better tests
* [`bec9b61`](
`readable-stream@1.0.32`: for some reason
* [`ff08ec5`](
`dezalgo@1.0.1`: use wrappy for instrumentability
### v2.1.2 (2014-09-29):
* [`a1aa20e`](
`normalize-package-data@1.0.3`: don't prune bundledDependencies
* [`a1f5fe1`](
move locks back into cache, now path-aware
* [`a432c4b`](
convert lib/utils/tar.js to use atomic streams
* [`b8c3c74`](
`fs-write-stream-atomic@1.0.2`: Now works with streams1 fs.WriteStreams.
* [`c7ab76f`](
logging cleanup ([@othiym23](
* [`4b2d95d`](
[#6329]( efficiently validate tmp
tarballs safely ([@othiym23](
### v2.1.1 (2014-09-26):
* [`563225d`](
[#6318]( clean up locking; prefix
lockfile with "." ([@othiym23](
* [`c7f30e4`](
[#6318]( remove locking code around
tarball packing and unpacking ([@othiym23](
### v2.1.0 (2014-09-25):
* [`3635601`](
[#5520]( Add `'npm view .'`.
Other changes:
* [`f24b552`](
[#6294]( Lock cache → lock cache
target. ([@othiym23](
* [`ad54450`](
[#6296]( Ensure that npm-debug.log
file is created when rollbacks are done.
* [`6810071`](
docs: Default loglevel "http" → "warn".
* [`35ac89a`](
Skip installation of installed scoped packages.
* [`e468527`](
Ensure cleanup executes for scripts-whitespace-windows test.
* [`ef9101b`](
Ensure cleanup executes for packed-scope test.
* [`69b4d18`](
`fs-write-stream-atomic@1.0.1`: Fix a race condition in our race-condition
fixer. ([@isaacs](
* [`26b17ff`](
[#6272]( `npmconf` decides what the
default prefix is. ([@othiym23](
* [`846faca`](
Fix development dependency is preferred over dependency.
* [`9d1a9db`](
[#3265]( Re-apply a71615a. Fixes
[#3265]( again, with a test!
* [`1d41db0`](
`marked-man@0.1.4`: Fixes formatting of synopsis blocks in man docs.
* [`a623da0`](
[#5867]( Specify dummy git template
dir when cloning to prevent copying hooks.
### v2.0.2 (2014-09-19):
* [`42c872b`](
`fs-write-stream-atomic@1.0.0` ([@isaacs](
* [`6784767`](
[#5920]( make all write streams atomic
* [`f6fac00`](
[#5920]( barf on 0-length cached
tarballs ([@isaacs](
* [`3b37592`](
`write-file-atomic@1.1.0`: use graceful-fs
### v2.0.1 (2014-09-18):
* [`74c5ab0`](
[#6201]( `npmconf@2.1.0`: scope
always-auth to registry URI ([@othiym23](
* [`774b127`](
[#6201]( `npm-registry-client@3.2.2`:
use scoped always-auth settings ([@othiym23](
* [`f2d2190`](
[#6201]( support saving
`--always-auth` when logging in ([@othiym23](
* [`17c941a`](
[#6163]( use `write-file-atomic`
instead of `fs.writeFile()` ([@fiws](
* [`fb5724f`](
[#5925]( `npm init -f`: allow `npm
init` to run without prompting
* [`b706d63`](
[#3059]( disable prepublish when
running `npm install --production`
* [`119f068`](
attach the node version used when publishing a package to its registry
metadata ([@othiym23](
* [`8fe0081`](
seriously, don't use `npm -g update npm`
* [`ea5b3d4`](
`request@2.44.0` ([@othiym23](
### v2.0.0 (2014-09-12):
* [`4378a17`](
`semver@4.0.0`: prerelease versions no longer show up in ranges; `^0.x.y`
behaves the way it did in `semver@2` rather than `semver@3`; docs have been
reorganized for comprehensibility ([@isaacs](
* [`c6ddb64`](
npm now assumes that node is newer than 0.6
Other changes:
* [`ea515c3`](
[#6043]( `slide@1.1.6`: wait until all
callbacks have finished before proceeding
* [`0b0a59d`](
[#6043]( defer rollbacks until just
before the CLI exits ([@isaacs](
* [`a11c88b`](
[#6175]( pack scoped packages
correctly ([@othiym23](
* [`e4e48e0`](
[#6121]( `read-installed@3.1.2`: don't
mark linked dev dependencies as extraneous
* [`d673e41`](
`cmd-shim@2.0.1`: depend on `graceful-fs` directly
* [`9d54d45`](
`npm-registry-couchapp@2.5.3`: make tests more reliable on Travis
* [`673d738`](
ensure permissions are set correctly in cache when running as root
* [`6e6a5fb`](
prepare for upgrade to `node-semver@4.0.0`
* [`ab8dd87`](
swap out `ronn` for `marked-man@0.1.3` ([@isaacs](
* [`803da54`](
`npm-registry-client@3.2.0`: prepare for `node-semver@4.0.0` and include more
