@ -19,299 +19,202 @@
var SlowBuffer = process . binding ( 'buffer' ) . SlowBuffer ;
var smalloc = process . binding ( 'smalloc' ) ;
var buffer = process . binding ( 'buffer' ) ;
var assert = require ( 'assert' ) ;
var assert = require ( 'assert' ) ;
var alloc = smalloc . alloc ;
var sliceOnto = smalloc . sliceOnto ;
var kMaxLength = smalloc . kMaxLength ;
exports . Buffer = Buffer ;
// backwards compatibility (DEPRECATE)
exports . SlowBuffer = Buffer ;
exports . INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50 ;
exports . INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50 ;
// Make SlowBuffer inherit from Buffer.
// add methods to Buffer prototype
// This is an exception to the rule that __proto__ is not allowed in core.
buffer . setupBufferJS ( Buffer ) ;
SlowBuffer . prototype . __ proto__ = Buffer . prototype ;
function Buffer ( subject , encoding ) {
if ( ! ( this instanceof Buffer ) )
return new Buffer ( subject , encoding ) ;
function clamp ( index , len , defaultValue ) {
var type = typeof subject ;
if ( typeof index !== 'number' ) return defaultValue ;
index = ~ ~ index ; // Coerce to integer.
if ( index >= len ) return len ;
if ( index >= 0 ) return index ;
index += len ;
if ( index >= 0 ) return index ;
return 0 ;
switch ( type ) {
case 'number' :
this . length = subject > 0 ? Math . floor ( subject ) : 0 ;
break ;
function toHex ( n ) {
case 'string' :
if ( n < 16 ) return '0' + n . toString ( 16 ) ;
this . length = Buffer . byteLength ( subject , encoding = encoding || 'utf8' ) ;
return n . toString ( 16 ) ;
break ;
case 'object' :
this . length = + subject . length > 0 ? Math . floor ( + subject . length ) : 0 ;
break ;
SlowBuffer . prototype . toString = function ( encoding , start , end ) {
// undef first arg returns unallocated buffer, also assumes length passed.
encoding = String ( encoding || 'utf8' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
// this is a stop-gap for now while look for better architecture.
start = + start || 0 ;
// for internal use only.
if ( typeof end !== 'number' ) end = this . length ;
case 'undefined' :
this . length = encoding ;
return ;
// Fastpath empty strings
default :
if ( + end == start ) {
throw new TypeError ( 'must start with number, buffer, array or string' ) ;
return '' ;
switch ( encoding ) {
if ( this . length > kMaxLength )
case 'hex' :
throw new RangeError ( 'length > kMaxLength' ) ;
return this . hexSlice ( start , end ) ;
case 'utf8' :
case 'utf-8' :
return this . utf8Slice ( start , end ) ;
case 'ascii' :
alloc ( this , this . length ) ;
return this . asciiSlice ( start , end ) ;
case 'binary' :
if ( type !== 'number' ) {
return this . binarySlice ( start , end ) ;
if ( type === 'string' ) {
// FIXME: the number of bytes hasn't changed, so why change the length?
