@ -78,13 +78,14 @@ QueryString.unescapeBuffer = function(s, decodeSpaces) {
} ;
QueryString . unescape = function ( s , decodeSpaces ) {
function qsUnescape ( s , decodeSpaces ) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent ( s ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
return QueryString . unescapeBuffer ( s , decodeSpaces ) . toString ( ) ;
} ;
QueryString . unescape = qsUnescape ;
var hexTable = new Array ( 256 ) ;
@ -198,63 +199,183 @@ QueryString.stringify = QueryString.encode = function(obj, sep, eq, options) {
return '' ;
} ;
// Parse a key= val string.
// Parse a key/ val string.
QueryString . parse = QueryString . decode = function ( qs , sep , eq , options ) {
sep = sep || '&' ;
eq = eq || '=' ;
const eqLen = eq . length ;
var obj = { } ;
const obj = { } ;
if ( typeof qs !== 'string' || qs . length === 0 ) {
return obj ;
if ( typeof sep !== 'string' )
sep += '' ;
const eqLen = eq . length ;
const sepLen = sep . length ;
var maxKeys = 1000 ;
if ( options && typeof options . maxKeys === 'number' ) {
maxKeys = options . maxKeys ;
// maxKeys <= 0 means that we should not limit keys count
if ( maxKeys > 0 && isFinite ( maxKeys ) ) {
qs = qs . split ( sep , maxKeys ) ;
} else {
qs = qs . split ( sep ) ;
var len = qs . length ;
var pairs = Infinity ;
if ( maxKeys > 0 )
pairs = maxKeys ;
var decode = QueryString . unescape ;
if ( options && typeof options . decodeURIComponent === 'function' ) {
decode = options . decodeURIComponent ;
var keys = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < len ; ++ i ) {
// replacePlus() is used instead of a regexp because it is ~15-30% faster
// with v8 4.7
const x = replacePlus ( qs [ i ] ) ;
const idx = x . indexOf ( eq ) ;
var k , v ;
if ( idx >= 0 ) {
k = decodeStr ( x . substring ( 0 , idx ) , decode ) ;
v = decodeStr ( x . substring ( idx + eqLen ) , decode ) ;
const customDecode = ( decode !== qsUnescape ) ;
const keys = [ ] ;
var lastPos = 0 ;
var sepIdx = 0 ;
var eqIdx = 0 ;
var key = '' ;
var value = '' ;
var keyEncoded = customDecode ;
var valEncoded = customDecode ;
var encodeCheck = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < qs . length ; ++ i ) {
const code = qs . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
// Try matching key/value pair separator (e.g. '&')
if ( code === sep . charCodeAt ( sepIdx ) ) {
if ( ++ sepIdx === sepLen ) {
// Key/value pair separator match!
const end = i - sepIdx + 1 ;
if ( eqIdx < eqLen ) {
// If we didn't find the key/value separator, treat the substring as
// part of the key instead of the value
if ( lastPos < end )
key += qs . slice ( lastPos , end ) ;
} else if ( lastPos < end )
value += qs . slice ( lastPos , end ) ;
if ( keyEncoded )
key = decodeStr ( key , decode ) ;
if ( valEncoded )
value = decodeStr ( value , decode ) ;
// Use a key array lookup instead of using hasOwnProperty(), which is
// slower
if ( keys . indexOf ( key ) === - 1 ) {
obj [ key ] = value ;
keys [ keys . length ] = key ;
} else {
const curValue = obj [ key ] ;
// `instanceof Array` is used instead of Array.isArray() because it
// is ~15-20% faster with v8 4.7 and is safe to use because we are
// using it with values being created within this function
if ( curValue instanceof Array )
curValue [ curValue . length ] = value ;
obj [ key ] = [ curValue , value ] ;
if ( -- pairs === 0 )
break ;
keyEncoded = valEncoded = customDecode ;
encodeCheck = 0 ;
key = value = '' ;
lastPos = i + 1 ;
sepIdx = eqIdx = 0 ;
continue ;
} else {
k = decodeStr ( x , decode ) ;
v = '' ;
sepIdx = 0 ;
if ( ! valEncoded ) {
// Try to match an (valid) encoded byte (once) to minimize unnecessary
// calls to string decoding functions
if ( code === 37 /*%*/ ) {
encodeCheck = 1 ;
} else if ( encodeCheck > 0 &&
( ( code >= 48 /*0*/ && code <= 57 /*9*/ ) ||
( code >= 65 /*A*/ && code <= 70 /*Z*/ ) ||
( code >= 97 /*a*/ && code <= 102 /*z*/ ) ) ) {
if ( ++ encodeCheck === 3 )
valEncoded = true ;
} else {
encodeCheck = 0 ;
// Use a key array lookup instead of using hasOwnProperty(), which is slower
if ( keys . indexOf ( k ) === - 1 ) {
obj [ k ] = v ;
keys . push ( k ) ;
} else if ( obj [ k ] instanceof Array ) {
// `instanceof Array` is used instead of Array.isArray() because it is
// ~15-20% faster with v8 4.7 and is safe to use because we are using it
// with values being created within this function
obj [ k ] . push ( v ) ;
// Try matching key/value separator (e.g. '=') if we haven't already
if ( eqIdx < eqLen ) {
if ( code === eq . charCodeAt ( eqIdx ) ) {
if ( ++ eqIdx === eqLen ) {
// Key/value separator match!