error information ([@isaacs](
* [`4af0e71`](
make default error display less scary ([@isaacs](
* [`4fd9e79`](
`npm-registry-client@3.2.1`: handle errors returned by the registry much,
much better ([@othiym23](
* [`ca791e2`](
restore a long (always?) missing pass for deduping
* [`ca0ef0e`](
correctly interpret relative paths for local dependencies
* [`5eb8db2`](
`npm-package-arg@2.1.2`: support git+file:// URLs for local bare repos
* [`860a185`](
tweak docs to no longer advocate checking in `node_modules`
* [`80e9033`](
add links to downloads to docs
### v1.4.28 (2014-09-12):
* [`f4540b6`](
[#6043]( defer rollbacks until just
before the CLI exits ([@isaacs](
* [`1eabfd5`](
[#6043]( `slide@1.1.6`: wait until all
callbacks have finished before proceeding
### v2.0.0-beta.3 (2014-09-04):
* [`fa79413`](
[#6119]( fall back to registry installs
if package.json is missing in a local directory ([@iarna](
* [`16073e2`](
`npm-package-arg@2.1.0`: support file URIs as local specs
* [`9164acb`](
`github-url-from-username-repo@1.0.2`: don't match strings that are already
URIs ([@othiym23](
* [`4067d6b`](
[#5629]( support saving of local packages
in `package.json` ([@dylang](
* [`1b2ffdf`](
[#6097]( document scoped packages
* [`0a67d53`](
[#6007]( `request@2.42.0`: properly
set headers on proxy requests ([@isaacs](
* [`9bac6b8`](
`npmconf@2.0.8`: disallow semver ranges in tag configuration
* [`d2d4d7c`](
[#6082]( don't allow tagging with a
semver range as the tag name ([@isaacs](
### v1.4.27 (2014-09-04):
* [`4cf3c8f`](
[#6007]( request@2.42.0: properly set
headers on proxy requests ([@isaacs](
* [`403cb52`](
[#6055]( npmconf@1.1.8: restore
case-insensitivity of environmental config
### v2.0.0-beta.2 (2014-08-29):
* [`ed207e8`](
`npm-registry-client@3.1.7`: Clean up auth logic and improve logging around
auth decisions. Also error on trying to change a user document without
writing to it. ([@othiym23](
* [`66c7423`](
`npmconf@2.0.7`: support -C as an alias for --prefix
* [`0dc6a07`](
[#6059]( run commands in prefix, not
cwd ([@isaacs](
* [`65d2179`](
`github-url-from-username-repo@1.0.1`: part 3 handle slashes in branch names
* [`e8d75d0`](
[#6057]( `read-installed@3.1.1`:
properly handle extraneous dev dependencies of required dependencies
* [`0602f70`](
[#6064]( ls: do not show deps of
extraneous deps ([@isaacs](
### v2.0.0-beta.1 (2014-08-28):
* [`78a1fc1`](
`github-url-from-git@1.4.0`: add support for git+https and git+ssh
* [`bf247ed`](
`columnify@1.2.1` ([@othiym23](
* [`4bbe682`](
`cmd-shim@2.0.0`: upgrade to graceful-fs 3
* [`ae1d590`](
`npm-package-arg@2.0.4`: accept slashes in branch names
* [`b2f51ae`](
`semver@3.0.1`: semver.clean() is cleaner
* [`1d041a8`](
`github-url-from-username-repo@1.0.0`: accept slashes in branch names
* [`02c85d5`](
`async-some@1.0.1` ([@othiym23](
* [`5af493e`](
ensure lifecycle spawn errors caught properly
* [`60fe012`](
`npmconf@2.0.6`: init.version defaults to 1.0.0
* [`b4c717b`](
`npm-registry-client@3.1.4`: properly encode % in passwords
* [`7b55f44`](
doc: Fix 'npm help index' ([@isaacs](
### v1.4.26 (2014-08-28):
* [`eceea95`](
`github-url-from-git@1.4.0`: add support for git+https and git+ssh
* [`e561758`](
`columnify@1.2.1` ([@othiym23](
* [`0c4fab3`](
`cmd-shim@2.0.0`: upgrade to graceful-fs 3
* [`2d69e4d`](
`github-url-from-username-repo@1.0.0`: accept slashes in branch names
* [`81f9b2b`](
ensure lifecycle spawn errors caught properly
* [`bfaab8c`](
`npm-registry-client@2.0.7`: properly encode % in passwords
* [`91cfb58`](
doc: Fix 'npm help index' ([@isaacs](
### v2.0.0-beta.0 (2014-08-21):
* [`685f8be`](
`npm-registry-client@3.1.3`: Print the notification header returned by the
registry, and make sure status codes are printed without gratuitous quotes
around them. ([@isaacs]( /
* [`a8cb676`](
[#5900]( remove `npm` from its own
`engines` field in `package.json`. None of us remember why it was there.