this . length = this . write ( subject , 0 , encoding ) ;
} else {
if ( subject instanceof Buffer )
this . copy ( subject , 0 , 0 , this . length ) ;
else if ( typeof subject . length === 'number' || Array . isArray ( subject ) )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . length ; i ++ )
this [ i ] = subject [ i ] ;
case 'base64' :
return this . base64Slice ( start , end ) ;
case 'ucs2' :
// Static methods
case 'ucs-2' :
case 'utf16le' :
case 'utf-16le' :
return this . ucs2Slice ( start , end ) ;
default :
Buffer . isBuffer = function isBuffer ( b ) {
throw new TypeError ( 'Unknown encoding: ' + encoding ) ;
return b instanceof Buffer ;
} ;
} ;
SlowBuffer . prototype . write = function ( string , offset , length , encoding ) {
Buffer . isEncoding = function ( encoding ) {
// Support both (string, offset, length, encoding)
switch ( ( encoding + '' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) {
// and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length)
if ( isFinite ( offset ) ) {
if ( ! isFinite ( length ) ) {
encoding = length ;
length = undefined ;
} else { // legacy
var swap = encoding ;
encoding = offset ;
offset = length ;
length = swap ;
offset = + offset || 0 ;
var remaining = this . length - offset ;
if ( ! length ) {
length = remaining ;
} else {
length = + length ;
if ( length > remaining ) {
length = remaining ;
encoding = String ( encoding || 'utf8' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
switch ( encoding ) {
case 'hex' :
case 'hex' :
return this . hexWrite ( string , offset , length ) ;
case 'utf8' :
case 'utf8' :
case 'utf-8' :
case 'utf-8' :
return this . utf8Write ( string , offset , length ) ;
case 'ascii' :
case 'ascii' :
return this . asciiWrite ( string , offset , length ) ;
case 'binary' :
case 'binary' :
return this . binaryWrite ( string , offset , length ) ;
case 'base64' :
case 'base64' :
return this . base64Write ( string , offset , length ) ;
case 'ucs2' :
case 'ucs2' :
case 'ucs-2' :
case 'ucs-2' :
case 'utf16le' :
case 'utf16le' :
case 'utf-16le' :
case 'utf-16le' :
return this . ucs2Write ( string , offset , length ) ;
case 'raw' :
return true ;
default :
default :
throw new TypeError ( 'Unknown encoding: ' + encoding ) ;
return false ;
} ;
} ;
// slice(start, end)
Buffer . concat = function ( list , length ) {
SlowBuffer . prototype . slice = function ( start , end ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( list ) )
var len = this . length ;
throw new TypeError ( 'Usage: Buffer.concat(list[, length])' ) ;
start = clamp ( start , len , 0 ) ;
end = clamp ( end , len , len ) ;
return new Buffer ( this , end - start , start ) ;
} ;
var zeroBuffer = new SlowBuffer ( 0 ) ;
// Buffer
function Buffer ( subject , encoding , offset ) {
if ( ! ( this instanceof Buffer ) ) {
return new Buffer ( subject , encoding , offset ) ;
var type ;
// Are we slicing?
if ( typeof offset === 'number' ) {
if ( ! Buffer . isBuffer ( subject ) ) {
throw new TypeError ( 'First argument must be a Buffer when slicing' ) ;
this . length = + encoding > 0 ? Math . ceil ( encoding ) : 0 ;
if ( typeof length === 'undefined' ) {
this . parent = subject . parent ? subject . parent : subject ;
length = 0 ;
this . offset = offset ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < list . length ; i ++ )
length += list [ i ] . length ;
} else {
} else {
// Find the length
length = ~ ~ length ;
switch ( type = typeof subject ) {
case 'number' :
this . length = + subject > 0 ? Math . ceil ( subject ) : 0 ;
break ;
case 'string' :
this . length = Buffer . byteLength ( subject , encoding ) ;
break ;
case 'object' : // Assume object is array-ish
this . length = + subject . length > 0 ? Math . ceil ( subject . length ) : 0 ;
break ;
default :
throw new TypeError ( 'First argument needs to be a number, ' +
'array or string.' ) ;
if ( this . length > Buffer . poolSize ) {
if ( length < 0 ) length = 0 ;
// Big buffer, just alloc one.
this . parent = new SlowBuffer ( this . length ) ;
this . offset = 0 ;
} else if ( this . length > 0 ) {
if ( list . length === 0 )
// Small buffer.
