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build: add cpp linting to windows build

This PR adds cpp linting to windows build script. After this change,
running command `vcbuild lint` will run both cpp linting and javascript
linting on a windows machine.

Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
Reviewed-By: Ben Noordhuis <>
liusi 8 years ago
committed by James M Snell
  1. 3
  2. 3
  3. 55


@ -178,8 +178,7 @@ Running `make test`/`vcbuild test` will run the linter as well unless one or
more tests fail.
If you want to run the linter without running tests, use
`make lint`/`vcbuild jslint`. At this time, only JavaScript linting is
available on Windows. `make lint` on POSIX will run both JavaScript linting and
`make lint`/`vcbuild lint`. It will run both JavaScript linting and
C++ linting.
If you are updating tests and just want to run a single test to check it, you


@ -1074,7 +1074,8 @@ class FileInfo(object):
fullname = self.FullName()
# XXX(bnoordhuis) Expects that lives in the tools/ directory.
toplevel = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
toplevel = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')).replace('\\', '/')
prefix = os.path.commonprefix([fullname, toplevel])
return fullname[len(prefix) + 1:]


@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ set msi=
set upload=
set licensertf=
set jslint=
set cpplint=
set build_testgc_addon=
set noetw=
set noetw_msi_arg=
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ if /i "%1"=="nosnapshot" set nosnapshot=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="noetw" set noetw=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="noperfctr" set noperfctr=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="licensertf" set licensertf=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test" set test_args=%test_args% addons doctool known_issues message parallel sequential -J&set jslint=1&set build_addons=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test" set test_args=%test_args% addons doctool known_issues message parallel sequential -J&set cpplint=1&set jslint=1&set build_addons=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-ci" set test_args=%test_args% %test_ci_args% -p tap --logfile test.tap addons doctool inspector known_issues message sequential parallel&set cctest_args=%cctest_args% --gtest_output=tap:cctest.tap&set build_addons=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-addons" set test_args=%test_args% addons&set build_addons=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-simple" set test_args=%test_args% sequential parallel -J&goto arg-ok
@ -68,11 +69,13 @@ if /i "%1"=="test-inspector" set test_args=%test_args% inspector&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-tick-processor" set test_args=%test_args% tick-processor&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-internet" set test_args=%test_args% internet&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-pummel" set test_args=%test_args% pummel&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-all" set test_args=%test_args% sequential parallel message gc inspector internet pummel&set build_testgc_addon=1&set jslint=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-all" set test_args=%test_args% sequential parallel message gc inspector internet pummel&set build_testgc_addon=1&set cpplint=1&set jslint=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-known-issues" set test_args=%test_args% known_issues&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="test-node-inspect" set test_node_inspect=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="jslint" set jslint=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="jslint-ci" set jslint_ci=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="lint" set cpplint=1&set jslint=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="lint-ci" set cpplint=1&set jslint_ci=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="package" set package=1&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="msi" set msi=1&set licensertf=1&set download_arg="--download=all"&set i18n_arg=small-icu&goto arg-ok
if /i "%1"=="build-release" set build_release=1&set sign=1&goto arg-ok
@ -323,14 +326,14 @@ for /d %%F in (test\addons\??_*) do (
"%node_exe%" tools\doc\addon-verify.js
if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%
:: building addons
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /d %%F in (test\addons\*) do (
"%node_exe%" deps\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp rebuild ^
--directory="%%F" ^
if !errorlevel! neq 0 exit /b !errorlevel!
goto run-tests
@ -340,15 +343,57 @@ set USE_EMBEDDED_NODE_INSPECT=1
goto node-tests
if "%test_args%"=="" goto jslint
if "%test_args%"=="" goto cpplint
if "%config%"=="Debug" set test_args=--mode=debug %test_args%
if "%config%"=="Release" set test_args=--mode=release %test_args%
echo running 'cctest %cctest_args%'
"%config%\cctest" %cctest_args%
echo running 'python tools\ %test_args%'
python tools\ %test_args%
goto cpplint
if not defined cpplint goto jslint
echo running cpplint
set cppfilelist=
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=*" %%G in ('dir /b /s /a src\*.c src\*.cc src\*.h ^
test\addons\*.cc test\addons\*.h test\cctest\*.cc test\cctest\*.h ^
test\gc\ tools\icu\*.cc tools\icu\*.h') do (
set relpath=%%G
set relpath=!relpath:*%~dp0=!
call :add-to-list !relpath!
( endlocal
set cppfilelist=%localcppfilelist%
python tools/ %cppfilelist%
python tools/
goto jslint
echo %1 | findstr /c:"src\node_root_certs.h"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto exit
echo %1 | findstr /c:"src\queue.h"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto exit
echo %1 | findstr /c:"src\tree.h"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto exit
@rem skip subfolders under /src
echo %1 | findstr /r /c:"src\\.*\\.*"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto exit
echo %1 | findstr /r /c:"test\\addons\\[0-9].*_.*\.h"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto exit
echo %1 | findstr /r /c:"test\\addons\\[0-9].*_.*\.cc"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto exit
set "localcppfilelist=%localcppfilelist% %1"
goto exit
if defined jslint_ci goto jslint-ci
if not defined jslint goto exit
