@ -992,14 +992,27 @@ for (const [name, value] of params) {
// xyz baz
### require('url').domainToAscii (domain)
### require('url').domainToASCII (domain)
* `domain` {String}
* Returns: {String}
Returns the [Punycode][] ASCII serialization of the `domain` .
Returns the [Punycode][] ASCII serialization of the `domain` . If `domain` is an
invalid domain, the empty string is returned.
*Note*: The `require('url').domainToAscii()` method is introduced as part of
It performs the inverse operation to [`require('url').domainToUnicode()`][].
const url = require('url');
// Prints xn--espaol-zwa.com
// Prints xn--fiq228c.com
// Prints an empty string
*Note*: The `require('url').domainToASCII()` method is introduced as part of
the new `URL` implementation but is not part of the WHATWG URL standard.
### require('url').domainToUnicode(domain)
@ -1007,7 +1020,20 @@ the new `URL` implementation but is not part of the WHATWG URL standard.
* `domain` {String}
* Returns: {String}
Returns the Unicode serialization of the `domain` .
Returns the Unicode serialization of the `domain` . If `domain` is an invalid
domain, the empty string is returned.
It performs the inverse operation to [`require('url').domainToASCII()`][].
const url = require('url');
// Prints español.com
// Prints 中文.com
// Prints an empty string
*Note*: The `require('url').domainToUnicode()` API is introduced as part of the
the new `URL` implementation but is not part of the WHATWG URL standard.
@ -1074,6 +1100,8 @@ console.log(myURL.origin);
[`URLSearchParams`]: #url_class_urlsearchparams
[`urlSearchParams.entries()`]: #url_urlsearchparams_entries
[`urlSearchParams@@iterator()`]: #url_urlsearchparams_iterator
[`require('url').domainToASCII()`]: #url_require_url_domaintoascii_domain
[`require('url').domainToUnicode()`]: #url_require_url_domaintounicode_domain
[stable sorting algorithm]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorting_algorithm#Stability
[`JSON.stringify()`]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify
[`url.toJSON()`]: #url_url_tojson