return new Buffer ( 0 ) ;
if ( ! pool || pool . length - pool . used < this . length ) allocPool ( ) ;
else if ( list . length === 1 )
this . parent = pool ;
return list [ 0 ] ;
this . offset = pool . used ;
pool . used += this . length ;
if ( pool . used & 7 ) pool . used = ( pool . used + 8 ) & ~ 7 ;
} else {
if ( length < 0 )
// Zero-length buffer
throw new RangeError ( 'length is not a positive number' ) ;
this . parent = zeroBuffer ;
this . offset = 0 ;
// optimize by branching logic for new allocations
var buffer = new Buffer ( length ) ;
if ( typeof subject !== 'number' ) {
var pos = 0 ;
if ( type === 'string' ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < list . length ; i ++ ) {
// We are a string
var buf = list [ i ] ;
this . length = this . write ( subject , 0 , encoding ) ;
buf . copy ( buffer , pos ) ;
// if subject is buffer then use built-in copy method
pos += buf . length ;
} else if ( Buffer . isBuffer ( subject ) ) {
if ( subject . parent )
subject . parent . copy ( this . parent ,
this . offset ,
subject . offset ,
this . length + subject . offset ) ;
subject . copy ( this . parent , this . offset , 0 , this . length ) ;
} else if ( isArrayIsh ( subject ) ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . length ; i ++ )
this . parent [ i + this . offset ] = subject [ i ] ;
SlowBuffer . makeFastBuffer ( this . parent , this , this . offset , this . length ) ;
return buffer ;
} ;
function isArrayIsh ( subject ) {
return Array . isArray ( subject ) ||
subject && typeof subject === 'object' &&
typeof subject . length === 'number' ;
exports . SlowBuffer = SlowBuffer ;
// toString(encoding, start=0, end=buffer.length)
exports . Buffer = Buffer ;
Buffer . prototype . toString = function ( encoding , start , end ) {
encoding = ! ! encoding ? ( encoding + '' ) . toLowerCase ( ) : 'utf8' ;
start = ~ ~ start ;
end = typeof end === 'undefined' ? this . length : ~ ~ end ;
Buffer . isEncoding = function ( encoding ) {
if ( start < 0 ) start = 0 ;
switch ( encoding && encoding . toLowerCase ( ) ) {
if ( end > this . length ) end = this . length ;
if ( end <= start ) return '' ;
switch ( encoding ) {
case 'hex' :
case 'hex' :
return this . hexSlice ( start , end ) ;
case 'utf8' :
case 'utf8' :
case 'utf-8' :
case 'utf-8' :
return this . utf8Slice ( start , end ) ;
case 'ascii' :
case 'ascii' :
return this . asciiSlice ( start , end ) ;
case 'binary' :
case 'binary' :
return this . binarySlice ( start , end ) ;
case 'base64' :
case 'base64' :
return this . base64Slice ( start , end ) ;
case 'ucs2' :
case 'ucs2' :
case 'ucs-2' :
case 'ucs-2' :
case 'utf16le' :
case 'utf16le' :
case 'utf-16le' :
case 'utf-16le' :
case 'raw' :
return this . ucs2Slice ( start , end ) ;
return true ;
default :
default :
return false ;
throw new TypeError ( 'Unknown encoding: ' + encoding ) ;
} ;
} ;
Buffer . poolSize = 8 * 1024 ;
var pool ;
function allocPool ( ) {
pool = new SlowBuffer ( Buffer . poolSize ) ;
pool . used = 0 ;
// Static methods
Buffer . isBuffer = function isBuffer ( b ) {
return b instanceof Buffer ;
} ;
// Inspect
// Inspect
Buffer . prototype . inspect = function inspect ( ) {
Buffer . prototype . inspect = function inspect ( ) {
var out = [ ] ,
var str = '' ;
len = this . length ,
if ( this . length > 0 )
name = this . constructor . name ;
str = this . hexSlice ( 0 , this . length ) . match ( /.{2}/g ) . join ( ' ' ) ;
return '<' + this . constructor . name + ' ' + str + '>' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
out [ i ] = toHex ( this [ i ] ) ;
if ( i == exports . INSPECT_MAX_BYTES ) {
out [ i + 1 ] = '...' ;
break ;
return '<' + name + ' ' + out . join ( ' ' ) + '>' ;
} ;
} ;
// TODO(trevnorris): DEPRECATE
Buffer . prototype . get = function get ( offset ) {
Buffer . prototype . get = function get ( offset ) {
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( offset < 0 || offset >= this . length )
if ( offset < 0 || offset >= this . length )
throw new RangeError ( 'offset is out of bounds ' ) ;
