`init-package-json@1.9.5`: [npm/init-package-json#61](https://github.com/npm/init-package-json/pull/61) Exclude existing `devDependencies` from being added to `dependencies`. Fixes [#12260](https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/12260).
### v4.4.1 (2017-03-06):
This is a quick little patch release to forgo the update notification
checker if you're on an unsuported (but not otherwise broken) version of
Participation in this open source project is subject to the [npm Code
of Conduct](http://www.npmjs.com/policies/conduct).
# npm CLI Contributor Roles and Responsibilities
## Table of Contents
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Roles](#roles)
* [Community Members](#community-members)
* [Collaborators](#collaborators)
* [npm, Inc Employeees](#npm-inc-employees)
## Introduction
Welcome to the npm CLI Contributor Guide! This document outlines the npm CLI repository's process for community interaction and contribution. This includes the issue tracker, pull requests, wiki pages, and, to a certain extent, outside communication in the context of the npm CLI. It defines roles, responsibilities, and procedures, and is an entry point for anyone wishing to contribute their time and effort to making npm a better tool for the JavaScript community!
All interactions in the npm repository are covered by the [npm Code of Conduct](https://www.npmjs.com/policies/conduct)
## Roles
There are three main roles for people participating in the npm issue tracker. Each has a specific set of abilities and responsibilities: [Community members](#community-members), [Collaborators](#collaborators), and [npm, Inc employees](#npm-inc-employees).
Failure to comply with the expected responsibilities of each role, or violating the Code of Conduct will result in punitive action relative to the transgression, ranging from a warning to full removal from the project, at the discretion of npm employees.
### Community Members
This includes anyone who may show up to the npm/npm repo with issues, PRs, comments etc. They may not have any other involvement with npm.
#### Abilities
* Open issues and PRs
* Comment on issues and PRs
#### Responsibilities
* Comment on issues when they have a reference to the answer.
* If community members aren't sure they are correct and don't have a reference to the answer, please leave the issue and try another one.
* Defer to collaborators and npm employees for answers.
* Make sure to search for [the troubleshooting doc](./TROUBLESHOOTING.md) and search on the issue tracker for similar issues before opening a new one.
* Any users with urgent support needs are welcome to email support@npmjs.com, and our dedicated support team will be happy to help.
PLEASE don't @ collaborators or npm employees on issues. The CLI team is small, and has many outstanding commitments to fulfill.
### Collaborators
These are folks who have the ability to label and close issues. The role of collaborators may expand over time, but for now it is a limited (& important) role. This is an excellent way to contribute to npm without writing code.
Community members may become collaborators by showing consistent, proven track record of quality contributions to the project, a reasonable level of proficiency with the CLI, and regular participation through the tracker and other related mediums, including regular contact with the CLI team itself. This role entails a higher level of responsibility than community member, so we ask for a higher level of understanding and commitment.
Collaborators who become inactive for 3 months or longer may have their collaborator privileges removed until they are ready to return.
#### Abilities
* Label/triage new issues
* Respond to ongoing issues
* Close resolved issues.
#### Responsibilities
* Only answer questions when they know the answer, and provide a reference to the answer.
* If collaborators aren't totally confident about their answer, please leave the issue and try another one.
* If they've responded to an issue, it becomes their responsibility to see it to resolution.
* Close issues if there's no response within a month.
* Defer to fellow Collaborators & npm employees for answers (Again, please don't @ collaborators or npm employees, thank you!)
* Make sure to search for [the troubleshooting doc](./TROUBLESHOOTING.md) and search on the issue tracker for similar issues before opening a new one.
### npm, Inc Employees
Folks who work at npm, Inc, who have a responsibility to ensure the stability and functionality of the tools npm offers.
#### Abilities
* Label/triage new issues
* Respond to ongoing issues
* Close resolved issues
* Land PRs
Please note that this is a living document, and the CLI team will put up PRs to it as needed.
#### Responsibilities
* Preserve and promote the health of the CLI, the registry, the website, etc.
