@ -22,55 +22,513 @@ |
var common = require('../common'); |
var assert = require('assert'); |
var HTTPParser = process.binding('http_parser').HTTPParser; |
var CRLF = "\r\n"; |
// The purpose of this test is not to check HTTP compliance but to test the
// binding. Tests for pathological http messages should be submitted
// upstream to http://github.com/ry/http-parser for inclusion into
// deps/http-parser/test.c
var HTTPParser = process.binding('http_parser').HTTPParser; |
var parser = new HTTPParser('request'); |
function newParser(type) { |
var parser = new HTTPParser(type); |
parser.headers = []; |
parser.url = ''; |
parser.onHeaders = function(headers, url) { |
parser.headers = parser.headers.concat(headers); |
parser.url += url; |
}; |
parser.onHeadersComplete = function(info) { |
}; |
parser.onBody = function(b, start, len) { |
assert.ok(false, 'Function should not be called.'); |
}; |
parser.onMessageComplete = function() { |
}; |
return parser; |
} |
function mustCall(f, times) { |
var actual = 0; |
process.setMaxListeners(256); |
process.on('exit', function() { |
assert.equal(actual, times || 1); |
}); |
return function() { |
actual++; |
return f.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); |
}; |
} |
function expectBody(expected) { |
return mustCall(function(buf, start, len) { |
var body = '' + buf.slice(start, start + len); |
assert.equal(body, expected); |
}); |
} |
// Simple request test.
(function() { |
var request = Buffer( |
'GET /hello HTTP/1.1' + CRLF + |
); |
var parser = newParser(REQUEST); |
parser.onHeadersComplete = mustCall(function(info) { |
assert.equal(info.method, 'GET'); |
assert.equal(info.url || parser.url, '/hello'); |
assert.equal(info.versionMajor, 1); |
assert.equal(info.versionMinor, 1); |
}); |
parser.execute(request, 0, request.length); |
// Check that if we throw an error in the callbacks that error will be
// thrown from parser.execute()
parser.onHeadersComplete = function(info) { |
throw new Error('hello world'); |
}; |
parser.reinitialize(HTTPParser.REQUEST); |
assert.throws(function() { |
parser.execute(request, 0, request.length); |
}, Error, 'hello world'); |
})(); |
var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer; |
var buffer = new Buffer(1024); |
var request = 'GET /hello HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n'; |
// Simple response test.
(function() { |
var request = Buffer( |
'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' + CRLF + |
'Content-Type: text/plain' + CRLF + |
'Content-Length: 4' + CRLF + |
CRLF + |
'pong' |
); |
var parser = newParser(RESPONSE); |
parser.onHeadersComplete = mustCall(function(info) { |
assert.equal(info.method, undefined); |
assert.equal(info.versionMajor, 1); |
assert.equal(info.versionMinor, 1); |
assert.equal(info.statusCode, 200); |
}); |
parser.onBody = mustCall(function(buf, start, len) { |
var body = '' + buf.slice(start, start + len); |
assert.equal(body, 'pong'); |
}); |
parser.execute(request, 0, request.length); |
})(); |
buffer.write(request, 0, 'ascii'); |
// Trailing headers.
(function() { |
var request = Buffer( |
'POST /it HTTP/1.1' + CRLF + |
'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' + CRLF + |
CRLF + |
'4' + CRLF + |
'ping' + CRLF + |
'0' + CRLF + |
'Vary: *' + CRLF + |
'Content-Type: text/plain' + CRLF + |
); |
var seen_body = false; |
function onHeaders(headers, url) { |
assert.ok(seen_body); // trailers should come after the body
assert.deepEqual(headers, |
['Vary', '*', 'Content-Type', 'text/plain']); |
} |
var callbacks = 0; |
var parser = newParser(REQUEST); |
parser.onMessageBegin = function() { |
console.log('message begin'); |
callbacks++; |
}; |
parser.onHeadersComplete = mustCall(function(info) { |
assert.equal(info.method, 'POST'); |
assert.equal(info.url || parser.url, '/it'); |
assert.equal(info.versionMajor, 1); |
assert.equal(info.versionMinor, 1); |
// expect to see trailing headers now
parser.onHeaders = mustCall(onHeaders); |
}); |
parser.onHeadersComplete = function(info) { |
console.log('headers complete: ' + JSON.stringify(info)); |
assert.equal('GET', info.method); |
assert.equal(1, info.versionMajor); |
assert.equal(1, info.versionMinor); |
callbacks++; |
}; |
parser.onBody = mustCall(function(buf, start, len) { |
var body = '' + buf.slice(start, start + len); |
assert.equal(body, 'ping'); |
seen_body = true; |
}); |
parser.onURL = function(b, off, len) { |
//throw new Error('hello world');
callbacks++; |
}; |
parser.execute(request, 0, request.length); |
})(); |
parser.execute(buffer, 0, request.length); |
assert.equal(3, callbacks); |
// Check that if we throw an error in the callbacks that error will be
// thrown from parser.execute()
// Test header ordering.