throw new RangeError ( 'index out of range' ) ;
return this . parent [ this . offset + offset ] ;
return this [ offset ] ;
} ;
} ;
// TODO(trevnorris): DEPRECATE
Buffer . prototype . set = function set ( offset , v ) {
Buffer . prototype . set = function set ( offset , v ) {
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( offset < 0 || offset >= this . length )
if ( offset < 0 || offset >= this . length )
throw new RangeError ( 'offset is out of bounds ' ) ;
throw new RangeError ( 'index out of range ' ) ;
return this . parent [ this . offset + offset ] = v ;
return this [ offset ] = v ;
} ;
} ;
// write(string, offset = 0, length = buffer.length-offset, encoding = 'utf8')
// TODO(trevnorris): fix these checks to follow new standard
// write(string, offset = 0, length = buffer.length, encoding = 'utf8')
Buffer . prototype . write = function ( string , offset , length , encoding ) {
Buffer . prototype . write = function ( string , offset , length , encoding ) {
// Support both (string, offset, length, encoding)
// Support both (string, offset, length, encoding)
// and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length)
// and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length)
@ -320,6 +223,7 @@ Buffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) {
encoding = length ;
encoding = length ;
length = undefined ;
length = undefined ;
// TODO(trevnorris): DEPRECATE
} else { // legacy
} else { // legacy
var swap = encoding ;
var swap = encoding ;
encoding = offset ;
encoding = offset ;
@ -337,7 +241,11 @@ Buffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) {
length = remaining ;
length = remaining ;
encoding = String ( encoding || 'utf8' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( typeof encoding === 'undefined' )
encoding = 'utf8' ;
encoding = ( encoding + '' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( string . length > 0 && ( length < 0 || offset < 0 ) )
if ( string . length > 0 && ( length < 0 || offset < 0 ) )
throw new RangeError ( 'attempt to write beyond buffer bounds' ) ;
throw new RangeError ( 'attempt to write beyond buffer bounds' ) ;
@ -345,32 +253,32 @@ Buffer.prototype.write = function(string, offset, length, encoding) {
var ret ;
var ret ;
switch ( encoding ) {
switch ( encoding ) {
case 'hex' :
case 'hex' :
ret = this . parent . hexWrite ( string , this . offset + offset , length ) ;
ret = this . hexWrite ( string , offset , length ) ;
break ;
break ;
case 'utf8' :
case 'utf8' :
case 'utf-8' :
case 'utf-8' :
ret = this . parent . utf8Write ( string , this . offset + offset , length ) ;
ret = this . utf8Write ( string , offset , length ) ;
break ;
break ;
case 'ascii' :
case 'ascii' :
ret = this . parent . asciiWrite ( string , this . offset + offset , length ) ;
ret = this . asciiWrite ( string , offset , length ) ;
break ;
break ;
case 'binary' :
case 'binary' :
ret = this . parent . binaryWrite ( string , this . offset + offset , length ) ;
ret = this . binaryWrite ( string , offset , length ) ;
break ;
break ;
case 'base64' :
case 'base64' :
// Warning: maxLength not taken into account in base64Write
// Warning: maxLength not taken into account in base64Write
ret = this . parent . base64Write ( string , this . offset + offset , length ) ;
ret = this . base64Write ( string , offset , length ) ;
break ;
break ;
case 'ucs2' :
case 'ucs2' :
case 'ucs-2' :
case 'ucs-2' :
case 'utf16le' :
case 'utf16le' :
case 'utf-16le' :
case 'utf-16le' :
ret = this . parent . ucs2Write ( string , this . offset + offset , length ) ;
ret = this . ucs2Write ( string , offset , length ) ;
break ;
break ;
default :
default :
@ -389,203 +297,48 @@ Buffer.prototype.toJSON = function() {
} ;
} ;
// toString(encoding, start=0, end=buffer.length)
// TODO(trevnorris): currently works like Array.prototype.slice(), which
Buffer . prototype . toString = function ( encoding , start , end ) {
// doesn't follow the new standard for throwing on out of range indexes.
