@ -19,25 +19,28 @@ let key2 = dh2.generateKeys('hex');
let secret1 = dh1 . computeSecret ( key2 , 'hex' , 'base64' ) ;
let secret2 = dh2 . computeSecret ( key1 , 'latin1' , 'buffer' ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( secret1 , secret 2 . toString ( 'base64' ) ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( secret2 . toString ( 'base64' ) , secret1 ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( dh1 . verifyError , 0 ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( dh2 . verifyError , 0 ) ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
const argumentsError =
/^TypeError: First argument should be number, string or Buffer$/ ;
assert . throws ( ( ) => {
crypto . createDiffieHellman ( [ 0x1 , 0x2 ] ) ;
} ) ;
} , argumentsError ) ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
crypto . createDiffieHellman ( function ( ) { } ) ;
} ) ;
assert . throws ( ( ) => {
crypto . createDiffieHellman ( ( ) => { } ) ;
} , argumentsError ) ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
assert . throws ( ( ) => {
crypto . createDiffieHellman ( /abc/ ) ;
} ) ;
} , argumentsError ) ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
assert . throws ( ( ) => {
crypto . createDiffieHellman ( { } ) ;
} ) ;
} , argumentsError ) ;
// Create "another dh1" using generated keys from dh1,
// and compute secret again
@ -56,21 +59,29 @@ const secret3 = dh3.computeSecret(key2, 'hex', 'base64');
assert . strictEqual ( secret1 , secret3 ) ;
const wrongBlockLength =
new RegExp ( '^Error: error:0606506D:digital envelope' +
' routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:wrong final block length$' ) ;
// Run this one twice to make sure that the dh3 clears its error properly
const c = crypto . createDecipheriv ( 'aes-128-ecb' , crypto . randomBytes ( 16 ) , '' ) ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) { c . final ( 'utf8' ) ; } , /wrong final block length/ ) ;
assert . throws ( ( ) => {
c . final ( 'utf8' ) ;
} , wrongBlockLength ) ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
dh3 . computeSecret ( '' ) ;
} , /key is too small/i ) ;
const c = crypto . createDecipheriv ( 'aes-128-ecb' , crypto . randomBytes ( 16 ) , '' ) ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) { c . final ( 'utf8' ) ; } , /wrong final block length/ ) ;
assert . throws ( ( ) => {
c . final ( 'utf8' ) ;
} , wrongBlockLength ) ;
assert . throws ( ( ) => {
dh3 . computeSecret ( '' ) ;
} , /^Error: Supplied key is too small$/ ) ;
// Create a shared using a DH group.
const alice = crypto . createDiffieHellmanGroup ( 'modp5' ) ;
const bob = crypto . createDiffieHellmanGroup ( 'modp5' ) ;
@ -176,9 +187,9 @@ assert(firstByte === 6 || firstByte === 7);
const ecdh3 = crypto . createECDH ( 'secp256k1' ) ;
const key3 = ecdh3 . generateKeys ( ) ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
assert . throws ( ( ) => {
ecdh2 . computeSecret ( key3 , 'latin1' , 'buffer' ) ;
} ) ;
} , /^Error: Failed to translate Buffer to a EC_POINT$/ ) ;
// ECDH should allow .setPrivateKey()/.setPublicKey()
const ecdh4 = crypto . createECDH ( 'prime256v1' ) ;
@ -186,20 +197,21 @@ const ecdh4 = crypto.createECDH('prime256v1');
ecdh4 . setPrivateKey ( ecdh1 . getPrivateKey ( ) ) ;
ecdh4 . setPublicKey ( ecdh1 . getPublicKey ( ) ) ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
assert . throws ( ( ) => {
ecdh4 . setPublicKey ( ecdh3 . getPublicKey ( ) ) ;
} , /Failed to convert Buffer to EC_POINT/ ) ;
} , /^Error: Failed to convert Buffer to EC_POINT$ / ) ;
// Verify that we can use ECDH without having to use newly generated keys.
const ecdh5 = crypto . createECDH ( 'secp256k1' ) ;
// Verify errors are thrown when retrieving keys from an uninitialized object.
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
assert . throws ( ( ) => {
ecdh5 . getPublicKey ( ) ;
} , /Failed to get ECDH public key/ ) ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
} , /^Error: Failed to get ECDH public key$/ ) ;
assert . throws ( ( ) => {
ecdh5 . getPrivateKey ( ) ;
} , /Failed to get ECDH private key/ ) ;
} , /^Error: Failed to get ECDH private key$ / ) ;
// A valid private key for the secp256k1 curve.
const cafebabeKey = 'cafebabe' . repeat ( 8 ) ;
@ -245,10 +257,10 @@ assert.strictEqual(ecdh5.getPublicKey('hex', 'compressed'), cafebabePubPtComp);
// Show why allowing the public key to be set on this type does not make sense.
ecdh5 . setPublicKey ( peerPubPtComp , 'hex' ) ;
assert . strictEqual ( ecdh5 . getPublicKey ( 'hex' ) , peerPubPtUnComp ) ;
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
assert . throws ( ( ) => {
// Error because the public key does not match the private key anymore.
ecdh5 . computeSecret ( peerPubPtComp , 'hex' , 'hex' ) ;
} , /Invalid key pair/ ) ;
} , /^Error: Invalid key pair$ / ) ;
// Set to a valid key to show that later attempts to set an invalid key are
// rejected.
@ -258,10 +270,10 @@ ecdh5.setPrivateKey(cafebabeKey, 'hex');
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' ,
] . forEach ( function ( element , index , object ) {
assert . throws ( function ( ) {
] . forEach ( ( element ) => {
assert . throws ( ( ) => {
ecdh5 . setPrivateKey ( element , 'hex' ) ;
} , /Private key is not valid for specified curve/ ) ;
} , /^Error: Private key is not valid for specified curve.$ / ) ;
// Verify object state did not change.
assert . strictEqual ( ecdh5 . getPrivateKey ( 'hex' ) , cafebabeKey ) ;
} ) ;