* [`6c47201`](
[#6013]( save git URLs correctly in
`_resolved` fields ([@isaacs](
* [`e4e1223`](
[#5936]( document the use of tags in
`package.json` ([@KenanY](
* [`c92b8d4`](
[#6004]( manually installed scoped
packages are tracked correctly ([@dead](
* [`21ca0aa`](
[#5945]( link scoped packages
correctly ([@dead](
* [`16bead7`](
[#5958]( ensure that file streams work
in all versions of node ([@dead](
* [`dbf0cab`](
you can now pass quoted args to `npm run-script`
* [`0583874`](
`tar@1.0.1`: Add test for removing an extract target immediately after
* [`cdf3b04`](
`lockfile@1.0.0`: Fix incorrect interaction between `wait`, `stale`, and
`retries` options. Part 2 of race condition leading to `ENOENT`
* [`22d72a8`](
`fstream@1.0.2`: Fix a double-finish call which can result in excess FS
operations after the `close` event. Part 1 of race condition leading to
`ENOENT` errors.
### v1.4.25 (2014-08-21):
* [`64c0ec2`](
`npm-registry-client@2.0.6`: Print the notification header returned by the
registry, and make sure status codes are printed without gratuitous quotes
around them.
* [`a8ed12b`]( `tar@1.0.1`:
Add test for removing an extract target immediately after unpacking.
* [`70fd11d`](
`lockfile@1.0.0`: Fix incorrect interaction between `wait`, `stale`,
and `retries` options. Part 2 of race condition leading to `ENOENT`
* [`0072c4d`](
`fstream@1.0.2`: Fix a double-finish call which can result in excess
FS operations after the `close` event. Part 2 of race condition
leading to `ENOENT` errors.
### v2.0.0-alpha.7 (2014-08-14):
* [`f23f1d8`](
doc: update version doc to include `pre-*` increment args
* [`b6bb746`](
build: add 'make tag' to tag current release as latest
* [`27c4bb6`](
build: publish with `--tag=v1.4-next` ([@isaacs](
* [`cff66c3`](
build: add script to output `v1.4-next` publish tag
* [`22abec8`](
build: remove outdated `docpublish` make target
* [`1be4de5`](
build: remove `unpublish` step from `make publish`
* [`e429e20`](
doc: add new changelog ([@othiym23](
* [`9243d20`](
lifecycle: test lifecycle path modification
* [`021770b`](
lifecycle: BREAKING CHANGE do not add the directory containing node executable
* [`1d5c41d`](
install: rename .gitignore when unpacking foreign tarballs
* [`9aac267`](
cache: detect non-gzipped tar files more reliably
* [`3f24755`](
`readdir-scoped-modules@1.0.0` ([@isaacs](
* [`151cd2f`](
`read-installed@3.1.0` ([@isaacs](
* [`f5a9434`](
test: fix Travis timeouts ([@dylang](
* [`126cafc`](
`npm-registry-couchapp@2.5.0` ([@othiym23](
### v1.4.24 (2014-08-14):
* [`9344bd9`](
doc: add new changelog ([@othiym23](
* [`4be76fd`](
doc: update version doc to include `pre-*` increment args
* [`e4f2620`](
build: add `make tag` to tag current release as `latest`
* [`ec2596a`](
build: publish with `--tag=v1.4-next` ([@isaacs](
* [`9ee55f8`](
build: add script to output `v1.4-next` publish tag
* [`aecb56f`](
build: remove outdated `docpublish` make target
* [`b57a9b7`](
build: remove unpublish step from `make publish`
* [`2c6acb9`](
install: rename `.gitignore` when unpacking foreign tarballs
* [`22f3681`](
cache: detect non-gzipped tar files more reliably
### v2.0.0-alpha.6 (2014-08-07):
* [`ea547e2`]( Bump semver to
version 3: `^0.x.y` is now functionally the same as `=0.x.y`.