encoding = String ( encoding || 'utf8' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
Buffer . prototype . slice = function ( start , end ) {
var len = this . length ;
if ( typeof start !== 'number' || start < 0 ) {
start = ~ ~ start ;
start = 0 ;
end = typeof end === 'undefined' ? len : ~ ~ end ;
} else if ( start > this . length ) {
start = this . length ;
if ( start < 0 ) {
start += len ;
if ( start < 0 )
if ( typeof end !== 'number' || end > this . length ) {
start = 0 ;
end = this . length ;
} else if ( start > len ) {
} else if ( end < 0 ) {
start = len ;
end = 0 ;
start = start + this . offset ;
end = end + this . offset ;
switch ( encoding ) {
case 'hex' :
return this . parent . hexSlice ( start , end ) ;
case 'utf8' :
case 'utf-8' :
return this . parent . utf8Slice ( start , end ) ;
case 'ascii' :
return this . parent . asciiSlice ( start , end ) ;
case 'binary' :
return this . parent . binarySlice ( start , end ) ;
case 'base64' :
return this . parent . base64Slice ( start , end ) ;
case 'ucs2' :
case 'ucs-2' :
case 'utf16le' :
case 'utf-16le' :
return this . parent . ucs2Slice ( start , end ) ;
default :
throw new TypeError ( 'Unknown encoding: ' + encoding ) ;
} ;
// byteLength
Buffer . byteLength = SlowBuffer . byteLength ;
// fill(value, start=0, end=buffer.length)
Buffer . prototype . fill = function fill ( value , start , end ) {
value || ( value = 0 ) ;
start || ( start = 0 ) ;
end || ( end = this . length ) ;
if ( typeof value === 'string' ) {
value = value . charCodeAt ( 0 ) ;
if ( typeof value !== 'number' || isNaN ( value ) ) {
throw new TypeError ( 'value is not a number' ) ;
if ( end < start ) throw new RangeError ( 'end < start' ) ;
// Fill 0 bytes; we're done
if ( end === start ) return 0 ;
if ( this . length == 0 ) return 0 ;
if ( start < 0 || start >= this . length ) {
throw new RangeError ( 'start out of bounds' ) ;
if ( end < 0 || end > this . length ) {
throw new RangeError ( 'end out of bounds' ) ;
this . parent . fill ( value ,
start + this . offset ,
end + this . offset ) ;
return this ;
} ;
Buffer . concat = function ( list , length ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( list ) ) {
throw new TypeError ( 'Usage: Buffer.concat(list, [length])' ) ;
if ( list . length === 0 ) {
return new Buffer ( 0 ) ;
} else if ( list . length === 1 ) {
return list [ 0 ] ;
if ( typeof length !== 'number' ) {
if ( end < 0 ) {
length = 0 ;
end += len ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < list . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( end < 0 )
var buf = list [ i ] ;
end = 0 ;
length += buf . length ;
} else if ( end > len ) {
end = len ;
var buffer = new Buffer ( length ) ;
var pos = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < list . length ; i ++ ) {
var buf = list [ i ] ;
buf . copy ( buffer , pos ) ;
pos += buf . length ;
return buffer ;
} ;
// copy(targetBuffer, targetStart=0, sourceStart=0, sourceEnd=buffer.length)
Buffer . prototype . copy = function ( target , target_start , start , end ) {
// set undefined/NaN or out of bounds values equal to their default
if ( ! ( target_start >= 0 ) ) target_start = 0 ;
if ( ! ( start >= 0 ) ) start = 0 ;
if ( ! ( end < this . length ) ) end = this . length ;
// Copy 0 bytes; we're done
if ( end === start ||
target . length === 0 ||
this . length === 0 ||
start > this . length )
return 0 ;
if ( end < start )
if ( end < start )
throw new RangeError ( 'sourceEnd < sourceStart' ) ;
end = start ;
if ( target_start >= target . length )
throw new RangeError ( 'targetStart out of bounds' ) ;
if ( target . length - target_start < end - start )
end = target . length - target_start + start ;
return this . parent . copy ( target . parent || target ,
target_start + ( target . offset || 0 ) ,
start + this . offset ,
end + this . offset ) ;
} ;
// slice(start, end)
Buffer . prototype . slice = function ( start , end ) {
var len = this . length ;
start = clamp ( start , len , 0 ) ;
end = clamp ( end , len , len ) ;
return new Buffer ( this . parent , end - start , start + this . offset ) ;
} ;
// Legacy methods for backwards compatibility.