In special cases, [Collaborators](#collaborators) may request time to speak with an npm employee directly, by contacting them and coordinating a time/place.
Search for the error message you're getting and see if there's a match, or skim the [table of contents](#table-of-contents) below for topics that seem relevant to the issue you're having. Each issue section has steps to work around or fix the particular issue, and have examples of common error messages.
If you do not find the issue below, try searching the issue tracker itself for potential duplicates before opening a new issue.
If you're reading this document because you noticed an issue with npm's web site, please let the [web team](https://github.com/npm/www/issues) know.
### Updating this Document
If you think something should be added here, make a PR that includes the following:
0. a summary
0. one or more example errors
0. steps to debug and fix
0. links to at least one related issue from the tracker
For more details of the content and formatting of these entries, refer to examples below.
## Table of Contents
* [Upgrading npm](#upgrading-npm)
* [Proxies and Networking](#proxy-and-networking-issues)
* [Cannot find module](#cannot-find-module)
* [Shasum Check Fails](#shasum-check-fails)
* [No Git](#no-git)
## Upgrading npm
Whenever you get npm errors, it's a good idea to first check your npm version and upgrade to latest whenever possible. We still see people running npm@1 (!) and in those cases, installing the latest version of npm usually solves the problem.
You can check your npm version by running `npm -v`.
### Steps to Fix
* Upgrading on \*nix (OSX, Linux, etc.)
(You may need to prefix these commands with sudo, especially on Linux, or OS X if you installed Node using its default installer.)
You can upgrade to the latest version of npm using:
`npm install -g npm@latest`
Or upgrade to the most recent LTS release:
`npm install -g npm@lts`
* Upgrading on Windows
We have a [detailed guide](https://github.com/npm/npm/wiki/Troubleshooting#upgrading-on-windows) for upgrading on windows on our wiki.
## Proxy and Networking Issues
npm might not be able to connect to the registry for various reasons. Perhaps your machine is behind a firewall that needs to be opened, or you require a corporate proxy to access the npm registry. This issue can manifest in a wide number of different ways. Usually, strange network errors are an instance of this specific problem.
Sometimes, users may have install failures due to Git/Github access issues. Git/GitHub access is separate from npm registry access. For users in some locations (India in particular), problems installing packages may be due to connectivity problems reaching GitHub and not the npm registry.
If you believe your network is configured and working correctly, and you're still having problems installing, please let the [registry team](https://github.com/npm/registry/issues) know you're having trouble.
### Steps to Fix
0. Make sure you have a working internet connection. Can you reach https://registry.npmjs.org? Can you reach other sites? If other sites are unreachable, this is not a problem with npm.
0. Check http://status.npmjs.org/ for any potential current service outages.
0. If your company has a process for domain whitelisting for developers, make sure https://registry.npmjs.org is a whitelisted domain.
0. If you're in China, consider using https://npm.taobao.org/ as a registry, which sits behind the Firewall.
0. On Windows, npm does not access proxies configured at the system level, so you need to configure them manually in order for npm to access them. Make sure [you have added the appropriate proxy configuration to `.npmrc`](https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/config#https-proxy).
0. If you already have a proxy configured, it might be configured incorrectly or use the wrong credentials. Verify your credentials, test the specific credentials with a separate application.
0. The proxy itself, on the server, might also have a configuration error. In this case, you'll need to work with your system administrator to verify that the proxy, and HTTPS, are configured correctly. You may test it by running regular HTTPS requests.
### Example Errors
This error can manifest in a wide range of different ways:
npm ERR! unable to verify the first certificate
npm ERR! unable to get local issuer certificate
npm ERR! self signed certificate
124 error code ECONNREFUSED
125 error errno ECONNREFUSED
126 error syscall connect
136 error Unexpected token <
136 error <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
If *when running npm* (not your application), you get an error about a module not being found, this almost certainly means that there's something wrong with your npm installation.
If this happens when trying to start your application, you might not have installed your package's dependencies yet.