Other changes:
* [`d987707`]( move fetch into
npm-registry-client ([@othiym23](
* [`9b318e2`]( `read-installed@3.0.0`
* [`9d73de7`]( remove unnecessary
mkdirps ([@isaacs](
* [`33ccd13`]( Don't squash execute
perms in `_git-remotes/` dir ([@adammeadows](
* [`48fd233`]( `npm-package-arg@2.0.1`
### v1.4.23 (2014-07-31):
* [`8dd11d1`]( update several
dependencies to avoid using `semver`s starting with 0.
### v1.4.22 (2014-07-31):
* [`d9a9e84`]( `read-package-json@1.2.4`
* [`86f0340`](
`github-url-from-git@1.2.0` ([@isaacs](
* [`a94136a`]( `fstream@0.1.29`
* [`bb82d18`]( `glob@4.0.5`
* [`5b6bcf4`]( `cmd-shim@1.1.2`
* [`c2aa8b3`]( license: Cleaned up
legalese with actual lawyer ([@isaacs](
* [`63fe0ee`]( `init-package-json@1.0.0`
### v2.0.0-alpha-5 (2014-07-22):
This release bumps up to 2.0 because of this breaking change, which could
potentially affect how your package's scripts are run:
* [`df4b0e7`](
[#5518]( BREAKING CHANGE: support
passing arguments to `run` scripts ([@bcoe](
Other changes:
* [`cd422c9`](
[#5748]( link binaries for scoped
packages ([@othiym23](
* [`4c3c778`](
[#5758]( `npm link` includes scope
when linking scoped package ([@fengmk2](
* [`f9f58dd`](
[#5707]( document generic pre- /
post-commands ([@sudodoki](
* [`ac7a480`](
[#5406]( `npm cache` displays usage
when called without arguments
* [`f4554e9`](
Test fixes for Windows ([@isaacs](
* update dependencies ([@othiym23](
### v1.5.0-alpha-4 (2014-07-18):
* fall back to `_auth` config as default auth when using default registry
* support for 'init.version' for those who don't want to deal with semver 0.0.x
oddities ([@rvagg](
* [`be06213`](
remove residual support for `win` log level
### v1.5.0-alpha-3 (2014-07-17):
* [`a3a85dd`](
`--save` scoped packages correctly ([@othiym23](
* [`18a3385`](
`npm-registry-client@3.0.2` ([@othiym23](
* [`375988b`](
invalid package names are an early error for optional deps
* consistently use `node-package-arg` instead of arbitrary package spec
splitting ([@othiym23](
### v1.4.21 (2014-07-14):
* [`88f51aa`](
fix handling for 301s in `npm-registry-client@2.0.3`
### v1.5.0-alpha-2 (2014-07-01):
* [`54cf625`](
fix handling for 301s in `npm-registry-client@3.0.1`
* [`e410861`](
don't crash if no username set on `whoami`
* [`0353dde`](
respect `--json` for output ([@isaacs](
* [`b3d112a`](
outdated: Don't show headings if there's nothing to output
* [`bb4b90c`](
outdated: Default to `latest` rather than `*` for unspecified deps
### v1.4.20 (2014-07-02):
* [`0353dde`](
respect `--json` for output ([@isaacs](
* [`b3d112a`](
outdated: Don't show headings if there's nothing to output
* [`bb4b90c`](
outdated: Default to `latest` rather than `*` for unspecified deps
### v1.5.0-alpha-1 (2014-07-01):
* [`eef4884`](
use the correct piece of the spec for GitHub shortcuts
### v1.5.0-alpha-0 (2014-07-01):
* [`7f55057`](
