@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ |
#include <fcntl.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <unistd.h> |
#include <assert.h> |
using namespace v8; |
#define ON_OPEN_SYMBOL v8::String::NewSymbol("onOpen") |
#define FD_SYMBOL v8::String::NewSymbol("fd") |
#define ACTION_QUEUE_SYMBOL v8::String::NewSymbol("_actionQueue") |
class File; |
class Callback { |
@ -159,18 +160,19 @@ public: |
static File* Unwrap (Handle<Object> obj); |
Handle<Value> Open (const char *path, const char *mode, Handle<Value> callback); |
static Handle<Value> Open (const Arguments& args); |
static int AfterOpen (eio_req *req); |
void Close (); |
static Handle<Value> Close (const Arguments& args); |
static int AfterClose (eio_req *req); |
void Write (char *buf, size_t length, Callback *callback); |
static Handle<Value> Write (const Arguments& args); |
static int AfterWrite (eio_req *req); |
private: |
static void MakeWeak (Persistent<Value> _, void *data); |
void CallTopCallback (const int argc, Handle<Value> argv[]); |
Persistent<Object> handle_; |
}; |
@ -178,14 +180,17 @@ File::File (Handle<Object> handle) |
{ |
HandleScope scope; |
handle_ = Persistent<Object>::New(handle); |
Handle<External> external = External::New(this); |
handle_->SetInternalField(0, external); |
handle_.MakeWeak(this, File::MakeWeak); |
handle_->Set(ACTION_QUEUE_SYMBOL, Array::New()); |
} |
File::~File () |
{ |
Close(); |
// XXX call close?
handle_->SetInternalField(0, Undefined()); |
handle_.Dispose(); |
handle_.Clear(); |
@ -216,19 +221,28 @@ File::AfterClose (eio_req *req) |
file->handle_->Delete(FD_SYMBOL); |
} |
printf("after close\n"); |
const int argc = 1; |
Local<Value> argv[argc]; |
argv[0] = Integer::New(req->errorno); |
file->CallTopCallback(argc, argv); |
return 0; |
} |
void |
File::Close () |
Handle<Value> |
File::Close (const Arguments& args) |
{ |
Handle<Value> fd_value = handle_->Get(FD_SYMBOL); |
HandleScope scope; |
File *file = File::Unwrap(args.Holder()); |
Handle<Value> fd_value = file->handle_->Get(FD_SYMBOL); |
int fd = fd_value->IntegerValue(); |
eio_req *req = eio_close (fd, EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, File::AfterClose, this); |
eio_req *req = eio_close (fd, EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, File::AfterClose, file); |
node_eio_submit(req); |
return Undefined(); |
} |
int |
@ -241,138 +255,117 @@ File::AfterOpen (eio_req *req) |
file->handle_->Set(FD_SYMBOL, Integer::New(req->result)); |
} |
Handle<Value> callback_value = file->handle_->Get(ON_OPEN_SYMBOL); |
if (!callback_value->IsFunction()) |
return 0; |
Handle<Function> callback = Handle<Function>::Cast(callback_value); |
file->handle_->Delete(ON_OPEN_SYMBOL); |
const int argc = 1; |
Handle<Value> argv[argc]; |
argv[0] = Integer::New(req->errorno); |
TryCatch try_catch; |
callback->Call(file->handle_, argc, argv); |
if(try_catch.HasCaught()) |
node_fatal_exception(try_catch); |
file->CallTopCallback(argc, argv); |
return 0; |
} |
Handle<Value> |
File::Open (const char *path, const char *mode, Handle<Value> callback) |
File::Open (const Arguments& args) |
{ |
/* check arguments */ |
if (args.Length() < 1) return Undefined(); |
if (!args[0]->IsString()) return Undefined(); |
HandleScope scope; |
File *file = File::Unwrap(args.Holder()); |
// make sure that we don't already have a pending open
if (handle_->Has(ON_OPEN_SYMBOL)) { |
return ThrowException(String::New("File object is already being opened.")); |
if (file->handle_->Has(FD_SYMBOL)) { |
return ThrowException(String::New("File object is opened.")); |
} |
if (callback->IsFunction()) handle_->Set(ON_OPEN_SYMBOL, callback); |
String::Utf8Value path(args[0]->ToString()); |
int flags = O_RDONLY; // default
if (args[1]->IsString()) { |
String::AsciiValue mode_v(args[1]->ToString()); |
char *mode = *mode_v; |
// XXX is this interpretation of the mode correct?