### Steps to Fix
0. If this happens when you try to start your application, try running `npm install` to install the app's dependencies. Make sure all its actual dependencies are listed in `package.json`
0. If this happens on any npm command, please reinstall.
This is a common issue which used to be caused by caching issues. Nowadays, the cache has been improved, so it's likely to be an install issue, which can be caused by network problems (sometimes even [proxy issues](#proxy-and-networking-issues)), a node bug, or possibly some sort of npm bug.
### Steps to Fix
0. Try running `npm install` again. It may have been a momentary hiccup or corruption during package download.
0. Check http://status.npmjs.org/ for any potential current service outages.
0. If the shasum error specifically has `Actual: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709`, with this exact shasum, it means the package download was empty, which is certainly a networking issue.
0. Make sure your [network connection and proxy settings](#proxy-and-networking-issues) are ok.
0. Update your node version to the latest stable version.
### Examples
npm ERR! shasum check failed for C:\Users\some-user\AppData\Local\Temp\npm-9356-7
<li>Default: The value of <code>registry</code> (which defaults to "<ahref="https://registry.npmjs.org/">https://registry.npmjs.org/</a>")</li>
<li>Type: String</li>
<p>The registry you want to send cli metrics to if <code>send-metrics</code> is true.</p>
@ -774,6 +780,19 @@ installing.</p>
using <code>-s</code> to add a signature.</p>
<p>Note that git requires you to have set up GPG keys in your git configs
<li>Get the author email with <code>npm owner ls <pkgname></code></li>
<li>Email the author, CC <ahref="mailto:support@npmjs.com">support@npmjs.com</a></li>
<li>Email the author, CC <ahref="mailto:support@npmjs.com">support@npmjs.com</a></li>
<li>After a few weeks, if there's no resolution, we'll sort it out.</li>
<p>Don't squat on package names. Publish code or move out of the way.</p>
@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ because Yusuf's <code>foo</code> is in the way.</p>
<li>Alice emails Yusuf, explaining the situation <strong>as respectfully as possible</strong>,
and what she would like to do with the module name. She adds the npm support
staff <ahref="mailto:support@npmjs.com">support@npmjs.com</a> to the CC list of the email. Mention in the email
staff <ahref="mailto:support@npmjs.com">support@npmjs.com</a> to the CC list of the email. Mention in the email
that Yusuf can run npm owner <code>add alice foo</code> to add Alice as an owner of the
foo package.</li>
<li>After a reasonable amount of time, if Yusuf has not responded, or if Yusuf
and Alice can't come to any sort of resolution, email support
<ahref="mailto:support@npmjs.com">support@npmjs.com</a> and we'll sort it out. ("Reasonable" is usually at least
<ahref="mailto:support@npmjs.com">support@npmjs.com</a> and we'll sort it out. ("Reasonable" is usually at least
4 weeks.)</li>
@ -96,12 +96,12 @@ application database or otherwise putting non-packagey things into it.</li>
<ahref="https://www.npmjs.com/policies/conduct">Code of Conduct</a> such as hateful
language, pornographic content, or harassment.</li>
<p>If you see bad behavior like this, please report it to <ahref="mailto:abuse@npmjs.com">abuse@npmjs.com</a> right
<p>If you see bad behavior like this, please report it to <ahref="mailto:abuse@npmjs.com">abuse@npmjs.com</a> right
away. <strong>You are never expected to resolve abusive behavior on your own. We are
here to help.</strong></p>
<p>If you think another npm publisher is infringing your trademark, such as by
using a confusingly similar package name, email <ahref="mailto:abuse@npmjs.com">abuse@npmjs.com</a> with a link to
using a confusingly similar package name, email <ahref="mailto:abuse@npmjs.com">abuse@npmjs.com</a> with a link to
the package or user account on <ahref="https://npmjs.com">https://npmjs.com</a>. Attach a
copy of your trademark registration certificate.</p>
<p>If we see that the package's publisher is intentionally misleading others by