install scoped packages ([#5239](
* [`0df7e16`](
publish scoped packages ([#5239](
* [`0689ba2`](
support (and save) --scope=@s config
* [`f34878f`](
scope credentials to registry ([@othiym23](
* [`0ac7ca2`](
capture and store bearer tokens when sent by registry
* [`63c3277`](
only delete files that are created by npm
* [`4f54043`](
`npm-package-arg@2.0.0` ([@othiym23](
* [`9e1460e`](
`read-package-json@1.2.3` ([@othiym23](
* [`719d8ad`](
`fs-vacuum@1.2.1` ([@othiym23](
* [`9ef8fe4`](
`async-some@1.0.0` ([@othiym23](
* [`a964f65`](
`npmconf@2.0.1` ([@othiym23](
* [`113765b`](
`npm-registry-client@3.0.0` ([@othiym23](
### v1.4.19 (2014-07-01):
* [`f687433`]( relative URLS for
working non-root registry URLS ([@othiym23](
* [`bea190c`](
[#5591]( bump nopt and npmconf
### v1.4.18 (2014-06-29):
* Bump glob dependency from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3. It now uses graceful-fs when
available, increasing resilience to [various filesystem
### v1.4.17 (2014-06-27):
* replace escape codes with ansicolors
* Allow to build all the docs OOTB. ([@GeJ](
* Use core.longpaths on win32 git - fixes
[#5525]( ([@bmeck](
* `npmconf@1.1.2` ([@isaacs](
* Consolidate color sniffing in config/log loading process
* add verbose log when project config file is ignored
* npmconf: Float patch to remove 'scope' from config defs
* doc: npm-explore can't handle a version
* Add user-friendly errors for ENOSPC and EROFS.
* bump tar and fstream deps ([@isaacs](
* Run the npm-registry-couchapp tests along with npm tests
### v1.2.8000 (2014-06-17):
* Same as v1.4.16, but with the spinner disabled, and a version number that
starts with v1.2.
### v1.4.16 (2014-06-17):
* `npm-registry-client@2.0.2` ([@isaacs](
* `fstream@0.1.27` ([@isaacs](
* `sha@1.2.4` ([@isaacs](
* `rimraf@2.2.8` ([@isaacs](
* `npmlog@1.0.1` ([@isaacs](
* `npm-registry-client@2.0.1` ([@isaacs](
* removed redundant dependency ([@othiym23](
* `npmconf@1.0.5` ([@isaacs](
* Properly handle errors that can occur in the config-loading process
### v1.4.15 (2014-06-10):
* cache: atomic de-race-ified package.json writing
* `fstream@0.1.26` ([@isaacs](
* `graceful-fs@3.0.2` ([@isaacs](
* `osenv@0.1.0` ([@isaacs](
* Only spin the spinner when we're fetching stuff
* Update `osenv@0.1.0` which removes ~/tmp as possible tmp-folder
* `ini@1.2.1` ([@isaacs](
* `graceful-fs@3` ([@isaacs](
* Update glob and things depending on glob
* github-url-from-username-repo and read-package-json updates
* `editor@0.1.0` ([@isaacs](
* `columnify@1.1.0` ([@isaacs](
* bump ansi and associated deps ([@isaacs](
### v1.4.14 (2014-06-05):
* char-spinner: update to not bork windows
### v1.4.13 (2014-05-23):
* Fix `npm install` on a tarball.
* Fix an issue with the spinner on Node 0.8.
* Re-add `npm.commands.cache.clean` and `` APIs, and
document `npm.commands.cache.*` as npm-cache(3).
