mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/node.git
committed by
Ryan Dahl
5 changed files with 200 additions and 6 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
require("../common"); |
var fs = require('fs'); |
var sys = require('sys'); |
var have_openssl; |
try { |
var crypto = require('crypto'); |
have_openssl=true; |
} catch (e) { |
have_openssl=false; |
puts("Not compiled with OPENSSL support."); |
process.exit(); |
} |
var caPem = fs.readFileSync(fixturesDir+"/test_ca.pem"); |
var certPem = fs.readFileSync(fixturesDir+"/test_cert.pem"); |
var keyPem = fs.readFileSync(fixturesDir+"/test_key.pem"); |
var credentials = crypto.createCredentials({key:keyPem, cert:certPem, ca:caPem}); |
// Test HMAC
//var h1 = (new crypto.Hmac).init("sha1", "Node").update("some data").update("to hmac").digest("hex");
var h1 = crypto.createHmac("sha1", "Node").update("some data").update("to hmac").digest("hex"); |
assert.equal(h1, '19fd6e1ba73d9ed2224dd5094a71babe85d9a892', "test HMAC"); |
// Test hashing
var a0 = crypto.createHash("sha1").update("Test123").digest("hex"); |
var a1 = crypto.createHash("md5").update("Test123").digest("binary"); |
var a2= crypto.createHash("sha256").update("Test123").digest("base64"); |
var a3 = crypto.createHash("sha512").update("Test123").digest(); // binary
// Test multiple updates to same hash
var h1 = crypto.createHash("sha1").update("Test123").digest("hex"); |
var h2 = (new crypto.Hash).init("sha1").update("Test").update("123").digest("hex"); |
assert.equal(h1, h2, "multipled updates"); |
// Test signing and verifying
var s1 = crypto.createSign("RSA-SHA1").update("Test123").sign(keyPem, "base64"); |
var verified = crypto.createVerify("RSA-SHA1").update("Test").update("123").verify(certPem, s1, "base64"); |
assert.ok(verified, "sign and verify (base 64)"); |
var s2 = crypto.createSign("RSA-SHA256").update("Test123").sign(keyPem); // binary
var verified = crypto.createVerify("RSA-SHA256").update("Test").update("123").verify(certPem, s2); // binary
assert.ok(verified, "sign and verify (binary)"); |
// Test encryption and decryption
var plaintext="Keep this a secret? No! Tell everyone about node.js!"; |
var cipher=crypto.createCipher("aes192", "MySecretKey123"); |
var ciph=cipher.update(plaintext, 'utf8', 'hex'); // encrypt plaintext which is in utf8 format to a ciphertext which will be in hex
ciph+=cipher.final('hex'); // Only use binary or hex, not base64.
var decipher=crypto.createDecipher("aes192", "MySecretKey123"); |
var txt = decipher.update(ciph, 'hex', 'utf8'); |
txt += decipher.final('utf8'); |
assert.equal(txt, plaintext, "encryption and decryption"); |
// Test encyrption and decryption with explicit key and iv
var encryption_key='0123456789abcd0123456789'; |
var iv = '12345678'; |
var cipher=crypto.createCipheriv("des-ede3-cbc", encryption_key, iv); |
var ciph=cipher.update(plaintext, 'utf8', 'hex'); |
ciph+=cipher.final('hex'); |
var decipher=crypto.createDecipheriv("des-ede3-cbc",encryption_key,iv); |
var txt = decipher.update(ciph, 'hex', 'utf8'); |
txt += decipher.final('utf8'); |
assert.equal(txt, plaintext, "encryption and decryption with key and iv"); |
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ |
require("../common"); |
var fs = require('fs'); |
var sys = require('sys'); |
var net = require('net'); |
var have_openssl; |
try { |
var crypto = require('crypto'); |
have_openssl=true; |
} catch (e) { |
have_openssl=false; |
puts("Not compiled with OPENSSL support."); |
process.exit(); |
} |
var caPem = fs.readFileSync(fixturesDir+"/test_ca.pem"); |
var certPem = fs.readFileSync(fixturesDir+"/test_cert.pem"); |
var keyPem = fs.readFileSync(fixturesDir+"/test_key.pem"); |
var credentials = crypto.createCredentials({key:keyPem, cert:certPem, ca:caPem}); |
var testData = "TEST123"; |
var serverData = ''; |
var clientData = ''; |
var gotSecureServer = false; |
var gotSecureClient = false; |
var secureServer = net.createServer(function (connection) { |
var self = this; |
connection.setSecure(credentials); |
connection.setEncoding("UTF8"); |
connection.addListener("secure", function () { |
gotSecureServer = true; |
var verified = connection.verifyPeer(); |
var peerDN = JSON.stringify(connection.getPeerCertificate()); |
assert.equal(verified, true); |
assert.equal(peerDN, '{"subject":"/C=UK/ST=Acknack Ltd/L=Rhys Jones' |
+ '/O=node.js/OU=Test TLS Certificate/CN=localhost",' |
+ '"issuer":"/C=UK/ST=Acknack Ltd/L=Rhys Jones/O=node.js' |
+ '/OU=Test TLS Certificate/CN=localhost","valid_from":' |
+ '"Nov 11 09:52:22 2009 GMT","valid_to":' |
+ '"Nov 6 09:52:22 2029 GMT"}'); |
}); |
connection.addListener("data", function (chunk) { |
serverData += chunk; |
connection.write(chunk); |
}); |
connection.addListener("end", function () { |
assert.equal(serverData, testData); |
connection.end(); |
self.close(); |
}); |
}); |
secureServer.listen(PORT); |
var secureClient = net.createConnection(PORT); |
secureClient.setEncoding("UTF8"); |
secureClient.addListener("connect", function () { |
secureClient.setSecure(credentials); |
}); |
secureClient.addListener("secure", function () { |
gotSecureClient = true; |
var verified = secureClient.verifyPeer(); |
var peerDN = JSON.stringify(secureClient.getPeerCertificate()); |
assert.equal(verified, true); |
assert.equal(peerDN, '{"subject":"/C=UK/ST=Acknack Ltd/L=Rhys Jones' |
+ '/O=node.js/OU=Test TLS Certificate/CN=localhost",' |
+ '"issuer":"/C=UK/ST=Acknack Ltd/L=Rhys Jones/O=node.js' |
+ '/OU=Test TLS Certificate/CN=localhost","valid_from":' |
+ '"Nov 11 09:52:22 2009 GMT","valid_to":' |
+ '"Nov 6 09:52:22 2029 GMT"}'); |
secureClient.write(testData); |
secureClient.end(); |
}); |
secureClient.addListener("data", function (chunk) { |
clientData += chunk; |
}); |
secureClient.addListener("end", function () { |
assert.equal(clientData, testData); |
}); |
process.addListener("exit", function () { |
assert.ok(gotSecureServer, "Did not get secure event for server"); |
assert.ok(gotSecureClient, "Did not get secure event for clientr"); |
}); |
Reference in new issue