const end = i - eqIdx + 1 ;
if ( lastPos < end )
key += qs . slice ( lastPos , end ) ;
encodeCheck = 0 ;
lastPos = i + 1 ;
continue ;
} else {
eqIdx = 0 ;
if ( ! keyEncoded ) {
// Try to match an (valid) encoded byte once to minimize unnecessary
// calls to string decoding functions
if ( code === 37 /*%*/ ) {
encodeCheck = 1 ;
} else if ( encodeCheck > 0 &&
( ( code >= 48 /*0*/ && code <= 57 /*9*/ ) ||
( code >= 65 /*A*/ && code <= 70 /*Z*/ ) ||
( code >= 97 /*a*/ && code <= 102 /*z*/ ) ) ) {
if ( ++ encodeCheck === 3 )
keyEncoded = true ;
} else {
encodeCheck = 0 ;
if ( code === 43 /*+*/ ) {
if ( eqIdx < eqLen ) {
if ( i - lastPos > 0 )
key += qs . slice ( lastPos , i ) ;
key += '%20' ;
keyEncoded = true ;
} else {
if ( i - lastPos > 0 )
value += qs . slice ( lastPos , i ) ;
value += '%20' ;
valEncoded = true ;
lastPos = i + 1 ;
// Check if we have leftover key or value data
if ( pairs > 0 && ( lastPos < qs . length || eqIdx > 0 ) ) {
if ( lastPos < qs . length ) {
if ( eqIdx < eqLen )
key += qs . slice ( lastPos ) ;
else if ( sepIdx < sepLen )
value += qs . slice ( lastPos ) ;
if ( keyEncoded )
key = decodeStr ( key , decode ) ;
if ( valEncoded )
value = decodeStr ( value , decode ) ;
// Use a key array lookup instead of using hasOwnProperty(), which is
// slower
if ( keys . indexOf ( key ) === - 1 ) {
obj [ key ] = value ;
keys [ keys . length ] = key ;
} else {
obj [ k ] = [ obj [ k ] , v ] ;
const curValue = obj [ key ] ;
// `instanceof Array` is used instead of Array.isArray() because it
// is ~15-20% faster with v8 4.7 and is safe to use because we are
// using it with values being created within this function
if ( curValue instanceof Array )
curValue [ curValue . length ] = value ;
obj [ key ] = [ curValue , value ] ;
@ -262,23 +383,6 @@ QueryString.parse = QueryString.decode = function(qs, sep, eq, options) {
} ;
function replacePlus ( str ) {
var ret = '' ;
var start = 0 ;
var i = - 1 ;
while ( ( i = str . indexOf ( '+' , i + 1 ) ) !== - 1 ) {
ret += str . slice ( start , i ) ;
ret += '%20' ;
start = i + 1 ;
if ( start === 0 )
return str ;
if ( start < str . length )
ret += str . slice ( start ) ;
return ret ;
// v8 does not optimize functions with try-catch blocks, so we isolate them here
// to minimize the damage
function decodeStr ( s , decoder ) {