// I don't want to to use fopen() directly because eio doesn't support it.
switch(mode[0]) { |
case 'r': |
flags = (mode[1] == '+' ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY); |
break; |
case 'w': |
flags = O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | (mode[1] == '+' ? O_RDWR : O_WRONLY); |
break; |
case 'a': |
flags = O_APPEND | O_CREAT | (mode[1] == '+' ? O_RDWR : O_WRONLY); |
break; |
} |
} |
// Get the current umask
mode_t mask = umask(0); |
umask(mask); |
int flags = O_RDONLY; // default
// XXX is this interpretation of the mode correct?
// I don't want to to use fopen() directly because eio doesn't support it.
switch(mode[0]) { |
case 'r': |
flags = (mode[1] == '+' ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY); |
break; |
case 'w': |
flags = O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | (mode[1] == '+' ? O_RDWR : O_WRONLY); |
break; |
case 'a': |
flags = O_APPEND | O_CREAT | (mode[1] == '+' ? O_RDWR : O_WRONLY); |
break; |
} |
eio_req *req = eio_open (path, flags, mask, EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, File::AfterOpen, this); |
eio_req *req = eio_open (*path, flags, mask, EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, File::AfterOpen, file); |
node_eio_submit(req); |
return Undefined(); |
} |
int |
File::AfterWrite (eio_req *req) |
void |
File::CallTopCallback (const int argc, Handle<Value> argv[]) |
{ |
Callback *callback = static_cast<Callback*>(req->data); |
HandleScope scope; |
char *buf = static_cast<char*>(req->ptr2); |
delete buf; |
size_t written = req->result; |
if (callback) { |
const int argc = 2; |
Local<Value> argv[argc]; |
argv[0] = Integer::New(req->errorno); |
argv[1] = written >= 0 ? Integer::New(written) : Integer::New(0); |
callback->Call(callback->file->handle_, argc, argv); |
delete callback; |
Local<Value> queue_value = handle_->Get(ACTION_QUEUE_SYMBOL); |
assert(queue_value->IsArray()); |
Local<Array> queue = Local<Array>::Cast(queue_value); |
Local<Value> top_value = queue->Get(Integer::New(0)); |
if (top_value->IsObject()) { |
Local<Object> top = top_value->ToObject(); |
Local<Value> callback_value = top->Get(String::NewSymbol("callback")); |
if (callback_value->IsFunction()) { |
Handle<Function> callback = Handle<Function>::Cast(callback_value); |
TryCatch try_catch; |
callback->Call(handle_, argc, argv); |
if(try_catch.HasCaught()) { |
node_fatal_exception(try_catch); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
void |
File::Write (char *buf, size_t length, Callback *callback) |
{ |
if (callback) |
callback->file = this; |
// NOTE: -1 offset in eio_write() invokes write() instead of pwrite()
if (handle_->Has(FD_SYMBOL) == false) { |
printf("trying to write to a bad fd!\n"); |
return; |
} |
Handle<Value> fd_value = handle_->Get(FD_SYMBOL); |
int fd = fd_value->IntegerValue(); |
// poll_actions
Local<Value> poll_actions_value = handle_->Get(String::NewSymbol("_pollActions")); |
assert(poll_actions_value->IsFunction()); |
Handle<Function> poll_actions = Handle<Function>::Cast(poll_actions_value); |
eio_req *req = eio_write(fd, buf, length, -1, EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, File::AfterWrite, callback); |
node_eio_submit(req); |
poll_actions->Call(handle_, 0, NULL); |
} |
static Handle<Value> |
NewFile (const Arguments& args) |
{ |
HandleScope scope; |
File *file = new File(args.Holder()); |
if(file == NULL) |
return Undefined(); // XXX raise error?