### v1.4.12 (2014-05-23):
* remove normalize-package-data from top level, de-^-ify inflight dep
* Always sort saved bundleDependencies ([@isaacs](
* add inflight to bundledDependencies
### v1.4.11 (2014-05-22):
* fix `npm ls` labeling issue
* `node-gyp@0.13.1`
* default repository to https:// instead of git://
* addLocalTarball: Remove extraneous unpack
* Massive cache folder refactor ([@othiym23]( and
* Busy Spinner, no http noise ([@isaacs](
* Per-project .npmrc file support ([@isaacs](
* `npmconf@1.0.0`, Refactor config/uid/prefix loading process
* Allow once-disallowed characters in passwords
* Send npm version as 'version' header ([@isaacs](
* fix cygwin encoding issue (Karsten Tinnefeld)
* Allow non-github repositories with `npm repo`
* Allow peer deps to be satisfied by grandparent
* Stop optional deps moving into deps on `update --save`
* Ensure only matching deps update with `update --save*`
* Add support for `prerelease`, `preminor`, `prepatch` to `npm version`
### v1.4.10 (2014-05-05):
* Don't set referer if already set
* fetch: Send referer and npm-session headers
* `run-script`: Support `--parseable` and `--json`
* list runnable scripts ([@evanlucas](
* Use marked instead of ronn for html docs
### v1.4.9 (2014-05-01):
* Send referer header (with any potentially private stuff redacted)
* Fix critical typo bug in previous npm release
### v1.4.8 (2014-05-01):
* Check SHA before using files from cache
* adduser: allow change of the saved password
* Make `npm install` respect `config.unicode`
* Fix lifecycle to pass `Infinity` for config env value
* Don't return 0 exit code on invalid command
* cache: Handle 404s and other HTTP errors as errors
* Resolve ~ in path configs to env.HOME
* Include npm version in default user-agent conf
* npm init: Use ISC as default license, use save-prefix for deps
* Many test and doc fixes
### v1.4.7 (2014-04-15):
* Add `--save-prefix` option that can be used to override the default of `^`
when using `npm install --save` and its counterparts.
* Allow `--silent` to silence the echoing of commands that occurs with `npm
* Some speed improvements to the cache, which should improve install times.
* Improve ability to retry registry requests when a subset of the registry
servers are down.
* Fix marking of peer dependencies as extraneous.
* Fix npm crashing when doing `npm shrinkwrap` in the presence of a
`package.json` with no dependencies.
* Fix error when using `npm view` on packages that have no versions or have
been unpublished.
### v1.4.6 (2014-03-19):
* Fix extraneous package detection to work in more cases.
([`f671286`](, npm/read-installed#20,
### v1.4.5 (2014-03-18):
* Sort dependencies in `package.json` when doing `npm install --save` and all
its variants.
* Add `--save-exact` option, usable alongside `--save` and its variants, which
will write the exact version number into `package.json` instead of the
appropriate semver-compatibility range.
* Accept gzipped content from the registry to speed up downloads and save
npm/npm-registry-client#40, [@fengmk2](
* Fix `npm ls`'s `--depth` and `--log` options.
npm/read-installed#13, [@zertosh](
* Fix "Adding a cache directory to the cache will make the world implode" in
certain cases.
domenic/path-is-inside#1, [@pmarques](
* Fix readmes not being uploaded in certain rare cases.
### v1.4.4 (2014-02-20):
* Add `npm t` as an alias for `npm test` (which is itself an alias for `npm run
test`, or even `npm run-script test`). We like making running your tests
easy. ([`14e650b`](, [@isaacs](
### v1.4.3 (2014-02-16):
* Add back `npm prune --production`, which was removed in 1.3.24.
* Default `npm install --save` and its counterparts to use the `^` version
specifier, instead of `~`.
* Make `npm shrinkwrap` output dependencies in a sorted order, so that diffs
between shrinkwrap files should be saner now.
* Fix `npm dedupe` not correctly respecting dependency constraints.
* Fix `npm ls` giving spurious warnings when you used `"latest"` as a version
* Fixed a bug where using `npm link` on packages without a `name` value could
cause npm to delete itself.
* Fixed `npm install ./pkg@1.2.3` to actually install the directory at
`pkg@1.2.3`; before it would try to find version `1.2.3` of the package
`./pkg` in the npm registry.
[@rlidwka](; see also
* Fix `npm outdated` to respect the `color` configuration option.
* Fix `npm outdated --parseable`.
* Fix a lockfile-related errors when using certain Git URLs.
### v1.4.2 (2014-02-13):
* Fixed an issue related to mid-publish GET requests made against the registry.
### v1.4.1 (2014-02-13):
* Fix `npm shrinkwrap` forgetting to shrinkwrap dependencies that were also
development dependencies.
* Fixed publishing of pre-existing packages with uppercase characters in their
### v1.4.0 (2014-02-12):
* Remove `npm publish --force`. See
* Other changes to the registry client related to saved configs and couch
logins. ([@isaacs](;
* Show an error to the user when doing `npm update` and the `package.json`
specifies a version that does not exist.
* Fix some issues with cache ownership in certain installation configurations.
* Fix issues where GitHub shorthand dependencies `user/repo` were not always
treated the same as full Git URLs.