Buffer . prototype . utf8Slice = function ( start , end ) {
return this . toString ( 'utf8' , start , end ) ;
} ;
Buffer . prototype . binarySlice = function ( start , end ) {
var buf = new Buffer ( ) ;
return this . toString ( 'binary' , start , end ) ;
buf . parent = sliceOnto ( this , buf , start , end ) ;
} ;
buf . length = end - start ;
Buffer . prototype . asciiSlice = function ( start , end ) {
return buf ;
return this . toString ( 'ascii' , start , end ) ;
} ;
} ;
Buffer . prototype . utf8Write = function ( string , offset ) {
return this . write ( string , offset , 'utf8' ) ;
} ;
Buffer . prototype . binaryWrite = function ( string , offset ) {
return this . write ( string , offset , 'binary' ) ;
} ;
Buffer . prototype . asciiWrite = function ( string , offset ) {
return this . write ( string , offset , 'ascii' ) ;
} ;
/ *
* Need to make sure that buffer isn ' t trying to write out of bounds .
* This check is far too slow internally for fast buffers .
* /
function checkOffset ( offset , ext , length ) {
function checkOffset ( offset , ext , length ) {
if ( ( offset % 1 ) !== 0 || offset < 0 )
if ( offset < 0 || offset + ext > length )
throw new RangeError ( 'offset is not uint' ) ;
throw new RangeError ( 'index out of range' ) ;
if ( offset + ext > length )
throw new RangeError ( 'Trying to access beyond buffer length' ) ;
Buffer . prototype . readUInt8 = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . readUInt8 = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 1 , this . length ) ;
checkOffset ( offset , 1 , this . length ) ;
return this [ offset ] ;
return this [ offset ] ;
@ -601,12 +354,12 @@ function readUInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian) {
val = buffer [ offset ] ;
val = buffer [ offset ] ;
val |= buffer [ offset + 1 ] << 8 ;
val |= buffer [ offset + 1 ] << 8 ;
return val ;
return val ;
Buffer . prototype . readUInt16LE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . readUInt16LE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 2 , this . length ) ;
checkOffset ( offset , 2 , this . length ) ;
return readUInt16 ( this , offset , false , noAssert ) ;
return readUInt16 ( this , offset , false , noAssert ) ;
@ -614,6 +367,7 @@ Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(offset, noAssert) {
Buffer . prototype . readUInt16BE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . readUInt16BE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 2 , this . length ) ;
checkOffset ( offset , 2 , this . length ) ;
return readUInt16 ( this , offset , true , noAssert ) ;
return readUInt16 ( this , offset , true , noAssert ) ;
@ -622,7 +376,6 @@ Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(offset, noAssert) {
function readUInt32 ( buffer , offset , isBigEndian , noAssert ) {
function readUInt32 ( buffer , offset , isBigEndian , noAssert ) {
var val = 0 ;
var val = 0 ;
if ( isBigEndian ) {
if ( isBigEndian ) {
val = buffer [ offset + 1 ] << 16 ;
val = buffer [ offset + 1 ] << 16 ;
val |= buffer [ offset + 2 ] << 8 ;
val |= buffer [ offset + 2 ] << 8 ;
@ -634,12 +387,12 @@ function readUInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian, noAssert) {
val |= buffer [ offset ] ;
val |= buffer [ offset ] ;
val = val + ( buffer [ offset + 3 ] << 24 >>> 0 ) ;
val = val + ( buffer [ offset + 3 ] << 24 >>> 0 ) ;
return val ;
return val ;
Buffer . prototype . readUInt32LE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . readUInt32LE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 4 , this . length ) ;
checkOffset ( offset , 4 , this . length ) ;
return readUInt32 ( this , offset , false , noAssert ) ;
return readUInt32 ( this , offset , false , noAssert ) ;
@ -647,6 +400,7 @@ Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(offset, noAssert) {
Buffer . prototype . readUInt32BE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . readUInt32BE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 4 , this . length ) ;
checkOffset ( offset , 4 , this . length ) ;
return readUInt32 ( this , offset , true , noAssert ) ;
return readUInt32 ( this , offset , true , noAssert ) ;
@ -700,6 +454,7 @@ Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(offset, noAssert) {
* /
* /
Buffer . prototype . readInt8 = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . readInt8 = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 1 , this . length ) ;
checkOffset ( offset , 1 , this . length ) ;
if ( ! ( this [ offset ] & 0x80 ) )
if ( ! ( this [ offset ] & 0x80 ) )
@ -710,7 +465,6 @@ Buffer.prototype.readInt8 = function(offset, noAssert) {
function readInt16 ( buffer , offset , isBigEndian ) {
function readInt16 ( buffer , offset , isBigEndian ) {
var val = readUInt16 ( buffer , offset , isBigEndian ) ;
var val = readUInt16 ( buffer , offset , isBigEndian ) ;
if ( ! ( val & 0x8000 ) )