return args.This(); |
} |
JS_METHOD(file_open) |
int |
File::AfterWrite (eio_req *req) |
{ |
if (args.Length() < 1) return Undefined(); |
if (!args[0]->IsString()) return Undefined(); |
HandleScope scope; |
File *file = static_cast<File*>(req->data); |
File *file = File::Unwrap(args.Holder()); |
String::Utf8Value path(args[0]->ToString()); |
if (args[1]->IsString()) { |
String::AsciiValue mode(args[1]->ToString()); |
return file->Open(*path, *mode, args[2]); |
} else { |
return file->Open(*path, "r", args[1]); |
} |
} |
char *buf = static_cast<char*>(req->ptr2); |
delete buf; |
size_t written = req->result; |
JS_METHOD(file_close) |
{ |
HandleScope scope; |
File *file = File::Unwrap(args.Holder()); |
file->Close(); |
const int argc = 2; |
Local<Value> argv[argc]; |
argv[0] = Integer::New(req->errorno); |
argv[1] = written >= 0 ? Integer::New(written) : Integer::New(0); |
file->CallTopCallback(argc, argv); |
return Undefined(); |
return 0; |
} |
JS_METHOD(file_write) |
Handle<Value> |
File::Write (const Arguments& args) |
{ |
if (args.Length() < 1) return Undefined(); |
if (!args[0]->IsString()) |
@ -405,14 +398,31 @@ JS_METHOD(file_write) |
// bad arguments. raise error?
return Undefined(); |
} |
Callback *callback = args[1]->IsFunction() ? new Callback(args[1]) : NULL; |
file->Write(buf, length, callback); |
if (file->handle_->Has(FD_SYMBOL) == false) { |
printf("trying to write to a bad fd!\n"); |
return Undefined(); |
} |
Handle<Value> fd_value = file->handle_->Get(FD_SYMBOL); |
int fd = fd_value->IntegerValue(); |
// NOTE: -1 offset in eio_write() invokes write() instead of pwrite()
eio_req *req = eio_write(fd, buf, length, -1, EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, File::AfterWrite, file); |
node_eio_submit(req); |
return Undefined(); |
} |
static Handle<Value> |
NewFile (const Arguments& args) |
{ |
HandleScope scope; |
File *file = new File(args.Holder()); |
if(file == NULL) |
return Undefined(); // XXX raise error?
return args.This(); |
} |
void |
NodeInit_file (Handle<Object> target) |
@ -429,7 +439,7 @@ NodeInit_file (Handle<Object> target) |
file_template->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); |
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("File"), file_template->GetFunction()); |
// class method for File
// class methods for File
file_template->GetFunction()->Set(String::NewSymbol("STDIN_FILENO"), |
Integer::New(STDIN_FILENO)); |
@ -439,7 +449,7 @@ NodeInit_file (Handle<Object> target) |
file_template->GetFunction()->Set(String::NewSymbol("STDERR_FILENO"), |
Integer::New(STDERR_FILENO)); |
JS_SET_METHOD(file_template->InstanceTemplate(), "open", file_open); |
JS_SET_METHOD(file_template->InstanceTemplate(), "close", file_close); |
JS_SET_METHOD(file_template->InstanceTemplate(), "write", file_write); |
JS_SET_METHOD(file_template->InstanceTemplate(), "_ffi_open", File::Open); |
JS_SET_METHOD(file_template->InstanceTemplate(), "_ffi_close", File::Close); |
JS_SET_METHOD(file_template->InstanceTemplate(), "_ffi_write", File::Write); |
} |