### v1.3.26 (2014-02-02):
* Fixes and updates to publishing code
* Fix `npm bugs` with no arguments.
### v1.3.25 (2014-01-25):
* Remove gubblebum blocky font from documentation headers.
### v1.3.24 (2014-01-19):
* Make the search output prettier, with nice truncated columns, and a `--long`
option to create wrapping columns.
([`20439b2`]( and
* Support multiple packagenames in `npm docs`.
* Fix the `npm adduser` bug regarding "Error: default value must be string or
number" again. ([`b9b4248`](,
* Fix `scripts` entries containing whitespaces on Windows.
* Fix `npm update` for Git URLs that have credentials in them
* Fix `npm install` overwriting `npm link`-ed dependencies when they are tagged
Git dependencies. ([`af9bbd9`](,
* Remove `npm prune --production` since it buggily removed some dependencies
that were necessary for production; see
[#4509]( Hopefully it can make its
triumphant return, one day.
Dependency updates:
* [`909cccf`]( `read-package-json@1.1.6`
* [`a3891b6`]( `rimraf@2.2.6`
* [`ac6efbc`]( `sha@1.2.3`
* [`dd30038`]( `node-gyp@0.12.2`
* [`c8c3ebe`]( `npm-registry-client@0.3.3`
* [`4315286`]( `npmconf@0.1.12`
### v1.3.23 (2014-01-03):
* Properly handle installations that contained a certain class of circular
### v1.3.22 (2013-12-25):
* Fix a critical bug in `npm adduser` that would manifest in the error message
"Error: default value must be string or number."
* Allow `npm bugs` in the current directory to open the current package's bugs
* Several fixes to various error messages to include more useful or updated
### v1.3.21 (2013-12-17):
* Fix a critical bug that prevented publishing due to incorrect hash
### v1.3.20 (2013-12-17):
* Fixes a critical bug in v1.3.19. Thankfully, due to that bug, no one could
install npm v1.3.19 :)
### v1.3.19 (2013-12-16):
* Adds atomic PUTs for publishing packages, which should result in far fewer
requests and less room for replication errors on the server-side.
### v1.3.18 (2013-12-16):
* Added an `--ignore-scripts` option, which will prevent `package.json` scripts
from being run. Most notably, this will work on `npm install`, so e.g. `npm
install --ignore-scripts` will not run preinstall and prepublish scripts.
* Fixed a bug introduced in 1.3.16 that would manifest with certain cache
configurations, by causing spurious errors saying "Adding a cache directory
to the cache will make the world implode."
* Re-fixed the multiple download of URL dependencies, whose fix was reverted in
### v1.3.17 (2013-12-11):
* This release reverts
which avoided re-downloading URL and shinkwrap dependencies when doing `npm
install`. You can see the in-depth reasoning in
the problem was, that the patch changed the behavior of `npm install -f` to
reinstall all dependencies.
* A new version of the no-re-downloading fix has been submitted as
[#4303]( and will hopefully be
included in the next release.
### v1.3.16 (2013-12-11):
* Git URL dependencies are now updated on `npm install`, fixing a two-year old
[@robertkowalski]( Additional progress on
reducing the resulting Git-related I/O is tracked as
[#4191](, but for now, this will be a
big improvement.
* Added a `--json` mode to `npm outdated` to give a parseable output.
* Made `npm outdated` much prettier and more useful. It now outputs a
color-coded and easy-to-read table.
* Added the `--depth` option to `npm outdated`, so that e.g. you can do `npm
outdated --depth=0` to show only top-level outdated dependencies.
* Added a `--no-git-tag-version` option to `npm version`, for doing the usual
job of `npm version` minus the Git tagging. This could be useful if you need
to increase the version in other related files before actually adding the
* Made `npm repo` and `npm docs` work without any arguments, adding them to the
list of npm commands that work on the package in the current directory when
invoked without arguments.
[@wilmoore]( There are a few other commands we
still want to implement this for; see
* Pass through the `GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY` environment variable to Git, if it is
set; we currently do this with a few other environment variables, but we
missed that one.
* Fixed `npm dedupe` on Windows due to incorrect path separators being used
* Fixed the `npm help` command when multiple words were searched for; it
previously gave a `ReferenceError`.
* Stopped re-downloading URL and shrinkwrap dependencies, as demonstrated in
[@spmason]( You can use the `--force` option to
force re-download and installation of all dependencies.