(function() { |
var request = Buffer( |
'GET / HTTP/1.0' + CRLF + |
'X-Filler: 1337' + CRLF + |
'X-Filler: 42' + CRLF + |
'X-Filler2: 42' + CRLF + |
); |
var parser = newParser(REQUEST); |
parser.onHeadersComplete = mustCall(function(info) { |
assert.equal(info.method, 'GET'); |
assert.equal(info.versionMajor, 1); |
assert.equal(info.versionMinor, 0); |
assert.deepEqual(info.headers || parser.headers, |
['X-Filler', '1337', |
'X-Filler', '42', |
'X-Filler2', '42']); |
}); |
parser.execute(request, 0, request.length); |
})(); |
// Test large number of headers
(function() { |
// 256 X-Filler headers
var lots_of_headers = 'X-Filler: 42' + CRLF; |
for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) lots_of_headers += lots_of_headers; |
var request = Buffer( |
'GET /foo/bar/baz?quux=42#1337 HTTP/1.0' + CRLF + |
lots_of_headers + |
); |
var parser = newParser(REQUEST); |
parser.onHeadersComplete = mustCall(function(info) { |
assert.equal(info.method, 'GET'); |
assert.equal(info.url || parser.url, '/foo/bar/baz?quux=42#1337'); |
assert.equal(info.versionMajor, 1); |
assert.equal(info.versionMinor, 0); |
var headers = info.headers || parser.headers; |
assert.equal(headers.length, 2 * 256); // 256 key/value pairs
for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i += 2) { |
assert.equal(headers[i], 'X-Filler'); |
assert.equal(headers[i + 1], '42'); |
} |
}); |
parser.execute(request, 0, request.length); |
})(); |
// Test request body
(function() { |
var request = Buffer( |
'POST /it HTTP/1.1' + CRLF + |
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' + CRLF + |
'Content-Length: 15' + CRLF + |
CRLF + |
'foo=42&bar=1337' |
); |
var parser = newParser(REQUEST); |
parser.onHeadersComplete = mustCall(function(info) { |
assert.equal(info.method, 'POST'); |
assert.equal(info.url || parser.url, '/it'); |
assert.equal(info.versionMajor, 1); |
assert.equal(info.versionMinor, 1); |
}); |
parser.onBody = mustCall(function(buf, start, len) { |
var body = '' + buf.slice(start, start + len); |
assert.equal(body, 'foo=42&bar=1337'); |
}); |
parser.execute(request, 0, request.length); |
})(); |
// Test chunked request body
(function() { |
var request = Buffer( |
'POST /it HTTP/1.1' + CRLF + |
'Content-Type: text/plain' + CRLF + |
'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' + CRLF + |
CRLF + |
'3' + CRLF + |
'123' + CRLF + |
'6' + CRLF + |
'123456' + CRLF + |
'A' + CRLF + |
'1234567890' + CRLF + |
'0' + CRLF |
); |
var parser = newParser(REQUEST); |
parser.onHeadersComplete = mustCall(function(info) { |
assert.equal(info.method, 'POST'); |
assert.equal(info.url || parser.url, '/it'); |
assert.equal(info.versionMajor, 1); |
assert.equal(info.versionMinor, 1); |
}); |
var body_part = 0, body_parts = ['123', '123456', '1234567890']; |
function onBody(buf, start, len) { |
var body = '' + buf.slice(start, start + len); |
assert.equal(body, body_parts[body_part++]); |
} |
parser.onBody = mustCall(onBody, body_parts.length); |
parser.execute(request, 0, request.length); |
})(); |
// Test chunked request body spread over multiple buffers (packets)
(function() { |
var request = Buffer( |
'POST /it HTTP/1.1' + CRLF + |
'Content-Type: text/plain' + CRLF + |
'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' + CRLF + |
CRLF + |
'3' + CRLF + |
'123' + CRLF + |
'6' + CRLF + |
'123456' + CRLF |
); |
var parser = newParser(REQUEST); |
parser.onHeadersComplete = mustCall(function(info) { |
assert.equal(info.method, 'POST'); |
assert.equal(info.url || parser.url, '/it'); |
assert.equal(info.versionMajor, 1); |
assert.equal(info.versionMinor, 1); |
}); |
var body_part = 0, body_parts = [ |
'123', '123456', '123456789', |
'123456789ABC', '123456789ABCDEF' ]; |
function onBody(buf, start, len) { |
var body = '' + buf.slice(start, start + len); |
assert.equal(body, body_parts[body_part++]); |
} |
parser.onBody = mustCall(onBody, body_parts.length); |
parser.execute(request, 0, request.length); |
request = Buffer( |
'9' + CRLF + |
'123456789' + CRLF + |
'C' + CRLF + |
'123456789ABC' + CRLF + |
'F' + CRLF + |
'123456789ABCDEF' + CRLF + |
'0' + CRLF |
); |
parser.execute(request, 0, request.length); |
})(); |
// Stress test.
