@ -47,61 +47,57 @@ |
// allocations.
#include <node_vars.h> |
// We do the following to minimize the detal between v0.6 branch. We want to
// use the variables as they were being used before.
#define on_headers_sym NODE_VAR(on_headers_sym) |
#define on_headers_complete_sym NODE_VAR(on_headers_complete_sym) |
#define on_body_sym NODE_VAR(on_body_sym) |
#define on_message_complete_sym NODE_VAR(on_message_complete_sym) |
#define delete_sym NODE_VAR(delete_sym) |
#define get_sym NODE_VAR(get_sym) |
#define head_sym NODE_VAR(head_sym) |
#define post_sym NODE_VAR(post_sym) |
#define put_sym NODE_VAR(put_sym) |
#define connect_sym NODE_VAR(connect_sym) |
#define options_sym NODE_VAR(options_sym) |
#define trace_sym NODE_VAR(trace_sym) |
#define patch_sym NODE_VAR(patch_sym) |
#define copy_sym NODE_VAR(copy_sym) |
#define lock_sym NODE_VAR(lock_sym) |
#define mkcol_sym NODE_VAR(mkcol_sym) |
#define move_sym NODE_VAR(move_sym) |
#define propfind_sym NODE_VAR(propfind_sym) |
#define proppatch_sym NODE_VAR(proppatch_sym) |
#define unlock_sym NODE_VAR(unlock_sym) |
#define report_sym NODE_VAR(report_sym) |
#define mkactivity_sym NODE_VAR(mkactivity_sym) |
#define checkout_sym NODE_VAR(checkout_sym) |
#define merge_sym NODE_VAR(merge_sym) |
#define msearch_sym NODE_VAR(msearch_sym) |
#define notify_sym NODE_VAR(notify_sym) |
#define subscribe_sym NODE_VAR(subscribe_sym) |
#define unsubscribe_sym NODE_VAR(unsubscribe_sym) |
#define unknown_method_sym NODE_VAR(unknown_method_sym) |
#define method_sym NODE_VAR(method_sym) |
#define status_code_sym NODE_VAR(status_code_sym) |
#define http_version_sym NODE_VAR(http_version_sym) |
#define version_major_sym NODE_VAR(version_major_sym) |
#define version_minor_sym NODE_VAR(version_minor_sym) |
#define should_keep_alive_sym NODE_VAR(should_keep_alive_sym) |
#define upgrade_sym NODE_VAR(upgrade_sym) |
#define headers_sym NODE_VAR(headers_sym) |
#define url_sym NODE_VAR(url_sym) |
#define settings NODE_VAR(settings) |
#define current_buffer NODE_VAR(current_buffer) |
#define current_buffer_data NODE_VAR(current_buffer_data) |
#define current_buffer_len NODE_VAR(current_buffer_len) |
namespace node { |
using namespace v8; |
static Persistent<String> on_headers_sym; |
static Persistent<String> on_headers_complete_sym; |
static Persistent<String> on_body_sym; |
static Persistent<String> on_message_complete_sym; |
static Persistent<String> delete_sym; |
static Persistent<String> get_sym; |
static Persistent<String> head_sym; |
static Persistent<String> post_sym; |
static Persistent<String> put_sym; |
static Persistent<String> connect_sym; |
static Persistent<String> options_sym; |
static Persistent<String> trace_sym; |
static Persistent<String> patch_sym; |
static Persistent<String> copy_sym; |
static Persistent<String> lock_sym; |
static Persistent<String> mkcol_sym; |
static Persistent<String> move_sym; |
static Persistent<String> propfind_sym; |
static Persistent<String> proppatch_sym; |
static Persistent<String> unlock_sym; |
static Persistent<String> report_sym; |
static Persistent<String> mkactivity_sym; |
static Persistent<String> checkout_sym; |
static Persistent<String> merge_sym; |
static Persistent<String> msearch_sym; |
static Persistent<String> notify_sym; |
static Persistent<String> subscribe_sym; |
static Persistent<String> unsubscribe_sym; |
static Persistent<String> unknown_method_sym; |
static Persistent<String> method_sym; |
static Persistent<String> status_code_sym; |
static Persistent<String> http_version_sym; |
static Persistent<String> version_major_sym; |
static Persistent<String> version_minor_sym; |
static Persistent<String> should_keep_alive_sym; |
static Persistent<String> upgrade_sym; |
static Persistent<String> headers_sym; |
static Persistent<String> url_sym; |
static struct http_parser_settings settings; |
// This is a hack to get the current_buffer to the callbacks with the least
// amount of overhead. Nothing else will run while http_parser_execute()
// runs, therefore this pointer can be set and used for the execution.
static Local<Value>* current_buffer; |
static char* current_buffer_data; |
static size_t current_buffer_len; |
// gcc 3.x knows the always_inline attribute but fails at build time with a
// "sorry, unimplemented: inlining failed" error when compiling at -O0