if ( ! ( val & 0x8000 ) )
return val ;
return val ;
return ( 0xffff - val + 1 ) * - 1 ;
return ( 0xffff - val + 1 ) * - 1 ;
@ -718,6 +472,7 @@ function readInt16(buffer, offset, isBigEndian) {
Buffer . prototype . readInt16LE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . readInt16LE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 2 , this . length ) ;
checkOffset ( offset , 2 , this . length ) ;
return readInt16 ( this , offset , false ) ;
return readInt16 ( this , offset , false ) ;
@ -725,6 +480,7 @@ Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE = function(offset, noAssert) {
Buffer . prototype . readInt16BE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . readInt16BE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 2 , this . length ) ;
checkOffset ( offset , 2 , this . length ) ;
return readInt16 ( this , offset , true ) ;
return readInt16 ( this , offset , true ) ;
@ -733,7 +489,6 @@ Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE = function(offset, noAssert) {
function readInt32 ( buffer , offset , isBigEndian ) {
function readInt32 ( buffer , offset , isBigEndian ) {
var val = readUInt32 ( buffer , offset , isBigEndian ) ;
var val = readUInt32 ( buffer , offset , isBigEndian ) ;
if ( ! ( val & 0x80000000 ) )
if ( ! ( val & 0x80000000 ) )
return ( val ) ;
return ( val ) ;
return ( 0xffffffff - val + 1 ) * - 1 ;
return ( 0xffffffff - val + 1 ) * - 1 ;
@ -741,6 +496,7 @@ function readInt32(buffer, offset, isBigEndian) {
Buffer . prototype . readInt32LE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . readInt32LE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 4 , this . length ) ;
checkOffset ( offset , 4 , this . length ) ;
return readInt32 ( this , offset , false ) ;
return readInt32 ( this , offset , false ) ;
@ -748,50 +504,24 @@ Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE = function(offset, noAssert) {
Buffer . prototype . readInt32BE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . readInt32BE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 4 , this . length ) ;
checkOffset ( offset , 4 , this . length ) ;
return readInt32 ( this , offset , true ) ;
return readInt32 ( this , offset , true ) ;
} ;
} ;
Buffer . prototype . readFloatLE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 4 , this . length ) ;
return this . parent . readFloatLE ( this . offset + offset , ! ! noAssert ) ;
} ;
Buffer . prototype . readFloatBE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 4 , this . length ) ;
return this . parent . readFloatBE ( this . offset + offset , ! ! noAssert ) ;
} ;
Buffer . prototype . readDoubleLE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 8 , this . length ) ;
return this . parent . readDoubleLE ( this . offset + offset , ! ! noAssert ) ;
} ;
Buffer . prototype . readDoubleBE = function ( offset , noAssert ) {
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 8 , this . length ) ;
return this . parent . readDoubleBE ( this . offset + offset , ! ! noAssert ) ;
} ;
function checkInt ( buffer , value , offset , ext , max , min ) {
function checkInt ( buffer , value , offset , ext , max , min ) {
if ( ( value % 1 ) !== 0 || value > max || value < min )
if ( value > max || value < min )
throw TypeError ( 'value is out of bounds' ) ;
throw TypeError ( 'value is out of bounds' ) ;
if ( ( offset % 1 ) !== 0 || offset < 0 )
if ( offset < 0 || offset + ext > buffer . length || buffer . length + offset < 0 )
throw TypeError ( 'offset is not uint' ) ;
throw RangeError ( 'index out of range' ) ;
if ( offset + ext > buffer . length || buffer . length + offset < 0 )
throw RangeError ( 'Trying to write outside buffer length' ) ;
Buffer . prototype . writeUInt8 = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . writeUInt8 = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
value = + value ;
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 1 , 0xff , 0 ) ;
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 1 , 0xff , 0 ) ;
this [ offset ] = value ;
this [ offset ] = value ;
@ -810,6 +540,8 @@ function writeUInt16(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian) {
Buffer . prototype . writeUInt16LE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . writeUInt16LE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
value = + value ;
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 2 , 0xffff , 0 ) ;
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 2 , 0xffff , 0 ) ;
writeUInt16 ( this , value , offset , false ) ;
writeUInt16 ( this , value , offset , false ) ;
@ -817,6 +549,8 @@ Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {
Buffer . prototype . writeUInt16BE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . writeUInt16BE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
value = + value ;
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 2 , 0xffff , 0 ) ;