(function() { |
var request = Buffer( |
'POST /it HTTP/1.1' + CRLF + |
'Content-Type: text/plain' + CRLF + |
'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' + CRLF + |
CRLF + |
'3' + CRLF + |
'123' + CRLF + |
'6' + CRLF + |
'123456' + CRLF + |
'9' + CRLF + |
'123456789' + CRLF + |
'C' + CRLF + |
'123456789ABC' + CRLF + |
'F' + CRLF + |
'123456789ABCDEF' + CRLF + |
'0' + CRLF |
); |
function test(a, b) { |
var parser = newParser(REQUEST); |
parser.onHeadersComplete = mustCall(function(info) { |
assert.equal(info.method, 'POST'); |
assert.equal(info.url || parser.url, '/it'); |
assert.equal(info.versionMajor, 1); |
assert.equal(info.versionMinor, 1); |
}); |
var expected_body = '123123456123456789123456789ABC123456789ABCDEF'; |
parser.onBody = function(buf, start, len) { |
var chunk = '' + buf.slice(start, start + len); |
assert.equal(expected_body.indexOf(chunk), 0); |
expected_body = expected_body.slice(chunk.length); |
}; |
parser.execute(a, 0, a.length); |
parser.execute(b, 0, b.length); |
assert.equal(expected_body, ''); |
} |
for (var i = 1; i < request.length - 1; ++i) { |
var a = request.slice(0, i); |
var b = request.slice(i); |
test(a, b); |
} |
})(); |
// Byte by byte test.
(function() { |
var request = Buffer( |
'POST /it HTTP/1.1' + CRLF + |
'Content-Type: text/plain' + CRLF + |
'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' + CRLF + |
CRLF + |
'3' + CRLF + |
'123' + CRLF + |
'6' + CRLF + |
'123456' + CRLF + |
'9' + CRLF + |
'123456789' + CRLF + |
'C' + CRLF + |
'123456789ABC' + CRLF + |
'F' + CRLF + |
'123456789ABCDEF' + CRLF + |
'0' + CRLF |
); |
var parser = newParser(REQUEST); |
parser.onHeadersComplete = mustCall(function(info) { |
assert.equal(info.method, 'POST'); |
assert.equal(info.url || parser.url, '/it'); |
assert.equal(info.versionMajor, 1); |
assert.equal(info.versionMinor, 1); |
assert.deepEqual(info.headers || parser.headers, |
['Content-Type', 'text/plain', |
'Transfer-Encoding','chunked']); |
}); |
var expected_body = '123123456123456789123456789ABC123456789ABCDEF'; |
parser.onBody = function(buf, start, len) { |
var chunk = '' + buf.slice(start, start + len); |
assert.equal(expected_body.indexOf(chunk), 0); |
expected_body = expected_body.slice(chunk.length); |
}; |
for (var i = 0; i < request.length; ++i) { |
parser.execute(request, i, 1); |
} |
assert.equal(expected_body, ''); |
})(); |
(function() { |
var req1 = Buffer( |
'PUT /this HTTP/1.1' + CRLF + |
'Content-Type: text/plain' + CRLF + |
'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' + CRLF + |
CRLF + |
'4' + CRLF + |
'ping' + CRLF + |
'0' + CRLF |
); |
var req2 = Buffer( |
'POST /that HTTP/1.0' + CRLF + |
'Content-Type: text/plain' + CRLF + |
'Content-Length: 4' + CRLF + |
CRLF + |
'pong' |
); |
function onHeadersComplete1(info) { |
assert.equal(info.method, 'PUT'); |
assert.equal(info.url, '/this'); |
assert.equal(info.versionMajor, 1); |
assert.equal(info.versionMinor, 1); |
assert.deepEqual(info.headers, |
['Content-Type', 'text/plain', |
'Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked']); |
}; |
parser.onURL = function(b, off, len) { |
throw new Error('hello world'); |
}; |
function onHeadersComplete2(info) { |
assert.equal(info.method, 'POST'); |
assert.equal(info.url, '/that'); |
assert.equal(info.versionMajor, 1); |
assert.equal(info.versionMinor, 0); |
assert.deepEqual(info.headers, |
['Content-Type', 'text/plain', |
'Content-Length', '4']); |
}; |
assert.throws(function() { |
parser.execute(buffer, 0, request.length); |
}, Error, 'hello world'); |
var parser = newParser(REQUEST); |
parser.onHeadersComplete = onHeadersComplete1; |
parser.onBody = expectBody('ping'); |
parser.execute(req1, 0, req1.length); |
parser.reinitialize(REQUEST); |
parser.onBody = expectBody('pong'); |
parser.onHeadersComplete = onHeadersComplete2; |
parser.execute(req2, 0, req2.length); |
})(); |