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win: Duplicate into

Bert Belder 15 years ago
committed by Ryan Dahl
  1. 246


@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
#include "node.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include <sys/param.h> // for MAXPATHLEN
#include <unistd.h> // getpagesize
#include <windows.h>
namespace node {
static char buf[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
static char *process_title = NULL;
// Does the about the same as perror(), but for windows api functions
static void _winapi_perror(const char* prefix = NULL) {
DWORD errno = GetLastError();
char *errmsg;
// FormatMessage messages include a newline character
if (prefix) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s", prefix, errmsg);
} else {
fputs(errmsg, stderr);
char** OS::SetupArgs(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return argv;
void OS::SetProcessTitle(char *title) {
// We need to convert _title_ to UTF-16 first, because that's what windows uses internally.
// It would be more efficient to use the UTF-16 value that we can obtain from v8,
// but it's not accessible from here.
// Max title length; according to the specs it should be 64K but in practice it's a little over 30000,
// but who needs titles that long anyway?
const int MAX_TITLE_LENGTH = 30001;
int length;
WCHAR *title_w;
// Find out how big the buffer for the wide-char title must be
length = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, title, -1, NULL, 0);
if (!length) {
// Convert to wide-char string
title_w = new WCHAR[length];
length = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, title, -1, title_w, length);
if (!length) {
delete title_w;
// If the title must be truncated insert a \0 terminator there
if (length > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) {
title_w[MAX_TITLE_LENGTH - 1] = *L"\0";
if (!SetConsoleTitleW(title_w)) {
process_title = strdup(title);
delete title_w;
static inline char* _getProcessTitle() {
WCHAR *title_w;
char *title;
int length, length_w;
length_w = GetConsoleTitleW(L"\0", sizeof(WCHAR));
// If length is zero, there may be an error or the title may be empty
if (!length_w) {
if (GetLastError()) {
return NULL;
else {
// The title is empty, so return empty string
process_title = strdup("\0");
return process_title;
// Room for \0 terminator
title_w = new WCHAR[length_w];
if (!GetConsoleTitleW(title_w, length_w * sizeof(WCHAR))) {
delete title_w;
return NULL;
// Find out what the size of the buffer is that we need
length = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, title_w, length_w, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!length) {
delete title_w;
return NULL;
title = (char *) malloc(length);
if (!title) {
delete title_w;
return NULL;
// Do utf16 -> utf8 conversion here
if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, title_w, -1, title, length, NULL, NULL)) {
delete title_w;
return NULL;
delete title_w;
return title;
const char* OS::GetProcessTitle(int *len) {
// If the process_title was never read before nor explicitly set,
// we must query it with getConsoleTitleW
if (!process_title) {
process_title = _getProcessTitle();
if (process_title) {
*len = strlen(process_title);
return process_title;
} else {
*len = 0;
return NULL;
int OS::GetMemory(size_t *rss, size_t *vsize) {
FILE *f = fopen("/proc/self/stat", "r");
if (!f) return -1;
int itmp;
char ctmp;
size_t page_size = getpagesize();
/* PID */
if (fscanf(f, "%d ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* Exec file */
if (fscanf (f, "%s ", buf) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* State */
if (fscanf (f, "%c ", &ctmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* Parent process */
if (fscanf (f, "%d ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* Process group */
if (fscanf (f, "%d ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* Session id */
if (fscanf (f, "%d ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* TTY */
if (fscanf (f, "%d ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* TTY owner process group */
if (fscanf (f, "%d ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* Flags */
if (fscanf (f, "%u ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* Minor faults (no memory page) */
if (fscanf (f, "%u ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* Minor faults, children */
if (fscanf (f, "%u ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* Major faults (memory page faults) */
if (fscanf (f, "%u ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* Major faults, children */
if (fscanf (f, "%u ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* utime */
if (fscanf (f, "%d ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* stime */
if (fscanf (f, "%d ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* utime, children */
if (fscanf (f, "%d ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* stime, children */
if (fscanf (f, "%d ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* jiffies remaining in current time slice */
if (fscanf (f, "%d ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* 'nice' value */
if (fscanf (f, "%d ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* jiffies until next timeout */
if (fscanf (f, "%u ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* jiffies until next SIGALRM */
if (fscanf (f, "%u ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* start time (jiffies since system boot) */
if (fscanf (f, "%d ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* Virtual memory size */
if (fscanf (f, "%u ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
*vsize = (size_t) itmp;
/* Resident set size */
if (fscanf (f, "%u ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
*rss = (size_t) itmp * page_size;
/* rlim */
if (fscanf (f, "%u ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* Start of text */
if (fscanf (f, "%u ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* End of text */
if (fscanf (f, "%u ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
/* Start of stack */
if (fscanf (f, "%u ", &itmp) == 0) goto error; /* coverity[secure_coding] */
fclose (f);
return 0;
fclose (f);
return -1;
int OS::GetExecutablePath(char* buffer, size_t* size) {
*size = readlink("/proc/self/exe", buffer, *size - 1);
if (*size <= 0) return -1;
buffer[*size] = '\0';
return 0;
} // namespace node