@ -24,33 +24,99 @@ var assert = require('assert');
var net = require ( 'net' ) ;
var tcpPort = common . PORT ;
var expectedConnections = 7 ;
var clientConnected = 0 ;
var serverConnected = 0 ;
var server = net . createServer ( function ( socket ) {
socket . end ( ) ;
if ( ++ serverConnected === 4 ) {
if ( ++ serverConnected === expectedConnections ) {
server . close ( ) ;
} ) ;
server . listen ( tcpPort , 'localhost' , function ( ) {
function cb ( ) {
++ clientConnected ;
function fail ( opts , errtype , msg ) {
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
var client = net . createConnection ( opts , cb ) ;
} , function ( err ) {
return err instanceof errtype && msg === err . message ;
} ) ;
net . createConnection ( tcpPort ) . on ( 'connect' , cb ) ;
net . createConnection ( tcpPort , 'localhost' ) . on ( 'connect' , cb ) ;
net . createConnection ( tcpPort , cb ) ;
net . createConnection ( tcpPort , 'localhost' , cb ) ;
net . createConnection ( tcpPort + '' , 'localhost' , cb ) ;
net . createConnection ( { port : tcpPort + '' } ) . on ( 'connect' , cb ) ;
net . createConnection ( { port : '0x' + tcpPort . toString ( 16 ) } , cb ) ;
fail ( {
port : true
} , TypeError , 'port should be a number or string: true' ) ;
fail ( {
port : false
} , TypeError , 'port should be a number or string: false' ) ;
fail ( {
port : [ ]
} , TypeError , 'port should be a number or string: ' ) ;
fail ( {
port : { }
} , TypeError , 'port should be a number or string: [object Object]' ) ;
fail ( {
port : null
} , TypeError , 'port should be a number or string: null' ) ;
fail ( {
port : ''
} , RangeError , 'port should be >= 0 and < 65536: ' ) ;
fail ( {
port : ' '
} , RangeError , 'port should be >= 0 and < 65536: ' ) ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
net . createConnection ( {
port : 'invalid!'
} , cb ) ;
} ) ;
fail ( {
port : '0x'
} , RangeError , 'port should be >= 0 and < 65536: 0x' ) ;
fail ( {
port : '-0x1'
} , RangeError , 'port should be >= 0 and < 65536: -0x1' ) ;
fail ( {
port : NaN
} , RangeError , 'port should be >= 0 and < 65536: NaN' ) ;
fail ( {
port : Infinity
} , RangeError , 'port should be >= 0 and < 65536: Infinity' ) ;
fail ( {
port : - 1
} , RangeError , 'port should be >= 0 and < 65536: -1' ) ;
fail ( {
port : 65536
} , RangeError , 'port should be >= 0 and < 65536: 65536' ) ;
} ) ;
process . on ( 'exit' , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( clientConnected , 4 ) ;
// Try connecting to random ports, but do so once the server is closed
server . on ( 'close' , function ( ) {
function nop ( ) { }
net . createConnection ( { port : 0 } ) . on ( 'error' , nop ) ;
net . createConnection ( { port : undefined } ) . on ( 'error' , nop ) ;
} ) ;
process . on ( 'exit' , function ( ) {
assert . equal ( clientConnected , expectedConnections ) ;
} ) ;