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 2 , 0xffff , 0 ) ;
writeUInt16 ( this , value , offset , true ) ;
writeUInt16 ( this , value , offset , true ) ;
@ -839,6 +573,8 @@ function writeUInt32(buffer, value, offset, isBigEndian) {
Buffer . prototype . writeUInt32LE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . writeUInt32LE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
value = + value ;
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 4 , 0xffffffff , 0 ) ;
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 4 , 0xffffffff , 0 ) ;
writeUInt32 ( this , value , offset , false ) ;
writeUInt32 ( this , value , offset , false ) ;
@ -846,6 +582,8 @@ Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {
Buffer . prototype . writeUInt32BE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . writeUInt32BE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
value = + value ;
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 4 , 0xffffffff , 0 ) ;
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 4 , 0xffffffff , 0 ) ;
writeUInt32 ( this , value , offset , true ) ;
writeUInt32 ( this , value , offset , true ) ;
@ -890,6 +628,8 @@ Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {
* /
* /
Buffer . prototype . writeInt8 = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . writeInt8 = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
value = + value ;
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 1 , 0x7f , - 0x80 ) ;
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 1 , 0x7f , - 0x80 ) ;
if ( value < 0 ) value = 0xff + value + 1 ;
if ( value < 0 ) value = 0xff + value + 1 ;
@ -898,6 +638,8 @@ Buffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function(value, offset, noAssert) {
Buffer . prototype . writeInt16LE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . writeInt16LE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
value = + value ;
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 2 , 0x7fff , - 0x8000 ) ;
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 2 , 0x7fff , - 0x8000 ) ;
if ( value < 0 ) value = 0xffff + value + 1 ;
if ( value < 0 ) value = 0xffff + value + 1 ;
@ -906,6 +648,8 @@ Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {
Buffer . prototype . writeInt16BE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . writeInt16BE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
value = + value ;
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 2 , 0x7fff , - 0x8000 ) ;
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 2 , 0x7fff , - 0x8000 ) ;
if ( value < 0 ) value = 0xffff + value + 1 ;
if ( value < 0 ) value = 0xffff + value + 1 ;
@ -914,6 +658,8 @@ Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {
Buffer . prototype . writeInt32LE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . writeInt32LE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
value = + value ;
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 4 , 0x7fffffff , - 0x80000000 ) ;
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 4 , 0x7fffffff , - 0x80000000 ) ;
if ( value < 0 ) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1 ;
if ( value < 0 ) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1 ;
@ -922,36 +668,10 @@ Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(value, offset, noAssert) {
Buffer . prototype . writeInt32BE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
Buffer . prototype . writeInt32BE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
value = + value ;
offset = ~ ~ offset ;
if ( ! noAssert )
if ( ! noAssert )
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 4 , 0x7fffffff , - 0x80000000 ) ;
checkInt ( this , value , offset , 4 , 0x7fffffff , - 0x80000000 ) ;
if ( value < 0 ) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1 ;
if ( value < 0 ) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1 ;
writeUInt32 ( this , value , offset , true ) ;
writeUInt32 ( this , value , offset , true ) ;
} ;
} ;
Buffer . prototype . writeFloatLE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 4 , this . length ) ;
this . parent . writeFloatLE ( value , this . offset + offset , ! ! noAssert ) ;
} ;
Buffer . prototype . writeFloatBE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 4 , this . length ) ;
this . parent . writeFloatBE ( value , this . offset + offset , ! ! noAssert ) ;
} ;
Buffer . prototype . writeDoubleLE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 8 , this . length ) ;
this . parent . writeDoubleLE ( value , this . offset + offset , ! ! noAssert ) ;
} ;
Buffer . prototype . writeDoubleBE = function ( value , offset , noAssert ) {
if ( ! noAssert )
checkOffset ( offset , 8 , this . length ) ;
this . parent . writeDoubleBE ( value , this . offset + offset , ! ! noAssert ) ;
} ;